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Your Worst Film of 2016.

Crzy Minus

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I will put films on here that are not neccessary from 2016, but I have watched them last year and are just worth mentioning since these are real turds for me.


5. Indepedence Day: Resurgence (2016)

"You get to see Brent Spiner's ass crack. That's all you need to know about this poorly directed and badly acted sci-fi mess." - 39/100


4. Eddie the Eagle (2016)

"If you don't know anything about ski-jumping, you'll probably find it a fun feel good film. If you're a ski-jumping fan, you'll hate the factual errors and the simplified version of ski-jumping depicted in the film. Too many factual errors completely took me out of the film, not to mention the whole film feels like a huge cliché. Taron Edgerton is probably the only positive thing I found about the film. Shame." - 32/100


3. Fifty Shades of Grey (2015)

"Terrible representation of BDSM with bad acting, shit story and cringe-worthy dialogue. The only plus this garbage actually has is a few seconds of Dakota Johnson's ass getting whiped, gently ... once." - 23/100


2. Popstar: Never Stop Never Stopping (2016)

"This "movie" is a piece of shit. This is a mockumentary solely relying on it's high production value with childish humour. Boring, inconsistent, without any clever jokes ... Just from one dumb scene to another. It doesn't explore anything new and it certainly isn't fresh as people would have you believe. You will not miss out on anything if you pass on watching this." - 23/100


1. Brave New World (1998)

"Let's put aside the fact that this looks and feels like a 90s softcore porn film, just for a moment. This has to be one of the worst if not the worst adaptations of a book I have ever seen. This film is garbage in every direction. Horrid acting, worse direction, bad storytelling, awful visuals, ... The people who did this did not understand the book. Why this actually looks like a softcore porn film is beyond me, but looking like a softcore porn film and not having any nudity is a crime too." - 14/100

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Haven't watched a single movie released last year, so I'll pick a movie I watched during that year regardless of release date.




Patrick Stewart must have been absolutely mad to succumb to this nonsense. This released in 2014 btw...

Edited by voodoo_eyes
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1 hour ago, voodoo_eyes said:

Haven't watched a single movie released last year, so I'll pick a movie I watched during that year regardless of release date.




Patrick Stewart must have been absolutely mad to succumb to this nonsense. This released in 2014 btw...

I'm sorry but this looks amazing. The perfect ''i'm so hammered I can't tell you where my asshole is'' kind of movie.

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1 hour ago, HaSoOoN-MHD said:

I'm sorry but this looks amazing. The perfect ''i'm so hammered I can't tell you where my asshole is'' kind of movie.


Well, there's like half a dozen of this "series" alone. So whenever you feel like binge watching / drinking in tandem, this might be the thing for you :lol:.

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Worst films


1. Hail, Caesar - Still angry I paid money to watch this, only one part of the film where I actually smiled.

2. Independence Day Resurgence - I don't know why I went to see this, the first one (after the first half hour) was awful. I hoped that at least the beginning would be incredible, instead it was so over the top it was ridiculous - and then it got worse.

3. Suicide Squad - Mentioned by many others here, did nothing for me. Thought the Enchantress was great in original "Ring" style form, not how she was at the end of the film (can't remember exactly how she looked now, but we had a laugh about her waving her arms around a lot)


Disappointing Films

1. Jason Bourne - It wasn't a bad film - just more of the same, no real plot development, just a nothing film, very disappointing

2. 10 Cloverfield Lane - I loved the original Cloverfield and have been waiting years for a follow up (although this isn't Cloverfield 2). This film appeared under the radar and I was really excited to see it. The film was tense and then the last 10 minutes made me despair.

3. Triple 9 - Another meh film. Michael K Williams in a dress as whatever, such a shame after watching him as Omar Little


Gutted I missed that my friends went to see

1. Deadpool

2. The Nice Guys

3. Snowden

4. Rogue One


Overall I managed to see mostly meh films and missed the good ones.

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The worst movie to me of 2016 was Batman Vs. Superman, I also hated Man Of Steel, these 2 movies were boring and absolutely awful, about those two spuerheroes, I prefer the previous movies from each one, that Bat-armor was very ugly, so sad that sin some years, the superheroes movies are awful (the last good movies were Iron Man 2 (It has also a nice soundtrack [AC/DC]) and The Dark Knight RIses)

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I tend to not have a great memory about bad films, because I usually stop watching after the lack of quality has been established. I also end up just never seeing films that were widespread critically panned because I have my main reviewer man that I completely trust when he tells me not to watch something. The only bad film I can remember watching this year, was a Netflix horror film called Circle. It tried to to be like Saw, but the acting, the script, the effects, the cinematography, the sound design,..., every single decision they made was so damned laughable, I couldn't even sit through 10 minutes of it (and I love the Saw films).


