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DrBloodmoney's Super Scientific Ranking of Games!


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Soooooooo I totally just spent the last - let's just say for ease " a long while" re-reading all of the last three batches, which was great by the way.  As I meant to comment on each one of them at the time, but as you know, I got stuck in virtual Japan for a little while. Sorry man!


Coincidentally, as you've already made this comparison - this is not too far away from what I probably looked like the first time I started to write a review after not doing one for so long :lol:




Yep, just like that haha!


Hey this is about you though.......Not my dishevelled self :facepalm:


.....Brilliant job on all of those batches. As I expected the Wishlist War between you and I, has just had a huge barrage of destruction fired upon my wallet, which I suspect will soon be crying in a shower with a monochromatic filter. I'll get you back soon I hope!  I've got one or two things up my sleeve that we discussed briefly the other day that I really ought to write about ?


What are you doing to me man? I had no idea what Outer Wilds was, and now I literally want to know everything there is to know about it! I think it's kind of funny the fact that you apologised for vagueness. You absolutely shouldn't - you made that game sound so appealing and so interesting that I'd be letting myself down if I never tried to play it at some point! 


Why did you have to go and make me interested in a VR thing? Are you trying to turn my house into a river of my internal organs? ? I can't deal with VR, but you've made Statik seem like such a worthwhile time for puzzle game fans that I almost want to ask one of my friends to loan me his VR Headset for a little while.


Thanks for making me aware of Hoa as well..... In the pursuit of some fantastic art I can forgive some slightly shallower gameplay elements - because that does sound bloody fantastic.


Especially this specific part.



This is a game in which a single screenshot - taken at literally any point during a playthrough - looks like a work of art. Take a screenshot anywhere and frame it, and I'd be happy to hang it on my wall!


That is one of the very things that I absolutely love about film-making and cinematography - so to hear that it's an element of Hoa that is done incredibly well, for me at least, means I could forgive a lot of the games other shortcomings.


I'm a little on the fence about Shady Part of Me - I'm leaning towards probably trying it out at some point though. I'm a big fan of Hannah Murray, I think she's got some really good range as an actor. The game itself does seem very interesting too to be fair, so I think I'll have to keep a lookout for that one. 


Flipping Death - WHY HAVE I NOT PLAYED THIS YET? Seriously...... That game just seems like it's something that it'd be almost impossible for me not to like. Thanks for doing such a wonderful job of actually articulating what it is, because I'd seen that game a lot on the PS Store, but didn't quite know what it was.


You've made me think that I need to play Journey as well now - although playing it in 2022. I suspect that I'd have a pretty solitary journey swishing around with just my cape and scarf ?....... I expect nothing less than an absolutely Stellar soundtrack from Austin Wintory as well, he absolutely blew me away with what he did with Abzu.


You had already pretty much assured me that I'd like Forgotten City - please don't be offended, but I'm not going to read your review of it until I've played the game myself, I want as much of that game to be fresh and new to me as possible. You already did an excellent job of recommending it to be a couple of weeks back, it's a given that I'm going to play it at some point!


Lastly (phew you're thinking right?)...... I'm really looking forward to the next batch - not necessarily for what you might think either - although I'm sure that'll be great too. But for Eventide 3 ? Super Time Force Ultra.  I am really excited to see how you approach reviewing that, I really enjoyed that game, especially the HellaDeck puzzles, some of those had some really interesting solutions!


Sorry it's been a while Doc!

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18 hours ago, rjkclarke said:

Soooooooo I totally just spent the last - let's just say for ease " a long while" re-reading all of the last three batches, which was great by the way.  As I meant to comment on each one of them at the time, but as you know, I got stuck in virtual Japan for a little while. Sorry man!


Coincidentally, as you've already made this comparison - this is not too far away from what I probably looked like the first time I started to write a review after not doing one for so long :lol:




Yep, just like that haha!


Hey this is about you though.......Not my dishevelled self :facepalm:


haha - I must admit, I don't know if this whole situation has made me more intrigued by the Yakuza games, or more afraid of them! ?


There are definitely games out there that have done this to me - where I come out the other side of them, and feel like I must have accidentally slipped between the folds of reality, and just spent a year of time in the nether-realms, while everyone else carried on living in slow motion around me... but they're usually games like The Witness...






I had no idea what Outer Wilds was, and now I literally want to know everything there is to know about it! I think it's kind of funny the fact that you apologised for vagueness. You absolutely shouldn't - you made that game sound so appealing and so interesting that I'd be letting myself down if I never tried to play it at some point! 



For reals.


I shall say no more, and quit while I'm ahead.


But dude, it's something else!



Why did you have to go and make me interested in a VR thing? Are you trying to turn my house into a river of my internal organs? 1f606.png I can't deal with VR, but you've made Statik seem like such a worthwhile time for puzzle game fans that I almost want to ask one of my friends to loan me his VR Headset for a little while.


You know - if you are going to try out a VR game (and trust me, I know how miserable motion sickness is, so I'd understand if you didn't!) but if you did - Statik is the one.

Not just because I think it's the best I've played (which I do,) but also because it is definitely the least liable to cause that motion sickness. You remain completely static (oops) in that one - you are literally strapped to a chair in the game! and you don't actually really need to even move your head much to still totally get the 1-2-1 feeling they're going for!



