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Trophy Hunters League - Season 41 winner: Banana_Sausage47!

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On 11/1/2020 at 4:59 PM, Zach said:

Do you guys still message people like the old days? I never got one. It's all good though.

We do. I didn't send one because you met the minimum points requirement. The message is only sent if that requirement is not met.

On 10/31/2020 at 8:01 PM, Wdjat Prinny Doods said:

Season 28 ended?!?!?

Awhile ago.


Like 2 weeks ago.

On 11/1/2020 at 11:03 AM, shadowhood1111 said:

xD I thought I was retired from this


I don't recall, unless you told me via message. I did not see anything in this thread though, but I could have overlooked it. I usually go back and check the thread and messages from the start of the previous season to check retirements. If I overlooked it, I apologize. I'll make sure I take you off the list for season 30, if you still want retirement.

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2 hours ago, ShogunCroCop said:

I don't recall, unless you told me via message. I did not see anything in this thread though, but I could have overlooked it. I usually go back and check the thread and messages from the start of the previous season to check retirements. If I overlooked it, I apologize. I'll make sure I take you off the list for season 30, if you still want retirement.


Yeah it was in the group message with me,u, Jello, and Jemmie. You said you understood etc, etc

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Platinum League

GTA_Darren v Redbeard-Rik

microsamm v ShogunCroCop

Wavergray v Arctic Cress


Gold League

theshywaterguy v X18JELLO18X

shadowhood1111 v iSkyIa

Psy-Tychist v blu3st4rdust305


Silver League

Boooda v Krazy_99

BraveNoobWorld v stupid0089

FallacyUnknown v AffectatiousDonk


Bronze League

Wdjat Prinny Doods v Ichiban-Hybrid

me3lingual v AmarisSkye

OmegaFenron v Flex_Da_Brent


Manganese League

Zach v dawnofthedead34

freddie1989 v TheScruffyTon

BYE: Sptj7


Fixture 2 starts in 19 minutes! Good luck!

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Here are the scores for Fixture 1.


Platinum League

GTA_Darren (66.2) v (53.1) ArcticCress

Redbeard-Rik (73) v (4.8) microsamm

(1) Wavergray (37.3) v (13) ShogunCroCop


Gold League

theshywaterguy (19.8) v (164.5) blu3st4rdust305 (1)

shadowhood1111 (0) v (48.4) X18JELLO18X (1)

Psy-Tychist (48) v (7.8) iSkyia


Silver League

Boooda56 (38.5) v (112.9) AffectatiousDonk

BraveNoobWorld (69.2) v (50.3) Krazy_99

FallacyUnknown (122.9) v (73.2) stupid0089


Bronze League

(1) man_with_wdjat (90.6) v (109.1) Flex_Da_Brent (1)

me3lingual (7) v (20.3) Ichiban-Hybrid

OmegaFenron (0) v (6) AmarisSkye


Manganese League

freddie1989 (0) v (65.6) dawnofthedead34

Sptj7 (0) v (2.3) TheScruffyton

BYE: ZachTheProdigy- (16.9)


Standings and statistics will be updated shortly.

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Here are the matchups for Fixture 3:


Platinum League

GTA_Darren v microsamm

Wavergray v Redbeard-Rik

ShogunCroCop v Arctic Cress


Gold League

theshywaterguy v shadowhood1111

Psy-Tychist v X18JELLO18X

iSkyIa v blu3st4rdust305


Silver League

Boooda v BraveNoobWorld

FallacyUnknown v Krazy_99

stupid0089 v AffectatiousDonk


Bronze League

Wdjat Prinny Doods v me3lingual

OmegaFenron v Ichiban-Hybrid

AmarisSkye v Flex_Da_Brent


Manganese League

Zach v freddie1989

Sptj7 v dawnofthedead34

BYE: TheScruffyTon


Fixture 3 began 1 hour, 5 minutes ago. Good luck!

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So standings and statistics are obviously updated.


Because I do not know what I'll be doing tonight, here are the matchups for Fixture 4, a few hours early.


Platinum League

GTA_Darren v Wavergray

ShogunCroCop v Redbeard-Rik

microsamm v Arctic Cress


Gold League

theshywaterguy v Psy-Tychist

iSkyIa v X18JELLO18X

shadowhood1111 v blu3st4rdust305


Silver League

Boooda v FallacyUnknown

stupid0089 v Krazy_99

BraveNoobWorld v AffectatiousDonk


Bronze League

Wdjat Prinny Doods v OmegaFenron

AmarisSkye v Ichiban-Hybrid

me3lingual v Flex_Da_Brent


Manganese League

Zach v Sptj7

TheScruffyTon v dawnofthedead34

BYE: freddie1989


Fixture 4 begins in 4 hours. Good luck!



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There is a slight change to one of our participants. I allowed @HcG Clawz to do this midseason a few seasons ago, so I also allowed @Wavergray to do the same this season. His new account is UnwaveringSoul_, so for those people who like to keep track of their opponents, that is the account he is using going forward. This falls in line with Rule 14. However, he cannot change to anything else nor change it back, per that rule.


Also, @Lucas, would you kindly update the OP to reflect the Season 29 schedule, and the title of the thread to say Season 29, instead of Season 28?


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Fixture 3 results:


Platinum League

GTA_Darren (43.3) v (2.3) microsamm

Wavergray (35.1) v (4.6) Redbeard-Rik

ShogunCroCop (22.9) v (59.7) Arctic Cress


Gold League

theshywaterguy (23.8) v (22.3) shadowhood1111

Psy-Tychist (51) v (70.4) X18JELLO18X

iSkyIa (4) v (137) blu3st4rdust305 (1)


Silver League

Boooda (77.8) v (68.1) BraveNoobWorld

FallacyUnknown (23.6) v (12.3) Krazy_99

stupid0089 (27) v (123.9) AffectatiousDonk (1)


Bronze League

Wdjat Prinny Doods (10.5) v (10) me3lingual

OmegaFenron (0) v (22.6) Ichiban-Hybrid (1)

AmarisSkye (6.3) v (30.9) Flex_Da_Brent


Manganese League

(1) Zach (52) v (0) freddie1989

Sptj7 (6.6) v (85.1) dawnofthedead34

BYE: TheScruffyTon (0)


Standings and statistics will be updated shortly.

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Fixture 5 matchups:


Platinum League

GTA_Darren v ShogunCroCop

Arctic Cress v Redbeard-Rik

microsamm v Wavergray


Gold League

theshywaterguy v iSkyIa

blu3st4rdust305 v X18JELLO18X

shadowhood1111 v Psy-Tychist


Silver League

Boooda v stupid0089

AffectatiousDonk v Krazy_99

BraveNoobWorld v FallacyUnknown


Bronze League

Wdjat Prinny Doods v AmarisSkye

Flex_Da_Brent v Ichiban-Hybrid

me3lingual v OmegaFenron


Manganese League

freddie1989 v Sptj7

TheScruffyTon v Zach

BYE: dawnofthedead34


Fixture 5 starts in 48 minutes. Good luck!

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8 hours ago, freddie1989 said:

@Zach great win for you sir!!


I need to get my act together in this albeit I have got 2 plats in the last 2 fixtures but the trophies don't count due to the stupid speed running idiots.

I'm upset too about a 6+ hour game and unmotivated to start it, that didn't count for THL.
It's Need for Speed: Undercover with a Top 50 time of 6 minutes 15 seconds and 103 players under 6 hours.
Never played the single player, but I'm sure it'll take me much more time to :platinum:.

Edited by microsamm
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