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Anonymous Declares War on Lizard Squad Hacker Team, your thoughts on the controversy?


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Anonymous Declares War On Lizard Squad Hacker Team


By Mark Wilson

Read here for the article, but I've copied it below so you don't have to but if you prefer here it is:http://betanews.com/2014/12/26/anonymous-declares-war-on-lizard-squad-after-ddos-attacks-on-game-networks/



Hacker outfit Lizard Squad was seemingly responsible for the misery of thousands of gamers this Christmas after a series of DDoS attacks were launched on the PlayStation Network and Xbox Live. Mega's Kim Dotcom stepped into the breach and was seemingly -- temporarily -- successful in negotiating with the group and getting them to stop the attacks.

While the gaming networks appear to have come back online for some, this is not enough for Anonymous -- yes, that Anonymous. The international activist group has declared war on Lizard Squad, saying that the hackers have "made an enemy" and warning that "now you are all going down".

Anonymous posted a couple of videos to YouTube in which it -- in its typical dramatic style -- attacked Lizard Squad. While no direct reference is made to the attacks on Sony and Microsoft's gaming networks, the narrator addressed the gaming community as well as Lizard Squad itself. It seems that the declaration of war is about more than just the Xbox Live and PSN DDoS attacks.

In a blog post, Anonymous draws attention to its videos in which the group complains about Lizard Squad's suggestions that Anonymous is working with the FBI. The news was also shared on Twitter, where initial responses fell into two camps -- those complaining that Anonymous didn’t intervene sooner, and those interested to see the fallout of what happens next.

(Didn't know the twitter code link here to the post)

Here's the transcript of one of the videos as the voiceover can be a little hard to make out (this is Anonymous' own transcript, complete with typos):

Greetings Gaming Community & Lizard Squad aka Finest, It has come to our attention that despite our continued warnings you have decided to disregard our requests to stop promoting propaganda such as "Anonymous has joined up with the FBI". The only Anon that ever worked with the FBI is Sabu, the former Lulzsec's leader and now he's know as the biggest traitor and scumbag that shopped hes friends to the police in order to save himself among all Anonymous parties. The Leader of Lizard Squad Jord is also the leader of Finest Squad which is in the same position as Sabu (shopped two of hes friends to the police after hacked by Anonymous and, now is struggling to escape from us). Everything that's happening right now such as "Interview" is a typical brainwashing method of drama in order to save himself. You have made an enemy of Anonymous by saying that we are supporting FBI and now you are all going down!


The first video message to Lizard Squad posted by Anonymous on YouTube:

Just in case one message was not enough, a second video soon followed:

EDIT: Anonymous have done work already, they have doxed all the members of Lizard already.. If you want to see for yourself here is there research publicly given already: http://lizardsquad.info/
I'm amazed, Lizard Squad looks like they are definitely messing with the wrong crew #praiseanon
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All these people want is attention. All I know is, I'm glad I don't pay for PS+ or Xbox Live. Would suck to pay $60 a year, which apparently goes to strengthening the servers, only for those servers to be brought down every other week by DDoS attacks.

It's a small annoyance, but i'll live. I played PS2 games without internet, I can do the same with PS3.

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My thoughts are: stop giving them all this attention.


This is true, this was even on my local news in Australia all this controversy..



All these people want is attention. All I know is, I'm glad I don't pay for PS+ or Xbox Live. Would suck to pay $60 a year, which apparently goes to strengthening the servers, only for those servers to be brought down every other week by DDoS attacks.

It's a small annoyance, but i'll live. I played PS2 games without internet, I can do the same with PS3.


Oh them PS2 feels, miss my PS2, they say they are strengthening the severs but they seem to just get romped by every single hacker there is. One of the members of the Lizard Squad is 13..

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Wait, so the the Finest Squad is actually the Lizard Squad? I thought they were the ones working with the FBI, & got some of the Lizard Squad arrested. confused-onion-head-emoticon.gif?1292862


No The Finest Squad isn't the Lizard Squad. The Finest Squad exposed them with Anon I'm pretty sure. :)


Look at there Twitter here, couple of posts pretty much destorying them, https://twitter.com/finestsquad

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Lizard Squad are just kiddos with the ability to read instructions on how to DDOS shit down. Honestly anyone with little dedication can achieve that. While I might not agree with everything Anonymous does, at least they have some reasons to do what they do, not just because for the lulz. I'm all for Anon here!

