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Can we do something about status and forum spam?

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16 hours ago, BlindMango said:

"shovelware platinum 1,234, shovelware platinum 1,235, shovelware platinum 1,236" with no added information, description, insight, or information and knowing this very obviously goes to the public feed for everyone to see?

I will never understand this subset of the trophy community.


I'm not familiar with whomever this thread is specifically referencing but I do see in certain threads such as the post your last platinum, what's your average rarity, how many unearned trophies do you have etc. etc. A small number of users who would very routinely post there with multiple of their posts per page. And then there's the old PS communities feature, trophy related Discord groups, social media platforms where all some people would post is a number and a game title... Nothing more...


I've just never understood that kind of spam, excessive updates on your stats with no insight and when pretty much nothing has changed. If you have 1200 platinums and you get 1201 in Stroke the Venezuelan Poodle Moth and then 1202 in Jumping Roadkill Kebab you don't need to be posting them all up as and when they happen xD


Same with completion% or avg rarity etc. Routine posts just saying "33.31%", "33.32%", "33.30%". Just why? I don't get it? Maybe I'm just missing something...

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16 hours ago, MidnightDragon said:

If they want to fill their profile with stuff that doesn’t even qualify as games, that’s their deal. Not impressing anyone really.


True, but also it shouldn't be about impressing people. If i got 200 "jump" plats i would just question why i spent 400-500$ on what, 20 seconds of fame? a rep point maybe? someone saying "nice, congrats, good work". etc?"

its almost more a respect/earned approval when you get a plat in say, Crisis Core Reunion: Final Fantasy VII, as opposed to Jumping Cookie. It shows work being put in. Just my take on it.


15 hours ago, TheYuriG said:

The issues raised by this thread are the very reason why I quit being active in these forums back in 2019 and I continue to be reluctant to be active again. The forum experience is so godawful


I dont think you're missed much or at all tbh. Plus you had some tech course thing so all the best with that mate. The site has changed for the better in the last few months. Aside from the spam games. As far as being the first to do "Trophy thoughts", that's just a general topic that will be made no matter what, so really who cares who starts it. Chances are most buyers will comment anyway and thus a discussion begins.

Edited by Infected Elite
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It sucks that the status update section works as it does - everyone reads everyone. But both sides can do something about it.


- If you have to document every platinum you earn under your profile while earning 5 a day, or you just want to post 5 times a day about the same thing of any kind, you can make one post a day and put the other 4 platinums/updates in the comments under that post. 


- If you want to read only people you like, you can subscribe to all of them, and just follow their updates when you get notifications. If that's too much, or you want to see every new update, then it's back to the aformentioned "just scroll".


Personally, I try to see everything that happens in the status section (for some reason), so I just filter all that stuff by scrolling/ignoring. Not that anything annoys me in particular. In a place where everyone posts their stuff, you kinda have to ignore most of it anyway. That's too much stuff to be bothered by.

Edited by Slava
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i dunno.


I just recent visit the forums more often and found the recent status updates visible for all a good idea.

On PST no one ever notice any status update you say there or want to start a conversation.

I think the idea behind this very good.


Sure there are many Spams just say Platinum #1,234 - Chicken Bowl Quiz NA PS4 or simple Night, morning etc.....

but you can not filter this out unless your programm a mimum of text used to actual post it. If this is even possible. I know of maxium letters used but a minimum?


since i aanswer a few and checked some of the intressting ones i can deal with the Spams very fine.

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This has probably been mentioned in the last 4 pages here, but cant they just make a personal thread and post all they want. Or people that constant post stuff on status update...cant they too make their own thread? If people really care or want to see what their everyday life is about they would follow the thread...

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2 minutes ago, LadyGallethX3 said:

This has probably been mentioned in the last 4 pages here, but cant they just make a personal thread and post all they want. Or people that constant post stuff on status update...cant they too make their own thread? If people really care or want to see what their everyday life is about they would follow the thread...


Isn't that what the trophy checklists thread is for? ? Maybe they don't know about it.

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44 minutes ago, LadyGallethX3 said:

This has probably been mentioned in the last 4 pages here, but cant they just make a personal thread and post all they want. Or people that constant post stuff on status update...cant they too make their own thread? If people really care or want to see what their everyday life is about they would follow the thread...


