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Golden Oldies: Dust Off Your Ancient Consoles (event finished)

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First thing I have to mention for all people playing, particularly the N64. You really got to clean those cartridges out and the console to get going, I thought both my NTSC and PAL N64 where dead until finally I got the screen up. Also, Don't forget that memory PAK in the controller :facepalm:

So after an hour of cleaning up I started NTSC Turok 2 on the NTSC N64 using composite to HDMI on a 43 inch panel.


First thing I noticed was the controller configuration is allot more optional than the original Turok, you can kind of get a golden eye 007 configuration together after some fiddling. 2nd thing is that even though you start outdoors the 1st hour or so is all indoors. The opening gives a pretty good indication as to why you've been summoned by the elders so after this sequence I'm ready to go on a new adventure with Turok (I've Never played this). If you've played the original you'll be right at home with this entry however external audio is a must as those flat panel speakers are pretty horrible in comparison to the old crt fat speakers. Visually it still looks pretty good though as mentioned you really need the sounds at a decent level as I couldn't find subtitles as an option.

I've so far saved 1 child though I know where the 2nd one is thanks to falling through the floor :rolleyes:  Great atmosphere and great game which I thought I might mention pretty early as I'm really getting into it. Sure it's a collect totems/talisman and save the world affair though so are thousands of other games.


I loved Turok 2 as a kid, but yeah first thing I always did was change the control scheme to a more natural feeling one.


In my memory there was pretty much outdoors as well but that was before we got actual outdoors games like Assassin's Creed and the likes, I may be looking through my pink nostalgia glasses now.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, getting VR has slowed down my process in events a bit, even my own event :D

I am now very glad I said only six games needed to be played through...

I think I'll do some Super Mario World this weekend. I had a surprise Mario flashback during VR, a Playroom VR minigame is very reminiscent of 3D Super Mario games.

How is everybody else doing?

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I... am somewhere between "too lazy to get the games out of storage" and "don't feel like playing any of them right now". :facepalm:

But hey, there's a big windstorm through the weekend, so if it knocks the power out for days again, I bet I'll be interested in them real quick...


Having fun with VR?

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If you don't feel like those, you can always add a new one and play that first :)

Yeah I loved my first day of VR. Wrote a lot of stuff on other threads so I'll be to the point here but it can feel awesome. It's a bit of hit and miss on the launch games but there are definitely some gems already in between.

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I play a lot of PS2 but I don't have the posts to join in on the fun. (Anyone remember SSX3? Sky Odyssey? Spy Hunter?)

You can still join the Retro Rampage event if you'd like to. That event has already started as well but you can still join it.

I can make an exception for the post requirement if you promise to post your updates in the event thread. ;)

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You can still join the Retro Rampage event if you'd like to. That event has already started as well but you can still join it.

I can make an exception for the post requirement if you promise to post your updates in the event thread. ;)

Off topic

It's okay. I appreciate it but don't want to be an outlier in the event. I enjoy reading the threads though to see what people are up to. I also happen to be starting an event in January for 36-40 weeks total, and have been browsing these threads to get an idea of how the community is used to events being written out. I'm excited to do it and hope for a good turn out, with $500+ of cash prizes I'd hope so. But time will tell.

I won't continue posting in this thread because I can't join this time but if you're curious about the event PM me. I'll have status updates about it as it gets closer

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Don't worry about my list, just a progress update since I haven't posted anything.  :)


Casually working on a "speed run" of Pokemon Silver in short random bursts. The speedy part being entirely due to only using one now overleveled Pokemon and random HM slaves.  *cough*

Zipping through most of the game with few problems aside from Poliwrath and any early-game Wooper that popped up. Right at the beginning of the Ice Path now. Will certainly be easy to tear through there, though Kingdra will probably eat me alive when I get to the next gym.


Level ~45 Typhlosion with Flame Wheel/Headbutt/Thunderpunch/Dig

HM army: Shiny Gyarados, Farfetch'd, Mareep

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I hope those silent participants will post updates eventually. I think with the next event I do, I'll start a weekly update thing or something to keep it rolling. Realised myself that I hadn't played in too long so I did a retro day of gaming today. I now have two out of a minimum of six games played through (so I'm on schedule seeing as we're still in month one out of three), will probably play some more this week since Hemiak's event for November will cause me to hop from PS+ title to PS+ title and I don't know how much time I'll have for both events at the same time.