Thanks for making me aware of Hoa as well..... In the pursuit of some fantastic art I can forgive some slightly shallower gameplay elements - because that does sound bloody fantastic.


Especially this specific part.



That is one of the very things that I absolutely love about film-making and cinematography - so to hear that it's an element of Hoa that is done incredibly well, for me at least, means I could forgive a lot of the games other shortcomings.


Absolutely - Hoa might feel a bit lacking in the gameplay department, but it's credentials as a piece of art to be appreciated are not in question - whomever did the design and artwork for the game deserves all the praise in the world... and a job at Studio Ghibli. Or a lawsuit from them... one of the two, at least!



I'm a little on the fence about Shady Part of Me - I'm leaning towards probably trying it out at some point though. I'm a big fan of Hannah Murray, I think she's got some really good range as an actor. The game itself does seem very interesting too to be fair, so I think I'll have to keep a lookout for that one. 


Flipping Death - WHY HAVE I NOT PLAYED THIS YET? Seriously...... That game just seems like it's something that it'd be almost impossible for me not to like. Thanks for doing such a wonderful job of actually articulating what it is, because I'd seen that game a lot on the PS Store, but didn't quite know what it was.


You've made me think that I need to play Journey as well now - although playing it in 2022. I suspect that I'd have a pretty solitary journey swishing around with just my cape and scarf 1f60f.png....... I expect nothing less than an absolutely Stellar soundtrack from Austin Wintory as well, he absolutely blew me away with what he did with Abzu.


Shady Part of Me is a cautious recommendation - I know you dig a puzzle game, though where you stand on that particular strain I'm not sure - but Flipping Death is an absolute no-brainer for you mate. I know full well that your knowledge of and love for those old Lucas Arts games will mean you'll appreciate the nods and see the inspirations, and Zoink to a great job of finding their own unique ways to modernise that style of game, with a completely different type of interface, but without losing the fun or charm! 



You had already pretty much assured me that I'd like Forgotten City - please don't be offended, but I'm not going to read your review of it until I've played the game myself, I want as much of that game to be fresh and new to me as possible. You already did an excellent job of recommending it to be a couple of weeks back, it's a given that I'm going to play it at some point!


Absolutely - these reviews are about getting people to consider the good games - if you’re sold already, then just go for it - I'm certain you'll enjoy that one too!



Lastly (phew you're thinking right?)...... I'm really looking forward to the next batch - not necessarily for what you might think either - although I'm sure that'll be great too. But for Eventide 3 1f609.pngSuper Time Force Ultra.  I am really excited to see how you approach reviewing that, I really enjoyed that game, especially the HellaDeck puzzles, some of those had some really interesting solutions!


Sorry it's been a while Doc!


Nice to have you back mate!

Edited by DrBloodmoney
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Just now, Cleggworth said:

1. See game on sale on PSN that looks interesting.

2. Check to see if its been reviewed by DrBloodmoney.

3. If it reviews well, buy it


Shady Part of Me today


I'll be back once I've played it 1f44d.png

Glad to be of service, my man! ?

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"Shane has a tendency to talk to himself (well, to the player,) but does so with a tonal inconsistency that borders on laughable"


this is possibly something I could work with. The wife and I quite enjoy stuff we can laugh at for being dreadful ? it does sound like it strays way beyond 'so bad its good' back into 'so bad it's shit' though so... hard pass I think. Cheers for taking a bullet for the team on this

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3 minutes ago, Cleggworth said:

"Shane has a tendency to talk to himself (well, to the player,) but does so with a tonal inconsistency that borders on laughable"


this is possibly something I could work with. The wife and I quite enjoy stuff we can laugh at for being dreadful ? it does sound like it strays way beyond 'so bad its good' back into 'so bad it's shit' though so... hard pass I think. Cheers for taking a bullet for the team on this


haha - no problem... though I usually like to know it's a bullet I'm jumping infront of!


This one stung a little...

...it's so much worse when you are genuinely excited for a game and this is what you get ???


This wasn't so much jumping in front of the bullet, as it was eating the black sweet you think is going to be delicious blackberry, and it turns out some satan-worshipping terrorist at the wine-gum factory decided liquorice was an acceptable flavour for human consumption! ?

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Hell Yeah Curse of the Dead Gods review xD you said it better than I could ever do, that game was awesome and I can't recommend it enough.

2 hours ago, DrBloodmoney said:

I, for one, had all trophies bar that last one (and the platinum) for six months, before I was able to finally finish up the trophy list - and the final trophy took over 100 additional hours. While I am certainly an outlier -I have seen people complete the list in under 60 hours, (looking at you, @Copanele!,) the fact remains that the game asks a LOT of its players, if they desire that final platinum for their collection.

I do admit, I kinda did an Aztec Speedrun any% with that game ? but that's what happens when you get me obsessed over videogames. But yes, normally that game would take quite a while to grind and platinum.


And also thank you for reminding me (without intention) that I need to get Dead Cells already. Including that insane number of DLCs :D 


Now, a truly noobish question for you Doc. What are Artifex Mundi games? I ask, because my constant struggle lately is to find a game where I can relax and enjoy, an artsy 2/10 difficulty game that will chill my fingers, weary after crazy games(to explain, I chose Guacamelee 2 as an easy game to relax with - you can see why I am so bad at this xD ). I heard that these games are relaxing and fun but I don't know anything about them. Any recommendations?