Image result for kring film netflix

Edited by QuentinCle95
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  • 2 months later...
On 5-1-2017 at 3:43 AM, Crispy78923 said:

My personal worst film of the year is a tie between Suicide Squad and the Ghostbusters remake (Ghostbusters 2016).


Suicide Squad is was the last straw for me when it comes to DC and because of it I don't plan on seeing Justice League or Wonder Woman in theaters unless I hear really good things but I find that unlikely. The only thing worse than Suicide Squad in my opinion is the way some fans of the movie reacted to people who didn't like it, and speaking of my hatred of a movie being increased from some of it's fans going into a blind hatred of people who dare not share their opinions... lets talk about Ghostbusters 2016.


Ghostbusters 2016 was a desperate and pathetic attempt to cash in on the Ghostbusters name and the way Sony defended the movie by basically framing it so anyone who didn't like the film was sexist. Pathetic.


I just saw the trailer for Wonder Woman and I really liked it, I'm now very interested in the movie. I would've gone anyway since I have a cinema pass and I go to all DC/Marvel films but I'm now actually thinking it will be good. The trailer alone had more colour and made me laugh more than Man Of Steel and Batman v Superman put together.


I went to the new Ghostbusters movie. Loved the first movie, liked the sequel but didn't think it was that great. I really loved last year's Ghostbusters movie, it was really funny and while not as original as the ... original was back then, I think it's a cool movie in its own right. Bought the blu-ray last week (I already have the original duology on blu-ray). And yeah a lot of the backlash against the film was made by sexists/racists, unfortunately.


Personally, the worst 2016 film that I still watched in the cinema was Split. M Night Shamalamalan has some medieval views on personality disorders.


I also went to Independence Day: Resurgence, which was boring enough that I fell asleep during the film. Batman v Superman was also very dull, it was a two hour lead-up to a fight we knew completely from the trailers and it did not have any heart.


On 30-1-2017 at 0:45 PM, FawltyPowers said:

Worst films


1. Hail, Caesar - Still angry I paid money to watch this, only one part of the film where I actually smiled.

2. Independence Day Resurgence - I don't know why I went to see this, the first one (after the first half hour) was awful. I hoped that at least the beginning would be incredible, instead it was so over the top it was ridiculous - and then it got worse.

3. Suicide Squad - Mentioned by many others here, did nothing for me. Thought the Enchantress was great in original "Ring" style form, not how she was at the end of the film (can't remember exactly how she looked now, but we had a laugh about her waving her arms around a lot)


Disappointing Films

1. Jason Bourne - It wasn't a bad film - just more of the same, no real plot development, just a nothing film, very disappointing

2. 10 Cloverfield Lane - I loved the original Cloverfield and have been waiting years for a follow up (although this isn't Cloverfield 2). This film appeared under the radar and I was really excited to see it. The film was tense and then the last 10 minutes made me despair.

3. Triple 9 - Another meh film. Michael K Williams in a dress as whatever, such a shame after watching him as Omar Little


Gutted I missed that my friends went to see

1. Deadpool

2. The Nice Guys

3. Snowden

4. Rogue One


Overall I managed to see mostly meh films and missed the good ones.


I thought Hail Caesar was a nice film :) I also really liked 10 Cloverfield Lane, I liked it much more than the other Cloverfield film to the point that I'm glad they're not really connected (I wouldn't mind if they tried to make another real Clovie movie though).


Deadpool and Rogue One easily rank among my favourite films of the year. I missed The Nice Guys as well, which I bought last week along with Ghostbusters.

Edited by BillyHorrible
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Batman v. Superman - Hasn't been said enough in this thread but to combine two of the biggest heroes of all time and come up with this shit is unforgivable.


Ghostbusters- Why? Really? The originals are classic, why fuck up the memory of those films with this crap? Oh, to try and make more money on the license of course! I truly hope this was a "one and done"


Suicide Squad - Glad to see this movie is getting the hate it deserves. Margot Robbie was good as Harley but everyone else, particularly Will Smith as Deadshot, was awful. Not to mention the story was a complete mess. So disappointing.

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X-Men Days of Future Past is an amazing movie and when I knew Apocalypse was coming I didn't expect a better movie but a decent one.... Man, I was so disappointed.


I didn't bother watching Suicide Squad, Ghostbusters or Independence Day.

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The worst movie made in 2016 that I actually saw was Batman vs. Superman. What a boring slog of a movie.


The worst movie I actually saw in 2016 was a 2015 movie called "The Witch". Boring, pretentious, arty crap. It's the kind of stiff that critics gush over, in hopes of looking intelligent.

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