Game Update:




Played through Super Mario World today, from start to finish. Was in doubts about what kind of playthrough I'd do, in the end I went with a normal start to finish one without using any shortcuts that would make me miss Koopa castles.


I still really love this Mario title. Next year it will be 25 years old but it's still a very entertaining platformer. I will definitely go back to this title to complete all other levels, I need to prove that I can still do the Special World :)




First thing I noticed is that apparently this game has an easy mode... So that's not just something they started doing with Galaxy. Next thing I noticed... MAN is this game slow! In the end I quit because it was just too slow for me, don't know if I'll go back to it but I probably will play some other stuff first.




Started on DKC2, played through the first world. Not much to add at this point, I hope I can finally bring myself to finish this game, never played through it before! DKC1 was a classic to me but I never was that much into 2 and 3, mostly due to less interesting playable characters (I always tried to play as Donkey instead of Diddy in the first one).


Music is still awesome though.


updated stats:



Games played through
F-Zero (SNES) (finished plenty of times before)
Super Mario World (SNES) (finished plenty of times before)

Games played
Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins (GB) (played through Tree and Pumpkin zones) (never played before)

Donkey Kong Country 2 (SNES) (played through Gangplank Galleon) (played but never finished before)

Game systems on list
Super Nintendo, Game Boy (through Super Game Boy SNES cartridge)

Games to play
Donkey Kong Country 3 (SNES) (never played beyond the first few levels before)
Earthworm Jim (SNES) (never played beyond the first level before)
Jurassic Park (SNES) (played a lot but never finished before)
Kirby's Dream Land (GB) (finished at least once or twice before)
The Legend Of Zelda: A Link To The Past (SNES) (played but never finished before)
Super Castlevania IV (SNES) (played but never finished before)
Wario Land: Super Mario Land 3 (GB) (never played before)

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Sorry for being so slow on updating here... I'm mainly playing these before bed or while riding along in a car/bus, so it tends to drift out of mind. Still focusing on Silver.

Still open to team suggestions for Yellow; not sure when I'll be starting that. Think I'm probably going for Sonic next.


Didn't mention it before, but Whitney wasn't much of a problem between hax (burn/flinch) and switching to a Geodude to tank Rollout if it looked like a big chain was going. Even managed a critical to take it out... I got really lucky in that fight.

Claire was indeed painful and Kingdra cost me a couple revives. That thing hits hard. I've now cleared the Elite 4 and the Kanto gyms, leaving Red and the maze to get to him remaining. I'll definitely be taking a full team and a bunch of revives along, because that's going to be rough...

Brock, Misty, and Gary were the only particularly tough gym leaders to note in the Kanto batch. Curse you, Wooper/Quagsire, for messing up my beautiful fire+electric duo and making grass a requirement. Swampert's cool though, the grudge wore off by third gen. Kabutops was the only especially painful 'mon on Brock's team, everything else was just ridiculously tanky. Gary's just OP in general as practically the only trainer with a balanced team.

I picked my moveset carefully - it gets me at least neutral coverage on everything in the game. Doesn't stop tanky or SE-against-fire things from being difficult.  :dunno:

edit: Ah, almost forgot. Must have been level 44 last time, since I replaced Headbutt with Swift pretty soon after that post. Once was enough, Crobat...


Looking forward to being done, as this has reminded me that G/S are my lowest ranked of the main games - even through HG/SS are my favorite. Oops. Don't hate 'em or anything, they just have a bunch of things that detract from the overall experience for me.


Level 66 Typhlosion (I forgot how bad leveling was in these...)

