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Anonymous... They're back!


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It looks like Anonymous is targeting Sony again! This time the reasons behind their potential upcoming attack on Sony is over Sony's support of SOPA, or the Stop Online Pirating Act.


Obviously, Anonymous are anti-SOPA so Sony's decision to support the bill strikes a nerve with them. For those who haven't kept up, SOPA is an act that would expand the ability of U.S. law enforcement and copyright holders to fight online trafficking in copyrighted intellectual property and counterfeit goods. However, due to loose terminology in the original bill, it has been the subject of hot debate lately.

Here's a transcript from


Hello, SONY.

We are Anonymous.

It has come to the attention of the Anonymous activist community that you have chosen to stand by the Stop Online Piracy Act. This act will halt online businesses and restrict access to many sites for many users. Supporting SOPA is like trying to throw an entire company from off a bridge. Your support to the act is a signed death warrant to SONY Company and Associates. Therefore, yet again, we have decided to destroy your network. We will dismantle your phantom from the internet. Prepare to be extinguished. Justice will be swift, and it will be for the people, whether some like it or not. Sony, you have been warned.

To those doubting our powers. We've infiltrated the servers of Bank of America, The United States Department of Defense, The United Nations, and Lockheed Martin. In one day.

For their approval to SOPA, we have also declared that our fury be brought upon the following persons. Justin Bieber. Lady Gaga. Kim Kardashian. and Taylor Swift.

Operation Blackout, engaged.

Operation Mayhem, engaged.

Operation LulzXmas, engaged.

We are Anonymous.

We are Legion.

We do not forgive.

We do not forget.

Supporters of SOPA, you should've expected us.

Source: http://www.gamezone....-sony-over-sopa

And so it begins...?

Losing PSN wouldn't really hinder my gaming too much. Between Skyrim, Batman: AA, Yakuza 4 and collecting trophies in the offline modes of my NHL 12 game... the majority of my gaming these days isn't online. Not being able to sync my trophies though would be really lame.

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Although this could be considered an accomplishment of great importance...

To those doubting our powers. We've infiltrated the servers of Bank of America, The United States Department of Defense, The United Nations, and Lockheed Martin. In one day.

There is one thing in common of all those don't have that doesn't apply to Sony...

:ninja: :ninja: :ninja: :ninja: :ninja: :ninja: :ninja:

Since the last attack, Sony has hired computer Ninjas

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What D-Bags... I guess they weren't phased by the members that were arrested recently. Hopefully more get the prison bitch raping they have coming to them!

On a somewhat related note, how pathetic is it that there is an anti-SOPA following? It's like having a coalition for the rights of burglarers.

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On a somewhat related note, how pathetic is it that there is an anti-SOPA following? It's like having a coalition for the rights of burglarers.

That says it all right there, and I agree completely. It really is sad how many pathetic fuck-nuts will find excuses for idiots like these who "protect" the rights of people to steal games, movies, etc. Now mind you, these are the same types of folks who will blast a Developer for charging for games, DLC, etc., calling them rip-offs and greedy; yet they themselves have no issue with stealing and consider idiots like the members of Anonymous as their "hero's".

Of course, these uber-computer geeks are too fucking stupid to realize that all they do is force businesses to incur additional costs to repair and fix any damage(s)/loss of income caused by their actions, and who pays for all that in the long run?

Yeah, that's right...those of us who these sperm-guzzlers say they are "protecting".

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A bunch of egotistical, deluded, self obsessed wankers..

That said they obviously have some skills in hacking, it's just a shame they couldn't have put there obvious talents to a more vocational use, for the good of themselves or humanity, or even to getting laid once in a while!!!

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So what you saying is you are all mad because someone is making it harder for you to steal...... So I guess you would not have a problem if someone showed up at your house and took everything own. Grow up and start being a useful member of society. You are not protecting my rights, and freedoms, you are actually hindering them. Everytime you immature idoits decide to help fight for my freedom or anyone elses all you do is cause us headaches and cost us money and time.

All you are doing is trying to fulfill your need for attention. What did mommy and daddy not hold you enough as child? If you need attention that bad I am sure you could get on Jerry Springer or any other of the hundreds of spin offs that fill day time T.V.