Also if I asked this before on this thread (or mine), sorry, my memory is gold fish level.

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4 minutes ago, Copanele said:




Now, a truly noobish question for you Doc. What are Artifex Mundi games? I ask, because my constant struggle lately is to find a game where I can relax and enjoy, an artsy 2/10 difficulty game that will chill my fingers, weary after crazy games(to explain, I chose Guacamelee 2 as an easy game to relax with - you can see why I am so bad at this xD ). I heard that these games are relaxing and fun but I don't know anything about them. Any recommendations?

Also if I asked this before on this thread (or mine), sorry, my memory is gold fish level.

So… I have no idea if Artifex Mundi would scratch that itch for you… but the certainly do for me!


Well, first thing to note - they are very very basic games in terms of story / acting / animation etc. Like, seriously, if you don’t know what you’re in for, and play one in 2022, you are going to be like “wtf is this?

They are laughable as compared to even B-game quality games - on those terms. 

What they have in thier favour though, is pretty fun little puzzles, and picture hunting games, combined with a pretty good approximation of old-style adventure game mechanics.

The art is often very nice - still paintings, of course, but nice - and they are all easily completed in a day or so.


I like to describe them as the videogame equivalent of those “1001 Puzzles” books you buy in a train station to pass the time when on a long journey. They’re not going to challenge you too much, or stay with you too long, but they pass the time pleasantly, and you have fun while doing them!

What I will say, is that stylistically, they appeal to me (and I suspect I’m not alone) because I grew up on (and still have a soft spot for) those really old Sherlock homes games / early Sierra games, and the Nancy Drew games on Mac / PC.

They have the same earnestness in their rudimentary characters and visuals, and the same sort of discrete, one-and-done puzzles.


If you’re going to try one, I’d recommend starting with the Enigmatis ones - that’s a good series as they go…

…though one final point - I do maintain, they work best on IPad. No trophies of course, and nothing wrong with controller input in them, but the touchscreen is really the best format for them (and their suitability on iPad probably does a better job of giving an indication of what to expect better than my whole post here!) ?  

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Well I don't have an iPad, but you mentioned something xD 


8 minutes ago, DrBloodmoney said:

What I will say, is that stylistically, they appeal to me (and I suspect I’m not alone) because I grew up on (and still have a soft spot for) those really old Sherlock homes games / early Sierra games, and the Nancy Drew games on Mac / PC.

They have the same earnestness in their rudimentary characters and visuals, and the same sort of discrete, one-and-done puzzles.


If you mean the OLD Frogware Sherlock Holmes (I played Case of the Silver Earring so many times, loved it), the OLD Sierra games and...well I haven't played Nancy Drew but I know how those games were, then yeah, they might be a very chill "wanna play it just to have a relaxing time" kind of game that I want. Find the object, piece the puzzle...yep, just like the puzzle books.


I might legit have a check of these games. You might be amazed, but I don't always play "1001 ways to smash my fingers and regret my existence" kinds of games ? Enigmatis might be right up my alley. Many thanks for the recommendation!

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Thanks for reviewing Dandara, Doc. It looks like nothing that I've played before so I probably need to just play it on that basis alone, let alone to experience the positives as you've put them. Would you recommend Dandara or Celeste if I was to only play one of them?


You've also helped Super Time Force Ultra reach a tipping point with me too, and I think it's on perpetual sale... I just needed a trusted reviewer to show me the way.


I hadn't commented on your prior batch of reviews yet, which might be my favourite batch from you ever, I think.


Journey is such a beautiful game and I related the chance meetings of other players to gaming's version of a one night stand, so it's funny seeing that you related it to a chanced holiday tryst. It must be art, because it becomes more beautiful when actually trying to formulate an intelligent reason why it has such an impact than it was when playing it. Some games need a distinct ending and meaning. Some need some ambiguity. Some, like Journey, are better off being juuuuuuust metaphorical enough that every player can apply multiple levels of meaning, relation and understanding. 


The Outer Wilds and The Forgotten City... what rock have I been living under? You have sold me in singular reviews without looking at trailers or trophy lists. They're straight to the Must-Plays, Doc, and if I was to make a scientifically-organised tier list about the quality of your reviews, these two would be top 5 material. ?


On 04/02/2022 at 8:59 AM, rjkclarke said:

What are you doing to me man? I had no idea what Outer Wilds was, and now I literally want to know everything there is to know about it! I think it's kind of funny the fact that you apologised for vagueness. You absolutely shouldn't - you made that game sound so appealing and so interesting that I'd be letting myself down if I never tried to play it at some point! 


This is accurate! And I'm very grateful you didn't spoil this one, yet am also grateful with the small amount of tantalising that is in The Forgotten City's review. You've got perfect instincts.


L.A. Noire, though? I dunno... That game missed the mark for me, but the review was again an interesting read to see where we would disagree. 


Looking forward to the next batch!

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4 hours ago, GonzoWARgasm said:

Thanks for reviewing Dandara, Doc. It looks like nothing that I've played before so I probably need to just play it on that basis alone, let alone to experience the positives as you've put them. Would you recommend Dandara or Celeste if I was to only play one of them?


Ha - well, contrary to all expectation and common sense, I’ve somehow not actually played Celeste yet!


