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It's official SNF is Vikings @Packers for the NFC NORTH

Raiders @ Chiefs and Bucs @ Panthers been moved to 4:25 PM EST


I feel like it would have been the Panthers game if they hadn't shit the bed today.  What a pathetic display.  Going 16-0 with a good team in this NFL isn't as hard as it sounds (since the vast majority of teams are barely mediocre these days).  There's really only 3-4 games against teams that are worth a shit.  It's just these lazy players get cocky and don't prepare properly thinking they're invincible, then get beat by the Falcons... the frickin Falcons.  They suck!  Even my Niners beat them!  Oh well, maybe now the Panthers will start playing to win again instead of playing not to lose (which more often than not ends in a loss).

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The Panthers are overrated. They have had such an easy schedule this year. Considering they played the NFC East (LOL) and the AFC South (LOL again) not to mention the NFC South sucks as well. They then played the Seahawks when they were in their retard groove and the Packers that fell apart. They almost lost against the Saints and the worst defense in NFL history.

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It's official SNF is Vikings @Packers for the NFC NORTH

Raiders @ Chiefs and Bucs @ Panthers been moved to 4:25 PM EST



I feel like it would have been the Panthers game if they hadn't shit the bed today.


Why would NBC have wanted a game that was completely meaningless to the playoff picture?  Other than the potential historical footnote of a 16-0 regular season, Bucs-Panthers wouldn't have had any significance and wouldn't be likely to draw a crowd.  When NBC flexes games for the final weekend of the regular season, they've always tried to choose a game that has some greater meaning.


Vikings-Packers fits, I suppose, although it's quite possibly a preview of a Wild Card game.  Personally, if I were in charge of NBC's programming, I would have flexed either Jets-Bills or Raiders-Chiefs because of the playoff implications.  If one assumes that Pittsburgh is going to LOLstomp Cleveland, Jets-Bills would be a "win or go home" game for Gang Green whereas Chiefs-Raiders could have AFC West implications.

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Why would NBC have wanted a game that was completely meaningless to the playoff picture?


For the same reason the Pats final game in 2007, also completely meaningless to the playoff picture, was the only NFL game to ever be broadcast on 3 major networks simultaneously and the first game to be simulcasted since Super Bowl I.  It was originally scheduled just for NFL network and local channels, but was ultimately broadcast nationwide on NBC and CBS as well.  Both of those networks wanted that meaningless game (both teams were already in the playoffs and regardless of who won or lost, they would have been in the same position, 1st in AFC and 5th in NFC, and that includes all possible outcomes of all other games played that week), so why not this one?




History is history, and if the Panthers were 15-0, I believe NBC would have flexed it.  The Pats season finale brought in 35 million separate viewers outside of local stations.  That's almost twice what NBC normally brings in for SNF now, and that was back in 2007.  With the live stream to computers and tablets factored in (something that wasn't really a thing back then, or at least not as popular as it is today), I'm sure those numbers would have been higher.

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So with Chip Kelly being fired from the Eagles, is the Titans a possibility for him?

I remember thinking Kaepernick to the Eagles could be a thing when he was benched and put on IR, maybe now Kelly will come to Kaep instead?  I know he has the Mariota connection in Tenn. and that will probably be the most comfortable match for him but I could see him getting Kaep back on track to being the guy everyone thought he'd be back in 2012 and 13.

Edited by skidmarkgn
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So this week's question for thought/debate/prognostication:  What will New Orleans do with Drew Brees and Sean Payton in the offseason?


My answers? 


Sean Payton gets traded.  Miami has been a seemingly obvious choice all season, but I believe Indianapolis will out-bid them for Payton's services and pair him with Andrew Luck.


As for Drew Brees, I don't see anything that screams out at me as a landing spot because he doesn't make sense except for a team that's on the cusp of a championship and needs a significant upgrade at QB.  But I think he could be traded anyhow.... to Denver, for Brock Osweiler and a 1st round pick.  All things considered, Denver is in the late stages of their "window of opportunity" and snatching Brees fits that because an aging Brees is probably considered a superior option and more of a "sure thing" as opposed to a still-relatively unknown Osweiler.  It's the sort of trade that can easily backfire similar to how the Jimmy Graham deal has blown up (somewhat) in Seattle's faces.... but it's the sort of thing I could see happening.

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So this week's question for thought/debate/prognostication:  What will New Orleans do with Drew Brees and Sean Payton in the offseason?