Flamethrower / Return / Earthquake / Thunderpunch

Edited by SyIaris
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Games played through
Pokémon Silver (GB, have finished repeatedly)

Games played
Sonic Advance (GBA, have finished before)


Game systems on list
Game Boy, Game Boy Color, Game Boy Advance

Games to play
Dragon Warrior Monsters 2: Tara's Adventure (GBC, have played before)
Mario Tennis (GBC, have finished before)
Pokémon Yellow (GB, have finished repeatedly)
Yu-Gi-Oh! 7 Trails to Glory (GBA, never played)


Finished Pokemon Silver - Red was a monster, particularly his Snorlax and Blastoise. Venusaur was kind enough to power up his demise with Sunny Day. I went back and caught some legendaries to help revive-tank. Too bad I wasn't playing Gold to get the level 70 Lugia, but Ho-oh was still helpful. Had to do some grinding as well.


Final team:

- Level 83 Typhlosion (Flamethrower / Return / Earthquake / Thunderpunch)

- Level 70 Ho-oh (Recover / Fire Blast / Sunny Day / Swift)

- Level 41 Lugia (Aeroblast / Fly / Gust / Recover)

- Level 40 Raikou (Thundershock / Cut / Flash / Quick Attack)

- Level 47 LoR Gyarados (Surf / Strength / Whirlpool / Waterfall)

- Level 50 Snorlax (Rest / Snore / Body Slam / Rollout)




Started Sonic Advance, beat the first couple of levels, then Chao. Cute snuggly Chao. Distracted? What's that you say? :huh:

Edited by SyIaris
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Finished Pokemon Silver - Red was a monster, particularly his Snorlax and Blastoise. Venusaur was kind enough to power up his demise with Sunny Day. I went back and caught some legendaries to help revive-tank. Too bad I wasn't playing Gold to get the level 70 Lugia, but Ho-oh was still helpful. Had to do some grinding as well.

Congrats. The second gen had some nice additions gameplay-wise but overall it wasn't that much fun to me as the first gen was. It was cool to have those battle calls and the whole Kanto-region to have a bit of a post-game but it wasn't very satisfying for me.

And yes, Red was a monster and a big PITA as leveling in this game was tedious.

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Congrats Sy and I copied your stuff to the OP. Is there anyone whose stuff in the OP is not fully up to date now?


And yeah nothing beats the first Pokémon game, I still think the original set of mon were the coolest. WHat the hell is sploink supposed to be anyway, what were they smoking when they wrote stuff like that? Yes sure, the first set had a lot of mon that were basically normal animals (if oversized), it felt right though.


My stats are still the same, I did not have much time to game this past week. For extra fun there's a dog staying at our place now and if my wife's allergies will not act up then we can keep him, it's a hunting dog though so we're walking a lot :)

Edited by BillyHorrible
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Congrats. The second gen had some nice additions gameplay-wise but overall it wasn't that much fun to me as the first gen was. It was cool to have those battle calls and the whole Kanto-region to have a bit of a post-game but it wasn't very satisfying for me.

And yes, Red was a monster and a big PITA as leveling in this game was tedious.


Agreed - some great new mechanics, just felt a bit bland compared to the first games.

He has quite the level advantage considering the only decent way to grind is the E4. I don't even want to think about how long it would take to get a full team up that high...


Congrats Sy and I copied your stuff to the OP. Is there anyone whose stuff in the OP is not fully up to date now?


And yeah nothing beats the first Pokémon game, I still think the original set of mon were the coolest. WHat the hell is sploink supposed to be anyway, what were they smoking when they wrote stuff like that? Yes sure, the first set had a lot of mon that were basically normal animals (if oversized), it felt right though.


My stats are still the same, I did not have much time to game this past week. For extra fun there's a dog staying at our place now and if my wife's allergies will not act up then we can keep him, it's a hunting dog though so we're walking a lot :)



I'd have to disagree, since my favorites are easily a list of remakes and games with the battle frontier. As both, Heart Gold and Soul Silver are hands down my top games in the series. They fixed a lot of problems the original games had and added a ton of extra stuff, not to mention (relatively) easy access to anything in the first 493 Pokemon for your team before the servers got axed.

Yeah, Spoink's pretty weird. There are definitely great designs and terrible designs in every gen... they're just going to be different depending on who you ask.


Awesome, hope it works out!

Bah, exercise is good for you. :P

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Have realized that I probably won't be able to finish all games in time. Still will continue to update just to see how far I'll be able to go.

