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Phil Fish & Polytron doxxed by 4chan’s /v/, Fez & Polytron up for sale


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Phil Fish & Polytron doxxed by 4chan’s /v/, Fez & Polytron up for sale


Phil Fish, every gamers favorite person to hate on, has just been hacked by the /v/ board over at 4chan. Following an extremely thorough doxxing by the volatile group, Polytron Corporation’s website and twitter account have been taken over by the internet radicals. The terrorists over at /v/ (specifically the  “head mod and leader of 4chan.org and Anonymous”,) claim this is a “public execution of Polytron and Phil Fish” that is being done in “retaliation for his attempted coverup of five guys burgers and fries.”

Yep, you couldn’t make this up.
The pastebin file includes passwords for various different email accounts of Phil’s, including various business accounts related to Polytron Corp., the company’s PayPal, and the various administrative email accounts.
Fish, who is known for his volatile personality took to his twitter with a surprisingly deep and heartfelt series of tweets that show the true nature of the gaming industry:
(tweets have been copied/pasted below, as Fish’s twitter account is private.)
“this is videogames.
this is what i get
this is unacceptable
this is not okay
never again, you hear me? never again.
this is videogames
this is your audience
to every aspiring game developer out there: don’t. give up. it’s not worth it.
nothing is worth this.
give up on your dreams. they are actually nightmares.
just don’t do it.
Fish finally told the world he was done, announcing that “POLYTRON and the FEZ IP are now for sale. no reasonable offer will be turned down. i am done. i want out.”
While it is unclear whether or not Phil is serious in this, the tweets are extremely disheartening.
Fish finally ended his deluge of tweets and deleted his twitter. “never again.” he tells the world.
Tonight’s turn of events are extremely sad. While many gamers go far to show that we are all family here in the industry, driving a true visionary and artistic genius like Phil Fish from the business simply because you don’t like their personality is stupid, childish, and overall shows a total lack maturity throughout the industry. It’s disgusting, to say the least
Update : Phil Fish’s personal twitter has now been deleted, by him
Thoughts ? , i just want to say that this is pretty saddening for me , i know a lot of people dislike the guy 
and i for one kinda like him , i will agree that he is a bit of a ''dick'' but the amount of hate he gets and has gotten 
is a huge amount , this is a bit extreme to be honest , if you don't like someone you don't post all of their personal information
online and hope that someone does something to hurt the guy , this just shows once again that the internet can be childish and wrong 
and that there're no consequences to doing something like this , well at least to the hackers behind computer screens 
i'll go on to say that this is even more sad because of the main point ''Video game developers'' - Part of what makes gaming unique is how close the creators are to the community of players who enjoy their work. This is also its curse - that is something said by Patrick Klepek from Giant Bomb and i fully agree with it , it's sad because people on the internet generally hate on those who are popular ... be it video game devs , youtubers , bloggers etc , they hate on them because they are popular , jealousy ? that probably plays a very big part in it and truth be told , i have no idea why everyone hates Phil Fish so much , yeah he has said a lot of stupid and ''dick'' things but he's still a human like everyone else that loves video games and that's obviously why he made one ''FEZ'' 
all in all what i mean to say is that people can really be judgmental and have no understanding at all , especially on the internet and i'm generalizing here , he's probably better off just selling off everything and i guess getting off of the internet so i do agree with that and he should have probably done that a long time ago ... if you like him or not , the fact is that no one deserves this and it once again destroys my faith in humanity and even more with people who play video games , judge the game not the guy and if you still don't like the game that's fine , but don't hate on the guy , he put years of his life into doing something he was passionate about and that was video games so i believe a small amount of respect has to be given there .
Edited by TheVolloxx-
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It's sad that he became the target of people's center of hate, I honestly never hated the guy. I understood how he reacted based on how he really took things to heart, he really took people's criticism serious. He took a huge risk from the beginning just like every indie developer out there, in hopes to have their title become a success after investing years of their time to make. Sadly people judged his work for his backlash, and just try to imagine a day in his shoes...having to hope no one recognizes your face or who you are.

I'm sure people must bash the guy daily, not only in the Internet; but in person too...all of that had to effect his Sanity.

