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5 hours ago, MichMasteR said:


What skills did you prioritize?

I'm trying to be fairly balanced, but I've put most my efforts into foam height, shoot power, skill power, and turrets. I can't remember the exact names of what the stat boosts are called, but that's the gist of it. I've reached around lvl 4 with those ones.

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7 minutes ago, Vitallani said:

I'm trying to be fairly balanced, but I've put most my efforts into foam height, shoot power, skill power, and turrets. I can't remember the exact names of what the stat boosts are called, but that's the gist of it. I've reached around lvl 4 with those ones.


Managed to group up with a decent team, we always get screwed in the last round, we were about to finish it like 3 times. Sucks :C

But I will level up the turrets though, had those in 0 and saw they do help a lot

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After many games that I made it pass Wave 5. I finally got a great team and we cleared survival. We had no issues until the final wave. Those rushing hogs, laser bats, and monkey missiles are ones I always focus on to taking out first.

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On 2/6/2024 at 12:50 AM, Akrioz said:

I feel the opposite. Now I can play it without worrying about damaging my completion % in case I don't like it at all.



Surprised more people don't feel this way, especially about F2P games being notoriously impossible to plat (old Fall Guys, Fortnite, etc). 

Edited by danistheguy
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It’s easy stuff tbh I picked it up for fun. Then I saw no platinum but the gameplay isn’t bad. Clearly this Splatoon ripoff was never meant to be something bigger. At least from what I’ve seen there is no online lobbies with a bunch of players walking around or nothing. No voice chat either just shoot a bunch of soap foam and use specials. There is some interesting things there but tbh I see why it’s day 1 on PS Plus. Very very very few would had bought this at regular price and the in game store is ridiculous. Those prices don’t surprise me but totally don’t recommend buying anything there who knows if this game will survive long term. Just get the 12 trophies move on I guess.

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7 hours ago, MichMasteR said:


Managed to group up with a decent team, we always get screwed in the last round, we were about to finish it like 3 times. Sucks :C

But I will level up the turrets though, had those in 0 and saw they do help a lot

That's frustrating. I think I'm going to spend some more time boosting my skill stats before I try again; I'll probably finish off the solo missions and then give it another try.


5 hours ago, OzaXD said:

I also recently cleared squad mission on hard with all randoms personally playing Jet (myself) with a Soa, Mel T, and Penny Gwyn. I believe Jet has the most responsability hence why I played him and recommend you to also play him due to being able to make the most impact.

Here's few tips for those that are struggling from my few hours of testing certain things and playing. (this will be from a Jet PoV):


The best composition seems to be Jet (unreplaceable imo), Penny Gwyn, Soa and either Mel T or Rave Breaker from the games I played, the other characters felt extremely weak in comparison.


As Jet you should focus on CONSTANTLY charging your shot always to level 2, a level 2 shot from Jet will stun any beastie which your entire gameplan should revolve around, I rarely used the shotgun R2 at all unless clearing some small beasties.

Playing with randoms you should ALWAYS be ready for when the hogs spawn and make sure to stun them, I honestly believe if a hog hits it's 90% the Jet's fault.

If there are no hogs up you should be looking for straight sights that hit the most beasties possible with your level 2 R2 WHILE stunning the largest beastie on the field, although the priority should always be stunning the largest beastie, as randoms will tend to flock to the most amount of beasties they can hit instead of proper target priority.


For skill usage you should never used L1, the downtime is far to large. The only time I'd use L1 was the beginning of the round before the beasties spawned as it makes a fairly high foam pile which I found useful near the core.

R1 should be used on the smaller beasties when they spawn in the horizontal walls, or to group the small beasties onto the larger beasties you are currently stun locking.

The SSS skill should be used when you have a bit of downtime and you know shit is going to hit the fan, such as multiple large beasties spawning which you will be unable to stunlock such as multi bat or monkey waves. Make sure to use the SSS skill SOONER rather than later as the animation is extremely long and you miss out on multiple shots at a time.