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well all you people who were like #supportanon...here you go :)




What is funny I was going to post something earlier like "it is funny how people are in favour of them now, but just wait until they do something to fuck with you again and you will be crying about it"...well I didn't post that because I was late for work and when I came home from work this is what was waiting for me.

Edited by Dr_Mayus
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well all you people who were like #supportanon...here you go :)




What is funny I was going to post something earlier like "it is funny how people are in favour of them now, but just wait until they do something to fuck with you again and you will be crying about it"...well I didn't post that because I was late for work and when I came home from work this is what was waiting for me.


It wasn't even a leak. It was a repost of old information that had already been released, it was posted in 2012 when they were hacked before. It's the same information. It happened on the 01-23-2012.. It was all old pastebin information, that they released 'for the lulz'


http://pastebin.com/Q0FBCUSR Here is a pastebin document from that time, conensiding with the information related to that exacted leak.


On further it has been taken down, because of fears resparking but really it was just old stuff, the news just wants to get more attention out of the situation. Link:https://ghostbin.com/paste/avtnw/raw thats where the contents where.


Anon really do have good intentions most of the time and really they are the only free speaking voice on the internet that can get stuff done. That's why I support them. Like they just had beef with the KKK and they've pretty much #hoodsoff them and that was in a matter of a couple of days.

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It wasn't even a leak. It was a repost of old information that had already been released, it was posted in 2012 when they were hacked before. It's the same information. It happened on the 01-23-2012.. It was all old pastebin information, that they released 'for the lulz'


http://pastebin.com/Q0FBCUSR Here is a pastebin document from that time, conensiding with the information related to that exacted leak.


On further it has been taken down, because of fears resparking but really it was just old stuff, the news just wants to get more attention out of the situation. Link:https://ghostbin.com/paste/avtnw/raw thats where the contents where.


Anon really do have good intentions most of the time and really they are the only free speaking voice on the internet that can get stuff done. That's why I support them. Like they just had beef with the KKK and they've pretty much #hoodsoff them and that was in a matter of a couple of days.

maybe one or two of them have good intentions but the problem with being anonymous is that anyone can pretend to be you.


If they want to do good, then they should turn their information over to the police and let them deal with it. Instead they want to be vigilantes and that can lead to problems.

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maybe one or two of them have good intentions but the problem with being anonymous is that anyone can pretend to be you.


If they want to do good, then they should turn their information over to the police and let them deal with it. Instead they want to be vigilantes and that can lead to problems.


The whole reason they can do what they do is because they are Anon, they don't have boundaries, no limits. 


But I understand that if they did co-op with the FBI or The Police then things would be dealt with under the law. 



Is there a reason why I should care. If people keep giving them attention and reposting every little thing they do, then they will never go away. 


This is true, mainstream media are always going to do that though. They just want a good story.


I dont really care about them. Good news is im connected online on psn!!! on my ps4 finally!


This is so true!

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The whole reason they can do what they do is because they are Anon, they don't have boundaries, no limits. 


But I understand that if they did co-op with the FBI or The Police then things would be dealt with under the law. 




This is true, mainstream media are always going to do that though. They just want a good story.



This is so true!

so as long as they remain anonymous then they can never be like "that wasn't us, that was some other person in a Guy Fawkes mask". You can't have it both ways.

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The whole reason they can do what they do is because they are Anon, they don't have boundaries, no limits. 


But I understand that if they did co-op with the FBI or The Police then things would be dealt with under the law. 




This is true, mainstream media are always going to do that though. They just want a good story.



This is so true!

It just happened when i was trying to look at my trophies :D Was so excited when it starting working lol

so as long as they remain anonymous then they can never be like "that wasn't us, that was some other person in a Guy Fawkes mask". You can't have it both ways.

I wonder if theres Qwark masks lol. imagine the Qwark hackers xD

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