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Trophy Hunters League - Season 42 starts August 1st!

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was grinding out the 2500 kills trophy on Uncharted 2 the whole fixture :P

And im glad you did :D lol well done for the trophy, I dont think I would have the patience to grind that many kills.

That reminds me... I need to go back and collect all the treasures for Uncharted 2.

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Probably not a good thing that the league leader in Silver has most points than the league leader in Platinum haha. :D

Also on a side note Garciafever is in the wrong place on the league table, he needs to be in fourth not in second. 

Edit: Also Precision, you need to be below Krazy-99 in your league. Trying to sneak into one of those playoff places haha. :P

Edited by zajac9999
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Probably not a good thing that the league leader in Silver has most points than the league leader in Platinum haha. :D

Also on a side note Garciafever is in the wrong place on the league table, he needs to be in fourth not in second. 

Edit: Also Precision, you need to be below Krazy-99 in your league. Trying to sneak into one of those playoff places haha. :P

Haha Zajac, you were looking at the league as i was in the midst of updating it :P 


I counted around 280 points for me this round, please could you and zajac9999 recount them as I think I'm being cut short.

Please see rule 3 on the first post, i feel you will find your answer there sir, congrats on a monumental score!


On the fixture results I'm placed with 2 points, and I got 8.....did pretty bad anyway, but I wear my 8 points proudly lol

Typo there Omar, your beautiful 8 points are now on show on post one!



Leagues are fully updated! you will see some players have a P after there postion, this signifies a garunteed Promotion into the above league based off of the fact that they cannot finish lower than a promotion place. 2 players have RET next to their name, this is to show they are retiring this season. I am not adding a key to this league page as there are only 2 fixtures left, and this is the beta season. I have big plans to make the league tables look alot more attractive for next season and will hopefuly be coming with official stats. A re-work in the rules may also be on order and i may have to extend the off-season by a few days to compensate for a few changes.


It is likely i will be looking for a couple of GMT counters for next season and potentially a fixture holder, although i may chat to zajac about that.


I would also like to wish my P.I.C zajac the best of luck in this weeks fixture as a win there would give us our PLATINUM Champion!, Luck also to AdmiralClassy as he seeks SILVER champion status this fixture! 

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Haha Zajac, you were looking at the league as i was in the midst of updating it :P

Please see rule 3 on the first post, i feel you will find your answer there sir, congrats on a monumental score!

Typo there Omar, your beautiful 8 points are now on show on post one!

Leagues are fully updated! you will see some players have a P after there postion, this signifies a garunteed Promotion into the above league based off of the fact that they cannot finish lower than a promotion place. 2 players have RET next to their name, this is to show they are retiring this season. I am not adding a key to this league page as there are only 2 fixtures left, and this is the beta season. I have big plans to make the league tables look alot more attractive for next season and will hopefuly be coming with official stats. A re-work in the rules may also be on order and i may have to extend the off-season by a few days to compensate for a few changes.

It is likely i will be looking for a couple of GMT counters for next season and potentially a fixture holder, although i may chat to zajac about that.

I would also like to wish my P.I.C zajac the best of luck in this weeks fixture as a win there would give us our PLATINUM Champion!, Luck also to AdmiralClassy as he seeks SILVER champion status this fixture!

I can help out next season with score counting or just general league admin :)

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Edited by Precision-Playy
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Got my first plat of this league this week, and twaanie still managed a win with seconds to spare. Good job. Glad I made you work for it. Despite the loss, I think it was rewarding for both of us.


Nexus, looking forward to facing you this fixture. I don't play a lot during the week, so I am fully expecting to get smashed. But good luck anyway.



Wow, a 1 pt loss. Awesome job twaanie. Looks like I have to work hard at AC4 and SW Force unleashed II this week to even up my wins and losses.


Hell yeah you made me work for it xD long live the new month otherwise i would've never make it. I was really conserned about the terminator you pulled on me :P that would've been the second one in a row. But it was an awesome match and my heartbeat was fast until the last minute. Thank you very much for last fixture :D

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Hell yeah you made me work for it xD long live the new month otherwise i would've never make it. I was really conserned about the terminator you pulled on me :P that would've been the second one in a row. But it was an awesome match and my heartbeat was fast until the last minute. Thank you very much for last fixture :D


You're welcome. I figured maybe I'd make you work for it. :P I think both of us pushed each other to get the trophies we needed.

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It pains me to say this, but unfortunately I will have to drop out of the competition because I now have a full time job, and because of this I don't have as much time as I did for  playing games. So if yo like Precision, you can remove me from the list once this current fixture has finished.

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It pains me to say this, but unfortunately I will have to drop out of the competition because I now have a full time job, and because of this I don't have as much time as I did for  playing games. So if yo like Precision, you can remove me from the list once this current fixture has finished.


Okay, what say this - im guessing you haven't actually started your new job yet, so you are unsure yet of how your playing time will work out. The league is of course a bit of fun, being ultra competitive isnt needed and maybe you would drop a couple of leagues, so what? its just fun right? the only reason im saying this is because one of the two drop outs, realised he didnt want to drop out anymore but as his space is now filled, he couldn't rejoin and is now on a wait list to get back in. There are still a couple of fixtures left, i urge you just to see how things go from now until this seasons end and just see how you feel about it at the end of the season. At the end of the day its still your decision and i will respect it, i just hope you'll decide to stick these last 2 fixtures out and see if you still feel it is the right decision in a fortnight or so  :rolleyes:

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My final run towards graduation has started and my playing time is gonna slowly go down to zero, but I'm not leaving, I like how the league pushes me to work on my backlog, I like the progress I've made :)


I'll just be losing pretty much all the remaining fixtures of the season, but I'm fine with that lol

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It pains me to say this, but unfortunately I will have to drop out of the competition because I now have a full time job, and because of this I don't have as much time as I did for playing games. So if yo like Precision, you can remove me from the list once this current fixture has finished.

Like Hemiak said, you dont have to drop out just because you started a new full-time job. I have a full-time job, working different shift patterns Monday to Friday. Most of my spare time is taken up by spending it with my girlfriend and 2 sons. I may only get 2-3 hours max to play games, if im not too tired to do so. I dont let that stop me from having fun and enjoy being a part of this tournament.

Have a good think before you decide to drop out, that's all im saying.

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Not to beat a dead horse, but I agree. A full-time job shouldn't get in the way. I have had to adjust my play time a bit between work and the girlfriend, but I still find time (mainly weekends) to play. And since most fixtures cover at least a Saturday or Sunday (and sometimes both), it doesn't bother me if I don't get good scores during the week.

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Not to beat a dead horse, but I agree. A full-time job shouldn't get in the way. I have had to adjust my play time a bit between work and the girlfriend, but I still find time (mainly weekends) to play. And since most fixtures cover at least a Saturday or Sunday (and sometimes both), it doesn't bother me if I don't get good scores during the week.

Exactly what Shogun said. I work 40 hours a week, spend time with my girl a lot, and have hockey games 2-3 times per week. It's not the end of the world to take an L in this league, as long as you're having fun.

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