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The Great Australian Trophy Hunt - Season 1

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So..... apparently I had 3 unsynched trophies from Tales from the Borderlands on PS3 sitting there since the beginning of November, meaning my trophies at the beginning of the year, according to my trophy log, would have been 4,504 and not 4,501. Is this gonna be a huge issue? Cause if so, I'm fine if those trophies just "disappear" for the purpose of the Hunt season.


In other news, 43 trophies over the last couple of days. Not on the scale of some people, but it means I'm able to drag myself away from zombies long enough to be somewhat productive.

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In other news, 43 trophies over the last couple of days. Not on the scale of some people, but it means I'm able to drag myself away from zombies long enough to be somewhat productive.

Still ahead of me so you won't be last don't worry about that haha

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So..... apparently I had 3 unsynched trophies from Tales from the Borderlands on PS3 sitting there since the beginning of November, meaning my trophies at the beginning of the year, according to my trophy log, would have been 4,504 and not 4,501. Is this gonna be a huge issue? Cause if so, I'm fine if those trophies just "disappear" for the purpose of the Hunt season.


In other news, 43 trophies over the last couple of days. Not on the scale of some people, but it means I'm able to drag myself away from zombies long enough to be somewhat productive.


Nah not a problem at all, just let me know when you sync them so I can update your beginning stats. When I do the first update I'll be checking everyone's trophies earned for the month vs their starting stats to make sure they add up anyway, so in a way thanks for saving me some work trying to figure it out :) .


43 trophies isn't a bad start at all, considering it's only been 9 days. I thought that if I average 1 trophy per day then I'd at least be competitive...

Well I snuck in my first platinum for the year with SouthPark Stick of Truth today. Awesome game, laughed, cringed and general had a sterling time. Collectible/missable grind was a little nasty but not enough to detract from the experience. If crude black humour is you thing then this is for you :)


Congratulations on the South Park plat CJ! This game is in my backlog so I'll get to it...eventually. I think that I read somewhere a playthrough is approximately 12-15 hours, do you think that this is accurate? How difficult would you say the platinum is?

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Nah not a problem at all, just let me know when you sync them so I can update your beginning stats. When I do the first update I'll be checking everyone's trophies earned for the month vs their starting stats to make sure they add up anyway, so in a way thanks for saving me some work trying to figure it out :) .


43 trophies isn't a bad start at all, considering it's only been 9 days. I thought that if I average 1 trophy per day then I'd at least be competitive...


Congratulations on the South Park plat CJ! This game is in my backlog so I'll get to it...eventually. I think that I read somewhere a playthrough is approximately 12-15 hours, do you think that this is accurate? How difficult would you say the platinum is?


They're already synched :)


And it's pretty much all Minecraft trophies so don't fret. Story mode + DLC from PS3 lol

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Hey guys,
I might be a little late to the party but I'd like to sign up. I work full time so don't have a huge amount of free time for gaming these days, but I've also been a bit lazy in my gaming and looking to make some New Years resolutions to do better and apply myself a bit more. I have a backlog of games I haven't touched yet, but I'll have to check their release dates during the week and edit this post at a later stage.
PS. Would it count from now, or from Jan 2, because I've been playing a few games this week as I was still on holidays. Would be sweet if they counted, lol.

PSS. If it helps, I just went through my trophy log and as of December 31 I would have had 1,010 Trophies Total (5 Platinum, 46 Gold, 192 Silver and 766 Bronze). I didn't earn any trophies until Jan 5 and now I'm at 1,044 (7 Platinum, 56 Gold, 209 Silver, 772 Bronze)


Backlog List

1. Wolfenstein: The New Order (PS4 Retail) - Initial release date: May 20, 2014 | Avg. Comp. 52.19%, Plat. 22.80%

2. Assassin's Creed: Unity (PS4 Retail) - Initial release date: November 11, 2014 | Avg. Comp. 44.29%, Plat. 13.99%

3. inFamous: First Light (PS4 PS Plus+) - Initial release date: August 27, 2014 | Avg. Comp. 35.55%, Plat. 24.17%

4. Metro: Last Light Redux (PS4 PSN) - Initial release date: August 29, 2014 | Avg. Comp. 38.3%, Plat. 16%

5. Metro 2033 Redux (PS4 PSN) - Initial release date: August 29, 2014 | Avg. Comp. 29.72%, Plat. 13.51%

6. Uncharted: Golden Abyss (Vita Hits Megapack) - Initial release date: December 17, 2011 | Avg. Comp. 28.2%, Plat. 14.15%


NECRO EDIT: Added backlog list.

Edited by IronMask75
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They're already synched :)


And it's pretty much all Minecraft trophies so don't fret. Story mode + DLC from PS3 lol


Thanks, I have updated your beginning stats :) .