If you can you should be leveling your Shot Power UP to max before any other skills via core powers, in doing so you will be able to 1 shot the small beasties until round 4 which can be extremely helpful in the early game as well as the fact it scales the best. If you cannot level it to max I recommend putting it all into "Shot Rate UP" as this makes you charge your level 2 R2 faster. I believe there is a breakpoint for "Liquid Efficiency UP" which would make it possibly better than Shot Power UP allowing you to get 3 charged R2's off although I didnt experiement with this.


My priority in picking skills was the following:

Rare blue skills that enhance your shooting such as the mirror shot / bomb spawner.

Liquid Efficiency UP to rank 1, this allows you get 3 maxed charged shots off in a single clip which helps immensely.

Shot Rate UP, allows for faster charging.

Shot Power UP, if you're maxed via the core powers you should be able to continue to one shot the small beasties with a few points throughout the rounds.

Reload Speed UP, lowkey underrated due to how much you reload on Jet.

Foam Pile UP, felt decently impactful slowing beasties by a decent amount.

SSS charge time > anything else.


Thanks for all the tips. I personally prefer playing as the Barista (is that his name?) as I like the long distance he has. I can stay by the reactor and shoot foam far off into the distance, which helps keep them at bay, while also being close by in case any slip through to the reactor.

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11 hours ago, OzaXD said:

I also recently cleared squad mission on hard with all randoms personally playing Jet (myself) with a Soa, Mel T, and Penny Gwyn. I believe Jet has the most responsability hence why I played him and recommend you to also play him due to being able to make the most impact.

Here's few tips for those that are struggling from my few hours of testing certain things and playing. (this will be from a Jet PoV):


The best composition seems to be Jet (unreplaceable imo), Penny Gwyn, Soa and either Mel T or Rave Breaker from the games I played, the other characters felt extremely weak in comparison.


As Jet you should focus on CONSTANTLY charging your shot always to level 2, a level 2 shot from Jet will stun any beastie which your entire gameplan should revolve around, I rarely used the shotgun R2 at all unless clearing some small beasties.

Playing with randoms you should ALWAYS be ready for when the hogs spawn and make sure to stun them, I honestly believe if a hog hits it's 90% the Jet's fault.

If there are no hogs up you should be looking for straight sights that hit the most beasties possible with your level 2 R2 WHILE stunning the largest beastie on the field, although the priority should always be stunning the largest beastie, as randoms will tend to flock to the most amount of beasties they can hit instead of proper target priority.


For skill usage you should never used L1, the downtime is far to large. The only time I'd use L1 was the beginning of the round before the beasties spawned as it makes a fairly high foam pile which I found useful near the core.

R1 should be used on the smaller beasties when they spawn in the horizontal walls, or to group the small beasties onto the larger beasties you are currently stun locking.

The SSS skill should be used when you have a bit of downtime and you know shit is going to hit the fan, such as multiple large beasties spawning which you will be unable to stunlock such as multi bat or monkey waves. Make sure to use the SSS skill SOONER rather than later as the animation is extremely long and you miss out on multiple shots at a time.


If you can you should be leveling your Shot Power UP to max before any other skills via core powers, in doing so you will be able to 1 shot the small beasties until round 4 which can be extremely helpful in the early game as well as the fact it scales the best. If you cannot level it to max I recommend putting it all into "Shot Rate UP" as this makes you charge your level 2 R2 faster. I believe there is a breakpoint for "Liquid Efficiency UP" which would make it possibly better than Shot Power UP allowing you to get 3 charged R2's off although I didnt experiement with this.


My priority in picking skills was the following:

Rare blue skills that enhance your shooting such as the mirror shot / bomb spawner.

Liquid Efficiency UP to rank 1, this allows you get 3 maxed charged shots off in a single clip which helps immensely.

Shot Rate UP, allows for faster charging.

Shot Power UP, if you're maxed via the core powers you should be able to continue to one shot the small beasties with a few points throughout the rounds.

