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Holy freaking crap.  That dropped ball early in the game by Miami turned out to be huge.  And dammit if Russell didn't end up getting "suh'd", wasn't intentional but I just knew that sum'a'bitch was gonna hurt Wilson.  Now it's on to the Rams... eep.

That was a really close game, shame that Tannehill kept throwing to Stills and he kept dropping it instead of trying some other targets. Kudos to Wilson though for powering through and taking it, if Miami can be that competitive in all of their games this season then they've got a really good shot at making the playoffs (assuming Foster doesn't get injured, I like Ajayi but I don't think he'll have as much of an impact on games as a healthy Foster).

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that was a complete fuck up, Dez Bryant is even yelling at Terrence Williams to get out of bounds, players should know this stuff


I feel like they could have spiked the ball in time too. It seems like they all huddled up near the line and just waited.


I really like talking shit to one of my friends who thinks the Giants are the ultimate team and losing to the Cowboys would have been like tank shells to throw at them lmfao.

^(has nothing to do with me being from boston and her being from NY btw lol. I just like teasing my friends about this stuff because it's like a religion to them.)

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Forgot to add, how big are the balls the Raiders coach is swinging around, down by 1 and go for 2 to win it.

That was a really close game, shame that Tannehill kept throwing to Stills and he kept dropping it instead of trying some other targets. Kudos to Wilson though for powering through and taking it, if Miami can be that competitive in all of their games this season then they've got a really good shot at making the playoffs (assuming Foster doesn't get injured, I like Ajayi but I don't think he'll have as much of an impact on games as a healthy Foster).

Gotta feeling the Phins will bounce back against New England next week.  As long as their defense can generate the same pressure I doubt whats'his'face will be able to handle it.  Even with Gronk back.  Your guys looked good today and should be excited about what's to come.  Kudos.

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Forgot to add, how big are the balls the Raiders coach is swinging around, down by 1 and go for 2 to win it.


Wait, what?  (runs to check a box score to see what happened in a game he wasn't paying any attention to)






Kudos to Jack Del Rio -- it's the right call to make.  If you play for OT, you have maybe a 50/50 chance and I wouldn't like my odds in New Orleans against Drew Brees.  Go for the win in Regulation and you've probably got at least 50/50 chance or maybe even a little better because you're just asking your offense to get two yards in one play.


Playing for OT is the coach playing it safe and pushing the blame for a loss onto his players when they screw up.  Playing for the win?  Coaching in a fashion that says you believe in your offense like that?  It takes balls for a coach to make that decision -- Bill Belichick going for it on 4th down in his own territory in an AFC Championship Game comes to mind -- but it's usually the higher-odds proposition.  And it really is the better proposition when the alternative is giving the other team's good offense a chance to nuke your defense one last time.

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What are the rules regarding defense going OoB, back in, and making a tackle? 

Does defense have to clearly be back in bounds for a certain amount of time or is it immediate once he's back in? 

Im almost certain its immediate. The only rule about that is the person who stepped out cannot be the first person to touch the ball once they come back in.


On a side note, another choke by the cardinals when the money is on the line. 

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The gifts just keep on coming for Seattle  :)


If anyone would have said the only team in the AFC East that would come out 1-0 this week was the Pats they'd have been (understandably) laughed off the planet.  Now hopefully the Dolphins will take 'em out next week.

Honestly, I don't see it. The Dolphins have a relatively good defense but their offense is an epic disaster. Not to mention they are playing in New England which has been a problem for the Dolphins even with much stronger teams than they currently have. I would be much more willing to bet on the Bills or even the Texans to beat them before week 4. 

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Im almost certain its immediate. The only rule about that is the person who stepped out cannot be the first person to touch the ball once they come back in.


On a side note, another choke by the cardinals when the money is on the line. 


Ohh. I thought for sure there would be a flag thrown on the pats player who ran OoB and when he got back in made the tackle. It must only apply for offense then?

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Ohh. I thought for sure there would be a flag thrown on the pats player who ran OoB and when he got back in made the tackle. It must only apply for offense then?

Well no. If a defensive player steps out and once they re-establish themselves on the playing field are the first one to touch the ball in the form of a tip or interception than the penalty would be on the defense. 

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Honestly, I don't see it. The Dolphins have a relatively good defense but their offense is an epic disaster. Not to mention they are playing in New England which has been a problem for the Dolphins even with much stronger teams than they currently have. I would be much more willing to bet on the Bills or even the Texans to beat them before week 4. 

The Phins offense isn't great but neither is the Pats defense.  In their current states, I'd put the Dolphins as the slightly better overall team.  At least on paper.  Miami's defense has a bigger advantage over New England's than the mirror on offense.  If Gronk comes back at 100% then I'd put it at about equal but who knows if that'll happen.  I think the deciding factor might be the Dolphins pass rush vs. the Patriots 2nd string QB.  Same with Houston and JJ Watt.


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Honestly, I don't see it. The Dolphins have a relatively good defense but their offense is an epic disaster. Not to mention they are playing in New England which has been a problem for the Dolphins even with much stronger teams than they currently have. I would be much more willing to bet on the Bills or even the Texans to beat them before week 4. 

It'll be tough, but Miami does have a decent chance to beat them. Considering how they did IN Seattle yesterday without Mike Pouncey, Devante Parker & Jay Ajayi (assuming some of them are back next week) then New England's defense shouldn't be too much of a problem. I was honestly surprised that Seattle didn't have it wrapped up before the half but after the way the defense performed I'm starting to really feel excited for the rest of the season (and after the past few years, I had my expectations tempered down alot for once).

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Ohh. I thought for sure there would be a flag thrown on the pats player who ran OoB and when he got back in made the tackle. It must only apply for offense then?

I remember the play you're talking about. Two defenders and the receiver all went for the ball, he ended up OOB, came back in, and then made the tackle. The rule is used to keep people from voluntarily going out of bounds to avoid being blocked(mostly on punts and kickoffs).

In this case it was clear that it wasn't intentional, plus he got a few steps in before making the tackle. The more amazing thing was that the receiver didn't end up fumbling it. It didn't look like he even knew the guy was there.

Also, damn if my Texans didn't look pretty good yesterday. We've really beefed up our receiving core and I think as long as Os can stay healthy we've got a good shot at repeating as AFC South Champs.

So glad we finally unloaded Foster, now we just need to dump Cushing. Those guys get injured sneezing too hard.

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. I was honestly surprised that Seattle didn't have it wrapped up before the half 

Seattle almost never does anything until the late 3rd or 4th quarter.  I'm almost to the point of not even wanting to turn the game on until 2:30 anymore just because it seems like every Seahawks game has a score of 3-0 going into the half then they'll put up 28 in the last 10 minutes.

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How the f--k did Jeff Fisher get an extension from the Rams' front office?  The only thing the Rams do well is step up and play out of their minds against the Seahawks.  I knew it would be a good bet to go with a 49ers win because the Rams do this every year.  They play to the level of their competition, if it's a crappy team their supposed to beat, they epic fail every time.  Now watch them look unbeatable next week and finish the season 7-9.. again.

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So 49ers won the game... but I must say that defense and run (only 1st half run to be honest) won the game! Passing was just crap, and Rams D did nothing to play football so it's early to celebrate. Plus SF always win a Monday Night game... Think I'm gonna cry next two week. And still think Gabbert is pure garbage!

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