I bought it a while back, but it’s been one of those games that just managed to pachinko it’s way in between other games, and slip through the cracks so far!

I’ve heard great things - but I will say, Celeste seems to get the respect it clearly deserves. Dandara, on the other hand is criminally underplayed - so I’m gonna be a bit wide, and say Dandara is the one to go with anyways! ? 


4 hours ago, GonzoWARgasm said:

You've also helped Super Time Force Ultra reach a tipping point with me too, and I think it's on perpetual sale... I just needed a trusted reviewer to show me the way.


I hadn't commented on your prior batch of reviews yet, which might be my favourite batch from you ever, I think.


Journey is such a beautiful game and I related the chance meetings of other players to gaming's version of a one night stand, so it's funny seeing that you related it to a chanced holiday tryst. It must be art, because it becomes more beautiful when actually trying to formulate an intelligent reason why it has such an impact than it was when playing it. Some games need a distinct ending and meaning. Some need some ambiguity. Some, like Journey, are better off being juuuuuuust metaphorical enough that every player can apply multiple levels of meaning, relation and understanding. 


Totally agree!


4 hours ago, GonzoWARgasm said:


The Outer Wilds and The Forgotten City... what rock have I been living under? You have sold me in singular reviews without looking at trailers or trophy lists. They're straight to the Must-Plays, Doc, and if I was to make a scientifically-organised tier list about the quality of your reviews, these two would be top 5 material. 1f61c.png

Absolutely - as a fellow The Witness appreciator, I have no doubt at all you will recognise the magic of Outer Wilds quickly - and be consumed as I was!


One of those rare games where t will want to crack out the notepad and pencil - as you’ll be space-detective-ing your way around the solar system with the same level of wonder and awe The Witness tapped into!



Very happy to have piqued your interest in The Forgotten City too - what a game!   

That was a rough one to try and keep the spoilers out of, but good that the enthusiasm still rings through- I did worry it would get a bit to vague for anyone to understand!


4 hours ago, GonzoWARgasm said:


L.A. Noire, though? I dunno... That game missed the mark for me, but the review was again an interesting read to see where we would disagree. 


Hey - it’s an oddball one for sure - definitely an aquired taste, so I can understand. After all, we’ve all got those games we just can’t connect with, despite the popular consensus - and I’ve got plenty of them myself! 

In the end, if we all agreed on everything, the checklists would be a pretty dull spot ?


4 hours ago, GonzoWARgasm said:


Looking forward to the next batch!


 Cheers dude!

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Yet another mouth-watering batch of goodness, and one where my backlog was once again unable to escape unscathed.




Dandara and Super Time Force Ultra seem like obvious adds for me, the latter in particular reminding me of current backlog dwellers Broforce and Unmetal (who are no doubt chilling together and sharing obnoxious, testosterone laden jokes).


Stick It to the Man presents me with an interesting thought - would it be best to play that before Flipping Death, or after? It definitely doesn't seem like a game I'd care to skip altogether, it sounds like a lot of fun! Ay, another curse of these threads - not only do you watch the amount of games you want to play skyrocket, there's also a potential optimal order in which to play them! Back in the day you hear about a cool game, you just shrug, make the purchase and play! Man... overthinking and gaming does not mix.


When I got to Artful Escape I noticed the image was not rectangular so figured it was a PS5 game and it didn't apply to me. But it sounded so much up my alley, from the emphasis on love of music to your Wes Anderson and Afterparty comparisons, that I snuck a quick look and confirmed that it's available on PS4 as well. Which made me think:


Awesome, I can play it!!




Dammit, now I have to play it!!


in a unison so perfect it was slightly confusing!


Curse of the Dead Gods intimidates me more than a bit, but I must confess to being intrigued.



On 2/5/2022 at 9:44 AM, Copanele said:

 Now, a truly noobish question for you Doc. What are Artifex Mundi games? I ask, because my constant struggle lately is to find a game where I can relax and enjoy, an artsy 2/10 difficulty game that will chill my fingers, weary after crazy games(to explain, I chose Guacamelee 2 as an easy game to relax with - you can see why I am so bad at this xD ). I heard that these games are relaxing and fun but I don't know anything about them. Any recommendations?

Also if I asked this before on this thread (or mine), sorry, my memory is gold fish level.


As far as just something chill but entertaining goes, I recently played Islanders and Dex, and am currently playing Murdered: Soul Suspect, all of which fit the bill - Islanders the most by far, as there's no guide-necessitating collectibles to pad out the playing time.


I am on the opposite end, it's been a while since I've had a new, challenging game to sink my teeth into, but at the same time I really want to finish more of what's on my plate first!

Edited by YaManSmevz
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1 minute ago, YaManSmevz said:

Stick It to the Man presents me with an interesting thought - would it be best to play that before Flipping Death, or after? It definitely doesn't seem like a game I'd care to skip altogether, it sounds like a lot of fun! Ay, another curse of these threads - not only do you watch the amount of games you want to play skyrocket, there's also a potential optimal order in which to play them! Back in the day you hear about a cool game, you just shrug, make the purchase and play! Man... overthinking and gaming does not mix.


You know - I actually thought a lot about that while I was reviewing both of them - I thought about talking about it a little, but it didn't feel fitting to be advising order to people, as it's a personal thing, but since you asked....

