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Let's Play SO4: Return of the Epic Quest

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I feel bad for how little I play this game.


~13hrs (I idled and experimented a lot, so I know the actual time I played is far less than this)

Edge: 13%

Reimi: 8%

Faize: 22%

Lmyle: 7%


However, I did discover that it might be possible to automate some of the killing trophies. (My party is a bit too low level to do this at a decent rate). There are certain areas that I have encountered so far that have enemies right as you enter their location, like Urd Falls Caves and Alanaire Citadel 2nd Floor right side. Like in many games, If you continuously move forward while rotating the camera stick, you'll make a half circle (or hit some walls) and hopefully eventually leave the area. When you reach the next area, you'll again to the semicircle and go back. The problem is that, if the camera moves too fast, Edge barely stays on the screen and the monster will never fight him. To fix that, if you set your camera stick to something like  <30degrees from vertical, you'll rotate the camera very slowly (the slower, the better usually) and have the monster engage you. Afterward, just get a turbo controller to mash X or O, and you can automate fights.


From my testing, I fought 2 fights like this at Alanaire Citadel, but since the place is so narrow, I kept hitting walls, and Edge couldn't leave correctly. I'm going to try again at Urd once I have access again.

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- Crew Member #43, reporting straight from the Inner Sanctum of the Cave of the Seven Stars -


Killed Gabriel. Eight minutes. Lots of explosions. Easy prey.

The battle wasn't much, but it's got my hands shaking, my blood boiling, and my mind wants more.

So very thirsty. Want to rip and cut something apart.


Better go and see how Ashlay is doi~ng...

Oh, and Dragon? Can you update my mission log? The current data is ages old. I left my most recent notes on Page 121.

Net, out.


- End of Transmission - 

Sure, updated it.


WTG Dragon! That's one I won't be able to get :/

People! Buddies! Keep up the good work! =D

Thnx, got the plat yesterdat for the leap year event, now back to SO4.

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I've made exp grinding equipment asap, I've breezed through 7SD and moments ago I've defeated Gabe but took a while, now I'll pump everyone up to lv 200+ so that it won't take ages to defeat Gabe in order to respawn grigoris.


kick those grigori asses, also nice 1337 trophy on your milestone  B)


don't know if you've seen my star ocean video xD



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Time to set new goals for March :)


1. I want to have 864/900 BTs (96%)

2. Edge at 15000 Kills

3. Arumat at 15000 Kills

4. Bacchus 100% Done

5. Sarah 100% Done

6. Meracle 100% Done


Edge's Battle Trophies-98% (0)

Faize's Battle Trophies-92% (2)

Reimi's Battle Trophies-100%

Lymle's Battle Trophies-88% (5)

Meracle's Battle Trophies-99% (1)

Bacchus' Battle Trophies-97% (0)

Myuria's Battle Trophies-85% (+1)

Sarah's Battle Trophies-99% (0)

Arumat's Battle Trophies-94% (0)



39/47 Trophies  - 852/900 Battle Trophies - I have no idea what my time is. I will calculate it at the end :P

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Time to set new goals for March :)


1. I want to have 864/900 BTs (96%)

2. Edge at 15000 Kills

3. Arumat at 15000 Kills

4. Bacchus 100% Done

5. Sarah 100% Done

6. Meracle 100% Done


Edge's Battle Trophies-98% (0)

Faize's Battle Trophies-92% (2)

Reimi's Battle Trophies-100%

Lymle's Battle Trophies-88% (5)

Meracle's Battle Trophies-99% (1)

Bacchus' Battle Trophies-97% (0)

Myuria's Battle Trophies-85% (+1)

Sarah's Battle Trophies-99% (0)

Arumat's Battle Trophies-94% (0)



39/47 Trophies  - 852/900 Battle Trophies - I have no idea what my time is. I will calculate it at the end :P

Nice goals.


Added the stats to the OP.

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I feel like I've gone wrong somewhere along the lines in this playthrough. Honestly, the plat looks so far away still, and I'm not fully sure I'll be able to obtain it by the deadline. Small steps though, I suppose. One goal at a time. My progress at this time is as follows:


Overall Trophy Progress: 10%


Location: Just finished Purgatorium




Edge: 43%

Reimi: 25%

Faize: 27%

Lymle: 7%

Bacchus: 17%

Meracle: 9%

Myuria: 9%

Sarah: N/A

Arumet: N/A


Total Time: 51:08



As you can see, I'm not making the best progress here.

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I feel like I've gone wrong somewhere along the lines in this playthrough. Honestly, the plat looks so far away still, and I'm not fully sure I'll be able to obtain it by the deadline. Small steps though, I suppose. One goal at a time. My progress at this time is as follows:


As you can see, I'm not making the best progress here.

Don't worry, once you get Arumat, things will go a lot faster.

I just stopped by to congratulate with you all for putting effort in the most (in my opinion) hard working platinum I've ever seen!!!

Never give up!!! I really admire you all :)

Thnx :D.

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when grinding for kills in SO4 xD


kind of miss the grind because it was a routine for 4 months,

I'm having a really tough time getting into tales of zestiria :unsure:




I am at about 15000 kills between Edge and Arumat (so about 45000 left). How long do you think it will take?

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I am at about 15000 kills between Edge and Arumat (so about 45000 left). How long do you think it will take?

If you play everyday for 6 hours, it should take you about 5 weeks and 3 days. Could be more, could be less.

If you play 3 hours every 3 days, then....well....

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I am at about 15000 kills between Edge and Arumat (so about 45000 left). How long do you think it will take?


When I was doing the platinum way back when, I could clock in at roughly 700-750 kills per hour the way I was going about things.  So for 45k kills, it would likely take me roughly 60 hours to knock out.  Still a fair amount of time and effort, but not so excessive as to make it a lost cause.

