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Cheater Removal

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So, without reading through all 17 pages, is this really going to happen? Go ahead and browse the NextGenUpdate.com forums to easily see that essentially all the hackers depend on this leaderboard to be the gospel of their world. Do you really want this site to be known as the "Hacker Leaderboard"? My theory is, that if the hackers were banned from this site's leaderboard too, that some of them might actually stop hacking...

If Sly needs people to help lead this effort or would like to appoint a Trophy Police Team, please contact me and I'll gladly help in the effort. :)

Edited by The-Captain-388
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And who are you to say that people don't have a right to complain?

The guy who spent 600 hours to plat White Knight Chronicles while another spent 3 minutes to load up a save isn't allowed to complain because he is not in the top 20?

The guy who made 8 playthroughs to get the mgs4 plat is not allowed to complain?

The guy who was at the top spots in his country legitly and now has a cheating scumbag above him isn't allowed to complain because it's not world leaderboard?

The guy who spent really much tme in order to plat a game quickly isn't allowed to complain that a deucebag has the top ranking in the fastest times leaderboard for that game?

Cheating is wrong. Wheather you are at the top of a leaderboard or not... It breaks the whole trophy system down.... It even affects this site's statistics regarding rarity etc...

What's the point of any kind of statistics and leaderboards on trophys when the top places are always going to be taken be cheaters?

i agree with everything he says exactly , only cheaters defend cheaters .

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And who are you to say that people don't have a right to complain?

The guy who spent 600 hours to plat White Knight Chronicles while another spent 3 minutes to load up a save isn't allowed to complain because he is not in the top 20?

The guy who made 8 playthroughs to get the mgs4 plat is not allowed to complain?

The guy who was at the top spots in his country legitly and now has a cheating scumbag above him isn't allowed to complain because it's not world leaderboard?

The guy who spent really much tme in order to plat a game quickly isn't allowed to complain that a deucebag has the top ranking in the fastest times leaderboard for that game?

Cheating is wrong. Wheather you are at the top of a leaderboard or not... It breaks the whole trophy system down.... It even affects this site's statistics regarding rarity etc...

What's the point of any kind of statistics and leaderboards on trophys when the top places are always going to be taken be cheaters?

"Most of those here complaining are no where near the top of the leaderboard so it's not an issue for you guys at all. Only people who have any right to complain are those who are being cheated out of the top spot"

Seems like your entire argument is based on people being cheated out of the top spot, which if you look at my post again you'll see that I said only people like that have a right to complain. There are many here who are complaining and will get essentially nothing out of it other than a feel good moment when they think they've contributed something worthwhile.

i agree with everything he says exactly , only cheaters defend cheaters .

Who's defending anybody?

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So those here who're in such a rush to get this implemented can't you just enjoy your games whilst waiting for a system that they're actually comfortable using, I mean I am sure you wouldn't want something rushed that flags legit players accidentally just be patient and calm down... play a game or two and maybe earn some trophies so those of you so fixated on the leaderboards move up a few spots moreso when those who hack are removed/dealt with.

*Goes back to trying to finish up Continuum Shift*

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Why do people even care anymore? So and so hacked this, so and so hacked that. 2 hours? That's impossible! Hacker!

Most of those here complaining are no where near the top of the leaderboard so it's not an issue for you guys at all. Only people who have any right to complain are those who are being cheated out of the top spot. Otherwise just let it go and let Sly get around to fixing it in his own time.

i am nowhere near the top , and never will be , i dont play that much , i do try to 100% games but im not that pushed about trophies . thats not the point . the point of someone like me wanting cheaters removed is - i care about fair play and honesty .

its not me but i would like to see whoever should be top - on top ( they actually deserve it ) , just like i dont like to see some scumbag rob a old lady and get away with , or in a football match if someone dives to trick the referee to win a penalty , its not right or fair .

i have seen cheaters / hackers ruin games that i like , these people are the parasites of the gaming community . also i like this site and would like to continue using it , but with the cheaters not banned ( i know , sly is working on it ) the leaderboards are useless and this site loses credibility .

so its fair play and honesty not a narcissistic desire to see me rise from 7000 to 6920 or wherever i am.

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It has been almost 3 months since the initial post with no updates, I don't think this is going to happen as much as we want it to. I certainly hope I am wrong, but there is not much point of debating this until that time comes.

You never hacked one game no?


Yes now i see you just messed up on this one trying to make it look legit on time stamps by quit the game before the trophies pop to only make one pop.

Edited by xAlienWare
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You never hacked one game no?


Yes now i see you just messed up on this one trying to make it look legit on time stamps by quit the game before the trophies pop to only make one pop.

You do know that VITA plats will pop if the PS3 one is done already and vice versa, right?

Edited by grimydawg
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That is the point its the PS3 one done it 16mins :D

Also the vita one well only pop it you carry over the save.

That's all fine and all... I just think you have a problem because you're one of the people that are gonna be removed. Most folks know about the "top" trophy hunters. Most of the top 200 are frauds. The fastest time leaders are just dumb though. That's probably the big problem that most folks have. I know I should be at the top on some games I have. That's for sure. Like games that take 100s of hours to do and frauds, like yourself, are literally getting them in minutes with a save.

Edited by grimydawg
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That's all fine and all... I just think you have a problem because you're one of the people that are gonna be removed. Most folks know about the "top" trophy hunters. Most of the top 200 are frauds. The fastest time leaders are just dumb though. That's probably the big problem that most folks have. I know I should be at the top on some games I have. That's for sure. Like games that take 100s of hours to do and frauds, like yourself, are literally getting them in minutes with a save.

If Cheated in one game they cheated in all.

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There's still a little way to go, I'm just testing the removal on LibertyCity1983.

Sweeeet! :yay:


Everyone needs to calm down, stop being mean to each other and have a little patience, enjoy your own gaming like you always have done without being so concerned about leaderboard position, things will no doubt be sorted in time, until then *waits patiently*

I'm sorry but who are you to tell people how to feel and what they should concern themsleves with.

Edited by M-Easy
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I'm sorry but who are you to tell people how to feel and what they should concern themsleves with.

Just expressing my opinion like everybody else here is doing, and giving the same suggestions like many others heave done, take it or leave it, it doesn't affect you in any way, so why talk to me like that when i'm clearly not being overly serious, no need for it at all

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If the ps3 and vita are synced then u cant really know if the person is hacking trophies so i dont know how this is going to work

It will work. There is a way to find out if someone cheated or not. Using Sound Shapes as an example, if the person has both plats, one being significantly in shorter time than the other, then it'd debatable whether or not they cheated on that game. It would then go by the plat time of the other one. Sound Shapes is a relatively short game and I've seen it beaten in about a day. If one of the plats has it at that time span or longer while the other one is in minutes, then it's probably legit.

Not saying that people who cheated has a way around it but for now, that's how it will work.

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You never hacked one game no?


Yes now i see you just messed up on this one trying to make it look legit on time stamps by quit the game before the trophies pop to only make one pop.

Sound Shapes' server was down/spotty for a couple days and people were unable to sync trophies sometimes. RD has never hacked a game, feel free to look through his hundreds and hundreds of games to try to find one. You're just mad that you're going to get removed and then you hackers aren't going to have a leaderboard to compete on. I filed a report against you on YGC which I'm sure is part of the reason you're off that leaderboard and I'll be thrilled to see you off this leaderboard too.

Great work Sly. Huge step in the right direction.

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