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The Wolf Among Us Ending *spoilers*


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Hey guys after finishing the episode on steam I would like to give you the most likely theory explaining the last minute of the game. It was a very confusing ending and was a big cliffhanger.

The first thing we have to note is what Nerissa told us before this moment, she said Georgie killed Faith and Lilly. And the other thing we have to remember is that Nerissa was the one putting the heads on the stairs.

The last scene starts of with Nerissa ending her talk with Bigby with the famous words from episode 1 "You are not as bad as everyone says you are". After that Bigby comes with alot of Evidence hinting that we actually never met Nerissa and that she was the one killed that night. I'm going to go through ever piece of evidence I have supporting this theory..

The first evidence we get is that Faith and Nerissa nearly uses the exact same words when talking to Bigby and the biggest evidence in this case might be "Do you like my ribbon?" which I would think was Nerissa trying to hint Bigby who she really was but the ribbon stopped her. Bigby also tells Nerissa that she feels they have met before.

After that we get some of Faiths backstory told again we hear the scene where Bufkiin read about Faith in episode 1 "she would hide her beauty so she could escape the kingdom". This makes perfect sense as they were planning to escape but Nerissa ratted them out so Faith had to "hide her beauty to escape the kingdom".

After this we hear Bigby ask Snow if Swineheart ever got back to her about Faith and she told him he wanted to run more tests. I would think Swineheart wasn't sure about the Hey guys after finishing the episode om steam I would like to give you the most likely theory explaining the last minute of the game. It was very confusing and was a big cliffhanger.

The first thing we have to note is what Nerissa told us before this moment, she told us Georgie killed Faith and Lilly and it was not the croocked mans fault, she also told us she had to watch it happend. And she also revealed she was the one putting the head of Faith on the starecase. Another thing we have to note is Faith did a favour for Lilly the day she died and that they planned to escape.

The scene starts of with Nerissa ending her talk with Bigby with the famous words from episode 1 "You are not as bad as everyone says you are". After that Bigby comes with alot of Evidence hinting that we actually never met Nerissa and that she was the one killed that night. I'm going to go through ever piece of evidence supporting this theory..

The first evidence we get is thst Faith and Nerissa nearly uses the exact same way of talking to Bigby and the biggest evidence in this case might be "Do you like my ribbon" which I would think was Nerissa trying to hint Bigby who she really was. Bigby also tells Nerissa that she feels they have met before.

After that we get some of Faiths backstory which was read by Bufkin in episode 1 "she would hide her beauty so she could escape the kingdom". This makes perfect sense as they were planning to escape but Nerissa ratted them out so Faith had to "hide her beauty to escape the kingdom". "Beauty" the quality present in a thing or person that gives intense pleasure or deep satisfaction to the mind, whether arising from sensory manifestations (as shape, color, sound, etc.), a meaningful design or pattern, or something else (as a personality in which high spiritual qualities are manifest).

Right after that we here Bigby ask Snow if Swineheart (the doctor) ever got back to here about Faith, she told him that he wanted to run more tests which makes me think Swineheart had some wierd results. I would think it is hard finding out if they are glamoured as no one knew who the fake Snow was before the removed the glamour tube from her.

To sum it up really Nerissa was the one that was killed in Georgies office but Faith glamoured Nerissa as herself because Bigby had just helped out Faith and "Nerissa" told us at the end of episode that she wanted Bigby to get a hint but Bigby had no idea who Nerissa was so she needed to give Bigby the head of someone he could track that is why the head of Faith was used. I know this theory is not the strongest but at this moment it is the one that is most likely to be the right one.

I would like to apologize for my English which is not very good. If something doesn't make sense please tell me and I'll try explaining it another way.

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Wall of text.  I believe you accidentally pasted the thing halfway in or something, cause everything is there twice, and it cuts off right after the bit about Swinehart.


That being said, that's an interesting theory.  I thought the last episodes wrapped everything up pretty nicely, but was I the only one who kept thinking it froze on like, every loading screen?

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Yep it  frozed at me at the loading twice weird never had that problem , and for the game what a amazing story my thogth that Faith was Nerissa and the head that was on bigby front door was actually the real Nerissa,the why that bigby react that why i think , I hope there well be a season 2 Please  :unsure:

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Woah that makes sense. Since telltale releases episodes far apart I had forgot a lot from the early episodes certainly everything about Faith, so was confused at the end. If there is no season 2 I would still call that a poor ending.. maybe.

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Wall of text.  I believe you accidentally pasted the thing halfway in or something, cause everything is there twice, and it cuts off right after the bit about Swinehart.


