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Immense Battleborn server problems


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Hey there,

Thanks for reaching out to 2K Support! My name is Andrei and I will be looking over your request!

I am very sorry for the issues experienced and also for the delay in response, because of the recent pandemic sweeping the globe we have received a very large volume of requests in our backlog and this has caused a certain delay in response, but please rest assured we are doing our best to look over every request asap!

The best thing that I can recommend for the time being is to please try to restart the console in order to clear any momentary errors and to see if this helped.

Unfortunately no future patches for the game are scheduled or expected at this time.
Please visit the following article below for more info on the matter article
I am truly sorry for the issues experienced and I regret that there is nothing more that we do from our side at this time.

Many thanks and stay safe,

Andrei K.
2K Support

That’s what they sent me

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WTF? So either they are just lying to me or their support team does give out different kinds of information...after my ticket contact said there would be some steps I could try and me contacting him again after I haven't heard from him for 8 days, I got this (sorry for the bad english, again my ticket is german and I just used the google translator):

Hello, tobias,

Thank you for your reply.

Unfortunately there is currently nothing we can do about it.

We’re really sorry that you’ve encountered this error and we apologize for the inconvenience.

Our goal is that everything goes as you imagine it when you are in the middle of the fight for Solus again.

You can be sure that the team has been working flat out to find a solution to the problem since then.

Unfortunately, Rendain managed to block our access to the developer servers, so we are unfortunately unable to see their progress at the moment. We are also currently waiting for news and updates regarding your problem.

We apologize for any inconvenience this error has caused.

Thank you again for your patience and understanding.

Should you have any further concerns or questions for 2K, please feel free to contact us at any time and we will help you immediately.

Sincerely yours

Ozan A.

Yeah so seems like we could just try and try again...

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  • 2 weeks later...
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7 minutes ago, locoporkko said:

Same here today i play 5 matches and only count 1,is a shame that the creators of borderlands make a crap like battleborn

When the servers work, Battleborn is a lot of fun but whenever something big happens with Borderlands 3, the servers take a dump for a couple of weeks until everything settles down again :(.

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Cant believe it took me this long to start playing this game.
its actually pretty fun. but the server thing (at the end of matches, when 'retrieving match data' is the last thing on thr right side and it fails) is super discouraging. 
It then takes 3-5 tries (About 50m each) until it finally works and i can progress to the next 'episode/chapter'

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35 minutes ago, MynockGate said:

It has been working great for the last couple of days. Saving after every match in Versus, Story and Operations.

Yes today and yesterday was fine and save after the match but i write here in 11th of july dont,i play 5 or 6 matches and dont save the match was very infuriating and frustrating 

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It has been working great for the last couple of days. Saving after every match in Versus, Story and Operations.

YES! I just hope it keeps working.
(im guessing its because borderlands 3 didnt release a hotfix this week? since ive read they use the same servers or something)

I just hope its like this during the weekend as well 

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I sent Gearbox support an email last week and they replied the next day that they were gonna address the issue. Who knows, maybe it's nothing more than a server restart but they need to be made aware of the issue. Either way it's working great now and hopefully it stays this way. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

 yeah they are still iffy, Ive gotten 5 matches to save out of 8 so far "Working on Kleese Lore" So i just Die in stage, or let A.I Win overwhelingly in the Pvp maps for his lore

Im hearing Xbox is also having Saving issues again

Such Suckyness - as servers are going down in about 90 days... and it took like 1/2 a year for the dam things to stabilize.

Just did 8 more pvp w Kleese,  4 full matches, were i was wrecking face, and 4 matches of just surendering, Not a single one saved.

Edit 2*

After 2 hours of Surendering on PVP Privite matches, The game started saving again - 6 in a row, after not saving for about 30 matches.

 Seems to be hit or miss

people in my PSN chat saying they have had  no issues in the last hour,till just this moment, 

Edited by Blackmist_FFXI
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On 17.8.2020 at 10:48 PM, Blackmist_FFXI said:

 yeah they are still iffy, Ive gotten 5 matches to save out of 8 so far "Working on Kleese Lore" So i just Die in stage, or let A.I Win overwhelingly in the Pvp maps for his lore

Im hearing Xbox is also having Saving issues again

Such Suckyness - as servers are going down in about 90 days... and it took like 1/2 a year for the dam things to stabilize.

Just did 8 more pvp w Kleese,  4 full matches, were i was wrecking face, and 4 matches of just surendering, Not a single one saved.

Edit 2*

After 2 hours of Surendering on PVP Privite matches, The game started saving again - 6 in a row, after not saving for about 30 matches.

 Seems to be hit or miss

people in my PSN chat saying they have had  no issues in the last hour,till just this moment, 

Aren't they shutting down in January? That's more than 90 days 

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On 8/20/2020 at 0:11 AM, HuntingFever said:

Correct. The servers have another 4 and bit months left in them before they close.

Yea 120 days till end of Dec. 150 days if they shut down at end of Jan.


Was being a bit dramatic as 4 days and 20-30 hours ive hardly managed any progress.


Managed to find a few BB i had from 2016 w decent progression and got them done well farming endless mobs in archive. * made no attempt to save data drones..


Glad Trophys pop if u finish lore in match even if your match ID isn't saved for progress

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