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So everyone who is starting now...probably won't plat this in time?


I'm honestly not even shooting for the Platinum anymore. I'm set on the Gold award currently, then I'll see if I feel like trying to attain the Platinum award. Diamond though is probably out of the question before the deadline. I took too long of a break, and don't have enough time at this point with everything going on.

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So everyone who is starting now...probably won't plat this in time?

If they have a job and also go to college like I do......could be complicated....possible.....but complicated xD

It would be super awesome to see another plat achiever from this thread, though. 

And there are lots of people close to it! 

Edited by XchocomanX
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If they have a job and also go to college like I do......could be complicated....possible.....but complicated xD

It would be super awesome to see another plat achiever from this thread, though. 

And there are lots of people close to it! 

Well I have a full time job....but I should still be able to do it (cutting it close though)

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Well, took forever due to a lot of unforeseen stuff, but Diablo 3 was finished a bit ago, unfortunately after that I hadn't had much of an opportunity to dump a bunch of hours into an RPG so kept putting off starting.


No longer!


At the very least I have a week or more where I can't leave the bed (been real sick lately) and have nothing better to do than game, when I'm awake that is.  So at long last, I'm finally joining this prestigious epic quest :)
I don't know if I will finish on time for the deadline, it's quite possible if I really get into it but can't say anything definate atm, esp since you guys have been working on it for more than a few months ;)


I have decided on my playthrough style, playing earth 1st and going to do the uber kills while farming monster info (need 100% for each monster personally) treasure boxes and I'm on the fence about quests that run or the following.  Basically although I made it about 9 hours into the story on my trial run on my guest account, I plan on doing a story run mainly this first time.

See you all in the Ocean of Stars!


Edge - 000
Reimi - 000
Faize - 000

Lymle - 000
Bacchus - 000
Meracle - 000
Sarah - 000
Myuria - 000
Arumat - 000

00/47 Trophies - 000/900 Battle Trophies - 000:00 Hours

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We have around 3 months till deadline. My current average playtime fluctuates between 2-4 hours a day. Maybe slightly more on weekends.

Even if I'll complete WD in a couple of weeks, the kills will drag me down?

Recon proved that my main party is strong enough to carry me all the way to EQ, I'm just currently busy preparing sets of Fol / WD EXP gear and breaking 50 BT for everyone. 

P.S. Tried to combine Edge's preemptive attack BTs (should he be the MC when the battle ends as well or I'm good as long as he is the MC at the start?) with Sarah's Zoology drops / animal/airborne kills. Got 20+ drops in 30 minutes. If onlly others' drop rates were that generous... 

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I finally got the Dragon Roar :dance:. Now to synth some EXP equipment and powerlevel my party. Had some trouble with Wrathful Tamiel and he beat me with his infinite grunts always targeting Sarah first (thankfully I saved after reaching a new floor). So the next time I just spammed Meracle's X-Claw, which damaged the boss and all the grunts he summoned. Finished the fight in less than 2 minutes :awesome:. Also combined Arumat's 300 single hit kills, 60 single hit kills in a row, 100 fights with <5% health, 100 fights without healing, and 20 fights without taking damage. I died at 98 fights from poisoning :facepalm:. Anyway I reached around 56 BTs with him, so that's enough for now. I'll backtrack everywhere to loot all the chests.


If you play everyday for 6 hours, it should take you about 5 weeks and 3 days. Could be more, could be less.

If you play 3 hours every 3 days, then....well....

If I recall correctly, you farmed a lot of kills in Cardianon, which isn't the best place to farm kills.


Well, took forever due to a lot of unforeseen stuff, but Diablo 3 was finished a bit ago, unfortunately after that I hadn't had much of an opportunity to dump a bunch of hours into an RPG so kept putting off starting.


No longer!


At the very least I have a week or more where I can't leave the bed (been real sick lately) and have nothing better to do than game, when I'm awake that is.  So at long last, I'm finally joining this prestigious epic quest :)
I don't know if I will finish on time for the deadline, it's quite possible if I really get into it but can't say anything definate atm, esp since you guys have been working on it for more than a few months ;)


I have decided on my playthrough style, playing earth 1st and going to do the uber kills while farming monster info (need 100% for each monster personally) treasure boxes and I'm on the fence about quests that run or the following.  Basically although I made it about 9 hours into the story on my trial run on my guest account, I plan on doing a story run mainly this first time.

See you all in the Ocean of Stars!


Edge - 000
Reimi - 000
Faize - 000

Lymle - 000
Bacchus - 000
Meracle - 000
Sarah - 000
Myuria - 000
Arumat - 000

00/47 Trophies - 000/900 Battle Trophies - 000:00 Hours

Awesome, welcome to the Epic Quest.


We have around 3 months till deadline. My current average playtime fluctuates between 2-4 hours a day. Maybe slightly more on weekends.

Even if I'll complete WD in a couple of weeks, the kills will drag me down?

Recon proved that my main party is strong enough to carry me all the way to EQ, I'm just currently busy preparing sets of Fol / WD EXP gear and breaking 50 BT for everyone. 

P.S. Tried to combine Edge's preemptive attack BTs (should he be the MC when the battle ends as well or I'm good as long as he is the MC at the start?) with Sarah's Zoology drops / animal/airborne kills. Got 20+ drops in 30 minutes. If onlly others' drop rates were that generous... 

Controlling Edge at the start is fine.

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Btw does anyone know where the Metal Scumbags spawn exactly? I've never encountered them, but read they're on floor 6 and 7 of the 7SD.


They don't spawn in the same spot each time you get to the floor. Also, they will run away if they see you (although I don't remember them disappearing or anything); it's easiest if you force them against a wall.

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