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{Update} Xploder PS4 coming in 2 weeks


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Xploder has announced that their efforts to resign save files on PS4 have been successful. Their latest update is claimed to work even on firmware 4.50. Public paid beta is expected to begin by the end of the month. Their beta will come bundled with saves for Battlefield 1, Dark Souls 3, Fallout 4, Bloodborne, Dying Light, Deus Ex, Mass Effect Andromeda, Minecraft PS4 Edition, The Witcher 3, Until Dawn, Horizon Zero Dawn, Metal Gear Solid V, and The Last Guardian. They will also be able to use files anyone has previously uploaded and will upload in the future.


UPDATE: The Xploder devs have sent an email to all beta supporters announcing that the beta will be released in approximately 2 weeks.


Removed link to prevent people from buying it. Couldn't acutally remove the link, so it now links to psnprofiles.com

Edited by Jibril
Updated with new info
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Even if it doesn't pop profiles directly, I'd bet that there will be some saves in their database which allow you to unlock all trophies in a very short amount of time - like all chapters/levels/difficulties are unlocked, 49/50 collectibles have already been obtained, etc etc. 


No different from how some PS4 players manipulate their own saves & profile (without hacking) to allow them to pop all the Uncharted 4 trophies in a couple of hours. 

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1 minute ago, StrickenBiged said:

Even if it doesn't pop profiles directly, I'd bet that there will be some saves in their database which allow you to unlock all trophies in a very short amount of time - like all chapters/levels/difficulties are unlocked, 49/50 collectibles have already been obtained, etc etc. 


No different from how some PS4 players manipulate their own saves & profile (without hacking) to allow them to pop all the Uncharted 4 trophies in a couple of hours. 

That's exactly correct. And, like with ps3 games, we won't be able to know whether the files are their own or downloaded from the internet. Bad times that were previously ok on ps4 will need to be flagged or times that were previously bad on ps3 will need to be unflagged.

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Is xploder real for ps3? It has 0 reviews. 


This is troubling if real.

They didn't use a secure connection for creating a new account(I made a fake account with an email that has no relation to my personal information) 


It is https at checkout but they only take visa and Mastercard, credit and debit. 

Usually you'd see paypal for this sort of thing imo. 


That doesn't mean it's not real, just sketchy with your info and payments. 


Though a prepaid visa gift card would be safest. You wouldn't get your money back but they wouldn't have your info. 


This should be investigated.

I don't want to be the guinea pig even with the use of a different psn account though as psn can ip block you i believe.

Maybe someone else will take the leap to prove ps4 will be able to be hackable via this software, and we can start flagging ps4 games. 


(I do not condone this software, in fact extremely against it and hope if it's real it gets patched immediately after release. But I definitely do NOT want psnp to have a leaderboard nightmare, it's bad enough as is with ps3 + vita. So this should be taken seriously) 


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This is a nice trap. Sony only needs to release a new system update and this program becomes obsolete. Worse, devs will probably not give its costumers new versions for free, but charge them if they want it.

Also, as I said in a topic regarding this: it is too risky to tamper with the savedata from a system that uploads and downloads info on a regular basis. People will buy this thing expecting to complete/plat a game and may end up with a very expensive brick.

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5 minutes ago, ab4h4r4k1 said:

This is a nice trap. Sony only needs to release a new system update and this program becomes obsolete. Worse, devs will probably not give its costumers new versions for free, but charge them if they want it.

Also, as I said in a topic regarding this: it is too risky to tamper with the savedata from a system that uploads and downloads info on a regular basis. People will buy this thing expecting to complete/plat a game and may end up with a very expensive brick.

Even if they charge for a second exploit, there are many who will justify it. 

As someone who used to(lg v20 is smooooth so it's stock) root their phones, I know a lot of work goes into finding exploits, and I would have supported buying an updated software to root my phone in the past. Though it was mostly free, unless you were trying to get developers on xda to find an exploit for a specific phone by raising money. 

