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I thought this was supposed to be drag0n's checklist!! O_o


Did you lock him up in your basement and force him to earn platinums while you take all the credit for it?!

Some things are better left unsaid. :P  I will leave you with your imagination.  :awesome:

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1S1a5362.png#77 Amnesia: Memories   :platinum:




Despite the controversial aspects of the original routes, the true route and presumably canonical ending does end on a very poetic and genuinely romantic note, and it manages to explain much of Amnesia in a way that is actually pretty remarkable. It’s just a shame that to get to the best parts the player has to forsake some dignity and endure some pretty terrible treatment.


Amnesia: Memories manages to undermine much of the baggage that dating sims tend to have, but only does that after it’s dragged the player through the worst of it. There’s a lot of authentic romance and the gorgeous score and aesthetic brings home much of the emotional delivery of almost every one of its stories, but it’s unfortunate that the best moments are buried under ones that feel disrespectful to women, the player, and the strength of the overarching narrative.

Edited by Xeliot
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1S1a5362.png#77 Amnesia: Memories :platinum:


Despite the controversial aspects of the original routes, the true route and presumably canonical ending does end on a very poetic and genuinely romantic note, and it manages to explain much of Amnesia in a way that is actually pretty remarkable. It’s just a shame that to get to the best parts the player has to forsake some dignity and endure some pretty terrible treatment.

Amnesia: Memories manages to undermine much of the baggage that dating sims tend to have, but only does that after it’s dragged the player through the worst of it. There’s a lot of authentic romance and the gorgeous score and aesthetic brings home much of the emotional delivery of almost every one of its stories, but it’s unfortunate that the best moments are buried under ones that feel disrespectful to women, the player, and the strength of the overarching narrative.

Sugoi sugoi

You are getting closer to 100 plats, you can do it dude

Edited by Zestful Quesadilla
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1S518cff.png#78 Tales from the Borderlands  :platinum: 






This new series from Telltale Games perfectly fits in with the Borderlands universe. With funny, creative, and interesting storytelling. I was not expecting much from this game, as I am not too much a fan of the original Borderlands series. Playing through all the episodes was so much fun, I would definitely recommend it. I think it's easily my top favorite Telltale game so far.

Edited by Xeliot
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1Sbab2ed.png#80 Destiny  :platinum: 




It makes no sense to me how some people give this game a low score after they have played hundreds of hours of it. 

I wrote off the story almost immediately during Beta. That was a flop for sure. 
The fact there's no matchmaking for Raids is even more of a misstep, but whatever.
The core game play is good. It has the top quality gun play that only exists in Halo / CoD series, and tried to fit it in a pseudo MMO setting. The 6 classes felt different enough for me to be invested in all of them almost evenly. 

The amount of content wasn't there compared to your typical MMO endgame, but as long as you are playing to 'get better', it won't feel like a mindless grind for gears. It would be a lot better if the developers focused a bit more on PVP, made it more rewarding to perform well, balanced guns more, from the very beginning. By the time they got around to that, I had already moved on. 

Looking back at the 600 something hours I've spent in the game, I feel like the game did more things right than wrong, especially with the frequent patches, the developers are really trying to make the game great. 
The Vault of Glass and Crota's End are still one of the best multiplayer experiences I've had.

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Grats on finally getting the destiny plat man. I still havent downloaded the patch xD Can't wait to get it done myself. Doing Crota flawless was so much fun.

Thanks. I'd say better download it now than later, because you will be missing out on bounties and they're the best source of xp currently. Also, playing Control mode in the Crucible gives you average of 3550 XP per game and don't forget to do story missions (only main game and Taken King to be specific) as they too give a chunk of XP. Good luck buddy.  ^_^

Edited by Xeliot
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1Sbab2ed.png#80 Destiny  :platinum: 




It makes no sense to me how some people give this game a low score after they have played hundreds of hours of it. 

I wrote off the story almost immediately during Beta. That was a flop for sure. 

The fact there's no matchmaking for Raids is even more of a misstep, but whatever.

The core game play is good. It has the top quality gun play that only exists in Halo / CoD series, and tried to fit it in a pseudo MMO setting. The 6 classes felt different enough for me to be invested in all of them almost evenly. 

