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Finally playing games I won't platinum


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Healthy way to look at gaming in my opinion. If you're gating yourself out of enjoyment because you won't be able to complete all of it, what's the point? (Coming from someone with about a 28% completion rate lol)

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10 minutes ago, GAUNTLETOFFURIOU said:

In my case, the online is more the problem, I had this situation in the past and after a while I resumed games that I had stopped, today I'm trying to close the ones I've played online before.

Online ones are the worst, it was the biggest reason for me not playing some ps3 games. 

11 minutes ago, Ziune said:

Healthy way to look at gaming in my opinion. If you're gating yourself out of enjoyment because you won't be able to complete all of it, what's the point? (Coming from someone with about a 28% completion rate lol)

My one is around around 65%, I don't even 100% dlc unless I really want to or it's free. Also most of my games before 2018 are like 50% and below.

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I never cared. I play what I want and I platinum what I want. I play games at least for the story and move on. Don't care about shutdowns, completion rate, dlcs or any of these stuff.


I want to enjoy gaming not killing my Mind about which game I can plat etc.



Edited by ShadyWARcotix
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10 minutes ago, KenjiCBZ said:

Enjoy freedom. ;)

Of course ?

1 minute ago, veinte-justo said:

I just came here to give OP thumbs up. Something similar happened to me years ago, I fully understand the situation.

Appreciate it, OCD can be annoying when you get invested in trophy hunting and forget the main reason we play games

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I came to this realization as well when I thought it was silly never to play a game I couldn't 100 percent or even plat. I adjusted it to PSNP logic. Instead of S rank on games, I aim for A. It gives me a lot of leeway in enjoying games while still getting a lot of the trophies. 

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6 minutes ago, Startyde said:

I came to this realization as well when I thought it was silly never to play a game I couldn't 100 percent or even plat. I adjusted it to PSNP logic. Instead of S rank on games, I aim for A. It gives me a lot of leeway in enjoying games while still getting a lot of the trophies. 

That's actually a very good idea, I might implement this myself even with some old games on my list sitting at 5%

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1 hour ago, SCREWBWOI said:

I had this phase since lockdown where I didn't really want to play a game I can't platinum. I finally made the decision to stop that as it's just gonna ruin my experience. 

This is mainly because of games like DMC5 or Wolfenstein 2 and also some ps3 games. I don't want their difficulties to prevent me from playing interesting series as a whole.

Has anyone else felt like this before?

I haven’t played Wolfenstein 2 or DMC 5 for that exact reason myself. To be fair I’m not much for hack n slash and didn’t overly enjoy the old devil may crys on the ps2 anyway so that’s part of it.


My completion % sucks mainly because my account is a lot older then my interest in getting trophies, but although I would like to improve my completion percentage, I still play most any game I think is interesting. Then if I’m not having fun I say screw it and play something else.

Trophies are fun but completion percentage shouldn’t stop you from trying a game you think is interesting. There’s a reason playstation doesn’t track completion %, it leads to people to try (and buy) less games then they would otherwise.

Edited by Mr_Fluffy_Pants_
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I’ve started to do that with some of my backlog. If I get 100%, it’s a bonus but I just want to finish some that I never went back to. Some of them, 100% is impossible now but I’d like to at least finish the game once.

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I used to feel kinda similar (though my issue is mainly with games that are literally impossible to complete for one reason or another, I hate adding those to my profile) so I actually started buying those games on Xbox instead lol. I like achievements but I don't really care about completion since they don't have a plat equivalent. Was a nice excuse to actually use those consoles again since my 360 and One had been mostly collecting dust for a long while.


Obviously can't do that with every game, but it hasn't been much of an issue for me so far. Plus physical Xbox games tend to be cheaper than PS anyway so it's a win-win on that level too lol.

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Something I did in the PS3 days was to differentiate where I played games by their trophy/achievement list.


Games I expected not to plat, I would just prefer to get for the 360, because on there, all contribution to Gamerscore counts.

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8 hours ago, Mr_Fluffy_Pants_ said:

I haven’t played Wolfenstein 2 or DMC 5 for that exact reason myself. To be fair I’m not much for hack n slash and didn’t overly enjoy the old devil may crys on the ps2 anyway so that’s part of it.


My completion % sucks mainly because my account is a lot older then my interest in getting trophies, but although I would like to improve my completion percentage, I still play most any game I think is interesting. Then if I’m not having fun I say screw it and play something else.