Like a free-for-all for political, a free-for-all for boycotting games, a free-for-all for anything really....


instead of (insert new thread here), thread closed. (insert tomorrow new thread) etc.


thing is there would almost have to be no rules. Which i just cant see mods allowing lol

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9 hours ago, Jelly Soup said:

it's been like three weeks.

Nah, way more. Either way, still a lot.


Again, I'm very very surprised to see how many people disagree with me: they have very questionable standards on how a Forum should run smoothly, to say the least. Flood/Spam shouldn't be allowed, point and simple.


"He doesn't break any rules", my ass.


I'm glad there is some folks who agrees with me, through.

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Well its more underhanded harassment of one user who does nothing against the rules but gets targeted since its open season on shovelware the whole year. I mean the person in question merges the earned platinums in the Latest Platinum thread (at least recently), if the status update doesn't filter that person's posts then thats a forum issue and not the user in question's fault. I also do not think this  behaviour is on purpose to annoy people.


If you want more quality status updates or more insightful posts on Recent Platinum threads then write your own. I mean I use said thread to showcase some hard platinums or some great games such as Omno. I am not telling others what they have to post or not in that thread. And no, said user does not annoy me. 

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6 hours ago, Thrillhelm said:

I mean the person in question merges the earned platinums in the Latest Platinum thread (at least recently), if the status update doesn't filter that person's posts then thats a forum issue and not the user in question's fault. I also do not think this  behaviour is on purpose to annoy people.


Most likely that's just because the forum auto merges replies that are posted one after the other.


It's not even about shovelware; the games he plays are garbage, yes, but seeing as how nobody cares about his platinums, they would be ignored if he wasn't taking up ridiculous amounts of space both in the most recent platinum thread and the recent status updates section. He doesn't participate in any way except to post the titles of garbage platinums. He doesn't upvote or respond to others' posts, he doesn't actually write anything in his posts, etc. This behavior *is* very much his fault. The fact that some of his spam can't be filtered out just makes it more evidently so.


On any other forum this behavior would be considered spam and would likely lead to a ban. And for good reason. This is a public forum. If you do not make any effort whatsoever to engage with other members of the community or contribute to it in any way, why are you here?

Edited by Darling Baphomet
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8 minutes ago, Darling Baphomet said:

On any other forum this behavior would be considered spam and would likely lead to a ban. And for good reason. This is a public forum. If you do not make any effort whatsoever to engage with other members of the community or contribute to it in any way, why are you here?

^ This.


Again: this site is about Trophy hunting, not Trophy addicted, there is literally a feature against shovelware. As long as this guy keeps doing what is stated in the message I quoted and nothing else, I just don't see how he can be welcomed here. And also, I don't see how this thought can be considered "extreme".

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1 hour ago, Darling Baphomet said:


Most likely that's just because the forum auto merges replies that are posted one after the other.


It's not even about shovelware; the games he plays are garbage, yes, but seeing as how nobody cares about his platinums, they would be ignored if he wasn't taking up ridiculous amounts of space both in the most recent platinum thread and the recent status updates section. He doesn't participate in any way except to post the titles of garbage platinuma. He doesn't upvote or respond to others' posts, he doesn't actually write anything in his posts, etc. This behavior *is* very much his fault. The fact that some of his spam can't be filtered out just makes it more evidently so.


On any other forum this behavior would be considered spam and would likely lead to a ban. And for good reason. This is a public forum. If you do not make any effort whatsoever to engage with other members of the community or contribute to it in any way, why are you here?

Person in question posts and people read it. No obligation to interact more, especially in a forum that hostile to your gaming preferences. Other people do not decide when this person has to answer. And given the toxicity of the forum, I can see why there is no more interaction of the person. 


So if the forum auto-merges posts everything's fine on that department I guess.


So basically what you are telling me is that the person in question is at the mercy of the mods and should have been warned or banned long ago when no rules are broken. Or if the ignore list would extend to the status update it would make no problem.


The feature against shovelware which is used as an argument here to allow harassment is implemented poorly, just as the ignore list on the status update. It should be "hide shovelware" as an option not "show shovelware". But that 'argument' tells me it is more about bullying one person than actually improving the forum, another cheap shot at users who play shovelware games because god beware a less toxic community for some days.


No need to reply both Darling and Kenji, fed up with your negativity and ignoring you.