And now, an actual update with progress, wowie: I have finished Discworld. Broke down and used a walkthrough, because otherwise it would take me forever to beat it. The puzzles at times utilize the moonest logic I have ever seen in a point-and-click - the mustard octopus puzzle is just a tip of the iceberg.

Well, at least I have greatly enjoyed the journey, because it's Discworld, and Eric Idle is a perfect Rincewind.

Will start Missing Presumed some time later. It shouldn't take as much time as the first game. I remember actually finishing it on my own as a kid. 

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Don't worry about finishing everything, having fun is the most important part.


I've been talking with Crimson, and I think that for the next event I'll make it a year long and it won't be two games a month but one game a month.


Personally I'm going for six finished at least, and I'll leave the longer ones for the next event.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi All, Just to say I've been away for a month and am back and will get into the N64 over the weekend. I also bought a Super Famicom in Osaka and might want to switch it up with games, it works fine with the aus Snes psu and I couldn't find the sfc under my house. Anyway, just to say I haven't backed out.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Games played through
Pokémon Silver (GB, have finished repeatedly)
Sonic Advance (GBA, have finished before)
Mario Tennis (GBC, have finished before)

Games played
Dragon Warrior Monsters 2: Tara's Adventure (GBC, have played before)


Game systems on list
Game Boy, Game Boy Color, Game Boy Advance

Games to play
Pokémon Yellow (GB, have finished repeatedly)
Yu-Gi-Oh! 7 Trails to Glory (GBA, never played)


I've been focusing on posting in KYC and pretty much flaked out here.  :|


Finished Sonic Advance, technically not quite true to the event - resetting your game file causes the Chao Garden to bug. Fixable, but annoying. Played through in order as Sonic.

The game's very short if you're familiar with the genre or the one of classic Sonic titles. I'd guess it took me 3-4 hours despite not remembering the level layouts. Despite that, it's arguably one of the best Sonic games out there. Solid platforming, , tight controls, cooperative camera, no crazy plot... just a fun experience all around. Except for the underwater boss.

Can't speak for the others in the set, but this one's certainly worth checking out.


Cleared the story in Mario Tennis as well. For those unfamiliar, the GBC version is a sports/RPG hybrid with a story campaign, unlike all other entries in the series as far as I'm aware. It's not a particularly long game either, clocking in somewhere around 10-15 hours.

You start out in some kind of Tennis school and work your way up the ladder while leveling, allocating stats, and picking "equips" (rackets/shoes). There are a handful of minigames to unlocked character-themed courts - a few Mario characters make an appearance, but most you'll run into are unique to the game.

It's not a bad game, by any means, but it hasn't aged especially well. I'd love to see another one of these.


Started Dragon Warrior Monsters. This game is just... rough. It's got a ton of collectable monsters like Pokemon, but it's insanely repetitive. I couldn't tell you how many times I've started and dropped this.  :facepalm:

Admittedly, the story's more interesting than Pokemon tends to be - the problem's clearing the large, dull maps you have to visit to progress. Accidentally doomed your home? Oopsies, better go fix it.


Leaving most of the longer games for last probably wasn't my brightest idea. Oh well, we'll see how it turns out...

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I've been focusing on posting in KYC and pretty much flaked out here.  :|


Your stats have been updated. At this point in the event I think it's safe to say that it's just us, Z1MZUM, and NetEntity.


My focus has been on that event as well. It's coming to a close now so I will be able to do some more classic gaming, getting six before the end of the event should be very doable. I'll save the longer and more difficult games for next year's event.


I think that either this week or the next, I'll make a new event for next year. Any requests? Personally, I think that we should do a whole year, with at least one game done per month? Something along those lines. It would be less of a "go play classics" and more of a "don't forget those classics, play them in between your other stuff once in a while" because it's less games per month and the longer time allows for more relaxed planning, and an easier way of including huge games.





Quoting you so you'll see this because you expressed a possible interest in a new event with more time in a different thread.

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Slight update


Body Harvest is easily one of the weirdest games I've played, I think this needed a sequel as in my opinion the vision of this game was ahead of it's time as far as processing power goes.


