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Female gamers face uphill battle against sexist call of duty idiots


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The introduction of playable women soldiers into Call of Duty: Ghosts has caused quite a reaction online among the male-dominated legions of CoD fans, a response that has been largely tainted with sexist and derogatory comments toward women. We can only imagine the abuse that females who want to play as a soldier of their own gender will face online.


The announcement from the Call of Duty Multiplayer Reveal Event yesterday in Los Angeles immediately brought back memories of multiplayer Black Ops II battles where a female dares to speak up. Rarely has any female we've seen in-game got through the match without some derogatory or rude comment being directed toward her.

It also stirred memories of one Call of Duty female gamer who has stuck up for herself online following abuse from male players. Jenny Haniver blogs and talks about her experiences online as a female on her websitewww.notinthekitchenanymore.com, which include instances of being called a slut and some shocking verbal abuse in Black Ops II. One guy sent her a voicemail saying, “I’m gonna impregnate you with triplets and make you have a very late term abortion.”

The arrival of female soldiers in Call of Duty: Ghosts is simply going to take the abuse to another level. This much has been made crystal clear from the moment the announcement was made and many of CoD’s idiot minority crawled out from behind their PC screens to so bravely take to social media and online forums with jibes at women and have a laugh--remarks such as, “we can’t wait to teabag them.”

While some of the negative online reactions are obviously meant to be tongue-in-cheek, including the 'joke' that female characters will be given a free DLC map on release (followed by a picture of a kitchen), it must be disheartening for women who have long tried to shake off the image that they should stay at home to cook and clean while their husband goes out to work.


There's not a gaming forum on the web where comments such as this haven't been made. Check out this one, for instance, from some hilarious dude called The Stig, a poster at MMGN.com - "The female soldiers carry portable cookers to aid their male teammates with freshly cooked sandwiches." Oh, how we laughed.

What's more shocking are when the comments take a sexual tone. "There is going to be a lot of rape," writes one loser. “ahhh finally a 'female' char to suck my balls,” writes another. The tone is quite sinister and incredibly offensive. "Oh, this is going to be baaaad! "Base-Rape", "Tea-bagging", "Tits or GTFO," concludes one guy who obviously can't wait to exert his superior manly powers over the female species.

The Call of Duty franchise is dominated by males, so it's likely that there'll be dozens of rude teenagers masquerading as female characters (wait for the sexist YouTube clips to appear), but can you imagine if an actual female who dares to speak steps into the role of female soldier? Hold tight ladies, there's some serious abuse coming your way.




It's a shame, but it's true, I've been in countless of lobbies were a girl is in, and she is being hit on and treated like an object, and being  called a slut.  Some of the guys may think it's all fun and games, but it gets annoying.  Thankfully, there is a mute button though, so if women feel abused they could just mute the idiots.  Please don't turn this article into "what do you expect?  It's COD, little kids play, people with low IQ'S and people that are immature".  Etc.

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I've known many guys that have used female avatars in games.  I don't see why they're complaining.. it's something different for once.


I've never had abuse online, but then I've never played CoD or been an online player of any of those sort of games (Ninja Gaiden 3 pretty much the only team based online I have played.. rest are fighters), if there was an annoying kid/idiot in a lobby, I would probably have just muted them.. I don't exactly scream the whole girl gamer anyways as I know that is just calling for abuse in most game multiplayer.

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That's why I just mute everyone when I play COD games. . . And if they don't like getting hit on and getting well crap for being a woman and playing COD well easy they can just mute them call of duty has done improvements on muting people but I seem they chose not to and go at it so its back and forward arguments but others do mute you can tell because you don't hear them anymore... But I see it more on Xbox than on Ps3 tho

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I've known many guys that have used female avatars in games.  I don't see why they're complaining.. it's something different for once.


I've never had abuse online, but then I've never played CoD or been an online player of any of those sort of games (Ninja Gaiden 3 pretty much the only team based online I have played.. rest are fighters), if there was an annoying kid/idiot in a lobby, I would probably have just muted them.. I don't exactly scream the whole girl gamer anyways as I know that is just calling for abuse in most game multiplayer.

Play CoD and you'll understand ><

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while im not a huge CoD fan or any FPS for that matter it sad to see anyone who would want to play a female soldier be subjected to deragatory taunts(and they will be on full force) hopefully sony,microsoft or activision will take serious steps to weed out the losers

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Stuff like this(The Article, the content and the people they are talking about.) is mostly why NeoGaf won't let you sign up with public email addresses.


1. Having a good match depends on luck now a days, If the people are civil you will have a great match and maybe gain great friends.

2. Most abuse is due to the anonymity of the internet, if people use real names and details they would not mess around as much as they do. 

Edited by SirBeardburkulosis
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Stuff like this(The Article, the content and the people they are talking about.) is mostly why NeoGaf won't let you sign up with public email addresses.


1. Having a good match depends on luck now a days, If the people are civil you will have a great match and maybe gain great friends.

2. Most abuse is due to the anonymity of the internet, if people use real names and details they would not mess around as much as they do. 

Couldn't agree with you more on number 2.

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It's crap like this that kept me from playing CoD :(

As a female gamer,I can tell you it's hard for other gamers to take you seriously when you're a girl.

Are CoD players really this immature,stupid,sexist?

I just want to play a game with other gamers,not to be insulted.

I'm glad to have a mute button.

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It's crap like this that kept me from playing CoD :(

As a female gamer,I can tell you it's hard for other gamers to take you seriously when you're a girl.

Are CoD players really this immature,stupid,sexist?

I just want to play a game with other gamers,not to be insulted.

I'm glad to have a mute button.

Some are, not EVERYONE though, I'm not anyway :wave:

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Some are, not EVERYONE though, I'm not anyway :wave:

Yeah,you're cool B)

Yawn...The whole 'get in the kitchen and make sandwiches' shit is old as hell. Like if you're gonna be anonymously annoying online at least be creative. -,-'' No point in getting offended at such immaturity and douchebaggery.

Yeah,I'm sick of that crap too <_<

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That is true for the stupid ones but experienced trollers are different. 


I really doubt they'll find out.. "TakahashiDemon" makes it hard to know what I am.. and I don't use headset as I have difficulty speaking so they find out, that be news to me, they'll have to stalkers honestly.

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I really doubt they'll find out.. "TakahashiDemon" makes it hard to know what I am.. and I don't use headset as I have difficulty speaking so they find out, that be news to me, they'll have to stalkers honestly.


I just did a theory with yours and  my name. If you want to go on just say so. 

Edited by SirBeardburkulosis
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