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Go away son you're bothering me...


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So this being my 100th post I decided to make it my introduction. 


My name's Joe (surprise, surprise). There's nothing really interesting about my life except for the fact that I'm currently attending graduate school in the counseling program and I've now been married almost 8 months (still longer than the Kardashian).  


Gaming wise, I've been playing Runescape for almost 7 years.  Been addicted to video games since the best console of all time (the N64 you know it ).  Started on the PS3 in 2011 and have been here ever since.  I don't play that many games as I prefer to only buy and play the same few games I enjoy.  Of course I'm sure you're wondering, what games could they possibly be? Well I'll tell you, it's mostly Brink and more Brink then some Brink on the side.  I've logged over 700 hours on the game and between Runescape, marriage, graduate school, and randomly trophy hunting I don't do much else.  


That's all I can think of, everything else is boring.  :awesome:


P.S.  If you know the author of the above quote (without Googling you cheaters) you're either old enough to say "remember the good old days" or your father also had a sick sense of humor.

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An official welcome is in order, then.

Since you already know the ins and outs of this madhouse called PSNP, I won't bother you with the usual "hope you enjoy your stay"- small talk (of course I DO hope you'll continue staying here)  :lol:


Wow, 7 years of Runescape...But I bet in Runescape community you're still called "noob". After all, 7 years is just a good start  :awesome:


As a fellow married man I know keeping the balance between everything is, hmm, challenging, but as long as you remember to enjoy the games you get to play, it's all good  :yay:


Oh, what the heck: I hope you'll enjoy your stay here at PSNP  :wave:

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