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Plus Games 2015


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So if you don't know the plus video on youtube for December has 2.5k likes and 10k dislikes and people are complaining that this year for plus sucked do you agree so. I mean i think people need to start lowering there expectations we pay $50 a year and from the results we got over $1000 in game this year. Is it because we aren't getting AAA games that cost $30 to $60 dollars? I mean alone we got first light which was like 20 and rocket league which was like 20 ... that's 40 right there... God I'm starting to hate the gaming community just because every gamer it seems like is starting to think there a game critic its kinda annoying like FarCry Primal people were bitching that it was becoming another COD and Assassin Creed... What about primal is the same as the other games you don't even have guns they changed up the Gameplay completely! You are a beast tamer who hunts and tames animals. I probably should have named this something else but god I'm starting to hate Gamers now a days. And didn't know what to name this.

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And so I don't get smacked for posting only a meme:

I broke even by getting games through the service that I would've bought anyway, so whatevs. Probably broke more than even if I sit down and do the math. So I got no room to complain, I would've spent the money to get the games anyway.

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Plus was disappointing this year, and disappointing last year.

The fact that you need it for online now is probably the reason too, since most people will gladly throw money at Sony just so they can play the games they already paid for, they don't have to try to lure you in with "free" games anymore. In fact, if Xbox didn't start Games with Gold, I'd bet PlayStation would have probably cut the free game thing and just made you pay for online since Xbox did it for a good 10 years before including anything else in the package.


Plus is shit nowadays, and it has been for a while. The only reason I'm on it now is because the girlfriend wanted to play Call of Duty online, when this sub is up and she's bored of the game I won't be renewing until they actually give me something of value.


Rocket League was the one game this year that I enjoyed, but I intended on buying that anyway and it would have only cost me 30, or even less if I waited for a sale, instead I've spent a lot more on Plus this year and when my current sub ends I won't even have the one game I wanted, to show for it.

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I've had Plus for years, good or bad is always a matter of opinion that is different for each gamer. The value for free games and discounts will keep me a member for years to come. The only complaint I've had over the years was how they gave us Invizimals (a PSP game) as one of the Vita freebies.  :facepalm: 

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I've had Plus for years, good or bad is always a matter of opinion that is different for each gamer. The value for free games and discounts will keep me a member for years to come. The only complaint I've had over the years was how they gave us Invizimals (a PSP game) as one of the Vita freebies.  :facepalm:

We've also got Liberty City Stories for PSP as a Vita game.

We've got Max Payne for PS2 as a PS3 game.

We've got Lego Batman for PSP as a Vita game.


And so on, they do this plenty.

Edited by Super-Fly Spider-Guy
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That's just it though, before the PS4 there were AAA titles on the IGC all the time.  It was usually an even mix between AAA/Indie and New and Older titles.  Now it's pretty much just Indie.


For me, I don't yet have a PS4 and I hate gaming online, so I don't need Plus for that.

I don't buy digital, or at least try my best to avoid it at every corner, so Plus discounts mean little to nothing.

I always wait to buy games when they are cheaper (Under $20) anyway, so the IGC games I do play are worth maybe $5-10 each to me... maybe.

After Plus is cancelled, these games are gone, can't ever play them again.


You add it all up, and the handful of IGC games I got to rent for more than I would have paid if I bought them just wasn't worth it for me, which is why I will not be resubscribing.  Each gamer makes this decision for themselves, and for some people Plus is worth it, but considering how many people who had Plus when the IGC had a great variety are now turning on Sony, I'd say they can expect to start losing other subs besides my own.  The real question is Will they care?  Doubtful...

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It was sub-par this year for the instant collection this year just like the last. Nothing wrong with that but it can be annoying when investing all your time into one ecosystem. People ain't rich and only can afford one ecosystems at a time. For new comers, it would make them think "I'm hearing great things about PSN Plus 2012 and 2013 but here we are in 2015 I ain't seen anything so great about it".




  • Rocket League has 160,000 owners in 6 months just on PSNP but it was on the instant collection from day one, it's predecessor only has 48,000 owners and that's from 2009 (Six years) on PSNP? Now ask yourselves, do you think RL would have the same numbers of owners if it went the same route as its predecessor?


In short, PSN Plus sucked but there's always next year. I just hope a fair amount of diversity is done right. You can't be a console leader forever and pass off mediocre things like its greatness. 

Regardless they hadn't pulled that shit for a long time until Invizimals


Innocent mistake or attempted murder of the Vita? 





