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Trophy Hunters League - Season 41 winner: Banana_Sausage47!

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21 hours ago, Dragon-Archon said:

Now we just need Somalia too.


9 minutes ago, Dragon-Archon said:



WHY?!?!? Why would you do this to us? Do you not have a conscious? Wasn't enough to torture people with your sadistic events that convince them to play SO4 or Catherine. Now you do this? How do you sleep at night? :angry:

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18 minutes ago, MStalker58 said:

WHY?!?!? Why would you do this to us? 

Because I can :awesome: .


18 minutes ago, MStalker58 said:

Do you not have a conscious? 

Of course not :devil: .


18 minutes ago, MStalker58 said:

Wasn't enough to torture people with your sadistic events that convince them to play SO4 or Catherine. Now you do this?

Nope, not even close. That reminds me: it's been a while since those events, so I should start another one. Now to pick a game: Super Meat Boy, Mugen Souls, Persona 4 Arena, or WipEout HD? :hmm: 


18 minutes ago, MStalker58 said:

How do you sleep at night? :angry:

I sleep on a treasure pile. The soothing screams from the torture chamber help to fall asleep quickly :P .


Afbeeldingsresultaat voor dragon sleeping on treasure

Edited by Dragon-Archon
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I should clarify that Somalia99(kilofive) has no intention of rejoininy the league, much to my dismay. Seems my trophy hunting absence took quite the toll on him and hes since taken a more leisurely route to gaming. I pester him daily about it but my hiatus truly shattered him and any trophy motivation he had. I'll let you know if i make progress but dont save a spot for him. ?

Edited by Boooda
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1 minute ago, Boooda said:

I should clarify that Somalia99(kilofive) has no intention of rejoininy the league, much to my dismay. Seems my trophy hunting absence took quite the toll on him and hes since taken a more leisurely route to gaming. I pester him daily about it but my hiatus truly shattered him and any trophy motivation he had. I'll let you know if i make progress but dont save a spot for him. 1f62b.png

I should clarify that Somalia99(kilofive) has no intention of rejoininy the league, much to my dismay. Seems my trophy hunting absence took quite the toll on him and hes since taken a more leisurely route to gaming. I pester him daily about it but my hiatus truly shattered him and any trophy motivation he had. I'll let you know if i make progress but dont save a spot for him. 1f62b.png

I should clarify that Somalia99(kilofive) has no intention of rejoininy the league, much to my dismay. Seems my trophy hunting absence took quite the toll on him and hes since taken a more leisurely route to gaming. I pester him daily about it but my hiatus truly shattered him and any trophy motivation he had. I'll let you know if i make progress but dont save a spot for him. 1f62b.png


Got it! xD 

Got it! xD 

Got it! xD 

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1 minute ago, Boooda said:

I should clarify that Somalia99(kilofive) has no intention of rejoininy the league, much to my dismay. Seems my trophy hunting absence took quite the toll on him and hes since taken a more leisurely route to gaming. I pester him daily about it but my hiatus truly shattered him and any trophy motivation he had. I'll let you know if i make progress but dont save a spot for him. 1f62b.png

I should clarify that Somalia99(kilofive) has no intention of rejoininy the league, much to my dismay. Seems my trophy hunting absence took quite the toll on him and hes since taken a more leisurely route to gaming. I pester him daily about it but my hiatus truly shattered him and any trophy motivation he had. I'll let you know if i make progress but dont save a spot for him. 1f62b.png

I should clarify that Somalia99(kilofive) has no intention of rejoininy the league, much to my dismay. Seems my trophy hunting absence took quite the toll on him and hes since taken a more leisurely route to gaming. I pester him daily about it but my hiatus truly shattered him and any trophy motivation he had. I'll let you know if i make progress but dont save a spot for him. 1f62b.png


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10 minutes ago, Boooda said:

I should clarify that Somalia99(kilofive) has no intention of rejoininy the league, much to my dismay. Seems my trophy hunting absence took quite the toll on him and hes since taken a more leisurely route to gaming. I pester him daily about it but my hiatus truly shattered him and any trophy motivation he had. I'll let you know if i make progress but dont save a spot for him. 1f62b.png

Thanks for letting us know. We already reserved a spot for him actually but still sent out a confirmation message to be sure. Too bad he won't be re-joining as well, maybe sometime in the future :).

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43 minutes ago, Boooda said:

I should clarify that Somalia99(kilofive) has no intention of rejoininy the league, much to my dismay. Seems my trophy hunting absence took quite the toll on him and hes since taken a more leisurely route to gaming. I pester him daily about it but my hiatus truly shattered him and any trophy motivation he had. I'll let you know if i make progress but dont save a spot for him. 1f62b.png

That sucks, I was looking forward to the banter. Still one of my fondest memories of THL.


26 minutes ago, MStalker58 said:

I hear that @Wdjat Prinny Doods is interested in playing Mugen Souls. :lol::lol:

Interesting, I'm in a plat race against him, so Mugen Souls would be a good choice.

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5 minutes ago, Pixel-DRAGON- said:

I kinda want to join this whole thing. Can I be put in this waiting list? 2b07.png2b07.png2b07.png^_^


We will prod @HcG Clawz to update this.

He does need an incredible amount of pain to doing anything though...


Hopefully soon we will also have a complete League Table and League Results from all 18 seasons so far, there is only 4 more seasons to add onto the listing..... *puffs*

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On 20/06/2017 at 9:12 AM, KiloFive said:


I am the one who knocks. NOBODY makes decisions for me and especially not an ego-maniac who thinks he's popular but in reality we're just nice to them because they are a little different. Society hasn't accepted them so we here at PSNP.com have pretended to accept them for reasons unknown - but that's besides the point lads. IT'S STORY TIME.


One day, a little goose got separated from its flock. The bastard goose then decided it would be a good idea to return to this pond where his flock used to frequent. (Shit's about to go down! #foreshadowing) The goose thinks, "OH SNAP! AIN'T NOBODY HERE TO SAVE ME NO MORE." It's freaking out! The poor chick bastard goose is now all alone. And then a mighty wolf comes by and just SPEARS IT into a big ol' foresty tree. The chick dies, the wolves are fed and the moral of this mothaf'*in story is to NOT SEPARATE THE FLOCK! OR ONE OF THEM WILL DIE AND I HAVE TO SAY, PSNPROFILES HAS SURELY DIED AND BEEN R*PED BY A PACK OF WOLVES IN MY ABSENCE BUT NOW THE FLOCK IS BACK! THE FLOCK WHO KNOCKS!


Now I know what you're all wondering.... did he smoke something before he posted this? The answer is.... yeah I rolled up a little something I KNOCKED THE EDGE OFF! HAHAHAHA


But seriously. I'm not no politician, bruh. Listen. Listen. Can you hear that in the distance? It's the kids. The kids.




And yes. As you probably could have guessed by this moment, I have decided in 2020 (read, season 20) TO RUN FOR PRESIDENT (read, to re-join the league). #EYE-PATCHBRIGADE #BOOODAFORTRASHMAN



By royal decree, I elect Dragon-Archon as my VP for his understandable infatuation with me and there's nothing Prinny, that fat emo sailor penguin, can do about it. Someone needs to shatter HcG ego's, and who better than a flock of birds who refuse to be r*aped by a wolf?


*cue John Cena outro


Mmm you sound hardcore. About time someone got up and farked this up. Let's kick it up a notch ?

Edited by cjshaitan
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