Edited by Thrillhelm
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Surprised this isnt locked yet but here's the thing, at the end of the day, is it a bit annoying to see a person spam plat #1500, #1501, #1502, all in 3 seperate status updates when they're the same game or something or of the jump/spam thing? yes. Is it 24/7? no. I see it maybe once a day, and even in the recent platinum sections, if you ignore that user you won't be seeing their post. 


Should blocking be able to prevent seeing user status updates? yes. But clearly that isn't the case. I'm not one to tell anybody what to do with their money or profile, thats their business. But i don't necessarily think a few users spamming shovelware plats once a day is worth an entire thread that inevitably gets derailed into the same form of debates we often see here. 


I agree with the sides against shovelware but ultimately the posts barely bother me. I just scroll past or ignore it. Waiting a few minutes normally refreshes with new status updates by other members. So i dont think it's worth the effort.


Now as a temporary fix i do think said user should combine those 3 status updates for example: plat #1500, #1501, #1502 into a single status update instead. But then again, its not my business. But i platinum both versions of Syphon Filter 3 today. I didnt make 2 separate posts in the recent plats, or 2 separate statuses. I made one.


Really, these little problems shouldn't matter. We won the war against the spam trophy lists. That's been a huge improvement to the site. Thats more than enough for me to be satisfied.

1 hour ago, Darling Baphomet said:


On any other forum this behavior would be considered spam and would likely lead to a ban. And for good reason. This is a public forum. If you do not make any effort whatsoever to engage with other members of the community or contribute to it in any way, why are you here?


i do agree on this though and i remember one time i asked said user why they play the shovel crap, and they said "its a good break between big releases". I don't buy that but yeah. 

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i use the most recent platinum thread quite a lot and I can’t think of single post that annoys or upsets me. It’s actually one of the threads I enjoy visiting the most.


I can’t see any problem with scrolling past posts you don’t want to read. I’m really struggling to understand what this fuss is about. Seems, once again, like elitist gatekeepers trying to tell others what to play and what they should be proud of or what they should be ashamed of. It’s bonkers to me.




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51 minutes ago, DrBloodmoney said:

The amount of effort expended in simply scrolling past these status updates in the forum feed - you know, like any normal human being with a scrap of decency or humanity would - absolutely pales in comparison to the time and effort the OP has sunk into very publicly, and very openly, deriding and mocking what is clearly a very shy, insular, entirely unthreatening, and quite possibly troubled individual.


An individual who - not for nothing - has visited this thread a few times, and is clearly aware of the muck being slung at them.


Of course there are some people who each person rolls their eyes when they see a post or status update by.

I have some folks who fall in that camp for me - and I fully imagine I am in that camp for some others…

…but like it or not, PSNP is a big tent.

There is room for all who abide by the site regulations.


This person is breaking no rules….


… unlike this thread, which is in clear violation of the “no naming and shaming” one.




I always love seeing your words of wisdom ?️

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14 hours ago, Jelly Soup said:


There is, kinda, but it's rather basic and more geared towards letting you see your stats on the fly. Access to gaming sessions exists but it's not great. It's slow enough that you may as well just use the actual site.

Link to app:



Thank you for that information. 

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4 hours ago, DrBloodmoney said:

The amount of effort expended in simply scrolling past these status updates in the forum feed


Please do explain to me how scrolling down will make spam less visible in the recent status updates section, which only shows five status updates at a time.


5 hours ago, Thrillhelm said:

Person in question posts and people read it. No obligation to interact more, especially in a forum that hostile to your gaming preferences. Other people do not decide when this person has to answer.


Again, public forum. If you wish to post nothing but game titles with no interaction with other human beings, I would suggest a Twitter. At least there nobody is forced to read them.


But perhaps he comes here specifically for the captive audience?

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8 minutes ago, Darling Baphomet said:

Again, public forum. If you wish to post nothing but game titles with no interaction with other human beings, I would suggest a Twitter. At least there nobody is forced to read them.


But perhaps he comes here specifically for the captive audience?

I just don’t get why you are so mad at someone posting on this “public forum”. They have just as much right to post what they want as you do, even if you or others don’t like it.


I also use Twitter and have to scroll through a lot more spam/pointless posts than I do on here, but i do exactly that…scroll past them and ignore

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