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What you think about platform wars ? And about ps ?


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Hi everyone!

First of all, i just want to say that i think they are stupid and no-sense! Hope someday they end, but i think it will never happen. The more we see is "PC-CONSOLE" war, even now is way higher with the ps4 pro and other things like that.

What you think about that guys ? And where we have more players ? On PC, PS or Xbox ? And where you prefer play ?? You think the ps4 was a fail (like much people say ?) ?? Wil you stay with playstation as long they continue ??
Tell me your opinions guys and lets talk in piece!!  B)

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I don't get what you mean... PS4 was a fail like much people say? PS4 was indeed not a fail and was the leading console of the generation (and probably still is).


I'll stay with Playstation until they stop.  But I never limit myself to one console.  Currently have a PS4, PS3 and Wii U in my current set up.  Handheld I have both a Vita and 2DS.  As well as that, I have a good PC so I'm really not limited in choice of games.

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I dislike this kind of threads tbh, the three of them have its bad sides and good sides, if only one of them was the best gaming platform then everyone would only be playing in one of them don't you think? instead, all the three of them have a huge player base, and after 30 years consoles are more alive than ever, and on this gen they are even selling better than on past gens.






But I prefer PS because of its exclusives Platinums  <3

Edited by SupaTrupa1
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It does not matter which console each preferred.

For games and consoles to the people animate to play together ; To have fun; exchange and not not that they dispute

Because on every platform there is a great and exclusive titles . In all this console war people forget often that it does not really matter ; The main thing that people / we have fun in the games and that is what matters


For games and consoles to the people animate to play together ; To have fun; exchange and not not that they dispute

Edited by Shirokane84
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