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<Enter Completionist>


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Hi everyone. I just joined the forum this evening (GMT) and I thought I would leave a little bit about myself for anyone who may be interested.

I have used trophy forums dating back to when I was 17, pretty much when trophies first hit the scene. I had always been a long time admirer of achievements on the Xbox, though I did not own the console myself. Achievements were a huge selling point for me but I held on to my Sony allegiance hoping that one day they might release such a concept; thankfully they did. I have used a lot of the trophy forums over the years. I started off at PS3T.org, I was a site moderator over at PS3T.co.uk before the site would inevitably collapse, I also had stints at STC (the site where a lot of former co.uk members would later be reunited) and PS3T.com. I have been away from trophy forums for some years now but I've been searching for a new forum with like-minded people who enjoy trophy hunting.

So a bit about why I'm here: the trophies. My style of trophy hunting has always been a bit odd to say the least. I have had numerous accounts over the last few years; CraigyBL2 and xCraigy are two of which I stuck with for quite some time. I really struggled to settle with an account for some reason and I would get bored and make a new one, setting myself new challenges in the process. I brand myself as a completionist; someone who plays games and goes all out to complete the game to it's fullest. My trophy hunting needs would somewhat border on OCD to some people, if I start a game, I have to finish it to 100%. This had caused me issues in the past where my expectations would outweigh what was actually achievable. I've had numerous conversations with other trophy hunters and just your average gamers who I'm friends with in real life about why I choose to do this. I've always answered with the same sort of response; I enjoy the satisfaction of starting a game and finishing it to it's maximum potential. I feel everyone games for different reasons and gets different things out of their experience. The way I enjoy gaming is through completion. I can't being to tell you how many times I've heard things like "Just play games for fun, stop worrying about the trophies" etc. but at the end of the day, completion is what I take from gaming... that is my version of enjoying it. Cue the release of the PS4 and paid online and I got strict with myself; no more dilly-dallying with accounts, I would make one and stick with it, regardless of how long I could keep the 100%s coming... CraigyXO was born and nearly a year on (the longest I've ever held an account may I add, shocking I know) It's still going strong.

Anyway that is a little about me. I already recognise a handful of names from other forums I have used in the past so hopefully this should be an enjoyable stay. Feel free to add me on PS4, I'm currently playing Battlefield: Hardline and will be for the foreseeable future (damned online trophies).

Edited by CraigyXO
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I don't have the willpower to be a completionist. Hell, I barely have the willpower to try and get through my backlog. My completion % is kind of high for a half-hearted trophy hunter because if I start a game.... I at least beat the story and get story related trophies. After that well.... 



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Welcome to the forums fellow trophy hunter . . .  BRING IT ON!!!!


Sorry, i don't know why but i had to say it lol. I'm a completionist too but since now i'm studying i don't have time for gaming -_- Just one more month and i'll be free again ^_^

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  • 3 months later...

Welcome! I'm new myself to PSNP. I respect your completionist approach!


I like trying to complete what I can too, but I've thankfully came up with a few ground rules for myself:


1.) It's ok if I don't complete DLC I don't own.

2.) Some games (especially long SP games) Im ok with not completing much trophy wise, if they provide a great story. ie. The Last of Us I was invested in the story, but sometimes I can't get motivated to replay the story again and get the other trophies. Sometimes a game's story is so good I just gotta play it once and respect it for a bit haha

3.) Thanks to the PSNP grade system (which I love), Im maintaining a strong A grade and that's something I am happy with and will try to stick with.

4.) If I wind up not liking a game at all, I won't force myself to play it (thankfully)


Anyways good luck!

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