Trophies are fun but completion percentage shouldn’t stop you from trying a game you think is interesting. There’s a reason playstation doesn’t track completion %, it leads to people to try (and buy) less games then they would otherwise.

Tbh I never cared about my completion percentage ever not even now. I just aim for a platinum and dlc is optional for me so I have many games platinum'd which are below 85%. 

5 hours ago, DrBloodmoney said:


Good on ya' man - and remember, whether you think you'll plat it or not at the outset... you might surprise yourself!


I've not avoided putting games I like the look of but have no expectation of the plat in (Hence my fighting games, Wolf 2, Lost Planet 2 and like 50 other incomplete ones 1f602.png) ...

... but there are a few I began assuming that plat was out of reach, but actually did eventually manage to get, just because the games were so damned good I ended up putting in the time to slowly get to that point! (Lumines Remastered / Tetris Effect / Magicka 2 / Curse of the Dead Gods etc.) 1f44d.png



There's absolutely nothing to be ashamed of in giving a tough game the old college try, and not managing to complete it - and that's something we could all do well to remember!


@Dry is absolutely right when he says:



...it really does!


Once you have some actual unobtainable on your profile, it affords quite a bit of freedom, since "true" perfection is impossible, so you get the luxury of not worrying about it!

Funny you say that because I avoided Street Fighter 5 which was my favourite fighter series as a kid but the trophy list looked impossible. I used to play SF4 for hours and my percentage is at like 27% for that game because that trophy list was hard aswell.

Recently I just didn't care anymore because I really wanted to play SF6 regardless of trophies so I picked up SF5 and started practicing and now I'm almost about to platinum SF5 because I enjoyed it alot?.

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2 minutes ago, Deadly_Ha_Ha said:

Maybe someday. I'm planning on opening my account up to 100% lists in the future, maybe I'll let go of the 100% account thing too after a certain point

If you still feel like going for 100% only that's fine as long as your having fun

8 hours ago, Dry said:

They say it gets easier for you after the first…

I have so many games below 5% already which I have no plan to go back to. I guess that should've been a sign?

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9 hours ago, enaysoft said:


I honestly think trophies have done more harm to gaming than good and I experience similar issues to you. Not playing a game because you can't 100% is one thing.

I also have the opposite issues where I sometimes can't face playing a game I have 100% on when another game I am "working on" is still not at 100%


Even on a game where you can get 100% sometimes I feel weird psychological pressures for no reason.

There's also that resentment of playing games sometimes in a way that unlocks the trophies and not going in blind (especially in fear of a game where if I picked up the red rock instead of the blue rock around the back of the sofa, I might have to replay an entire game for 20 hours just because I didn't have a guide in the corner of my eye at all times just incase, so I feel more annoyed at myself not checking a guide first to not run into that situation happening)

Yeah I feel you before 2018 I only used to platinum games I really enjoyed and played whatever. I only had like 8 platinums back then. Since 2020 after COVID I platinum'd every game I played and became invested and even tried to clean up old games to a point where I was starting to become picky with which games will be on my list in the future. RDR2 was the turning point for me I guess as I was not bothered to grind 200 hours but I really wanted to play the story (I may still go back to it but no rush).


I agree missable trophies are the worst as it forces you to be watching videos or reading a guide while playing taking away the fun.


Although trophy hunting can do harm I personally love the community and people I have boosted with in the past, I also think it's cool how it allows us to experience games to the fullest.

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17 minutes ago, SCREWBWOI said:

If you still feel like going for 100% only that's fine as long as your having fun

Yeah it's still where I want my account to be for the time being. I take the good with the bad and feel like I'll need to be forced to stop because of an impossible list or servers shutting down while I'm going for an online game or something before I actively retire the 100% business. It helps me focus though and I think what would be of more interest is the future inclusion of non-platinum 100% objectives like I mentioned. I regret that not every game has a plat but will enjoy going for certain games on this account like Costume Quest and its sequel since I love those games so much

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Yes, just play. The profiles should reflect your interests. I think it's silly to go to such lengths to manipulate a profile to look "the best". There's always going to be someone to call you a scrub or elitist regardless of what you do or don't accomplish. No point in trying to impress anyone. I've got a few games on my list I'll never hit platinum and more that I've still got to play.

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I inspire to be like you, but as of right now, i am in the shackles of 100%-ing all my games. I do enjoy doing them, but there has been a few games which I wanna play but hold me back, like Arkham Origins and Remnant. Maybe create an ult account for those? who knows

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