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Some low cost physical copy ps4 games


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Hi everyone, Recently I got a gift of a €100 coupon to be spent at a gaming store. I was wondering if anyone knows some nice ps4 games that have a psychical copy but aren't like triple A games everyone knows. I like pretty much every genre of gaming besides sports, fighting, and racing. You could also check my PSN profile to see what I'm into. So if anyone has some suggestions, that'd be appreciated.

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Hey! Some cheap games (with fairly easy platinum's I might add) would be Lego games and telltale games. Both are really fun games and give you a break from a big challenge. Also for cheap I have seen the God of War 3 remake which is amazing. and Lastly I highly recommend Metro Redux. Metro is one of my favorite games ever. Hope I gave some useful ideas!



Edited by WesMJ12
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2 minutes ago, WesMJ12 said:

Hey! Some cheap games would be Lego games and telltale games.


I don't really consider tell tale games as actual games but more as an interactive movie/book/story. I used to play a huge amount of Lego games on the wii so i might just buy some for nostalgia and stuff. great suggestion :)

2 minutes ago, WesMJ12 said:

and Lastly I highly recommend Metro Redux. Metro is one of my favorite games ever.


I already platted Metro 2033 Redux and did 1 playthrough of the Last Light Redux but wanna wait a bit for the second playthrough since I'm in no rush to get the plat and playing the same story twice in a row is something I don't like (With the exception of Infamous games).

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Under £20 (22-ish)

Super Meat Boy

Stardew Valley

Sexy Brutale

This War of Mine

Valkyria Chronicles


Under £10 (€12-ish)

Olliolli 2

Bound by Flame

Lords of the Fallen

Most of the Assassin's Creed games

Murdered Soul Suspect

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55 minutes ago, Xylobe said:

How cheap is cheap? 

since i got 100 bucks 25 or less is cheap

39 minutes ago, Asvinia said:

Under £20 (22-ish)

Super Meat Boy

Stardew Valley

Sexy Brutale

This War of Mine

Valkyria Chronicles


Under £10 (€12-ish)

Olliolli 2

Bound by Flame

Lords of the Fallen

Most of the Assassin's Creed games

Murdered Soul Suspect

Thanks. Ill look into it.

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3 hours ago, Gamesareify said:

I think the ICO collection is one on them. It's old games.

ICO&Shadow of the Colossus Collection didn't release on PS4 , only on PS3 . And even on PS3 fot physical copies they ususlly are not cheap,  still cost a good buck .

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It's not much of a contribution but I picked up Dragon Age: Inquisition yesterday, for the third time, for £8. That was second-hand though. But the game should be cheap by now, it's been out for three years. Final Fantasy Type-0, brand new, is quite cheap too now.

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Hmm let's see:


Deus Ex (PS4) - In most places you can pick this up for €10 or less.


Murdered Soul Suspect - Bought this when it was on sale over the Halloween and I was surprised at how good the game was.


Far Cry Primal - Never actually played it but you played other Far Cry games so you might enjoy this one :)


Watch Dogs 2 - I can't say how good this game was. Far superior to the first one imo. I'm sure you can pick this up for around €25.


Prison Architect - Think Theme Hospital or Sims....but in a prison.


Saints Row Re-Elected/Gat out of Hell - Bought the double edition for around €15 on Amazon a while back. Meant to be good games.


The Escapists/ Escapists: Walking Dead - Love these games but the SNES style graphics might not be to everybody's tastes.


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6 hours ago, gamesfourever said:

 Will defenitly get Bound by flame if i see it, looks awsome.
Might get the other 2 too


Bound by flames is pretty bad tbh, it's really an indie game that tried to be released as an AAA.


The Dead island definitive games are quite cheap

Dishonored re-release is cheap

Sniper Elite 3 is cheap

Divinity Original sin is cheap

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8 hours ago, Z1MZUM said:


Bound by flames is pretty bad tbh, it's really an indie game that tried to be released as an AAA.


Ye i looked at the trophies and asked if it was woth playing multiple times cuz that was obviously needed and a lot of people said it was actually a bad game so i wont buy it.



8 hours ago, Z1MZUM said:

The Dead island definitive games are quite cheap

Dishonored re-release is cheap

Sniper Elite 3 is cheap

Divinity Original sin is cheap


Didnt really liked dishonored and already own Sniper Elite 3 on steam so wont buy that either but ill check the ohter 2 games.

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DriveClub and LittleBigPlanet 3 both hit 14 bucks preowned like 2 or 3 years ago when I got them, both dropped at a 100 buck RRP not long before it. Not sure why they tanked, I enjoyed both of them. inFamous First Light's disc release goes about the same price if you can find a preowned copy anywhere, 14 odd bucks, hasn't really dipped any lower in the years since release. inFamous Second Son is a similar price if you can find a copy. FIFA 14, 15, NBA 14, etc. will be 5 bucks anywheres. More recently, Titanfall 2, Dishonored 2, and Deus Ex reboot 2, all seem to have tanked and can all be found for 20 bucks new in Target and the sort here. Mighty No. 9 can be found for about 20/25 with a code for the other versions too, Shovel Knight is the same price anywhere but no cross buy codes in that sucker. Ratchet and Clank hits 30 a lot. The Uncharted Trilogy hits 30 regularly in sales, as too does Uncharted 4.


Just some that come to mind quickly, obviously prices will be different in your region. 

