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My sister's husband, I fucking can't stand that arrogant douche. Why my entire family likes him is beyond me...


The question is good, I will forward it...

Same! Except now everyone knows just what he's like, so nobody likes him. (it took time, so I hope the same for you)

But then again It wouldn't help him or her if I did, so even though I could, I wouldn't. But instead force feed him proper medications... Yeah way more than one medication.

Let's keep it going! Except I'll add you could force feed medications. :)

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hmmmm.. actually... none... there might be some people that annoys me but so far I has not reached the point that I want to beat em up....


*combo breaker*


nah.. too lazy to think of a q so will just pass this one for now:


If you had the chance to beat the shit up someone, I mean, really beat him/her for five minutes, no consequences who you might choose? You could also force feed medications. 

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Iain Duncan Smith. B*stard.

Also, revisiting that drug query, I was just curious as I'm on a lot of morphine and don't really feel any of the side-effects so many people say they get from pain meds. Except drowsiness on occasion.

What's your favourite fruit?

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Threw up doing the coke and pepsi challenge, basically you got to taste both and pick which you preferred. Not sure who sponsored it, may have been Pepsi? I kept laughing and threw up my lunch after tasting both.


Same question

Edited by Z1MZUM
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