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Trophy Hunters League - Season 41 winner: Banana_Sausage47!

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I'll probably be retiring at the end of this season, I've slowly been losing interest in it lately due to someone I know thinking they should tell me what to play for trophies. It doesn't mean I won't continue trying in these last 3 fixtures though.

Edited by Lady Blanc
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Dragon Age: Origins might be the best game I have ever played so far. Trophies are slow going for it, as of now, but I know it will pick up. I have 3 different storylines going now though, so I'll do a little bit at a time.

That game definitely enters my top 5 for PS3 games. I did 4 full playthroughs before I got the :platinum: only 2 are needed.

Edited by x9zachattack5x
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It might be worth 4 playthroughs. It is a really good game.

I played it as a Rogue and loved it so much I immediately started over and did a full mage play through with all the opposite story stuff.  When I finally decided to finish it up this year I did a full Warrior play through and enjoyed every minute of it (up until the kill 1k dark spawn, much easier with a mage)  DA:O is def in my top 5 ps3 games as well.   Leilana >>>> Morrigan


OT:  Knocked out a good chunk of LBP3 finally, and popped Catherine for plat #73 and trophy 4000 last night, not sure how many I've scored, but I'm happy however this fixture ends.

Edited by Hemiak
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I played it as a Rogue and loved it so much I immediately started over and did a full mage play through with all the opposite story stuff.  When I finally decided to finish it up this year I did a full Warrior play through and enjoyed every minute of it (up until the kill 1k dark spawn, much easier with a mage)  DA:O is def in my top 5 ps3 games as well.   Leilana >>>> Morrigan


OT:  Knocked out a good chunk of LBP3 finally, and popped Catherine for plat #73 and trophy 4000 last night, not sure how many I've scored, but I'm happy however this fixture ends.

I am currently trying to romance Morrigan and Leliana at the same time with my rogue playthrough. I am trying to be careful to not make either of them jealous. I feel Morrigan > Leliana, if only in the slightest.

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How are the scores from everyone huis fixture so far. I have 58 points but i wasnt able to sinc .

Thanks to getting the Jak 3 platinum, I am ahead by exactly 50 points. Let's keep up the good work, Vasorat, and together, we'll hold the top two spots in the silver league!

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Dragon Age: Origins might be the best game I have ever played so far. Trophies are slow going for it, as of now, but I know it will pick up. I have 3 different storylines going now though, so I'll do a little bit at a time.

That game definitely enters my top 5 for PS3 games. I did 4 full playthroughs before I got the :platinum: only 2 are needed.

I did 6 playthroughs: one for each origin :awesome:


I played it as a Rogue and loved it so much I immediately started over and did a full mage play through with all the opposite story stuff.  When I finally decided to finish it up this year I did a full Warrior play through and enjoyed every minute of it (up until the kill 1k dark spawn, much easier with a mage)  DA:O is def in my top 5 ps3 games as well.   Leilana >>>> Morrigan


OT:  Knocked out a good chunk of LBP3 finally, and popped Catherine for plat #73 and trophy 4000 last night, not sure how many I've scored, but I'm happy however this fixture ends.

I used to think Leliana was better than Morrigan too, until the Witch Hunt DLC was released. The romance finally got a happy ending.


Congrats with the new plat and milestone :yay:.

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Congrats bud :yay:, I still wish it didn't have such a lame plat image.








i tried to use  quote but there was alot of stuff to edit lol ,so dont get me wrong this isnt my plat ,i just cut and paste


No power right now. 7 weeks straight of rain and nothing happens. One mini storm after 2 weeks of sun and the power decides to freak out. I'll try syncing later.

Mah2c, congrats on the Witcher plat.

Thanks xD

Its indeed a shame buddy, imagine the platinum image having a Witcher badge :P

Now that I'm free from the wild hunt, i got myself stuck in the mind games of Catherine, let's hope I will.somehow recover from those sinful thoughts

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Since you all seem to have been trophy hunting for a waaay longer time than me, I'd like to ask you guys if it's a good idea to start a few old games I've had for my PS3 before switching to Xbox.


These are games I bought from 2008-2010 and haven't sold since then:


  • Red Dead Redemption
  • Assassin's Creed 2
  • Modern Warfare 2
  • 007: Quantum of Solace
  • 007: Bloodstone

From the list I've deleted games I've already achieved the platinum and games that have no trophies  :shakefist:


My main worry are online servers, and difficulty (np if it's offline though).

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Assassins Creed 2 is one of the most plat'd games ever for a reason. It's a ton of fun to play, not super difficult and no mp.

Lots of people love Red Dead, other than the mp, which is more grindy than difficult, it's not a super difficult plat.

MW2 has some difficult challenges i've heard, but pairing with a good partner makes them much more doable, again however, some mp trophies to worry about.

I don't know anything about the other two, which means they're probably not that spectacular.

Edited by Hemiak
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Since you all seem to have been trophy hunting for a waaay longer time than me, I'd like to ask you guys if it's a good idea to start a few old games I've had for my PS3 before switching to Xbox.


These are games I bought from 2008-2010 and haven't sold since then:


  • Red Dead Redemption
  • Assassin's Creed 2
  • Modern Warfare 2
  • 007: Quantum of Solace
  • 007: Bloodstone

From the list I've deleted games I've already achieved the platinum and games that have no trophies  :shakefist:


My main worry are online servers, and difficulty (np if it's offline though).

I'd say AC2: it's a fun game that's easy to plat with an interesting story and a badass plat image. Win-win situation.

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Since you all seem to have been trophy hunting for a waaay longer time than me, I'd like to ask you guys if it's a good idea to start a few old games I've had for my PS3 before switching to Xbox.


These are games I bought from 2008-2010 and haven't sold since then:


  • Red Dead Redemption
  • Assassin's Creed 2
  • Modern Warfare 2
  • 007: Quantum of Solace
  • 007: Bloodstone

From the list I've deleted games I've already achieved the platinum and games that have no trophies  :shakefist:


My main worry are online servers, and difficulty (np if it's offline though).

quantum of solice servers are still open ,i see boosting sessions now and then ,blood and stone i think you will have a hard time on that if it has MP 

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