...9 times out of 10, I would usually advise playing in order, but in this particular case, I actually think I might have appreciate Stick it To The Man a little more, if i had played it for the first time after Flipping Death. In this case, because they aren't actually a series, there isn't a narrative reason to stick to chronological, and I think seeing the formula work great in Flipping Death first would probably have primed me to look past some of Stick it To The Man's flaws as endearing early stepping stones than outright issues, knowing what they lead to.


On the other hand of course, if you want to end on the high-point, you could just go chronological, and just trust me that the issues in Stick it To The Man are all going to be solved, and the experience much better in Flipping Death!



1 minute ago, YaManSmevz said:

When I got to Artful Escape I noticed the image was not rectangular so figured it was a PS5 game and it didn't apply to me. But it sounded so much up my alley, from the emphasis on love of music to your Wes Anderson and Afterparty comparisons, that I snuck a quick look and confirmed that it's available on PS4 as well. Which made me think:


Awesome, I can play it!!




Dammit, now I have to play it!!


in a unison so perfect it was slightly confusing!


Haha - in your face! ?


Dude - it's so worth it. What a bizarre and unusual thing - and such an uplifting experience. It's about 4 hours in total, and I don't think my smile faded once in that whole time!


1 minute ago, YaManSmevz said:

Curse of the Dead Gods intimidates me more than a bit, but I must confess to being intrigued.


Well, all I'll say on that is - don't ever be intimidated by a game on my checklist!

Trust me - if I get an S-Rank, it's possible for anyone - I'm at best modestly good at games, but in general, if I throw down with anyone in any kind of match-up / co-op / competitive play - in any game - I look like Frank Drebin, and they look like James Bond ?


Any time I get an S-Rank in a game that seems tough, you know I bumbled my way through it ass-backwards, though a combination of pig-headedness and dumb-luck, and so if that can happen for me, it can happen for anyone! ?


1 minute ago, YaManSmevz said:


As far as just something chill but entertaining goes, I recently played Islanders and Dex, and am currently playing Murdered: Soul Suspect, all of which fit the bill - Islanders the most by far, as there's no guide-necessitating collectibles to pad out the playing time.


Islanders caught my eye a while ago (when Realm reviewed it I think?,) but it got a bump up with your review, and is currently in my wishlist - reckon I'll get on it when the city-building vibe hits... and since there's a new dlc out for Cities Skylines, I'm thinking that might be the perfect chill-version to wean myself back out of a Cities Skylines relapse!


How do you like Murdered: Soul Suspect? I found that a really weird one - like a photo-hunt / adventure game in disguise as an open-world game! It felt a bit like and Artifext Mundi game rubbed a magic lamp, and wished it was a crime-sim for a day or something ?- very odd, but kind of awesome in it's oddness!



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6 minutes ago, DrBloodmoney said:


You know - I actually thought a lot about that while I was reviewing both of them - I thought about talking about it a little, but it didn't feel fitting to be advising order to people, as it's a personal thing, but since you asked....

...9 times out of 10, I would usually advise playing in order, but in this particular case, I actually think I might have appreciate Stick it To The Man a little more, if i had played it for the first time after Flipping Death. In this case, because they aren't actually a series, there isn't a narrative reason to stick to chronological, and I think seeing the formula work great in Flipping Death first would probably have primed me to look past some of Stick it To The Man's flaws as endearing early stepping stones than outright issues, knowing what they lead to.


Yeah, I think I'll try that. Truth be told, I'm more excited for Flipping Death, but this one just sounds too slap-happy to pass up, so maybe that's the correct order for me!


Man, I sound like Chidi from The Good Place right now.. what's the right order??!!!


6 minutes ago, DrBloodmoney said:

Haha - in your face! 1f602.png


Dude - it's so worth it. What a bizarre and unusual thing - and such an uplifting experience. It's about 4 hours in total, and I don't think my smile faded once in that whole time!




Yeah that one's getting a hearty add to the backlog... once I clear out all the games that've been cluttering up the gaming space, I've got a lot of games to set up!


6 minutes ago, DrBloodmoney said:

Well, all I'll say on that is - don't ever be intimidated by a game on my checklist!

Trust me - if I get an S-Rank, it's possible for anyone - I'm at best modestly good at games, but in general, if I throw down with anyone in any kind of match-up / co-op / competitive play - in any game - I look like Frank Drebin, and they look like James Bond 1f602.png


Any time I get an S-Rank in a game that seems tough, you know I bumbled my way through it ass-backwards, though a combination of pig-headedness and dumb-luck, and so if that can happen for me, it can happen for anyone! 1f602.png


Hah! I appreciate that (both the sentiment and the Frank Drebin comparison). It's been a while since I've conquered anything truly arduous and I feel that's a muscle that needs to be exercised somewhat regularly. It's easy to forget that the road to any S rank is paved with a whole lot of failure, regardless of who's on it!


6 minutes ago, DrBloodmoney said:

Islanders caught my eye a while ago (when Realm reviewed it I think?,) but it got a bump up with your review, and is currently in my wishlist - reckon I'll get on it when the city-building vibe hits... and since there's a new dlc out for Cities Skylines, I'm thinking that might be the perfect chill-version to wean myself back out of a Cities Skylines relapse!


YES. All of this, just yes.