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3 hours ago, Super-Fly Spider-Guy said:

DriveClub and LittleBigPlanet 3 both hit 14 bucks preowned like 2 or 3 years ago when I got them, both dropped at a 100 buck RRP not long before it. Not sure why they tanked, I enjoyed both of them. inFamous First Light's disc release goes about the same price if you can find a preowned copy anywhere, 14 odd bucks, hasn't really dipped any lower in the years since release. inFamous Second Son is a similar price if you can find a copy. FIFA 14, 15, NBA 14, etc. will be 5 bucks anywheres. More recently, Titanfall 2, Dishonored 2, and Deus Ex reboot 2, all seem to have tanked and can all be found for 20 bucks new in Target and the sort here. Mighty No. 9 can be found for about 20/25 with a code for the other versions too, Shovel Knight is the same price anywhere but no cross buy codes in that sucker. Ratchet and Clank hits 30 a lot. The Uncharted Trilogy hits 30 regularly in sales, as too does Uncharted 4.


Just some that come to mind quickly, obviously prices will be different in your region. 

Im not into racing games like i said. or at least not basic ones so ill pass on drive club. might get lbp3 should be cheap since it was free on ps+ a while ago even though i missed that. already got plat on second son. but i never felt like playing first light. fifa and nba once again sports games that are way to casual so not into that either. never liked dishonered much. i played the first one but didnt think anything of it. will have to check for titanfall and deus ex. Mighty no. 9 ive seen footage of but didnt seemed like a game for me. Ratchet and clank, im already a big time fan and have played all the games execpt the mobile ones, secret agent clank and size matters. Uncharted seemed indeed really good, i saw the trilogy on 1 disc just 2 weeks ago in a store for €25 so i might get that. thanks for all the sugestions.

3 hours ago, DarkSoleride said:

Killzone: Shadow Fall

lol i own that game. check my psnp profile xD

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9 hours ago, gamesfourever said:

Im not into racing games like i said. or at least not basic ones so ill pass on drive club. might get lbp3 should be cheap since it was free on ps+ a while ago even though i missed that. already got plat on second son. but i never felt like playing first light. fifa and nba once again sports games that are way to casual so not into that either. never liked dishonered much. i played the first one but didnt think anything of it. will have to check for titanfall and deus ex. Mighty no. 9 ive seen footage of but didnt seemed like a game for me. Ratchet and clank, im already a big time fan and have played all the games execpt the mobile ones, secret agent clank and size matters. Uncharted seemed indeed really good, i saw the trilogy on 1 disc just 2 weeks ago in a store for €25 so i might get that. thanks for all the sugestions.

lol i own that game. check my psnp profile xD

TBH I either didn't read all of it or forgot, I was like half asleep and it was midnight or so when I wrote it.


DriveClub is a legit goof game though. I'm not really into racers, but it's somewhere between arcade and sim, it's realistic, but also crazy, it's pretty and fun. Fair enough if it's not your thing though.


Titanfall (1 and 2) is legit the most fun I've had with an FPS series since the heyday of CoD 10 years ago. Which makes sense since it's by a lot of the guys from the OG MW 1 and 2. Definitely worth the jump if you can get it cheap, and there's also continued FREE DLC maps and characters and upgrades and shit coming out, including the ability to hold 3 weapons at a time from the first one that got put in not too long ago that should have been there at launch but whatever.


Dishonored doesn't grab me at all, it just got good reviews so I thought I'd throw it in. 

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15 hours ago, gamesfourever said:

Im not into racing games like i said. or at least not basic ones so ill pass on drive club. might get lbp3 should be cheap since it was free on ps+ a while ago even though i missed that. already got plat on second son. but i never felt like playing first light. fifa and nba once again sports games that are way to casual so not into that either. never liked dishonered much. i played the first one but didnt think anything of it. will have to check for titanfall and deus ex. Mighty no. 9 ive seen footage of but didnt seemed like a game for me. Ratchet and clank, im already a big time fan and have played all the games execpt the mobile ones, secret agent clank and size matters. Uncharted seemed indeed really good, i saw the trilogy on 1 disc just 2 weeks ago in a store for €25 so i might get that. thanks for all the sugestions.

lol i own that game. check my psnp profile xD

Ah okay, you should finish it then its at 7%!!! The game is a awesome shooter one of the best in the series for me personally.

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9 minutes ago, Edunstar84 said:

Life is Strange

Final Fantasy Type-0

Star Ocean Integrity and Faithlessness


That's all I could think of, since I don't own many PS4 games yet.

Already Plated lide is strange just a couple of days ago. it was good which i didnt expect so thumbs up for the devs.
Final fantasy is not my thing, although ive played some
Never heard of star ocean intergrity and faithlessness. will check that one out

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Just now, gamesfourever said:

Already Plated lide is strange just a couple of days ago. it was good which i didnt expect so thumbs up for the devs.
Final fantasy is not my thing, although ive played some
Never heard of star ocean intergrity and faithlessness. will check that one out

Would've helped if I actually looked at your trophy card before posting. But yeah, hope you buy lots of games! :) 

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Hi, I know you mentioned you're looking for other titles instead of triple A games, but check out The Last of Us. I'm not sure if people still play multiplayer but the single player is pretty great in my opinion. Also (as mentioned earlier) check the store for the Uncharted trilogy (or Uncharted 4), if they are the right price for you buy them, Im sure you will like them.
Can also recommand the Bioshock trilogy, although I'm not sure if it is in the right price range, depends if the store has a discount or anything. If you're into horror games Alien Isolation would be a good choice.

I see you've played Assassin's Creed III but didn't finished it, there's also Assassin's Creed Black Flag which takes a different approach at the series since it has sea battles and such. Not sure if you're into that but check it out anyway.

Also you could buy PSN cards to get games from the Playstation Store, I know you mentioned psysical games but there are also digital only games worth playing, I believe there's a sale each week for digital games. For example, personally I like Darkest Dungeon. Played that on pc but got it for PS4 yesterday.
I know my profile says I haven't played anything besides Overwatch but I had to start over on this account.

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