Sony should let Satoshi do the PS Vita instant collection.

Edited by FlareXV
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In this past year, I got a discount because of plus on digital games I bought for a total of $82.76 according to my spreadsheet. The year's subscription cost $49.99 so I ended up saving money because of the subscription.. I also get the automatic downloads and save backups. In addition to this, I've found new games and series I enjoy because of the IGC games that came with the subscription. I rarely play ps4 games online so I'm not paying for it for the online. Maybe I'm using my ps+ subscription wrong, but the IGC games are just a bonus for me.


Oh god... the day has come when I'm not the cynical asshole.

Edited by Urushiro
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I have been supporting plus since I got my PS3 mostly because I have a job and $50 a year really isn't that bad out of a 1 month paycheck then not worry about it till next year. I loved paying because I love Supporting Gaming companies (yes I'm one of those people who backs kick starters and such) What I basically do is wait for a game to go on sale when it does grab it not just on plus but on amazon etc. and when I beat said game I have plus games to hold me over till another discount thats how i see my plus something on the side that helps me get through my days lol others may see it differently but .. I do have to thank plus for 1 thing and thats for getting me into dark souls when demon's souls released on plus i played that game so hard and it got me into the series so thank you plus. lol

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To clarify immediately, I am not suggesting that the PS Plus service itself should be immune from criticism. With the alarmingly- frequent downtime and yet substantial subscription costs, I’d argue that finger-pointing is entirely justified. What is more spurious, however, is the criticism of the Instant Game Collection for offering too many lesser-known and independent titles and not enough heavy-hitter, AAA games. There are a few reasons why these complaints are ill-founded, outlined below.
First off, if you’re a true fan of video games you should support the independent game scene. Hard working, passionate people strive to realise their visions, and then battle against thousands of other developers to get their creation noticed. Why would anyone coldly ignore such inspirational devotion? Free from the strict deadlines and stifling expectations of major publishers, independent developers cannot just afford to be innovative and wildly imaginative, but it is their life blood to do so.
It only seems logical, therefore, that any initiative that promotes independent and lesser-known games and brings them to a wider audience should be lauded. The PS Plus Instant Game Collection fulfils that criteria. Many independent developers will be delighted to have their game on PS Plus in front of an audience of what is assuredly now over 8 million people, in the hope that subsequent titles that they release will gain interest from a loyal fan base. Of course, there is no guarantee that these smaller-budget games will be any good, and due to their often experimental, quirky nature they certainly won’t be to everybody’s taste. The beauty of the Instant Game Collection, however, is that you can simply give each game a try and decide for yourself; nothing ventured, nothing gained.
With limited budgets and contacts restricting opportunities for publicity, independent and “smaller” games need all the exposure that they can get. In my opinion, therefore, one cannot bemoan the lack of AAA titles in the Instant Game Collection and simultaneously advocate the independent scene and champion innovative, creative games irrespective of their production values. With all the marketing behind AAA games, they do not need the publicity that the PS Plus Instant Game Collection provides. What’s more, the big budget but fleeting titles such as The Order: 1886, for example, benefit from frequent and often aggressive price cuts to keep them in the public eye. From a relatively high starting point AAA games can afford enticing price cuts, whilst for independent and lower-budget titles they are usually released at a relatively low price point to start with.
A point that could be made is that due to the low budgets and sparse development teams, independent and lesser-known games may suffer from a severe lack of polish, if not be fundamentally broken. In itself this may be true, although is depressingly presumptuous, but it simply cannot be argued anymore that AAA titles guarantee any better. You only need to look at the troop of embarrassing memorable releases, such as the buggy mess that was Assassins Creed: Unity; The Halo Collection with its broken multiplayer; and, most recently, the desperately shoddy PC version of Batman: Arkham Knight. Under pressing publisher deadlines, increasing desperation to cut development costs and hungering public expectations, AAA titles can no longer necessarily claim to be more polished than their lesser-known contemporaries. Why would anyone clamor for such titles to be on the PS Plus Instant Game Collection?
With the PS Plus Instant Game Collection offering titles on PS4 primarily with sensibly waning support for the PS3 and a valiant effort for the PS Vita, Sony have stuck a good balance with regard to platforms. The occasional big-budget title does make it on to the PS Plus Instant Game Collection, but for any true video game industry fans it should be heartening to see the balance weighted towards independent and lesser-known titles. Nobody should wish to support the recent practice born of rampant AAA publisher greed, whereby unfinished or fundamentally broken games are forced out. By complaining about the prevalence of “smaller” games on the PS Plus Instant Game Collection one would inadvertently be doing just this.



