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A little bit late on this... but hello. :)


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Long time gamer turned recent trophy enthusiast here. Given I have a lot of downtime at my new job, I figured it'd be neat to get more involved on the forums here... especially since I don't see myself ever not playing games (and Playstation in particular). As for what kinds of games I like... it's easier to say what types I'm not overly fond of: racing (Diddy Kong Racing was the only one that ever captured my heart), sports, fighting, and puzzle games (although The Witness had a well enough portion of 3D exploration/mechanics to draw me in). Yeah!


That aside, I'm recently graduated from college, pretty big on running and swimming, an occasional otaku, and a fan of furries (if my avi didn't make that obvious), big on ASOIAF/GOT aaaand other stuff! I also have a disproportionate number of friends on my PSN account thanks to Destiny, so I'd be happy to meet people with other gaming interests. :o


So, hi!

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Hello there!  :wave:


Fucking-A. Diddy Kong Racing was awesome. And so is The Witness


"dargon" a deliberate spelling, or did you fuck it up when you created your PSN?


Welcome to the forums! I hope you enjoy your time here. 


Ha, I get asked that all the time during raids. It is very much intentional... though in hindsight I wish I could change it to something different. Finger's crossed for Sony one day letting us change our usernames. :S


Thanks for the salutations, everyone. :>

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Welcome! I'm also a recent trophy hunter (34 so far). I'm from the old school 8 bit and 16 bit Nintendo era, but I've kept up with gaming since my childhood. I also have a lot of spare time because of my job. 


Thanks! And yeah, I'm 29 (years old, not platinum trophies ;P) and some of my earliest memories involve NES and the like. Marble Madness and Kid Chameleon were the bane of my existence!

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Yesss. Star Fox 64 and Starfox Adventures (where it all began for many...). 


For the rest, on Assault :awesome::giggle:


Nah, Star Fox is damn awesome (didn't like adventures though, don't kill me xD). Glad you find the saga appealing overall.


You hyped for Zero?

Edited by Lord_of_Ra
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