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Trophy Hunters League - Season 41 winner: Banana_Sausage47!

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2 minutes ago, Psy-Tychist said:


Well, this has aged well...

Better late than never...


Now that I think about it, have we actually ever had a match against each other over the years? :hmm: Better be ready get BEAT UP next season Psy :devil:

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8 minutes ago, Lucas said:

Better late than never...


Now that I think about it, have we actually ever had a match against each other over the years? :hmm: Better be ready get BEAT UP next season Psy :devil:


Not had one against you or Meso as of yet, still have to wait on that one.

You think you can pull out the big guns mister? ?


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7 hours ago, Lucas said:

Also gonna have to get my revenge on @ApriIis again next season. Can't let that Shadow Warrior 3 snipe go unpunished 1f62d.png

 Rip, guess it's deserving ?. See you next season ?


Congratulations guys for the impressive scores! 

Edited by ApriIis
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I'll get him next time, when I'm not sick and tired and everything goes wrong xD


  Trophies earned Total value
Common 164 164
Uncommon 10 13
Rare 4 6
Very Rare 1 3
Ultra Rare 5 30
Bronze 107 107
Silver 47 94
Gold 25 150
Plat 5 60
Total score - 627

This was what I earned in the CWC finale

Edited by NuclearManager
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On 21/04/2022 at 0:16 AM, blu3st4rdust305 said:

After last season, I had the sense I wanted to retire, now I am certain. Wanted to take it easy and did so until my match up against @Psy-Tychist. It turned up my competitive nature. Can't be helped, I guess. Once I secured that win, figured I would push thru to see if I could take the season and CWC. And here we are. Pretty much done playing games in a manner to match the meta game for the league. Want to go back to just playing for a while. I may come back if there is a special event for a season or if you guys need a mercenary to crush some souls for a fixture or two.


Thank you to the league runners current and prior, it has been a fun ride.


Couple of notes here: I am happy the fixture record that stood prior to this season has been replaced, even if it was beaten again very soon after.

@UGotHitByGunner managed to get 3rd highest season score with only 7 fixtures counting. My count from Season 27 was across 9 fixtures. Good going, Gunner.


Closing stats for me: 9 seasons, 7 CWCs entered, 7 CWCs won (Seasons 27, 29, 30, 32, 33, 34, 35). Average total CWC score 816.9.

77-10 fixture record. Average season fixture score: 1529.4. 99 plats across all fixtures. Wish I kept track of the 10 opponents that bested me (hit list?). Pretty sure @Jello or @microsamm took the most fixtures off me.


Time to let a fresh champion reign. Good luck and have fun!


I knew you mentioned before that you were looking in retiring from the league, but part of me was hoping that the allure of competing would keep you coming back and our rivalry can continue. 

Honestly, I did really enjoy our matches, even though you had the edge on me in nearly all of them. Now I have to find a new rival...

Edited by Psy-Tychist
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16 hours ago, blu3st4rdust305 said:


Sad to see you retire, but definitely understandable :lol:. Once again congrats on all the incredible performances over the seasons. It was a lot of fun to follow some of your insane matchups. Hopefully we'll be able to see you back in action at some point in the future! :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 7-5-2022 at 1:58 AM, Zephyr-pt said:

Guessing i'm too late for this since i'm terrible at checking the forums haha but if i'm not then yes

No worries, you're not too late. You've been added to the list!


Since we've reached 40 participants, sign-ups for season 36 are now closed. More season 36 info will be posted when we get closer to the starting date.

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