You are not heros of the people. You are nothing but self serving cowards who hide behind computer screens and fake identities. If you actaully want to make a stand and fight for a cause thats all well and good, BUT STOP ANNOYING THE OTHER 99.99999% of the population who could really care less about about you and your bullshit.

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So what you saying is you are all mad because someone is making it harder for you to steal...... So I guess you would not have a problem if someone showed up at your house and took everything own. Grow up and start being a useful member of society. You are not protecting my rights, and freedoms, you are actually hindering them. Everytime you immature idoits decide to help fight for my freedom or anyone elses all you do is cause us headaches and cost us money and time.

All you are doing is trying to fulfill your need for attention. What did mommy and daddy not hold you enough as child? If you need attention that bad I am sure you could get on Jerry Springer or any other of the hundreds of spin offs that fill day time T.V.

You are not heros of the people. You are nothing but self serving cowards who hide behind computer screens and fake identities. If you actaully want to make a stand and fight for a cause thats all well and good, BUT STOP ANNOYING THE OTHER 99.99999% of the population who could really care less about about you and your bullshit.

Nice, very well said.

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Hey, if Anonymous don't support SOPA, I'd say I'm on their side. Granted, if they think a few days with no Playstation Network will change anything, they're idiots. As usual. But, they've got a long standing beef with Sony that they feel they need to justify.

so you support online piracy? Why? Would you want someone stealing from you? If someone took a product of yours, copied it, and sold it online or gave it away for free you would be out some money and im sure you would be singing a different song.

If you support SOPA, I'm sorry but you are irrelevant to society.

Move to China, and keep your opinions to your self.

So... Sony is irrelevant to society... because thats what you JUST said even though Sony creates a lot of great products for us to use and HERE YOU ARE ON A SONY PLAYSTATION SITE!!!! but yeah, they should just bend over and let people steal from them and everyone else who is trying to have a business where they are trying to make money and employ workers to boost our economy... yeah that makes a ton of sense...

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Wonder if they got that from Fallout New Vegas. :lol:

Hipster Anonymous: "We were Legion before Caeser made it cool B) "


Here's a message to Anonymous!


I've been wanting to use that pic for quite some time... perfect moment.

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If you support SOPA, I'm sorry but you are irrelevant to society.

Yeah, how dare any of us have the character and morals to not want to support theft. Go ahead and leave your door open next time you go to the store and let folks walk in an steal your shit....oops, it isn't stealing, that is a right of theirs.

It really is sad how many can justify stealing, theft and other criminal activities as long as they are the beneficiaries.

Move to China, and keep your opinions to your self.

Pssst....I know this is a difficult concept, but if you don't want to hear others' opinions, if you agree with them or not, then do not post on a public forum.

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So... Sony is irrelevant to society... because thats what you JUST said even though Sony creates a lot of great products for us to use and HERE YOU ARE ON A SONY PLAYSTATION SITE!!!! but yeah, they should just bend over and let people steal from them and everyone else who is trying to have a business where they are trying to make money and employ workers to boost our economy... yeah that makes a ton of sense...

Sony as a whole does not support SOPA. Please at least read the link in my post before assuming.

Yeah, how dare any of us have the character and morals to not want to support theft. Go ahead and leave your door open next time you go to the store and let folks walk in an steal your shit....oops, it isn't stealing, that is a right of theirs.

It really is sad how many can justify stealing, theft and other criminal activities as long as they are the beneficiaries.

Pssst....I know this is a difficult concept, but if you don't want to hear others' opinions, if you agree with them or not, then do not post on a public forum.

Again, have you even read up on the Bill? It's not about Piracy. It's about destroying our Constitution, and enslavement of the internet. It's based on suggestion. Yeah I sure would like that...

Edit: OT - it took like 3 minuets for this to post wth..

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If I am correct in what I've read about SOPA then sites like this could easily cease to exist because any trademarked image being used can cause a penalty of some sort. Meaning all of our avatars, signatures, trophy guides,trophy cards, etc, etc, could be a violation of the SOPA act and could result in fines/being shut down.

I don't agree with anon's methods at all and I am the first one on their hate wagon, they're self serving pieces of shit but (correct me if I'm wrong) SOPA isn't just about stopping piracy and theft, it's about the government having the ability to censor the internet as a whole... which is too far.