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1 hour ago, ab4h4r4k1 said:

This is a nice trap. Sony only needs to release a new system update and this program becomes obsolete. Worse, devs will probably not give its costumers new versions for free, but charge them if they want it.

Also, as I said in a topic regarding this: it is too risky to tamper with the savedata from a system that uploads and downloads info on a regular basis. People will buy this thing expecting to complete/plat a game and may end up with a very expensive brick.


How will they fix it without invalidating EVERY savegame ever created before the update?

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1 hour ago, ab4h4r4k1 said:

may end up with a very expensive brick.

Which PS4 is now? :awesome: 


1 hour ago, ab4h4r4k1 said:

People will buy this thing expecting to complete/plat a game and may end up with a very expensive brick.

You get what you deserve, let them have it =D





In any case... this is a new way to do 'buying trophies', brilliant...

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Sadly, it looks like the era of unhackable trophies on PS4 is coming to an end.  Even if this particular piece of software ends up being unreliable, there's clearly been progress being made in resigning and hacking save files for PS4.  It looks like it's just a matter of time until there's something reliable enough and cheap enough for all the cheaters to use.

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4 hours ago, Sly Ripper said:


How will they fix it without invalidating EVERY savegame ever created before the update?

I must say that I have no idea. But if it is possible to change the information of which account owns a savedata, maybe it is possible to detect other kind of information in it as well. PS4 kinds of make a log of the first time you played a game and your progress if you play it online, for instance.

But this is me with very weak ideas. I know for certain that I will not risk any of my consoles just for a bunch of trophies.

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14 hours ago, ab4h4r4k1 said:

I must say that I have no idea. But if it is possible to change the information of which account owns a savedata, maybe it is possible to detect other kind of information in it as well. PS4 kinds of make a log of the first time you played a game and your progress if you play it online, for instance.

But this is me with very weak ideas. I know for certain that I will not risk any of my consoles just for a bunch of trophies.


I was just thinking, disabling the ability to copy saves to/from USB would save all this.


But Sony have no balls.

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17 minutes ago, Sly Ripper said:


I was just thinking, disabling the ability to copy saves to/from USB would save all this.


But Sony have no balls.

Somehow, I think giving their customers the ability to make a copy of their save games is a lot better than protecting the precious trophies. I play a game on Xbox and it by default, for free, will make a cloud backup of my save EVERY time I play it. Sony on the other hand use their Plus cloud as an attraction, a lure, to paying for Plus. They clearly think there is a desire to have the ability to back up saves, blocking this feature from the millions of users they have to appease a few million at best hard core trophy hunters wouldn't be a show of balls, it would be insane. 

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Just now, Super-Fly Spider-Guy said:

Somehow, I think giving their customers the ability to make a copy of their save games is a lot better than protecting the precious trophies. I play a game on Xbox and it by default, for free, will make a cloud backup of my save EVERY time I play it. Sony on the other hand use their Plus cloud as an attraction, a lure, to paying for Plus. They clearly think there is a desire to have the ability to back up saves, blocking this feature from the millions of users they have to appease a few million at best hard core trophy hunters wouldn't be a show of balls, it would be insane. 


It's not just trophies though, as we've seen from PS3 it also affects online gaming.

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Just now, Sly Ripper said:


It's not just trophies though, as we've seen from PS3 it also affects online gaming.

Fair call. And if nothing else, the saves being trusted to Sony's own cloud could at least go to ensuring their security and all.


I was gonna add this to my initial post, but you already got me here, so I'll dump it here. They could always just make it that you can back your saves up, but when you bring them back you can't earn trophies if you're playing on a system other than the one they were earned on. Sure, it would suck if your PS4 dies, like mine did the other day (RIP Nov 29, 2013-the other day), but I don't know. I remember with GTA IV when I back and forth'd systems a bit it said something like "this save is from another console, trophies disabled, start a new game Dylan, etc" I don't know. All I do know, is I have 2 PS2 memory cards, just so I can have a back up of all my saves. I live in perpetual fear of my saves disappearing / people overwriting them cough cough Devon in grade 6 with my god damned PSP copy of Crash Bandicoot.

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