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Omega's Platinum Vault


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It's a good list. I'm looking forward to working on the Fallout and Dragon Age games eventually.


Getting a trophy list to look good takes a bit of tweaking. I know I had a bunch of spacing errors on mine that took awhile to stamp out, things like extra lines appearing out of nowhere. I didn't even bother to center mine, I think it looks weird centered. Personally I would've arranged it in chronological order and not alphabetical, but it's your list so you do it the way you want to do it.

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Nice, but i did notice that you got almost every single platinum in 2013, is that when you really got in to trophy hunting?


Yep. I tried around 2009-2010 but I obviously didn't get nearly as much as I did this year. I wonder what happened in 2011 though where I got no Platinum's.


Nice Platinum Trophy List, I'm working on Heavy Rain and Beyond: Two Souls Platinum's right now, Also Saints Row IV is easier to Platinum than 3 Was so you might want to try to get that at some point


I haven't tried Beyond: Two Souls yet, but Heavy Rain is good. I thought about getting Saints Row IV eventually but Arkham Origins is only a couple days away :)


It's a good list. I'm looking forward to working on the Fallout and Dragon Age games eventually.


Getting a trophy list to look good takes a bit of tweaking. I know I had a bunch of spacing errors on mine that took awhile to stamp out, things like extra lines appearing out of nowhere. I didn't even bother to center mine, I think it looks weird centered. Personally I would've arranged it in chronological order and not alphabetical, but it's your list so you do it the way you want to do it.


Yeah it was the spacing issue I had. I guess it's because I had to copy and paste this since I spent more than a few days on it fixing stuff here and there.


Thanks everyone! I'll be sure to update it every now and then.

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  • 3 weeks later...

"Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty HD - Gained off and on motivation for this one, but the VR Missions are ridiculous in their requirements for gold. That and I doubt I could get all the dog tags across all the difficulties.

Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots - I really would love to Platinum this one since it's my favorite game. But the fact you have to get Big Boss emblem for a single iPod song discourages me. I am in no way a speed runner, let alone capable of running straight through a map without being spotted."


Nice list!!


MGS 2 is pretty tough but that is mostly due to the VR Missions. They can all be done, they just take time to figure out the best way to do them and try not to kill anyone if you can help it. The dog tags, on the other hand, are pretty easy. Again, they take some time. Just find a list of the names of the guards and their locations and don't leave the area until you have everyhting you need. You also don't need ALL tags. You can miss like 20 or 30 if I'm not mistaken but the hard part is you do have to beat the game on Extreme because you do need at least some tags from that difficulty.


I can't get the MGS4 plat either!! It is also one of my favorite games. I have done everything but that Big Boss run and I hate feeling rushed in that game.

Edited by PLamb858
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  • 4 weeks later...

Update: Added The Walking Dead game, Saints Row IV, and Batman: Arkham City to the list.


And sorry for missing the last three posts, that's what I get for not following my own thread. :facepalm:


Thanks for the support though, everyone!

Edited by omegarevan
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I like the fact you actually played the original 2 God of War games rather than jumping to 3. Since 2 left on such a cliffhanger, you must be itching to play the next game.


I would like to play the third one even though I already know what happens. I probably would have downloaded it by now on the PlayStation Store if it wasn't disc only :/


I'm sure I'll get it eventually though.



Nice list! I can see plenty of good games and games that I too hope to platinum one day up there! :)


Thanks! If you want advice or tips on any of the ones I have go ahead and send me a PM if you want. :)

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  • 2 months later...

Been a while since I've edited this, but I've added section "F" and with that, Fallout 3 and New Vegas! As well as Sleeping Dogs, Dante's Inferno, and Devil May Cry 3. :)


your a fallout fan aswell i see :)


i love fallout 3 it was exallent but new vegas was pretty good but didn't have to much to see in it


but i cant wait for the next fallout!

i allso like elder scrolls hope you try it out sometime!


Yeah, Fallout's amazing. I hope the fourth one goes well. I have played The Elder Scrolls though, they are also great. I think I enjoyed Oblivion more than Skyrim though.


I gave you a like to help you reach 'Popular', you deserve it  :pimp:


Thanks! :D

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Nicely done with the checklist, very informative.

I was surprised to see some games I intend to do in the very near future myself (inFamous 1+2, Fallout: New Vegas), so I read those ones with high interest  :ninja:

Especially your inFamous opinions gave me hope to Plat them myself someday  :lol:


Keep up the good work, looking forward to see more quality Plats on your list  :yay:

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Nice list. I'm gonna go for fallout 3, but im not sure about vegas.


Thanks! New Vegas can be done, but it is a grind for several trophies. But once you get those out of the way it's fairly smooth sailing.


Nicely done with the checklist, very informative.

I was surprised to see some games I intend to do in the very near future myself (inFamous 1+2, Fallout: New Vegas), so I read those ones with high interest  :ninja:

Especially your inFamous opinions gave me hope to Plat them myself someday  :lol:


Keep up the good work, looking forward to see more quality Plats on your list  :yay:


Glad I could be informative! You mentioning New Vegas suddenly reminded me that I didn't mention the Hardcore run. I added an extra bit there if you want some advice on what to do there :)


And yes, inFamous isn't too bad. The blast shards in the first one are a real pain though. But if you have questions about any of the games I've listed then feel free to send me a PM and I'll try to help.


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Thanks! New Vegas can be done, but it is a grind for several trophies. But once you get those out of the way it's fairly smooth sailing.



Glad I could be informative! You mentioning New Vegas suddenly reminded me that I didn't mention the Hardcore run. I added an extra bit there if you want some advice on what to do there :)


And yes, inFamous isn't too bad. The blast shards in the first one are a real pain though. But if you have questions about any of the games I've listed then feel free to send me a PM and I'll try to help.

Thanks, I'm sure to ask for tips if I get stuck  :ninja:

The Hardcore run is what worries me the most in New Vegas, nice to see you added some info about that. 

I just recently Platted Fallout 3, and had the same exact starting stats as you. I guess they work out fine for New Vegas too  :lol:

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Thanks, I'm sure to ask for tips if I get stuck  :ninja:

The Hardcore run is what worries me the most in New Vegas, nice to see you added some info about that. 

I just recently Platted Fallout 3, and had the same exact starting stats as you. I guess they work out fine for New Vegas too  :lol:


Yeah, it's not too bad provided you make sure you at least sleep before quests or during them. Almost everyone drops some kind of food or water on them but most of it is radiated and that's another you have to keep an eye out for. The sink at the Novac motel room gives unlimited clean water and the guy at the NCR camp that gives potatoes and such doesn't have anything radiated.


Congrats though! Those stats were recommended from the PS3trophies guide. On New Vegas those stats can get boosted pretty high with the implants from the medical clinic and the Old World Blues DLC if you have it.

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  • 5 months later...

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