Yeah that would be about right. I didn't use a guide first time just wanted to enjoy it, so was two playthrough sor me, would recommend not using a guide but make a separate save every main quest. That would definitely save you a complete second play through


Yeah I always use the first playthrough for the story so I don't ruin it for myself (I do this for all RPGs so most of the time this means multiple playthroughs to get everything :P ), that's just how I get the most enjoyment out of games. Thanks for the advice, I'll definitely keep it in mind when I get around to playing it.


Hey guys,


I might be a little late to the party but I'd like to sign up. I work full time so don't have a huge amount of free time for gaming these days, but I've also been a bit lazy in my gaming and looking to make some New Years resolutions to do better and apply myself a bit more. I have a backlog of games I haven't touched yet, but I'll have to check their release dates during the week and edit this post at a later stage.





PS. Would it count from now, or from Jan 2, because I've been playing a few games this week as I was still on holidays. Would be sweet if they counted, lol.

PSS. If it helps, I just went through my trophy log and as of December 31 I would have had 1,010 Trophies Total (5 Platinum, 46 Gold, 192 Silver and 766 Bronze). I didn't earn any trophies until Jan 5 and now I'm at 1,044 (7 Platinum, 56 Gold, 209 Silver, 772 Bronze)


Hey mate, welcome to the competition. Just PM me with your backlog games when you get a chance and I'll register you to start in February :) . Well hopefully this competition helps motivate you to play a bit more and enjoy a lot of games! I'm in the same situation as you in regards to limited playing time, I too work full time (and have other commitments like sport and a relationship) so I get approximately 10 hours per week for gaming. Ideally I'd like to probably double that but that's life, when I really think about it though I've got nothing to complain about.

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wayne i finished 2033, that's one backlog game done/.


Congratulations on the Metro 2033 platinum! Thanks for letting me know, provided that the rarity of the trophy doesn't change by the end of the month you'll receive 12 points for obtaining a rare (13.53%, at the time of posting) platinum from your backlog.


Has anyone else completed any of their backlog games? Or are you like me and haven't even started them yet? :P .


Also the backlog reveal is still happening this weekend so stay tuned.

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Has anyone else completed any of their backlog games? Or are you like me and haven't even started them yet? :P .

Just so it's clear for me, at the end of the month, do we need to tell you how many trophies we've earned or anything like that? Or will you tally all the points/trophies and everything yourslef?

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I started one of my backlog games.


Although I've been preoccupied with Guitar Hero Live recently, just hit a brick wall with 5 trophies left, my damn fingers aren't fast enough for the stupid plastic guitar and the bloody buttons that stick down and purposely make you miss notes!


Looks like that platinum is out the window, the upside is that I can start Just Cause 3!

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Just so it's clear for me, at the end of the month, do we need to tell you how many trophies we've earned or anything like that? Or will you tally all the points/trophies and everything yourslef?


Nope, nobody will have to do anything as I'll collect all the data myself. Updates should be up within the first few days of each new month.


Nah haven't started them and I can't even remember which games I chose lol.


Lol, well at least you'll be able to look it up when I put them up in the OP over the weekend :P .


Looks like that platinum is out the window, the upside is that I can start Just Cause 3!


Oh that sucks! Well at least you got some trophies out of it anyway and booting up a new game is always fun because you're eager to see what it's like.

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I started one of my backlog games.

Although I've been preoccupied with Guitar Hero Live recently, just hit a brick wall with 5 trophies left, my damn fingers aren't fast enough for the stupid plastic guitar and the bloody buttons that stick down and purposely make you miss notes!

Looks like that platinum is out the window, the upside is that I can start Just Cause 3!

Just cause is great, been loving it and the first expansion is due soon too :)

If anyone happens to have Ride and needs to knock out the online races let me know would love to wrap this up

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Platinum #16 - Armello


Completion Time - 1 month, 4 days, 20 hours (#34th fastest! #51st achiever :facepalm:)

So as some of you know I got this game because of the lottery 3. At first I was like, hmm this is actually quite interesting. Got most of the trophies in the first couple of days until I had 4 damn trophies left which put me off for about a month. Was in a boosting session today and received 3 of them! That left me with only one which took almost 9 hours and ended up popping the Plat at 12:00am without even intending to lol. Overall pretty fun game if you feel like something different from the usually but just a warning the trophies are a huge pain if you have no luck like me!

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  • The most popular PS3 games were: Bioshock 2,...


Oh wow.. well I'm keen for some Bioshock 2 action since there are alot of people here who want to get it done.

Hopefully with a group of us in Aus working on the MP trophies it won't be so bad!

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We should all find a time to boost BioShock 2 MP at some point this year. I'm not planning on getting around to it until at least April with the games I'm currently on, but definitely keen at some point!


I've managed to wrangle 40 trophies so far this month, unfortunately got the FarCry 4 platinum on the 1st of Jan! Completely forgot that the 1st didn't count :'(

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