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Vita's 5th Birthday


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The only way Sony could potentially get a PS Vita 2 going is if they fix these issues 


1. Allow the ability to use expandable media storage via Mini SD cards with a cap at 200GB 

2. Wireless charging and keep the Micro USB charger 

3. Advertise the Vita 2 on its own not marketed with the PS4 it devalues the product and makes people think its an accessory and not its own console.

4. Allow multiple PSN Accounts be signed into the console similar to how the PS4 works its just annoying having to take out the card and resign in again and that.

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Would be nice if they gave another good game free like they did in the PS aniversary when they gave PVZ GW for PS4, Mirror's Edge for PS3 and NFS MW for the vita. This time, a vita exclusive.


Probably won't happen at all.

Ahh, I guess that's what I was thinking of.


A good anniversary present would be two Vita-playable titles in that months Plus lineup.


I like to keep my expectations nice and low.

Sad, but I think you hit the mark.  Expect nothing, or about as close to it as you can get.


>Quality product


You got me

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The only way Sony could potentially get a PS Vita 2 going is if they fix these issues 


1. Allow the ability to use expandable media storage via Mini SD cards with a cap at 200GB 

2. Wireless charging and keep the Micro USB charger 

3. Advertise the Vita 2 on its own not marketed with the PS4 it devalues the product and makes people think its an accessory and not its own console.

4. Allow multiple PSN Accounts be signed into the console similar to how the PS4 works its just annoying having to take out the card and resign in again and that.

It would be great but won't happen. Mobile games pretty much killed any hopes for a new Vita. Only real way it's going to happen is if Sony gets heavy into the cell phone market and designs a Vita like phone. Otherwise no new hand held.

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Well damn, I honestly didn't expect anyone to defend the PSP Go, but here we are. :awesome:

I can't really speak for the quality of the PSP Go as I never actually owned one, and hell, I never even owned a PSP. It's just that I've heard nothing but bad things about the system, so it's interesting to hear someone with a different opinion.


I imagine that removing the UMD drive on the PSP Go was part of the reason why it was so compact. Removing it would of reduced the cost too. But yes, removing the UMD drive was probably the biggest reason why the PSP Go failed.


Lets say the Vita Go was actually a thing and had a lot of internal storage but couldn't play physical games, that would actually be quite interesting considering the price of Vita memory cards. It would essentially remove one of the biggest complaints about the system. The percentage of people playing digital games over physical is a lot higher these days than what they were like back when the PSP Go launched, and quite a few games don't even get physical releases on Vita anymore, so not being able to play physical games might not be the deal breaker that it once was.


Would a Vita Go still fail though? Without a doubt it would, but it's still an interesting thought. :P

The PSP was sweet as all hell. What it did, what it produced, it was incredible for it's time. It really, really was. But it was a different time, it was a time when you got games from the shelves of your stores and nowhere else. 2004, hell man, eBay wasn't even *really* a thing then, you went to your store, you paid your 60 bucks, and you got your game. That was it, but it worked. 5 years later, 2009, and the iPhone is steadily growing, Android is almost becoming a thing, more and more things are going digital, the PSN has established itself and so on, and with the aforementioned iPhone's digital only store and everything, I can forgive Sony for thinking of a digital only future, you know why?


Because they were right to.


However, even now, years later, the digital only future is still somewhere down the road. Kids on their 3DSes still buy plenty of physical games, PS4 and Xbox still do a metric shitload of physical copies and every time I'm in a game store there's always people buying stuff. BUT, nowadays there is a SIGNIFICANT portion of sales going to digital items, especially in the portable space with people's phones and stuff. Phone games sell in the millions all the time and no one thinks anything of it, it's just accepted as the norm. Even if the Vita never happened, and Sony came out with the Vita now, and it was digital only, there's a few major problems that would still ruin it


1. Memory cards. I can buy a 64gb micro SD for 10 to 15 bucks no problem anywhere, a 32gb Vita card is still around 80 if I'm lucky, same story with the PSP in the day, Sony would have probably done the same thing if they launched the Vita today, and this would fuck people off majorly.

2. Price point. If the Vita dropped for 200 right now here, it would be 50 under the RRP of the NEw 3DS XL, but it still wouldn't be enough. The 3DS is weird and lucky, but realistically, most people aren't gonna pay 200 for a portable when their phone does the same thing (we'll get there in a minute)

3. Games library. Well, as said before, there's a shitload (a fucking shitload) of games for phones, and they can all (usually) be shoved onto your new phone when you get one and they'll usually even run better or prettier. Sony would have to secure partnerships and lure in devs and publishers to a new platform instead of jumping onto an already existing and familiar bandwagon.

4. The enemy's price point. You can buy a budget phone for 50 bucks here, with a gig of RAM and a 5 inch screen, and it can handle GTA San Andreas without breaking a sweat, it's ridiculous, and on top of that you've got

5. The enemy's features. Namely, fucking everything. Phones are phones, they can also go on Facebook, YouTube, Wikipedia, Twitter, all that shit, download movies and shows and songs, and everything. And send SMSs, have a GPS service, have radio, streaming to TV sets, connectivity to your god damned car's radio, everything. There's so much cool shit phones can do that the Vita can't, but also

6. EVERYONE HAS A PHONE. You basically need a phone, there's really no excuse anymore not to have a smart phone. As I said before, you can get a decent phone for 50 bucks and you own it. It's yours. It's $50. Everyone has a phone. And if you've already got a phone, well, why not buy games for it, espcecially since

7. Phone games are way the fuck cheaper. Lego Jurassic World is on sale right now for 99 cents on Android, Lego Harry POtter 1 and 2 are 49 cents each, all 3 of those are like 30 bucks on Vita if you're lucky, preowned, exactly the same game, except it's like a 30th of the cost on phone. How is that fair? It's not, and it's not gonna help sales either.