I need to get back into Cities, man.. finally made some progress and fell back off. It's a stupendously well made city planner, and it deserves the attention!


Martin Prince: My simulator must be acknowledged!


6 minutes ago, DrBloodmoney said:

How do you like Murdered: Soul Suspect? I found that a really weird one - like a photo-hunt / adventure game in disguise as an open-world game! It felt a bit like and Artifext Mundi game rubbed a magic lamp, and wished it was a crime-sim for a day or something 1f602.png- very odd, but kind of awesome in it's oddness!


I like it! It's one of those games that knows what it is and what it's going for, and doesn't try anything too fancy. The combat is awkward (boooo) and apparently there are 200+ collectibles (booooooooo) but combat isn't too common, and collectibles aren't difficult to find so long as you're making a genuine effort to explore your surroundings. The story is simple, the atmosphere and look are cool, and it's quite undemanding. Also a dope thing to play late at night!

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Another fantastic batch of reads Doc!


Although I must admit some of them did give me a little deja vu. Especially about Final Fantasy XIII-2 and Eventide 3 haha.


I'd already said how much Flipping Death had caught my eye, but I'm pretty interested in playing Stick it to the Man now too. Albeit, from what you said I probably ought to play that first so that Stick it to the Man isn't a little bit underwhelming compared to Flipping Death, I could totally get excited about both of those though, so that's one I'm definitely bumping up the order of priority.


They were all great reads obviously - even Moons of Madness which I think I can safely say I'll be applying words you and I have both used in the past of "You've played it, so I don't have to" switch them around, depending on who said it or words to those effects. That seems like a huge mess, especially the way the audio was overlapping in places - trust me when I say this, that is such an easy thing to avoid happening, which makes it even less forgivable.  So whoever their dedicated mole person was, they deserve to have their "Hour outside the Sound Silo privileges" revoked for a while.


Thank you for giving Final Fantasy XIII-2 a reasoned review too - so many people get caught up on so many fairly petty arguments about whether that game is good or not, or what makes it bad - you already kind of know my opinion on that game, to some degree, it really isn't too dissimilar to yours. 


I just think people focus on the wrong elements for criticism in that series - that game in particular, is not the one that deserves quite a lot of hate thrown its way. I'm glad you elected not to tackle the story too, because it is, as you rightly say, so convoluted that you'd probably break the forum software just trying to even get close.


You've also put me off reviewing XIII-2 myself for a while, not that I was planning to anytime soon (I don't want to touch anything I know will take an age to write for a little bit,) but because this is another one of those situations where I wouldn't like to be accused of plagiarism ?..... I'd spend too long writing about how immaculate that games sound design is anyway, and it really, REALLY is.


It's certainly my favourite one in that weird little trilogy that literally nobody asked for.


On 05/02/2022 at 6:06 PM, DrBloodmoney said:

If you’re going to try one, I’d recommend starting with the Enigmatis ones - that’s a good series as they go…

…though one final point - I do maintain, they work best on IPad. No trophies of course, and nothing wrong with controller input in them, but the touchscreen is really the best format for them (and their suitability on iPad probably does a better job of giving an indication of what to expect better than my whole post here!) 1f602.png  

On 05/02/2022 at 6:19 PM, Copanele said:

I might legit have a check of these games. You might be amazed, but I don't always play "1001 ways to smash my fingers and regret my existence" kinds of games 1f602.png Enigmatis might be right up my alley. Many thanks for the recommendation!


Okay so, I think Doc is on the money in recommending you Enigmatis for a decent Artifex Mundi title......That'd be the one I'd recommend people start with too  I definitely think there's a bit of crossover, even if it is a small one with those Frogwares Sherlock Holmes games too.


My worry though, is that if you play Engimatis first (which I did too) you'll probably find that you - fairly or unfairly, compare any other Artifex Mundi title you play to that specific series. I haven't played every one of them, Doc has played a fair few more of them than I have, but they usually have one or two good entries in each series. Or one that really stands above the rest - whereas I thought all three of the Enigmatis games were all at least very good to excellent to varying degrees. . Even so - you could play those three good games and see how you feel about Artifex Mundi as a developer after that.  They are absolutely great when it comes to a nice chilled out experience.


21 hours ago, GonzoWARgasm said:

You've also helped Super Time Force Ultra reach a tipping point with me too, and I think it's on perpetual sale... I just needed a trusted reviewer to show me the way.


Get it played Gonzo!


It is a fantastic game - if you fancied it you could do it for the Ultra Rare Cleanup too. I know you were finding it a bit tough to get some gaming in lately - but thankfully Super Time Force Ultra isn't too much of a drain on your time, but it is an incredibly fun experience. Try not to get too offended that the Australian character is called Melanie Gibson and throws a boomerang......  ? You know, just pretend you aren't seeing any.... *cough*.... *ahem*..... cultural appropriation ...... *cough*and I'm sure you'll have a good time.


Also ? for bigging up the Hella-Deck levels Doc, instead of them being a nuisance like I've seen some people describe them ..... I kind of figured if anyone was going to wax lyrical about those it was going to be you..... Well.... you or me, but I haven't gotten around to reviewing Super Time Force Ultra yet, and now this is another one I won't for a while for the same fear of plagiarism claims haha ?