That being said, that's an interesting theory.  I thought the last episodes wrapped everything up pretty nicely, but was I the only one who kept thinking it froze on like, every loading screen?

 i had to replay a lot of the last episode due to freezing. :(

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I think it didn't froze up in my entire gameplay... slow loading yes... but didn't froze...


hmmm... very plausible theory... and would make perfect sense... but the first question come to my mind is... motive? then... how did she have the money to have glamour for that... IIRC having glamour is not cheap and IIRC Faith has some financial issues...


crap.. just before that last line from Nerissa... everything was ok to me... all of the questions were answered IMO... :shakefist:


is it just me that think that after the ending scene... maybe The Crooked Man is not guilty after all in charge of murder of "Faith" and Lily? May "Nerissa" is the really one pull the string for the death of the 2 ladies... meh.. just random thought

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I think Georgie definitely was the actual person who took care of the murders as he and Vivian seemed pretty guilty about the whole thing, but if it's true then that Nerissa wasn't actually Nerissa and was in fact Faith, then surely those two and the rest of the Crooked Mans crew would have known that Nerissa and Lily were the real dead girls, but throughout nobody ever mentions such a thing. That would mean that if Nerissa throughout the story had really been Faith in disguise she must have had their glamours swapped during the time of the murder, as in she had to have set the real Nerissa up. The Crooked Man and his crew should have had no reason to want to protect her and he didn't even recognize 'Nerissa' when she appeared at the Witching Well. So perhaps when Faith found out Nerissa had told Georgie she used Nerissa both as a way to protect herself and as revenge for her betrayal.


Maybe I'm just looking too deeply into it, but either way the ending was both depressing and dark as hell and I love/hate Telltale for it so much and know I need a season two.

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I don't know :(

I don't think Faith is Nerissa, if she is , it's pretty scummy to leave Lawrence behind.


After I imprisioned the crooked man, Greenleaf said something about him squawking too much , making her cut of his tongue or something. I think she replaced his tongue with the bug that TJ gave to Bigby, which was meant for Snow. TJ mentioned the bug squirted something when you touched it, meaning if snow touched it, it would squirt illuminati juices on her, controlling her brain, and letting the Crooked Man achieve his ultimate goal: turn Colin into Bacon (Why else would he 've going to farm? He wanted Colin to be on that truck, toad had a grill under his hat). That's what I took from the ending anyway.

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Wall of text.  I believe you accidentally pasted the thing halfway in or something, cause everything is there twice, and it cuts off right after the bit about Swinehart.


That being said, that's an interesting theory.  I thought the last episodes wrapped everything up pretty nicely, but was I the only one who kept thinking it froze on like, every loading screen?


can you tell me what? I messed up but I thought I fixed it.

And yes I had to save it alot of times by copying it I was doing this on an ipad and everytime I left the website it got deleted.

Edited by Bonofifa
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I don't know :(

I don't think Faith is Nerissa, if she is , it's pretty scummy to leave Lawrence behind.


After I imprisioned the crooked man, Greenleaf said something about him squawking too much , making her cut of his tongue or something. I think she replaced his tongue with the bug that TJ gave to Bigby, which was meant for Snow. TJ mentioned the bug squirted something when you touched it, meaning if snow touched it, it would squirt illuminati juices on her, controlling her brain, and letting the Crooked Man achieve his ultimate goal: turn Colin into Bacon (Why else would he 've going to farm? He wanted Colin to be on that truck, toad had a grill under his hat). That's what I took from the ending anyway.


my thought exactly... that's why I am somehow in doubt of the theory.... or maybeeeeeeee... the Faith in E1 is not really Faith... she's Nerissa disguising as Faith then knowing that Bigby is being monitored by TCM, (as seen in CH 5 where there are pics of Bigby with Faith etc...) framed her up... then told Georgie Faith and Lilly's plan... then let the girls die... motive.. maybe because she's jealous because she don't have a love life -- yeah... maybe it is... I AM A GENIUS.... 


with regards to your theory... mind blowing... I knew it there is something with Colin...

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Faith's head had the same bruises as the Faith from the beginning, so I think that whoever talked to bigby was the same person who died.

There's still loose ends, why did Bluebeard burn evidence? Did we really kill Bloody Mary? Why did Bigby rub his eye at the end (same eye Mary nearly stabbed)? "Long live the Queen"? Why hasn't Swineheart finished his tests on the head? Why am I asking so many questions? Why is the boy who cryed wolf in line at the end? How did Colin operate the elevator? Why did it have to end? Who killed Lily/glamoured as Crane? Loads of people saw Bigby in wolf form?

Edited by Saltyie
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was I the only one who kept thinking it froze on like, every loading screen?

Nope had to restart my ps3 4 times during the last episode they really need to make a new engine for their next games


Really want a second season enjoyed this more than TWD

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Hey guys after finishing the episode on steam I would like to give you the most likely theory explaining the last minute of the game. It was a very confusing ending and was a big cliffhanger.

The first thing we have to note is what Nerissa told us before this moment, she said Georgie killed Faith and Lilly. And the other thing we have to remember is that Nerissa was the one putting the heads on the stairs.

The last scene starts of with Nerissa ending her talk with Bigby with the famous words from episode 1 "You are not as bad as everyone says you are". After that Bigby comes with alot of Evidence hinting that we actually never met Nerissa and that she was the one killed that night. I'm going to go through ever piece of evidence I have supporting this theory..

