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Trophy Hunters League - Season 42 sign-ups still open!

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I have no intentions of stepping out.

And as far as 'easy' games go, I don't really care. I am just playing games on my backlog for this and having fun earning trophies.

EDIT: This was supposed to quote Yakuza

Likewise...also Precision is still making changes to the league and those are yet to be announced, so happy to stay around for the next season.

This was just a beta after all so it's given a better idea of what works and what doesn't.

Personally, I say give the second season a chance and then drop out at the end if it's still not for you :)

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Okay, I'm gonna be doing pretty badly during the first fixtures lol 


I personally don't get annoyed by other people pulling level 0 difficulty plats (aka aabs animals), and I'm sure as hell not dropping out. I won't be aiming at winning either because I'm too busy for that, and people here get insane results for me lol


I'll just stick around cause I think it's a lot of fun and I'm having a blast with some of you guys, plus I'm reducing my backlog, which is amazing :D

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Likewise...also Precision is still making changes to the league and those are yet to be announced, so happy to stay around for the next season.

This was just a beta after all so it's given a better idea of what works and what doesn't.

Personally, I say give the second season a chance and then drop out at the end if it's still not for you :)


Yeah. The only reason I got 0 points last fixture was that I knew I was being promoted anyway, and I couldn't win my league. So I figured grind some of my more difficult games, to position myself for those trophies when the second season starts.


But I'll be doing the second season differently. I won't throw any fixture, because it could be the difference between staying where I'm at or being demoted (if winning the league isn't an option).

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I've noticed a few trends on a couple of the players logs. Obviously game choice is a big part of this league but seeing the same 6 or 7 games on each and every one is a bit ridiculous.


Just out of curiosity, which games were you talking about?

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Just out of curiosity, which games were you talking about?

Based on the top scoring players of the last season, here's some of the games that were played by at least two individuals:


Several Telltale game (thanks to a sale last month)


Heavy Fire: Shattered Spear/Afghanistan

CSI: Fatal Conspiracy

Green Lantern: Rise of the Manhunters

Toy Story Mania

Sound Shapes

Terminator Salvation


Kung Fu Panda 2

Wonderbook: Book of Spells

Aabs Animals


For your Rarity League I'd probably include Cars: Race-O-Rama and The Penguins of Madagascar. I'll probably get around to Sound Shapes and Telltale games in the upcoming season, but I still have a few games that will help me out (still not playing the others in the list though :giggle: ).

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Because this isn't a rarity league, I think it has allowed for those easier games to be played. This is just a point based trophy accumulation league. That's not me excusing playing the easier games, but the set up has allowed for it. And admittedly, I did play one of those games listed, but I still lost. Had I played that game as not part of this tourney though, no one would really care, because I view it as a trophy is a trophy and a platinum is a platinum.


So if those games are perfectly acceptable when not in the confines of this tourney, what is the big deal if they are played as part of the tourney? And I am not asking this to sound like a jerk, I honestly really want to know any reasoning behind why it's perceived to be a problem in this type of tourney. I get why it would be an issue in a rarity tourney, but this isn't a rarity tourney.

Edited by ShogunCroCop
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Because this isn't a rarity league, I think it has allowed for those easier games to be played. This is just a point based trophy accumulation league. That's not me excusing playing the easier games, but the set up has allowed for it. And admittedly, I did play one of those games listed, but I still lost. Had I played that game as not part of this tourney though, no one would really care, because I view it as a trophy is a trophy and a platinum is a platinum.


So if those games are perfectly acceptable when not in the confines of this tourney, what is the big deal if they are played as part of the tourney? And I am not asking this to sound like a jerk, I honestly really want to know any reasoning behind why it's perceived to be a problem in this type of tourney. I get why it would be an issue in a rarity tourney, but this isn't a rarity tourney.

Well the two games I mentioned were stated under rule #3 in the first post which is why I was confused as the games themselves were stated not to count but the players just falsely made them take longer than an hour to beat if that makes sense which is why I am confused and asked.

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Well the two games I mentioned were stated under rule #3 in the first post which is why I was confused as the games themselves were stated not to count but the players just falsely made them take longer than an hour to beat if that makes sense which is why I am confused and asked.


Right. I get what you are saying, and the game I played was Terminator Salvation. I was mainly talking about the list Mendant posted. If people are going to exploit the system in the way you described, I can understand that being cheap. But otherwise, I have no issue playing a game perceived as easy, as long as it's not on the list in Rule #3.

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Right. I get what you are saying, and the game I played was Terminator Salvation. I was mainly talking about the list Mendant posted. If people are going to exploit the system in the way you described, I can understand that being cheap. But otherwise, I have no issue playing a game perceived as easy, as long as it's not on the list in Rule #3.

Yeah, same here that's all I was thinking and personally I don't find Terminator Salvation that easy but I am not the type to play shooters often or well...

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Yeah, same here that's all I was thinking and personally I don't find Terminator Salvation that easy but I am not the type to play shooters often or well...


Well it was easy in the sense that all trophies were Common, and there were only 12 trophies, all of which popped after each chapter, plus an Easy and Hard difficulty. So playing the game once through on hard got every trophy, including the plat. No collectibles, no accumulated kills with a certain weapon, none of that. And it took about 9 hours to complete, so I did it on a Saturday. It was a cool 78 points, and it didn't require a lot of effort.

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The general rule, was that games that could be completed in less than an 1hr didn't count. So while people may have played AAb animals it wouldn't have counted. Terminator (as easy as it is) still takes at least 6-8 hours to complete. 


Edit: Is the new season projected to start this sunday?

Edited by XShadowYakuzaX
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Is season 2 still on track for Sunday? And yes, I know Yakuza already asked. I just want to earn trophies, but I also want them to count for season 2.

Same here i've been grinding Dirt 3 alot so almost didnt get any trophies but almost have an ultra rare plat

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Hi everyone, i have been fairly busy this week and havent really been able to put a whole load of attention into this, for this reason the new season is going to be postponed for a couple of days so i can ensure that i get everything sort properly and in time. Apoligies for the wait 

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Right guys, here is the situation. The leagues need minor tweaking for next season and im having to wait for an extra person in the bronze league, so if ya'll know anyone who is waning to join could you please get them to let me know ASAP as i really do want to get the league started again soon. I had been thinking about doing a knock out cup, but due to the new season length it would have to be extremely fast-paced and would be too unfair for just 4 Admin to count in such a short time, so that idea will not be going ahead. The new season will be very similar to the old one, with one major new update - Fixtures will now only last for 4 DAYS rather than the 5 days of this previous season. I can't think of any other updates that i am making really, but hopefully, if we get this one extra person, we can release the first fixtures of the new season on Thusday :) thanks all for your patience :)

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