I've finished Greece 1916 though had to do a few restarts as game saves weren't sticking, I've fixed that problem. You need to get used to the controls with this one though that's to be expected, once you're in the zone this game opens up quite a bit. Java 1941 1st stage, It took me an hour to work out why the cable car was not working, Let's just say my scope eliminated the problem. Playing this shows me how much more effort you needed to put into games of old, it's been a real blast so far.

Edited by Z1MZUM
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Slight update


Body Harvest is easily one of the weirdest games I've played, I think this needed a sequel as in my opinion the vision of this game was ahead of it's time as far as processing power goes.


I've finished Greece 1916 though had to do a few restarts as game saves weren't sticking, I've fixed that problem. You need to get used to the controls with this one though that's to be expected, once you're in the zone this game opens up quite a bit. Java 1941 1st stage, It took me an hour to work out why the cable car was not working, Let's just say my scope eliminated the problem. Playing this shows me how much more effort you needed to put into games of old, it's been a real blast so far.


Added it to you list of games played. Did you finish Turok 2 or did you switch?


I loved Body Harvest back then but I never got beyond Indonesia, which is what happens after Greece I think. Yes this definitely needs a sequel or remake... The game has been made by DMA design, better known for being the creators of the Grand Theft Auto franchise and Body Harvest clearly shows some stuff that they would eventually incorporate into the 3D GTA titles.

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Still on turok 2 though had some cart problems. Its an ex rental and needs some serious cleaning. Battlefield 1 inspired me to visit Greece 1916 in a different world so to speak. Body harvest to me is like the arcade game Time Pilot on a much bigger scale.

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Your stats have been updated. At this point in the event I think it's safe to say that it's just us, Z1MZUM, and NetEntity.


My focus has been on that event as well. It's coming to a close now so I will be able to do some more classic gaming, getting six before the end of the event should be very doable. I'll save the longer and more difficult games for next year's event.


I think that either this week or the next, I'll make a new event for next year. Any requests? Personally, I think that we should do a whole year, with at least one game done per month? Something along those lines. It would be less of a "go play classics" and more of a "don't forget those classics, play them in between your other stuff once in a while" because it's less games per month and the longer time allows for more relaxed planning, and an easier way of including huge games.


Thanks.  :)

Yeah, it's been pretty quiet since the initial posts. Kinda suspect at least a few of the others forgot - it's happened with a few events I've been in.


Definitely sounds like a better way to go about it... more of a break than a requirement.

While this has been fun, I'm afraid I'll have to back out after the round ends. Already dug through and grabbed what variety I could; most of my classics are remasters or re-releases.  :dunno:


GB/C, GBA, and N64 (physical copies)

don't want to restart

  1. Battle Arena Toshinden
  2. Dragon Warrior Monsters 2: Tara's Adventure
  3. Golden Sun
  4. Golden Sun: The Lost Age
  5. Mario Kart 64 (never finished)
  6. Mario Tennis
  7. The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past / Four Swords (never finished)
  8. The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask (never finished)
  9. Pokemon Blue
  10. Pokemon Crystal
  11. Pokemon Emerald
  12. Pokemon Fire Red
  13. Pokemon Leaf Green
  14. Pokemon Ruby
  15. Pokemon Sapphire
  16. Pokemon Silver
  17. Pokemon Trading Card Game
  18. Pokemon Yellow
  19. Sonic Advance
  20. Yu-Gi-Oh! superlongnameinthisevent
  21. Yu-Gi-Oh! Destiny Board Traveler (never played)

Did manage to find the N64 and its two games about a week ago, though.


Falion's event works better with my stuff, just because it means I can toss in goodies I've never finished.


physical Gamecube/DS/PS1/PS2, mixed remakes/ports

With everything that's been beaten removed:

