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It's not roughing the kicker after the play is dead, it's unnecessary roughness, Which should have been called. I honestly could not care less who's pissed, you can't really be mad at Seattle. It's the refs and the NFL front office.

It's kind of funny, now that an East coast team got screwed by officiating there's a bunch of (media) talk about disciplinary actions for last nights crew and how unacceptable their debacle before the half was.  Sure don't remember hearing anything about Hochuli's crew being punished after the Saints game though, it was all just "karma" for the Falcons game.

Edited by skidmarkgn
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Another what the f--k Seattle game in the books.  Another week of I'm sure everyone being pissed about it (and I don't disagree).  I guess everyone can take comfort in knowing that the Seahawks' woooooooooooooooooooorn out defense now gets 6 days rest before going to New England and getting destroyed by a Pats team coming off their bye.


I don't understand the logic (or complete lack of) behind hating a team for a decision by the officials.  I guess it is human nature.  People get abused at work and take it out on the family, etc.


Seriously, there are bad calls every week, but the only team I hear getting hated on is Seattle.  Hmm, maybe it is their fault.  But only on their games, and only when it hurts the other team....  Yep, that's it!

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First off, player wives need to really think about staying the hell off twitter during a game.  Carpenter's wife made him look bad and showed a complete lack of class with her bullshit rant about cutting off Sherman's dick.  I hope Carpenter tells her how ridiculous she was and points aout how bad they both look now.


Secondly, is there anyone who can specify what should have happened last night.  The only thing that's certain was Sherman being offsides.  Beyond that, video and photo evidence clearly shows he was going for the ball.  There's even a perfect still photo of him diving with his hand clearly on the ball before he and the kicker collided.  From what I understand, if the player makes contact with the ball then collides with the Kicker then there's no foul?  Or can he not contact the kicker at all?  I tried ti find the picture they showed on the news and couldn't but watch any video and Sherman's going for the ball, not Carpenter's legs.

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Secondly, is there anyone who can specify what should have happened last night.  The only thing that's certain was Sherman being offsides.


The first problem is that there's a fair amount of grey area/interpretation that can go into the rule.  Like a lot of other NFL rules, there's room for officials to make "judgement" calls, so there's no absolute "what should have happened".


There's no question that Richard Sherman was offsides.  There's probably not much argument that he was "unabated to the Kicker" the way plays are whistled dead when a defensive player jumps offsides and is "unabated to the Quarterback" as a way of protecting the passer.  And if that's the baseline you choose to take, there's a very strong argument to be made that Richard Sherman should have been hit with Roughing the Kicker the same way he'd have been penalized for Unnecessary Roughness/Roughing the Passer had Dan Carpenter been a Quarterback.


And if that's the direction you choose to go, the referee then has the authority to eject Richard Sherman on the spot because the Roughing the Kicker rules stipulate ejection falls under the referee's discretion at that spot.




I'll admit I wasn't paying full attention to the play, and I wasn't sitting at a television set where I could rewind the "live DVR" to listen to the play in live-action.  If the whistles actually blew when Sherman jumped, he should have been tossed under the rules and that should have been the end of that.


But the referees fucked this one up.  Eight ways to Sunday.  As we've come to expect.

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The first problem is that there's a fair amount of grey area/interpretation that can go into the rule.  Like a lot of other NFL rules, there's room for officials to make "judgement" calls, so there's no absolute "what should have happened".


There's no question that Richard Sherman was offsides.  There's probably not much argument that he was "unabated to the Kicker" the way plays are whistled dead when a defensive player jumps offsides and is "unabated to the Quarterback" as a way of protecting the passer.  And if that's the baseline you choose to take, there's a very strong argument to be made that Richard Sherman should have been hit with Roughing the Kicker the same way he'd have been penalized for Unnecessary Roughness/Roughing the Passer had Dan Carpenter been a Quarterback.


And if that's the direction you choose to go, the referee then has the authority to eject Richard Sherman on the spot because the Roughing the Kicker rules stipulate ejection falls under the referee's discretion at that spot.




I'll admit I wasn't paying full attention to the play, and I wasn't sitting at a television set where I could rewind the "live DVR" to listen to the play in live-action.  If the whistles actually blew when Sherman jumped, he should have been tossed under the rules and that should have been the end of that.


But the referees fucked this one up.  Eight ways to Sunday.  As we've come to expect.


As far as I can tell no whistles blew until after contact was made and Carpenter was on the ground.

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My Week 10 NFL Tips

Ravens over Browns

Falcons over Eagles

Bucs over Bears

Broncos over Saints

Packers over Titans

Chiefs over Panthers

Jets over Rams

Redskins over Vikings

Texans over Jags

Chargers over Dolphins

My Cowboys over Steelers

Cardinals over 49ers

Patriots over Seahawks

Giants over Bengals

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so the vote in San Diego didn't go well http://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/18005012/san-diego-chargers-stadium-vote-fails-opens-door-move-los-angeles


i really hope they get something done, so they can stay in San Diego


I want them to stay too, but I have no love for a multibillion $ industry raping its base to buttress its profits.  Make the league pay for its own assets.  If they threaten to walk, let them walk!  Quit feeding the villainous Dragon!

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that was crazy, one of the worst ways to lose a game


The worst part is the lack of a camera angle on that game changing play. If there was just a shot of the play from the saints' sideline it would have been more definitive. As it stands you can't just reverse a play on a maybe. It's one of those rare times a referee didn't whistle the play dead either.


I'm still in complete and utter disbelief and denial about the Packers losing to the Titans like that. Have the Titans ever even seen a score that high before? Let alone against a team that usually does well?

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The worst part is the lack of a camera angle on that game changing play. If there was just a shot of the play from the saints' sideline it would have been more definitive. As it stands you can't just reverse a play on a maybe. It's one of those rare times a referee didn't whistle the play dead either.


I'm still in complete and utter disbelief and denial about the Packers losing to the Titans like that. Have the Titans ever even seen a score that high before? Let alone against a team that usually does well?

They've lost to the packers in the past 55-0 at lambeau and they lost to the patriots a few years back 63-0. The last time they scored 47 points in a game was in 09 against the rams

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What a way for the Dolphins to finish out on the road. I was thinking that all the penalties they've been committing would catch up to them (I think San Diego had 7 or so first downs from penalties), but nice to see Kiko and Maxwell making plays to seal the deal.

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They've lost to the packers in the past 55-0 at lambeau and they lost to the patriots a few years back 63-0. The last time they scored 47 points in a game was in 09 against the rams


I wish I could remember stuff like that. xD



This game has me in even more disbelief than I thought was imaginable today. I know the Steelers screwed themselves with that 0-4 2 point conversions but that last TD for the Cowboys...ffs. :facepalm:

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