My answers? 


Sean Payton gets traded.  Miami has been a seemingly obvious choice all season, but I believe Indianapolis will out-bid them for Payton's services and pair him with Andrew Luck.


As for Drew Brees, I don't see anything that screams out at me as a landing spot because he doesn't make sense except for a team that's on the cusp of a championship and needs a significant upgrade at QB.  But I think he could be traded anyhow.... to Denver, for Brock Osweiler and a 1st round pick.  All things considered, Denver is in the late stages of their "window of opportunity" and snatching Brees fits that because an aging Brees is probably considered a superior option and more of a "sure thing" as opposed to a still-relatively unknown Osweiler.  It's the sort of trade that can easily backfire similar to how the Jimmy Graham deal has blown up (somewhat) in Seattle's faces.... but it's the sort of thing I could see happening.

I have another one for you.  What if the draft worked like this - 


The team with the best record, that still missed the playoffs, got the #1 pick.  Then it went on from there and finished with the playoff teams like usual (#13-#32 then #12-#1 instead of #32-#1).  I heard this talked about and after digesting it for a day it seems interesting.  It would eliminate the "suck for Luck" type of seasons and add some variety in the playoffs from year to year.  Terrible teams would be stuck in limbo (outside of free agency) but personally, I don't see the need to reward being awful anymore, especially a season of tanking on purpose.  

It doesn't seem like QB's would (almost) always be the must have #1 pick either.  Look at this year for example.  The Steelers currently would have the #1 pick and they don't really need a QB, they need a secondary.  The #1 overall pick could be a corner or safety.  Then, the Falcons (I think), who also don't need a QB.  Followed by, in no particuar order, the Raiders, Colts, Bills, and Rams.  4 of the would be top 6 picks have a QB so teams still in need of one may have the opportunity.  Or, one of those teams could take one and develop him behind a franchise guy over a couple/few years ala Aaron Rodgers, which also wouldn't be that bad.


It also seems like the ultimate goal for every team would be to win.  You either make the playoffs, or, get a really good pick if you had a great/good season but came up just a little short.  Rebuilding teams will just have to rely on free agency and hope they can move into "mediocre" status and get a better pick.  All in all, there's a pretty significant list of both pros and cons so I'm curious where people would stand.

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My Week 17 Tips

Falcons over Saints

Jets over Bills

Bears over Lions

Bengals over Ravens

Steelers over Browns

My Cowboys over Redskins

Colts over Titans

Patriots over Dolphins

Giants over Eagles

Texans over Jags

Broncos over Chargers

Chiefs over Raiders

Rams over 49ers

Cardinals over Seahawks

Panthers over Bucs

Packers over Vikings

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Got a feeling Seattle gets absolutely crushed today.  They really have nothing to play for today and the only goal is getting as healthy as possible for either Minnesota or Green Bay.  Anyone who's not 100% healthy will certainly not be on the field and who knows how long the players that are will play.  

Which will lead to kind of a "if you win you lose" scenario for the Packers and Vikings.  Think about it, a win would be for the 3rd seed, which means you host Seattle and, if you win, travel to Arizona.  For the Vikings, that means you host a team that just whooped your ass followed by traveling to a team that whooped your ass.  Green Bay, host your nemesis, then travel to a team that just whooped your ass.  The loser of that game, on the other hand, travel to "you like that!" and play a coach and QB with no playoff experience followed by the Panthers, and who knows what they're going to bring to the table.

Edited by skidmarkgn
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Yup this is making me fucking angry on how patriots just playedt like garbage but the irony is Jets, Dolphins, and Bills aren't going to the playoffs lol.


There's no irony in the Jets missing the playoffs.  To steal-and-butcher a quote from Israeli statesman Abba Eban (about the Arabs and the Middle East peace process), the Jets "never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity".  They've been raising their fans' hopes and dashing them in spectacular fashion for 45 years now.  Why should today have been any different?

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There's no irony in the Jets missing the playoffs.  To steal-and-butcher a quote from Israeli statesman Abba Eban (about the Arabs and the Middle East peace process), the Jets "never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity".  They've been raising their fans' hopes and dashing them in spectacular fashion for 45 years now.  Why should today have been any different?

Probably because they keep on messing theirselves up and crash and burned when they are try to win a game that is important to them but can't which is really irony especially Rex Ryan being a former coach to the Jets

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