It's not easy living a hated live, his hate is nearly John Cena Level to be honest.

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Well this is what happens when you're an arrogant, smug douche with a superiority complex.... people tend not to like you.

He keeps saying Fez fans don't deserve a sequel, so he may as well take his irrelevant ass somewhere else and stop disrespecting his own fans.

I just wish he'd actually go this time, he feels sorry for himself and "leaves" like once a week at this point, he's a man child.


Also that whole journalist cover up thing.. everyone involved, shouldn't work in the journalistic side of it again, they're gross fucks with no integrity. 


That being said, no one should be doxxed, the market/ the fans will decide his future, doxing someone is just pathetic.

Edited by geogw
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He's an asshole, but he doesn't deserve what happened to him and his company. However there's a silver lining, at least now we have a chance to get Fez 2 without fish throwing his toys out of the pram every other month. I dislike him, but it's sad how he's essentially been forced to resign like this.

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Weird how right now most people are saying he's a dick and deserves every bit of the treatment he's getting but if he ends up killing himself in a month everyone will say it's tragic, completely unexpected, a huge loss for the gaming community etc.

Goddammit Internet.

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While he doesn't deserve this he does seem to be a major dick and it'd be nice if he'd permanently quit this time instead of quitting every 2-4 weeks like he does.


Had no idea who this cat was.  Why do people hate him?


He thinks he's better than everyone else. He thinks his game is better than all other games. He thinks his opinion is fact and everyone should feel the same way he does. And of course there's him telling someone they should just kill themselves.

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I don't really understand a lot of the hatred for Phil Fish. I mean, everything negative about him that I've heard spawned from the piece of shit that is Shawn McGrath. Phil seems to be the kind of guy who is very reactionary, which just attracts more attention to himself (sort of like that kid in middle school who would always get bullied because of of or her over-reactionary response).

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I don't really understand a lot of the hatred for Phil Fish. I mean, everything negative about him that I've heard spawned from the piece of shit that is Shawn McGrath. Phil seems to be the kind of guy who is very reactionary, which just attracts more attention to himself (sort of like that kid in middle school who would always get bullied because of of or her over-reactionary response).


Differences with Phil though, he's a fully grown man that should know better tbh.

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Well this is what happens when you're an arrogant, smug douche with a superiority complex.... people tend not to like you.

He keeps saying Fez fans don't deserve a sequel, so he may as well take his irrelevant ass somewhere else and stop disrespecting his own fans.

I just wish he'd actually go this time, he feels sorry for himself and "leaves" like once a week at this point, he's a man child.


Also that whole journalist cover up thing.. everyone involved, shouldn't work in the journalistic side of it again, they're gross fucks with no integrity. 


That being said, no one should be doxxed, the market/ the fans will decide his future, doxing someone is just pathetic.


I agree 100%

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Why is it so bloody wrong to be judgmental?  We wouldn't survive at all if we didn't pass judgement on things!  Also, no, he does NOT deserve respect.  Anyone who claims that they, as you put it, "put years of his life into doing something he was passionate about" and then say "I'M DONE!  NO MORE FEZ 2!" over some badmouthing and criticism over the internet is not respect-worthy.  It's the definition of a whiny, spoiled man-child.

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I kinda have mixed emotions here. From the reception I've seen Fez get, It seems like Phil is actually a very gifted developer. I've seen Indie Game: The Movie (you guys should to), It sounds like he's had a really rough life to.


On the other hand, It took forever for him to get Fez to release. When people asked him when the game would come out, His responses eventually turned into "F*** You!" and "Go kill yourself!". He was extremely rude to everyone. I feel like he deserved what he got. Except for his account getting hacked. That's a really low blow. Yet, He generalizes that all gamers did this to him.

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He thinks his game is better than all other games.


If you're referring to what he said about japanese games, then this is taking it way out of context.


I liked Phil Fish well enough. He was a person with a strong opinion and he didn't care what other people think. I can respect that.

Besides, I consider him to be an artist and most artists who create something unique and original are mostly eccentric or odd.


I could never ever hate Phil Fish because I love Fez. The game is truly amazing.

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