I loved reading about Curse of the Dead Gods too by the way.....I might have to try that out some ways down the line after I give myself a little bit more experience with rouge-likes, which honestly, I'm really not very well versed in at the moment despite liking the very limited experiences I've had with them!


Congratulations on finally slaying that beast man! Bet that feels satisfying, it also sounds like it's joined pretty esteemed company amongst the games that get left on your console long after completion!

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5 hours ago, rjkclarke said:

Another fantastic batch of reads Doc!


Although I must admit some of them did give me a little deja vu. Especially about Final Fantasy XIII-2 and Eventide 3 haha.



The perils of discussing the games while also working on reviews... the review ends up containing half the lines you 'test-ran' during casual conversations! ?


5 hours ago, rjkclarke said:

I'd already said how much Flipping Death had caught my eye, but I'm pretty interested in playing Stick it to the Man now too. Albeit, from what you said I probably ought to play that first so that Stick it to the Man isn't a little bit underwhelming compared to Flipping Death, I could totally get excited about both of those though, so that's one I'm definitely bumping up the order of priority.


They were all great reads obviously - even Moons of Madness which I think I can safely say I'll be applying words you and I have both used in the past of "You've played it, so I don't have to" switch them around, depending on who said it or words to those effects. That seems like a huge mess, especially the way the audio was overlapping in places - trust me when I say this, that is such an easy thing to avoid happening, which makes it even less forgivable.  So whoever their dedicated mole person was, they deserve to have their "Hour outside the Sound Silo privileges" revoked for a while.


Man - that one was so bizarre. The first time it happened, I assumed it was just a one off glitch - and if that was theo nly time, I'd not have bothered mentioning it, as it probably wouldn't happen to everyone... but it ended up happening 3 or 4 times for me, so I have to assume it was an oversight in design, and not just a technical hitch. 

It was funny for sure, but man - in a horror game where tension is key, the first time your audience laughs, that's it really. There's not much you can do to come back from there!


5 hours ago, rjkclarke said:

Thank you for giving Final Fantasy XIII-2 a reasoned review too - so many people get caught up on so many fairly petty arguments about whether that game is good or not, or what makes it bad - you already kind of know my opinion on that game, to some degree, it really isn't too dissimilar to yours. 


I just think people focus on the wrong elements for criticism in that series - that game in particular, is not the one that deserves quite a lot of hate thrown its way. I'm glad you elected not to tackle the story too, because it is, as you rightly say, so convoluted that you'd probably break the forum software just trying to even get close.


You've also put me off reviewing XIII-2 myself for a while, not that I was planning to anytime soon (I don't want to touch anything I know will take an age to write for a little bit,) but because this is another one of those situations where I wouldn't like to be accused of plagiarism 1f602.png..... I'd spend too long writing about how immaculate that games sound design is anyway, and it really, REALLY is.


It's certainly my favourite one in that weird little trilogy that literally nobody asked for.


Thanks! Truth be told, that one felt a bit wishy-washy in the end - like most of the JRP games, most conversation among people who played is about story specifics, but trying to summarise those plots is impossible without going for thousands of words anyways, and doing it in a non-spoiler-heavy way is a fools errand, so the reviews end up pretty vague by necessity!


I do think both the games I've payed of that XIII trilogy were pretty hard-done-to really. Are they on the level of some of the brightest FF stars? No, not really - but since when did "not as good as some of the best games in a genre" equates to "Bad"? ?

They're still a great time, and have their ups and downs like most every game - and I think both FXIII and FFXIII-2 have some pretty great high points!



5 hours ago, rjkclarke said:

Get it played Gonzo!


It is a fantastic game - if you fancied it you could do it for the Ultra Rare Cleanup too. I know you were finding it a bit tough to get some gaming in lately - but thankfully Super Time Force Ultra isn't too much of a drain on your time, but it is an incredibly fun experience. Try not to get too offended that the Australian character is called Melanie Gibson and throws a boomerang......  1f644.png You know, just pretend you aren't seeing any.... *cough*.... *ahem*..... cultural appropriation ...... *cough*and I'm sure you'll have a good time.


Also 1f44d.png for bigging up the Hella-Deck levels Doc, instead of them being a nuisance like I've seen some people describe them ..... I kind of figured if anyone was going to wax lyrical about those it was going to be you..... Well.... you or me, but I haven't gotten around to reviewing Super Time Force Ultra yet, and now this is another one I won't for a while for the same fear of plagiarism claims haha 1f602.png


Yeah, I had a notion that the Hella-Deck would probably be the section of that game - like the Clank puzzles in R&C: A Crack in Time - that would be my high-point, and everyone else's low point!

TBH, it is understandable - in both cases. I mean, neither game is sold as a puzzle game, and that is a much more niche genre than the action one that both main campaigns play into, but I do still kinda mourn the idea that people see a great puzzle-game addition to a package as a burden, rather than a nice surprise, and a good sampling of puzzle-game mechanics by way of side content in a generally non-puzzle game.


On paper, it should be a good taster for another genre, but with the focus on trophies and completion that's inevitable now, I guess it can be an annoyance. I mean, I'd probably have the same reaction if a puzzle-game I bought shad some side content that was a survival game or a racing game or some genre I'm less of a fan of personally - though I like to think if those sections were of good quality, as the Hella-Deck is, I'd be more forgiving!