Anyway, my baby is waking up, so I have to go, but basically, as much as I would love a digital only budget Vita, even if it did happen, there's just too much shit against it for it to even have a shot at having half a chance at just breaking even. 

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It would be great but won't happen. Mobile games pretty much killed any hopes for a new Vita. Only real way it's going to happen is if Sony gets heavy into the cell phone market and designs a Vita like phone. Otherwise no new hand held.


They already did that five years ago they designed a mobile phone after the design of the PSP Go with PlayStation Mobile app preinstalled with a 8GB hard drive it flopped completely so even that suggestion has already happened and failed. Which is why my comment was directed at a Vita successor. 

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They already did that five years ago they designed a mobile phone after the design of the PSP Go with PlayStation Mobile app preinstalled with a 8GB hard drive it flopped completely so even that suggestion has already happened and failed. Which is why my comment was directed at a Vita successor.

Didn't know that. Maybe if they tried it again. Who knows? I'd rather just have a Vita 2 if I had a choice. Think the biggest failure of the Vita was Sony never marketed it after the first year. A shame cause it really a great console. Think my biggest complaint other than lack of Western games is the Store. What a pain looking at the download list and most of the games are PS3. Why? Could they just do an exclusive Vita down load list for a Vita Store?

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They already did that five years ago they designed a mobile phone after the design of the PSP Go with PlayStation Mobile app preinstalled with a 8GB hard drive it flopped completely so even that suggestion has already happened and failed. Which is why my comment was directed at a Vita successor. 

The Xperia Play. I still use one of them to this day.


There's no hard drive on it though, it's got about half a gig of flash memory, and then you have to shove in an SD card, and since it only (legally) runs Android 2.33 it wasn't capable of shoving *everything* onto the SD card, so there's always a bunch of crap hogging up your internal memory.


Even though the phone itself actually has the logo of the PlayStation Mobile (later PS Suite) service on it, the app wasn't ever actually installed on there. There was however a PlayStation Pocket thing (no, not the memory card for PS1), which was basically just a shelf for your legally acquired PS1 games, Crash Bandicoot was preloaded onto every one of these phones, it was actually running on a modified version of Sony's own PS1-PSP emulator, this emulator was opened up by hackers and used for the program PSXperia, which was essentially the best way in 2011 to play PS1 games on the go. ePSXe runs most games a treat on the XP, but the odd thing like Tony Hawk for example, the audio will be a bit buggy and lag behind the video, this was not a problem with PSXperia.


I love the Xperia Play, if it wasn't already obvious by the fact I still use one of them (and have owned 3, long story), but I remember years ago when the thing wasn't even that old, it had around 1000 users who'd bought a single PS1 game through it, and sure, a lot of people either wouldn't buy them, or would pirate them, but holy shit, a thousand? That's pathetic man, no wonder Sony never did a successor. 


I mostly play emulators, Dead Trigger, Vice City, Modern Combat, and the 2012 Spider-Man movie game on it, it runs those well but not much more modern works on it. I think the newest thing I played on it was like Vector and that was a couple of years ago now anyway. If you look around online, you'll find everyone saying it has half a gig of RAM, this itself is also a crock of shit, as if you actually go into the settings of the phone you'll find it has around 350mb of RAM, so the fact it does everything it does is pretty good in itself. This amount is present on all 3 of my XP's, so it's not like one was a dodgy one or something either, and consider you've always got background functions and stuff running too (the settings app merely being open will take a minimum of 20mb of RAM), it's honestly not doing all that bad.


I don't remember the processor, but it was some old ass Snapdragon if memory serves, it's got less than half a gig of RAM. Even in 2011 it was far from a beast. Imagine a more modern phone, let's say with a small amount of shit, like a SD 810 processor and 2gb of RAM, that wouldn't cost too much to make, and it would be able to handle just about everything the Play Store could throw at it. That's the dream.

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The Vita is a nice console, but Sony fell very deep when the PS4 sold a lot, the Vita was planned bad from Sony (As well of PS4, the difference, the PS4  players use to prefer the laziness from Sony, buying the games that was released before on PSP, Vita or PS3 because they fall in the lie about "is remastered" [The truth is that games like the ones available previously on PS3 are the same, the developers only adjust some details, change some parameters, change the code to make it compatible and add some updates to make it look better or the same, but make the players think it was enhanced], instead of keep developing new games or sequels for the Vita system, also the PS3 was forgotten by Sony too, for example, instead of giving it the las Tomb Raider, as on X360, they didn't care to bring this for the PS3 players as the last TR for the last generation.

I still prefer my Vita and PS3 over the idea of buy a PS4, I hope that many of the japanese developers (and I wish some occidental ones too) keep trusting on Vita, releasing new games and maybe, the PS3 will have some new titles at least for the next year. Also that the actual gen will stop joking and lazing, and instead, releasing some new titles, and if they want the players to play some "old" games, they try to give the players the opportunity of the backward compatibility, with that, the players will see that the old games will have better graphics because of the specs of the consoles, not a "work" trying to "remaster" (port) the games

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