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Let's finish Persona 4 Golden.

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So I did a thing last night.....




Only took about 230 or so hours. Well worth every minute. I keep hearing Kanji's voice saying "Nice one, senpai" in my head. Well, on to the next huge jrpg plat, don't know what it is yet, but I'm hoping it can match up to this one. Thanks for setting this up and allowing me participate.

Nice, congrats :yay:.


And damn, those are a lot of hours. If you're looking for suggestions, I recommend one of these games:

  • Persona 4 Dancing All Night
  • Tales of Hearts R
  • Sword Art Online Hollow Fragment
  • Danganronpa Trigger Happy Havoc
  • Virtue's Last Reward
  • Demon Gaze
  • Ys Memories of Celceta
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Nice, congrats :yay:.


And damn, those are a lot of hours. If you're looking for suggestions, I recommend one of these games:

  • Persona 4 Dancing All Night
  • Tales of Hearts R
  • Sword Art Online Hollow Fragment
  • Danganronpa Trigger Happy Havoc
  • Virtue's Last Reward
  • Demon Gaze
  • Ys Memories of Celceta




Holy crap, that's some dedication =D

Congrats =D


Thanks guys.


So I actually just bought Tales of Hearts R on a flash sale and I've been considering VLR from all the good stuff I've heard about it. Don't know if I'll plat (just cause I'm so busy and have a lot of games to play) but I will definitely try. First and foremost tho, just wanna enjoy the games.

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So I actually just bought Tales of Hearts R on a flash sale and I've been considering VLR from all the good stuff I've heard about it. Don't know if I'll plat (just cause I'm so busy and have a lot of games to play) but I will definitely try. First and foremost tho, just wanna enjoy the games.

There's nothing particularly missable on VLR. You pretty much Plat it while reading the complete story ;)

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Thanks guys.


So I actually just bought Tales of Hearts R on a flash sale and I've been considering VLR from all the good stuff I've heard about it. Don't know if I'll plat (just cause I'm so busy and have a lot of games to play) but I will definitely try. First and foremost tho, just wanna enjoy the games.

Ok, those are all Vita games I enjoyed a lot. I also forgot to mention Steins;Gate, it has an amazing story.

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If you're still accepting, I'm in! I've been playing it here and there over the last few weeks, in the Naoto dungeon at the moment (first playthrough).


Rise is causing me stress already, more so for fear of missing it though lol... if I don't get it in at worst my second playthrough, I think it's potentially gonna make me give up, lol.

as someone who played persona 4 multiple times on ps2 and almost plated on my old account on vita, im willing to play it again just to join you guys. 

Sign me up. I've platted the game before on the NA version and I recently got my EU version in the mail. It's an amazing game that I'll love to playthrough again... I just really hope HRF is kind to me like it was when I platted the NA version. I'll be starting my plat run as soon as I finish up First Light.

Hm, I was thinking of plat Disgaea 3, but now...I kinda of interested on this one. Could I join? Although it will not be so fast, I'm sure that I can do it before P5 release date.

All of you have been added to the event. Welcome and have fun.


So I did a thing last night.....




Only took about 230 or so hours. Well worth every minute. I keep hearing Kanji's voice saying "Nice one, senpai" in my head. Well, on to the next huge jrpg plat, don't know what it is yet, but I'm hoping it can match up to this one. Thanks for setting this up and allowing me participate.

Congratulation on finishing P4G :yay:. You are the tenth person to finish P4G in this event and have been added to the Hall of Fame. I'm glad you enjoyed the game and that this event encouraged you to play and platinum it. Now that you finished it, do you think the game is worthy of all the hype it gets?

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Congratulation on finishing P4G :yay:. You are the tenth person to finish P4G in this event and have been added to the Hall of Fame. I'm glad you enjoyed the game and that this event encouraged you to play and platinum it. Now that you finished it, do you think the game is worthy of all the hype it gets?


Let me put it this way. I'm working on a gaming sleeve tattoo that will take small pieces from all my favorites, and Persona 4 will absolutely be a part of it... I just don't know how yet. (I welcome ideas!)


But yea I had already beaten the game prior to joining this event and had planned to platinum it, just so happened you set this up too so I definitely had to join in. I enjoyed the hell out of it on my first playthrough, only to realize when looking up the trophies that I didn't even get the proper ending. So of course, went back and finished it properly and was even better the second time around. Not to mention when you max out all links and really see everybody's stories it adds a lot to the game. There's something quite addictive about the social aspect of the game, more so than the dungeon crawling. I don't know what it is, but its always things like this that make a game even more fun. Like in Skies of Arcadia or Dark Cloud, I was almost more addicted to building the bases, or in Valkyria Chronicles making sure to read everybody's story in the book and going back to the reports to find out why Largo loved vegetables so much.. lol. It sounds dumb, but damn I enjoy those kind of moments. It just helps that the gameplay is excellent as well.


Now with Persona 5 looking to also add probably the most stylish interface I've ever seen, I'm sure I'll enjoy the hell outta that as well and it's at the top of my list of most hyped games to come out in the future (along with Horizon :awesome:).

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So I did a thing last night.....




Only took about 230 or so hours. Well worth every minute. I keep hearing Kanji's voice saying "Nice one, senpai" in my head. Well, on to the next huge jrpg plat, don't know what it is yet, but I'm hoping it can match up to this one. Thanks for setting this up and allowing me participate.


230 hours... :blink:


Congratulations! :D

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So I did a thing last night.....




Only took about 230 or so hours. Well worth every minute. I keep hearing Kanji's voice saying "Nice one, senpai" in my head. Well, on to the next huge jrpg plat, don't know what it is yet, but I'm hoping it can match up to this one. Thanks for setting this up and allowing me participate.


Hell yeah! Congrats! I still have a road ahead, 14 trophies, 3 of them are story related, I'm amost finishing the game. Maybe more week and I'll finish it all.

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Well I just got Hardcore Risette Fan in Heaven, so I'm pretty stoked. I wasn't tracking (sorry guys), so grinding lines later on would've been a hassle, so I guess it's even more of a bonus that I got it!


Good luck to the rest of you, I know how much stress just thinking about it caused me!!


Platinum is on track now, should be easy as. B)

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Well I just got Hardcore Risette Fan in Heaven, so I'm pretty stoked. I wasn't tracking (sorry guys), so grinding lines later on would've been a hassle, so I guess it's even more of a bonus that I got it!


Good luck to the rest of you, I know how much stress just thinking about it caused me!!


Platinum is on track now, should be easy as. B)

Nice, congrats :yay:.

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First try with the expert book but I really thought I wouldn't get it, it kept swimming away from the shore.

Mine kept swimming away too and I had to catch him again on the second playthrough too, because it's needed to max out the Fox social rank :facepalm:.

Edited by Dragon-Archon
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