Reload Speed UP, lowkey underrated due to how much you reload on Jet.

Foam Pile UP, felt decently impactful slowing beasties by a decent amount.

SSS charge time > anything else.


Round 10 is a headache and you want to make sure to save your SSS skill for it, I'd say it's pretty much required due to how difficult it is. I failed around 7 times with different groups on round 10 mainly due to them burning their SSS skill on prior rounds and getting easily overwhelmed.


For positioning you should start the round middle of the field and slowly move backwards as the beasties begin overwhelming you. As a Jet you can NEVER get chilled, you should always be the last line of defence. If you do happen to get chilled don't spam jump by pressing R2, it's so frustrating and wastes a lot of time when your team are trying to free you.


Due to the game being dead on arrival in Australia and never being able to find a game I was jumping between Japan and USA servers due to the similar ping for me. I had a lot more luck with teammates on Japan servers, it might be worth a try if you feel like you've hit a wall with progress



Hopefully this helps anyone! Feel free to ask me any questions.


Thanks, immediately after I saw your post I switched regions to Japan (before the population also dwindles over there) and it was an immediate breath of fresh air compared to the US based scrubs. Took 3 matches to find a decent team but after that even the 10th round was a cakewalk in the successful run. I played as Jet and it worked perfectly.

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So out of curiosity I checked my save file and realized it's not even stored locally on your PS5. Either that or I'm blind.

Which means there's not even an incentive to 100% everything since the save is not for you to keep (not that I was going to anyway)

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There is an option to reset your energy core skills. Does anyone know if this give you your points back to redistribute them? I would like to do this, but I'm nervous that resetting might take my levels back down to zero, but not give the points back. I would find it odd if it didn't (otherwise what would be the point of resetting them?) but if anyone has confirmation before I did so, it would great.

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12 minutes ago, Vitallani said:

There is an option to reset your energy core skills. Does anyone know if this give you your points back to redistribute them? I would like to do this, but I'm nervous that resetting might take my levels back down to zero, but not give the points back. I would find it odd if it didn't (otherwise what would be the point of resetting them?) but if anyone has confirmation before I did so, it would great.

Yes, you get full points back. It can be safely tested by upgrading once in a slot then reseting to see. At any time you can adjust what you feel would be better for you as you slowly max them out.

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3 hours ago, TyTyger_626 said:

Yes, you get full points back. It can be safely tested by upgrading once in a slot then reseting to see. At any time you can adjust what you feel would be better for you as you slowly max them out.

Thank you!

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The Squad Mission (HARD) trophy elevated the difficulty from like 2 to 7/10


I was finally able to beat HARD mode with random players. The team was Penny Gwyn, Soa, Rave Breaker and Jet Justice which I was using myself.


In the 10th wave we all died almost at the end of the round but the turrets saved the day! Maybe with a coordinated team this would be much easier but I definitely had a tough time with this one.


Now just ranked mode missing for 100% someone knows when will it be available to play?


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9 hours ago, SithLawd66 said:

So out of curiosity I checked my save file and realized it's not even stored locally on your PS5. Either that or I'm blind.

Which means there's not even an incentive to 100% everything since the save is not for you to keep (not that I was going to anyway)

This happens frequently with online-only games, your save/progress is stored in their server, that's why you don't have a save in your console. 


44 minutes ago, SithLawd66 said:

What counts as a party? Does „Smash the Star“ count or only those rotating ones (and I guess Ranked when it goes live)?

A party is simply the way Foamstars refers to matches, Squad Missions don't count, everything else is a party.


We think the ranked matches will show up tomorrow, when FriYAY event will start... The message ingame says that ranked is coming soon. 

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1 hour ago, Mr_Fluffy_Pants_ said:

Anyone have any idea about the fastest way to level up?

The rubber duck match seems like it gives more xp then smash the stars, but it also takes longer so I’m not sure the best strategy to rank up fastest 

Ranked gives tons of experience.

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