5 hours ago, rjkclarke said:


I loved reading about Curse of the Dead Gods too by the way.....I might have to try that out some ways down the line after I give myself a little bit more experience with rouge-likes, which honestly, I'm really not very well versed in at the moment despite liking the very limited experiences I've had with them!


Congratulations on finally slaying that beast man! Bet that feels satisfying, it also sounds like it's joined pretty esteemed company amongst the games that get left on your console long after completion!


Ha - yeah, for sure @Copanele jumping in on that one, and offering some strats, and keeping the conversation going definitely gave me the fuel to finally go back to it with more than just a casual eye, and get over the real humps in difficulty - and once those were done, the game is just so addictive that it carried me through the last parts!

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5 hours ago, rjkclarke said:

Okay so, I think Doc is on the money in recommending you Enigmatis for a decent Artifex Mundi title......That'd be the one I'd recommend people start with too  I definitely think there's a bit of crossover, even if it is a small one with those Frogwares Sherlock Holmes games too.


My worry though, is that if you play Engimatis first (which I did too) you'll probably find that you - fairly or unfairly, compare any other Artifex Mundi title you play to that specific series. I haven't played every one of them, Doc has played a fair few more of them than I have, but they usually have one or two good entries in each series. Or one that really stands above the rest - whereas I thought all three of the Enigmatis games were all at least very good to excellent to varying degrees. . Even so - you could play those three good games and see how you feel about Artifex Mundi as a developer after that.  They are absolutely great when it comes to a nice chilled out experience.


It's all I wanted to hear :D to be honest, I don't expect to have a mad gaming experience with these games, I just want to sit back, have my significant other join me and go " alright, let's find those pesky objects hidden in the background" and have a laugh. Need to recover my fingers from Persona 4 Arena somehow.

12 hours ago, YaManSmevz said:

As far as just something chill but entertaining goes, I recently played Islanders and Dex, and am currently playing Murdered: Soul Suspect, all of which fit the bill - Islanders the most by far, as there's no guide-necessitating collectibles to pad out the playing time.


I am on the opposite end, it's been a while since I've had a new, challenging game to sink my teeth into, but at the same time I really want to finish more of what's on my plate first!


OH A game with no guide-necessitating collectibles. That's so rare damn! Definitely caught my attention xD 

Hah I am at the supermarket again, filling my cart with suggestions.

5 hours ago, rjkclarke said:

I loved reading about Curse of the Dead Gods too by the way.....I might have to try that out some ways down the line after I give myself a little bit more experience with rouge-likes, which honestly, I'm really not very well versed in at the moment despite liking the very limited experiences I've had with them!


Congratulations on finally slaying that beast man! Bet that feels satisfying, it also sounds like it's joined pretty esteemed company amongst the games that get left on your console long after completion!


7 minutes ago, DrBloodmoney said:

Ha - yeah, for sure @Copanele jumping in on that one, and offering some strats, and keeping the conversation going definitely gave me the fuel to finally go back to it with more than just a casual eye, and get over the real humps in difficulty - and once those were done, the game is just so addictive that it carried me through the last parts!

Yee @rjkclarke go for Curse of the Dead Gods whenever you got some spare time :D that one is KILLER fun. Now I want more mesoamerican mythology based games, just because of that one xD 

Also, you might be the one to figure out how to use the damn bombs. Because in 200 runs I still haven't figured out how those stupid weapons work.

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3 minutes ago, Copanele said:

Yee @rjkclarke go for Curse of the Dead Gods whenever you got some spare time :D that one is KILLER fun. Now I want more mesoamerican mythology based games, just because of that one xD 

Also, you might be the one to figure out how to use the damn bombs. Because in 200 runs I still haven't figured out how those stupid weapons work.


? True that!


I think all the times I tried to use bombs, I killed myself more than I killed the enemies - I lost count of how many times I used them to blow open weak walls, only to have them bounce back and blow myself up! :facepalm::facepalm:

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17 minutes ago, DrBloodmoney said:



269b.png!!SCIENCE UPDATE!!269b.png



The next 5 (somewhat) randomly selected games to be submitted for scientific analysis shall be:


Castlevania: Lords of Shadow

Hitman GO

Life is Strange: Before the Storm
Life is Strange 2





Subject(s) in RED marked for 274e.pngPRIORITY ASSIGNEMENT274e.png

[Care of @Cleggworth & @Neef-GT5 ]


(Plus, some of the others not chosen by - but rather, in honour of @Cleggworth... 1f609.png)



Can 'Current Most Awesome' game, Hitman 3, maintain the title again?


Is gaming slop-bucket LA Cops going to be emptied, and finally lose the title of the title of 'Least Awesome Game'?



Let's find out, Science Chums!


Spectacular timing on Life is Strange 2 ? Apotheon was my request but I'm more interested in finding out why I'm wrong with that now!

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On 08/02/2022 at 2:40 PM, Cleggworth said:


Spectacular timing on Life is Strange 2 ? Apotheon was my request but I'm more interested in finding out why I'm wrong with that now!


haha - yeah... I definitely didn't bump another game just to slide that one in at the last minute for your benefit... :ninja:?


Hey - I think you're the one with the general consensus in your corner on that one -  it's me that will be shouting dissenting opinions into the void, I think! ?

Edited by DrBloodmoney
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