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What is your Zodiac sign?


What is your Zodiac sign  

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  1. 1. What is your sign?

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While i don't believe in the daily horoscops etc , i do believe in the principle and i do find that generally they are quite accurate


I'm a Scorpio (Nov 15th)


Here's a good article about Scorpio's here : 




And while again i don't believe in it fully , it's way too accurate to be untrue .


P.S : This is actually a really good topic idea thanks .

Edited by TheBolloxx
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While i don't believe in the daily horoscops etc , i do believe in the principle and i do find that generally they are quite accurate


I'm a Scorpio (Nov 15th)


Here's a good article about Scorpio's here : 




And while again i don't believe in it fully , it's way too accurate to be untrue .


P.S : This is actually a really good topic idea thanks .


Scorpio, the synonym of stubbornness :P , Leos are like that too so cheers  :highfive: . And thank you, I thought that it would be cool to know what are the signs of the fellow gamers, to know a little bit more about them.

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Scorpio, the synonym of stubbornness :P , Leos are like that too so cheers  :highfive: . And thank you, I thought that it would be cool to know what are the signs of the fellow gamers, to know a little bit more about them.


Yeah i'm pretty stubborn , saying that i don't think i'm as stubborn as Most scorpio's , i'm usually easy going lol 

saying that i mostly get my own way and i tend to be quite arrogant , i don't find myself to be arrogant considering i'm usually right lol 


No problem , yeah it's a really good idea , hopefully it's get the attention it deserves :)

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Aries. I'm probably the one arguing with people. It really wouldn't be a problem if people understood and accepted the fact that I am always right.


Yes you are always right, and when not you make people acknowledge you are with that scary a-s-s temper  ;)



Yeah i'm pretty stubborn , saying that i don't think i'm as stubborn as Most scorpio's , i'm usually easy going lol 

saying that i mostly get my own way and i tend to be quite arrogant , i don't find myself to be arrogant considering i'm usually right lol 


No problem , yeah it's a really good idea , hopefully it's get the attention it deserves :)


 hahaha Scorpios in a nutshell!!


and I hope it does too  :D

Edited by entimecago
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April 21st - Taurus


I like things to match and I like the feel of books. I'm incredibly stubborn but quite slow-paced, even when I'm in a rush I look like I'm taking my time.

I don't like being the centre of attention and I like my surroundings to be secure and generally dislike any major changes.

I tend not to get on with the 'fire' signs; Aries, Leo and Sagittarius, but do well with other 'earth' signs: Capricorn and Virgo as well as the 'wind' sign Gemini.


My ex-boyfriend was a Leo and when I read about their preferences it described him exactly and they're complete opposite signs. :(


In the case of the Chinese zodiac - 


1990 - Horse


Apparently I give off a confident aura but actually lack self confidence. I'm charming and know how to dress well.

I'm independent but can be quite selfish and petty, though while I don't really have a temper, when I do lose it people know about it.  I tend to act on impulse and get bored easily.

Best matches are with a Dog or Tiger but not a Rat, Ox or Monkey.


Both are actually pretty accurate but I've never lost my temper before so that is yet to be discovered.

I feel my answer is maybe a little too much lol

Edited by Lion-Lhasa
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April 21st - Taurus


I like things to match and I like the feel of books. I'm incredibly stubborn but quite slow-paced, even when I'm in a rush I look like I'm taking my time.

I don't like being the centre of attention and I like my surroundings to be secure and generally dislike any major changes.

I tend not to get on with the 'fire' signs; Aries, Leo and Sagittarius, but do well with other 'earth' signs: Capricorn and Virgo as well as the 'wind' sign Gemini.


My ex-boyfriend was a Leo and when I read about their preferences it described him exactly and they're complete opposite signs. :(


In the case of the Chinese zodiac - 


1990 - Horse


Apparently I give off a confident aura but actually lack self confidence. I'm charming and know how to dress well.

I'm independent but can be quite selfish and petty, though while I don't really have a temper, when I do lose it people know about it.  I tend to act on impulse and get bored easily.

Best matches are with a Dog or Tiger but not a Rat, Ox or Monkey.


Both are actually pretty accurate but I've never lost my temper before so that is yet to be discovered.


Leo and Taurus are truly complete opposites lol,  but I've had some Taurus friends and I LOVED them, since I myself don't like too much to be the center of attention (but I appreciate it when I am :rolleyes:, I just don't seek it) and I also find them extremely nice and polite.


Its not long at all.

Edited by entimecago
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I'm a Taurus.


I'm not one who gives too much into Astrology, but I did happen to find some similarities between myself and the Taurus.

One of the greatly noted qualities of the Taurus are their reliability and loyalness. Haha... I must admit though, I am very stubborn and sensitive. Apparently we can be possessive, but... everyone is different.


This is quite the interesting thread, I'm very curious.

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I'm a Taurus.


I'm not one who gives too much into Astrology, but I did happen to find some similarities between myself and the Taurus.

One of the greatly noted qualities of the Taurus are their reliability and loyalness. Haha... I must admit though, I am very stubborn and sensitive. Apparently we can be possessive, but... everyone is different.


This is quite the interesting thread, I'm very curious.


People take astrology as a myth , while is actually like a philosophy that helps to understand life.

Try looking at the exact day you were born and not just Taurus in general. It also depends what signs your parents are or what planets your sign is, but I don't know too much about that :blush:

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People take astrology as a myth , while is actually like a philosophy that helps to understand life.

Try looking at the exact day you were born and not just Taurus in general. It also depends what signs your parents are or what planets your sign is, but I don't know too much about that :blush:


I understand.

Astrology has it's benefits, but then again I feel there is much more to an individual despite their affiliation with birth signs, birth dates, etc.

Of course, I still find it to be a very intriguing subject.

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