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Autopop now works.


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I tested PS4 > PS5 it doesn't work but yes I can confirm PS5 > PS4 works for some reason (however It still won't pop my char level 10 or 25 and my raise a perk to level 3.) I am basically hoping the new DLC coming pops it because I already had chars all lvl 10+ for adept trophies. 

I was streaming when they started auto popping, was getting footage for a potential video and was shocked tbh

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On 2023-05-31 at 8:43 PM, BushidoCypher said:

I tested PS4 > PS5 it doesn't work but yes I can confirm PS5 > PS4 works for some reason (however It still won't pop my char level 10 or 25 and my raise a perk to level 3.) I am basically hoping the new DLC coming pops it because I already had chars all lvl 10+ for adept trophies. 

I was streaming when they started auto popping, was getting footage for a potential video and was shocked tbh


Which trophies autopop?


Btw prestiging a char should pop the level trophies. Did for me on PS5 iirc.


On 2023-05-31 at 4:38 PM, TOTALFILM said:

Just tested it. PS5>PS4. You need to do 1 action.  
Not sure if it’s works with PS4>PS5. 


Do one action in the game or the menu?


Edit: Played a killer game but no trophies autopopped even though i did stuff that would pop trophies. Like throwing hatchets and such.

Edited by Quink666
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37 minutes ago, Quink666 said:


Which trophies autopop?


Btw prestiging a char should pop the level trophies. Did for me on PS5 iirc.



Do one action in the game or the menu?

I just was testing this out myself, got 100% on the PS5 version and wanted to go back to finish up all the 'new' DLC that I haven't done on PS4.


First of all, I just wanna reiterate that nothing 'auto-pops' in the sense that you just login and get a million trophies but it really is as simple as doing 1 out of the X requirements for a trophy (that you already earned on PS5) to pop.


In my first match I was able to pop Humanitarian just for 1 unhook (because of base-kit BT), and triage for 1 heal from someone who ran to me, both of which I had 0 progress on beforehand given that I haven't played the PS4 version since Trickster's release.


You will however have to manually redo all adept trophies as well as other one-off trophies like nurse's 3 blinks and a grab

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40 minutes ago, AshtonCakeTTV said:

I just was testing this out myself, got 100% on the PS5 version and wanted to go back to finish up all the 'new' DLC that I haven't done on PS4.


First of all, I just wanna reiterate that nothing 'auto-pops' in the sense that you just login and get a million trophies but it really is as simple as doing 1 out of the X requirements for a trophy (that you already earned on PS5) to pop.


In my first match I was able to pop Humanitarian just for 1 unhook (because of base-kit BT), and triage for 1 heal from someone who ran to me, both of which I had 0 progress on beforehand given that I haven't played the PS4 version since Trickster's release.


You will however have to manually redo all adept trophies as well as other one-off trophies like nurse's 3 blinks and a grab


Ahaaaaaa. You have to do the trophy again but only have to do 1 action of the trophy. Nice. Now i get it. Will probably try and get some more trophies on the PS4 version of the game and try to get completion up to 99% like i have on the PS5. All things i tried earlier was for trophies i already had so no wonder nothing popped for me. Thanks for clarifying! Guess only adept trophies need to be done from "scratch".


Edit: Damn i 7 trophies in one game =)

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4 hours ago, Quink666 said:


Ahaaaaaa. You have to do the trophy again but only have to do 1 action of the trophy. Nice. Now i get it. Will probably try and get some more trophies on the PS4 version of the game and try to get completion up to 99% like i have on the PS5. All things i tried earlier was for trophies i already had so no wonder nothing popped for me. Thanks for clarifying! Guess only adept trophies need to be done from "scratch".


Edit: Damn i 7 trophies in one game =)

Ya have to do 1 action to trigger it. However even prestige wasn't popping mine. I used points to do it on 2 diff characters and no luck. Wanted to save my BP for upcoming dlc as well

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16 hours ago, BushidoCypher said:

Ya have to do 1 action to trigger it. However even prestige wasn't popping mine. I used points to do it on 2 diff characters and no luck. Wanted to save my BP for upcoming dlc as well


Yeah only a little over a week until the next DLC. The 13th i believe. Hopefully leveling a brand new char will solve your trophy issues, otherwise you have to report it on Behaviours forum.

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  • 2 weeks later...
6 hours ago, icije said:

hello is it possible for me to make the transition from ps4 to ps5 and then continue on ps5 to then autopop on ps4 later?

yes but when you move from ps4 to ps5 all trophies start from 0/?. But later when you move from ps5 to ps4 you keep all progress made in ps5. 

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On 15/06/2023 at 10:55, Quink666 said:

oui mais quand on passe de ps4 à ps5 tous les trophées partent de 0/?. Mais plus tard, lorsque vous passez de la PS5 à la PS4, vous conservez tous les progrès réalisés sur la PS5. 

merci pour votre réponse


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Don't complain that it only works one way, it could be that the developers didn't plan it and decided to remove it ?


My 3 hindrance trophy I did on PS5 with the nightmare, but on PS4 I got it by catching a survivor with Wesker. So with their autopop stories you don't have to do the trophy with the Singularity as indicated in the description.

Edited by Germignion
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2 hours ago, Quink666 said:

Found the first trophy that didn't autopop as it should  "Cruelty Loves Company With The Knight, damage a Survivor while they are actively pursued by a Guard 50 times."


Have the trophy on PS5 but it didn't pop when i got a injury while the guard chased a survivor.

Piggybacking off of this - I now have 100% on both versions of the game and can mostly confirm (I started playing the PS5 version around when Trickster's chapter came out and so I already had a lot of the trophies prior) that almost all trophies will auto-pop from PS5 to PS4, including the new chapter that just released but more importantly some of the most tedious trophies in the game like the Huntress hatchet throws and hatchet downs, bless hexes, escape chase into a locker, and the 250 protection hits


with the exception of Cruelty Loves Company and Lifting the Fog, both interestingly enough from the Knight's chapter, ymmv but those were the only two that caused issue for me

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Looks like on the Public Test Build for Nicholas Cage's release right now, trophy progress being transferred from PS4 to PS5 is finally happening. ? It is on the PTB patch notes:

  • Fixed an issue that caused trophies to not get updated properly when changing device of PS4 or PS5.

We must wait the end of the month for Cage to go live and see if it actually works. I hope Taking One for the Team and Skilled Huntress I earned on PS4 do autopop on PS5 after doing one more... I'll test doing an extra on PS4, then switching to PS5 if necessary.

Edited by MaxieM0us3
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BHVR finally getting something right for once possibly?! I really don't wanna try and do Skilled Huntress again on PS5 especially since they nerfed iridescent head.


I'm sure this only works for the misc trophies and not adepts, right? I'm redoing killer adepts again on PS5 and only have Billy and Nurse. Only gonna bother with the killers on base game for plat. I'm a survivor main so will do all adepts for survivor again eventually

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1 hour ago, ClintonLS90 said:

I'm sure this only works for the misc trophies and not adepts, right?

As mentioned in this thread you need to complete an action to autopop that particular trophy. So there for you can’t autopop anything that only requires you to do it once. So you need to complete every single trophy without a counter basically. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

The new update is up and it is absolutely incredible! They took the extra mile by accumulating all trophy progress on both PS4 and PS5 versions, and trophies autopop upon logging in if you exceeded the criteria!!! Finally after over two years since PS5 version!!!

Edited by MaxieM0us3
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