  1. .hack//Infection
  2. 999: 9 Hours, 9 Persons, 9 Doors
  3. Arc the Lad: Twilight of the Spirits
  4. Atelier Iris 3: Grand Phantasm
  5. Beyond Good & Evil
  6. Breath of Fire IV
  7. Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
  8. Chrono Cross
  9. Chrono Trigger
  10. Dance Dance Revolution: Konamix
  11. Dance Dance Revolution: Supernova 2
  12. Dance Dance Revolution X
  13. Dance Factory
  14. Dark Cloud
  15. Dark Cloud 2
  16. Destruction Derby
  17. Devil May Cry
  18. Devil May Cry 2
  19. Devil May Cry 3
  20. Digimon World: Dusk
  21. Disgaea: Hour of Darkness
  22. Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker
  23. Dragon Quest VI: Realms of Revelation
  24. Dragon Quest VII: Journey of the Cursed King
  25. DuckTales
  26. Dungeons and Dragons: Chronicles of Mystara
  27. Dynasty Warriors 4
  28. Elite Beat Agents
  29. Final Fantasy
  30. Final Fantasy III
  31. Final Fantasy IV
  32. Final Fantasy V
  33. Final Fantasy VI
  34. Final Fantasy VII
  35. Final Fantasy VIII
  36. Final Fantasy IX
  37. Final Fantasy X-2
  38. Final Fantasy XII
  39. Final Fantasy Tactics
  40. Final Fight: Double Impact
  41. Gauntlet: Dark Legacy
  42. Glory of Heracles
  43. God of War
  44. God of War 2
  45. God of War: Chains of Olympus
  46. God of War: Ghost of Sparta
  47. Golden Sun: Dark Dawn
  48. Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
  49. Hitman 2
  50. Hitman: Blood Money
  51. Hitman: Contracts
  52. ICO
  53. Jak II
  54. Jak 3
  55. Katamari Damacy
  56. Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep
  57. Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories
  58. Kirby Super Star
  59. Klonoa: Door to Phantomile
  60. Legend of Mana
  61. Lock's Quest
  62. Lost Magic
  63. Lunar: Dragon Song
  64. Magical Starsign
  65. Mario Party 2
  66. Marvel: Ultimate Alliance (one of these two has saving issues)
  67. Mega Man X4
  68. Mega Man X5
  69. Metal Gear Solid
  70. Metal Gear Solid 2
  71. Metal Gear Solid 3
  72. Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker
  73. Monster Hunter Freedom Unite
  74. Monster Tale
  75. MySims Kingdom
  76. Odin Sphere
  77. Okami
  78. One Piece: Pirates' Carnival
  79. Orphen
  80. Overlord: Minions
  81. Phantom Brave: We Meet Again
  82. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
  83. Pokemon Puzzle League
  84. Prince of Persia: The Fallen King
  85. Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands
  86. Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time
  87. Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones
  88. Prince of Persia: Warrior Within
  89. Ratchet & Clank
  90. Ratchet & Clank 2
  91. Ratchet & Clank 3
  92. Rayman Raving Rabbids
  93. Resident Evil
  94. Resident Evil 4
  95. Secret of Mana
  96. Shadow of the Colossus
  97. Sim Theme Park
  98. Skies of Arcadia Legends
  99. Sonic Rush
  100. Spider-Man 2
  101. Spyro the Dragon
  102. Spyro: Year of the Dragon
  103. SSX On Tour
  104. Star Ocean: Till the End of Time
  105. Suikoden
  106. Suikoden II
  107. Suikoden III
  108. Suikoden IV
  109. Super Puzzle Fighter II
  110. Super Street Fighter II
  111. Tales of Symphonia
  112. The Legend of Dragoon
  113. The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
  114. The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King
  115. Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell
  116. Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Ghost Recon
  117. Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow
  118. Tony Hawk's Underground
  119. Tony Hawk's Underground 2
  120. Twisted Metal
  121. Vagrant Story
  122. Valkyria Profile 2: Silmeria
  123. Warhawk
  124. Wario Ware D.I.Y. (needs to be cleaned)
  125. Wild Arms
  126. Wild Arms 2
  127. Wild Arms 3
  128. The World Ends With You
  129. X-Men Legends (one of these two has saving issues)
  130. Xenosaga Episode 1
  131. Zoo Tycoon
  132. Zoo Tycoon 2

Somebody had fun cleaning out a bunch of clearance DS/PS2 games a few years ago.  :awesome:


Assuming physical copies in both groups work, at least. Ignoring PC games for both because it'd be a headache to go through, but... yeah, it's pretty one-sided.

Edited by SyIaris
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