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Couple in China Buys Video Games by Selling Their Kids


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According to the Sanxiang City News, the second child of Li Lin and Li Juan was sold for less than $500, while their first and third child were sold for around $4600 shortly after.

The couple was turned in after Li Lin, the father, told his mother what happened. She took them to the police, where they apparently showed no remorse.

The parents are young and naive, so when asked about their nefarious deeds, they stated that they were unaware what they were doing is illegal. “We didn’t want to raise them,” they said. “We just want to sell them for some money.”

The couple met in an Internet cafe in 2007, and shortly after meeting quickly consummated the relationship and moved in together, spending most of their time playing video games in Internet cafes. Shortly after their first child was born in 2008, they left it at home and traveled 30km to play video games.

Source: Weird Asia News

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I've always heard parents threatening their kids that, if they didn't straighten out, they'd "sell them to a farm/work camp/evil n'er-do-well" - I never thought I'd see someone who'd, well, ACTUALLY sell their kids.

And for such a stupid reason, too!

At least make up some kind of excuse: "We sold them because they were actually hellspawn imps that actually got switched with our real children, and we were just selling them back to Satan because, Hey, when you can get money out of that guy, you take it."

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There are others.

Korean Kid Murders Mother Then Kills Himself Over "Internet Games"

A sad reminder tonight that video games don't always end up in good times: a 15 year-old boy from South Korea has murdered his mother then killed himself following "a fight over Internet games".

The boy, from Busan in Korea's south-east, got into an argument on Monday night with his mother when she "scolded" him for playing video games.

As tensions escalated, the boy strangled his mother to death before hanging himself.

The Associated Press story reporting the crime did not specify which game the boy had been playing.

Also this.


There's also one about couples played in an internet cafe non-stop while they left their only child at home to die from starvation.

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  • 3 years later...

Ehm, what? Who the hell agreed to buy them? They must be equally as messed up to do that and should all go get medicinal help.

Just saw the source name. Weird Asia news? Dude, what the hell kind of sites do you hang out on? :D


Probably off to Slavery or something.


Also, I always thought China had certain laws against so many kids.. this couple apparently accidentally had 3 and were allowed them all this time?

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Honestly, from how many cases I've read about like this, the shock factor is lowering. sure faith in humanity is lost for a bit, but now we have brought upon ourselves a huge problem, we need to forget the shock, fac the facts and do fixing. parents especially young, need to have a seminar or a group meeting because the woman is carrying a soul in her stomach not just a property to sell. I think china and other countries need to educate the young couples more than before if they are expecting a little one.




Shit dude, this is the 5th time I've seen a story like this.

Let's just agree that people in China are extremely strange, and need to invest in home consoles.


I guess that's why they unbanned the wiiu, xbone, ps4. now they need to unban the censorship on games lol.


It might hurt the internet cafe business tho.

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