Making up for that paper you forgot to turn in?

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I do agree that most gamers are very entitled with what we all get for PS plus every month. I think is a great deal to get free games for only $50 a year. However i do have a bit of a complain when I see Xbox One owners getting wayyy better games than we do. Rayman legends, AC 4 black flag, tomb raider definitive edition etc. Xbox is falling behind with their sales so Microsoft had to get better deals, bundles etc. PlayStation is selling like hotcakes so they dont have to "try" so hard to get us AAA games....most games we have gotten have been $15-$30 games. SO i do get why some people have a problem, but is such a great deal that It shouldnt be an issue...but hey most gamers think they deserve everything for free....lol


Edited by mannysevenDX
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If it wasn't for the backup service, I would not subscribe to PS Plus.


I always try to be soft and kinda funny, but not this time. I'll be direct:

This year's lineup was a complete piece of trash and I don't care what you have to say about it.


My humble opinion, deal with it.

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 I'm starting to hate Gamers now a days. 


Hating just "gamers" wrong! These aren't even gamers.... just whiny people.. who... play some games. They are still the minority though... 10k dislikes? that's nothing compare to how many PS4 sold/accounts.

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The IGC definitely sucked this year. I can only think of a single game I got from PS+ that I enjoyed, and that was Yakuza 4.


However, like most years, I got my subs worth from discounted games. Those were a lot fewer than in previous years too though. With all the downtime piled on top of these things, the service has definitely gone downhill. Which unfortunately makes a lot of sense. Because now that they force people to have it to play online, they don't really need to make it a good deal anymore. I'm sure they know this, which is why they've stopped caring about putting in more quality games in IGC, and why plus discounts haven't been as good, or as often.

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Well I taught this year's line up had tons of great games like Never Alone,Valiant Hearts,Futuridium EP Deluxe,The Unfinished Swan,Freedom Wars (Even though I own it already before it was free on plus),Transistor,Rain PS3,Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon,etc. Plus the cloud save is really good and helpful and I liked the IGC most of the time. Plus I do like playing online most of the time in my games so there's that also. But I might be a bit biased since I love indie titles but I taught this year was a pretty good year!

Edited by DanteHellMode98
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Well I taught this year's line up had tons of great games like Never Alone,Valiant Hearts,Futuridium EP Deluxe,The Unfinished Swan,Freedom Wars (Even though I own it already before it was free on plus),Transistor,Rain PS3,Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon,etc. Plus the cloud save is really good and helpful and I liked the IGC most of the time. Plus I do like playing online most of the time in my games so there's that also. But I might be a bit biased since I love indie titles but I taught this year was a pretty good year!


This sums up my opinion pretty well, Everybody has their own opinions on what games are worth it to them. 

For me personally I loved Infamous:First Light, Ducktails Remastered, Rogue Legacy, Valient Hearts, Never Alone, Guacamelee, Rocket League, Mousecraft, Super Meat Boy and now kings quest. Granted none of these games are rather expensive But to me it is still a great value. And It also gives me access to other games that I can always go back to even if I'm not interested in playing them right now.


At the end of the day sony doesn't NEED to give us any free games.

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What some idiots seem to forget is some people literally buy + just for the IGC.
Lets say you buy 3 months and you don't play a single game because none of the games appeal to you, do you not have the right to complain? I guess not retarded people shout "freeeeee" or "you're whiney and entitled" all the fucking time.

I'd say the + has been a massive failure this year for a lot of people.

If you can't see that it's because you're an entitled little shit who's had YOUR fill. You've personally liked it.

But it's subjective as fuck. It could be a 10 for me and 1/10 for someone else.

So you don't get to say it's been great or it's been shit; like it's a fact.

You can only speak for yourself and if you've liked/disliked it.


"Oh you don't like the indies bro? What are you? an entitled casual gamer"... "Hey I like indies so I'm superior"...

PSNP seems to breed the popular view that hating on a purchased rental experience makes you a moron whos opinion is just lousy and invalid.

Even though it's completely subjective.

Y'all are like the vegans of the playstation world haha.


So sad and gross. + was okay for me this year, but that doesn't mean it wasn't fantastic for some and a complete and total waste of money for others.

Get over yourselves.

Edited by rgeGeo
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