The first evidence we get is that Faith and Nerissa nearly uses the exact same words when talking to Bigby and the biggest evidence in this case might be "Do you like my ribbon?" which I would think was Nerissa trying to hint Bigby who she really was but the ribbon stopped her. Bigby also tells Nerissa that she feels they have met before.

After that we get some of Faiths backstory told again we hear the scene where Bufkiin read about Faith in episode 1 "she would hide her beauty so she could escape the kingdom". This makes perfect sense as they were planning to escape but Nerissa ratted them out so Faith had to "hide her beauty to escape the kingdom".

After this we hear Bigby ask Snow if Swineheart ever got back to her about Faith and she told him he wanted to run more tests. I would think Swineheart wasn't sure about the Hey guys after finishing the episode om steam I would like to give you the most likely theory explaining the last minute of the game. It was very confusing and was a big cliffhanger.

The first thing we have to note is what Nerissa told us before this moment, she told us Georgie killed Faith and Lilly and it was not the croocked mans fault, she also told us she had to watch it happend. And she also revealed she was the one putting the head of Faith on the starecase. Another thing we have to note is Faith did a favour for Lilly the day she died and that they planned to escape.

The scene starts of with Nerissa ending her talk with Bigby with the famous words from episode 1 "You are not as bad as everyone says you are". After that Bigby comes with alot of Evidence hinting that we actually never met Nerissa and that she was the one killed that night. I'm going to go through ever piece of evidence supporting this theory..

The first evidence we get is thst Faith and Nerissa nearly uses the exact same way of talking to Bigby and the biggest evidence in this case might be "Do you like my ribbon" which I would think was Nerissa trying to hint Bigby who she really was. Bigby also tells Nerissa that she feels they have met before.

After that we get some of Faiths backstory which was read by Bufkin in episode 1 "she would hide her beauty so she could escape the kingdom". This makes perfect sense as they were planning to escape but Nerissa ratted them out so Faith had to "hide her beauty to escape the kingdom". "Beauty" the quality present in a thing or person that gives intense pleasure or deep satisfaction to the mind, whether arising from sensory manifestations (as shape, color, sound, etc.), a meaningful design or pattern, or something else (as a personality in which high spiritual qualities are manifest).

Right after that we here Bigby ask Snow if Swineheart (the doctor) ever got back to here about Faith, she told him that he wanted to run more tests which makes me think Swineheart had some wierd results. I would think it is hard finding out if they are glamoured as no one knew who the fake Snow was before the removed the glamour tube from her.

To sum it up really Nerissa was the one that was killed in Georgies office but Faith glamoured Nerissa as herself because Bigby had just helped out Faith and "Nerissa" told us at the end of episode that she wanted Bigby to get a hint but Bigby had no idea who Nerissa was so she needed to give Bigby the head of someone he could track that is why the head of Faith was used. I know this theory is not the strongest but at this moment it is the one that is most likely to be the right one.

I would like to apologize for my English which is not very good. If something doesn't make sense please tell me and I'll try explaining it another way.


another thing i just ran into supporting the theory that faith was not the one killed in the first part is right after learning her name in cranes office after finding the symbol and such if u walk over to the mirror and ask about faith the mirror clearly says she is hidden by powerful magic and he cant tell where she is and only afew seconds before it tells how she had the donkey skin cloak of POWERFUL MAGIC TO HIDE HER IDENTITY so im thinking faith wasnt who was killed

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  • 8 years later...
On 7/16/2014 at 10:59 AM, lordmartock said:

I got the feeling Nerissa might be Little Red Riding Hood.  They never said what happened to Red after Woody and Bigbee fought so long ago.


I don't understand how she can be Little Red Riding Hood when in the game she prefaces talking to Bigby with "you used to know me as the Little Mermaid".  Honestly I thought it was going to be Ariel, but I guess Nerissa was her name.  I don't think she would fit as RR Hood though, because then Bigby would have certainly recognized her.

On 7/11/2014 at 5:51 PM, Carville87 said:

Nope had to restart my ps3 4 times during the last episode they really need to make a new engine for their next games


Really want a second season enjoyed this more than TWD


I only had freezing when starting the game, after resetting about 3 times, the console finally started going and it only ever froze once more in like Chapter 4.


I liked this game, yet not as much as TWD.  The characters in TWD are just incredible, they were good here, just not up to the same level.

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1 hour ago, LegendExeter said:


I don't understand how she can be Little Red Riding Hood when in the game she prefaces talking to Bigby with "you used to know me as the Little Mermaid".  Honestly I thought it was going to be Ariel, but I guess Nerissa was her name.  I don't think she would fit as RR Hood though, because then Bigby would have certainly recognized her.


I must have missed that part where she said she was the Little Mermaid.  It has been awhile since I finished the game...but now I have to go back and finish the Vita version.

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