The amount of content wasn't there compared to your typical MMO endgame, but as long as you are playing to 'get better', it won't feel like a mindless grind for gears. It would be a lot better if the developers focused a bit more on PVP, made it more rewarding to perform well, balanced guns more, from the very beginning. By the time they got around to that, I had already moved on. 

Looking back at the 600 something hours I've spent in the game, I feel like the game did more things right than wrong, especially with the frequent patches, the developers are really trying to make the game great. 

The Vault of Glass and Crota's End are still one of the best multiplayer experiences I've had.


Congrats man ! Since you had a The Office Gif :



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1Sb9cd53.png#81 Ether One  :platinum:




I love these types of games. Intriguing narrative told through exploration of the environment, almost like Myst and Portal had a baby. The story comes in chunks but from what I've understood, you play the part of a "Restorer" and you're put into someones mind digitally in order to sift through their memories to restore what dementia seems to have taken away. 

That being said, the enjoyment stops there. I wanted to enjoy this game more, but the game breaking bugs are all over the place.

Edited by Xeliot
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1S309f14.png#82 Alice: Madness Returns  :platinum: 




This is one of the finest games I've ever played. Gameplay wise it is an engaging mix of combat and platforming, with occasional puzzle elements and plenty of hidden collectibles. The platforming gives the game a strong sense of flow and movement while the combat uses targeting similar to that of the Zelda series to focus on enemies, while giving you a variety of weapons; both melee and ranged, to take out the many different enemies you'll face. In later levels the puzzles and stage navigation are given much higher complexity and it adds a whole new element of depth. 

Story wise; I am impressed. I will strive to give no spoilers as this game deserves your time. The art direction in this game is exquisite, with beautiful theming throughout that reinforces the story of Alice, a girl who's family died in a fire when she was a child. Now a teenager, Alice faces her emotional trauma in the care of a psychiatrist in Victorian London, with levels in the game moving between actual events and the fevered dreams of the emotionally traumatised Alice. This is a fantastic premise, used beautifully. The subtlety in the world building makes the story resonate more in future playthroughs, giving this game some genuinely enticing replayability. Genuinely disturbing at times, this is a rare case of a unique horror game that uses atmosphere and emotion to build it's experiences. Not once did this game resort to using jump scares or quick time events. 

The attention to the source material here is also commendable, with details from the original novels by Lewis Carroll being used to great effect, and on occasion warped in new and retrospectively horrific ways. The tone by the end of the game is extremely dark, working in perfect contrast with the lax and flowing gameplay, however the subject matter may be too upsetting for some. Sensitive teens or those who've experienced similar trauma may find this game too disturbing; though the game builds slowly enough that you'll get plenty of warning. 

All that said, if you're happy to explore those emotions this game is peerless. Judged by framerate, graphical fidelity, etc, this game is decent and above average; but judged as a work of art; it's incredible and one of the best games I've ever played. American Mcgee's Alice however..  :spank: 

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1S9945a1.png#83 Game of Thrones  :platinum: 




The series feels a little undercooked and your choices don't matter. You're not going to be scratching your head for any extended period of time over any tasks the game tosses your way. As long as you don't mind making tough decisions and your reflexes are fast enough to survive the odd quick time event, you'll breeze through the episodes. The fun is in the journey itself and the story that unfolds, not in any problem solving or hand-eye coordination challenge. I wouldn't recommend it to anyone. Tales from the Borderlands and TWD are way better games.

Edited by Xeliot
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  • 3 weeks later...

1S6fc0c8.png#84 Kingdom Hearts Final Mix  :platinum: 




The nostalgia is thick, the feeling is magic. I remembered this game fondly and that feeling is only strengthened. Although the game shows its age graphically and gameplay aspects, its a welcome return of an older RPG. I don't know what people expected, complaining about parts of the game such as camera angles and visuals. Its a game that is over 10 years old. You have to respect the amount of work and difficulty that went into porting a game like that. Its to be commended. So anyway I tried to do 3 speedruns ( The fact that difficulty trophies don't stack is dumb, btw) but my 3rd playthrough on proud sucked big time simply because I powered through the story like Rambo with no Second Chance or Leaf Brace, it was bad. I feel sorry for my controller. Ansem, you're a dick, bro. 

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