There are things I don't quite understand, such as the internet being a global utility which begs the question "how could they censor it?" but I'm sure it is specified somewhere... I'm just too lazy to hunt for it.

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i was too lazy to read the SOPA so i was quick to speak because i thought it was only about trying to stop online piracy (meaning stealing) because im not down with that but it sounds like its much much more...

but at the same time, with people like anon running around being bullies and such, it almost begs for some internet police to crack down on it a bit... There is only ONE reason why they want the SOPA to fall to the ground and it is for personal gain because they are the internet pirates... But its BECAUSE of people like anon that the government comes up with the SOPA to begin with... Sure it might suck but Anon and the like are to blame for it... I mean, why would they feel the need to do something so drastic if it were not for the hackers who hack stuff like Lockheed, BofA, etc...

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If I am correct in what I've read about SOPA then sites like this could easily cease to exist because any trademarked image being used can cause a penalty of some sort. Meaning all of our avatars, signatures, trophy guides,trophy cards, etc, etc, could be a violation of the SOPA act and could result in fines/being shut down.

It could happen even without SOPA....it is called Copyright Infringement. If any company, illustrator or original creator decided to make a fuss, they could indeed demand that the use of their intellectual property not be used (the most common method being a Cease and Desist order). People do need to realize that just because they find an image or whatever on the net, they do not, legally, have a right to use said images without proper consent.

Although I am not an advocate of piracy and support all laws governing such (we do indeed have regional, national and global laws that already protect this), I am not a fan of censorship by "Big Brother" neither. Hell, in the US they can't even run the country, how the fuck they gonna' manage the net.

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Someone in the collective seems to have some brains- they said they won't attack PSN, stating that it wouldn't hurt Sony as much as the public.

This doesn't excuse them from anything (don't worry I know you didn't say that it did), they're still engaging in an activity that is going to do more harm than good. Sony scaling back their support doesn't really change anything when it's the govt. that will vote and decide whether or not SOPA passes. Anonymous is still a bunch of self servicing pieces of shit in my eyes, no matter the cause they stand behind. There are other ways to have your voice heard.

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Anonymous is still a bunch of self servicing pieces of shit in my eyes, no matter the cause they stand behind. There are other ways to have your voice heard.

I agree 100%. IMHO, anyone who doesn't have the balls to come forward and hides behind a mask (or the anonymity of the internet) are nothing more than cowards. The sad thing is, that with the computer knowledge these folks posses, there is so much they could do to help improve so many things. But like most pieces of shit, they direct their skills and efforts in the wrong direction.

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It could happen even without SOPA....it is called Copyright Infringement. If any company, illustrator or original creator decided to make a fuss, they could indeed demand that the use of their intellectual property not be used (the most common method being a Cease and Desist order). People do need to realize that just because they find an image or whatever on the net, they do not, legally, have a right to use said images without proper consent.

Although I am not an advocate of piracy and support all laws governing such (we do indeed have regional, national and global laws that already protect this), I am not a fan of censorship by "Big Brother" neither. Hell, in the US they can't even run the country, how the fuck they gonna' manage the net.

My concern lies more in the govt. being able to serve the cease and desist instead of the trademark owner. I look at it this way... when Sony and game developers/publishers see a site like this they see free advertising and support. We're using their trophy images and such to spread the word about their games and ultimately helping their business (unless their game sucks of course) which causes them no reason for concern, in fact I'm sure they'd encourage it if asked. The govt. on the other hand, would look at a site like this and only see images being used that are trademarked, which is breaking their rules. I doubt they would care about anything beyond enforcing their bureaucratic bullshit (I'm actually currently and personally dealing with a scenario that shows how little they care about anything beyond their bureaucracy). If the final call is made by the trademark owners I'm completely fine with it, if the govt. moves in and ceases power I'm absolutely not fine with that, they are slowly and steadily increasing their reach exponentially and it's starting to get way out of hand.

I completely agree that SOPA is not going to accomplish anything positive but anonymous is once again doing everything wrong. Honestly, they aren't doing anything different than SOPA, they disapprove of it so services (and people) are being denied and attacked, it's complete garbage.

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