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Will trophies still be obtainable after the servers will shutting down in the future on the PS3?


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I think the Vita, PS3 and PS4 have servers seperated because of the updates.


No, they don't. They share servers and services. They are all one and the same. The code handles instances differently, but they run on shared servers. And since PSN trophy servers are now running essentially full-emulation because of PS Now, there will be no "PS3 server shutdown", until the Playstation brand gets shut down.

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Trophy data is installed locally on the PS3, and the unlock process is dependent upon your save/game data.


So yes, trophies will continue to be earned and unlocked on the PS3.


However, if Sony shutters its online network, you will no longer be able to sync your local trophy data, as there would be nothing to connect to.


This is in essence what happens if you lose your internet or PSN is down. You can still play and earn trophies, but cannot sync until the network is back up.


I expect it will be years, if ever, before the PS3 goes dark. Unless Sony goes under, it would make little sense to take down part of the Playstation Network.

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Trophies themselves are generated by the games.


And there's nothing to worry about the PSN itself on PS3: it's the same as on PSP, Vita, and PS4.


Start to worry when Sony goes bankrupt, aliens attack the planet, we're hit from a giant asteroid or ISIS overtakes the world :P

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No, they don't. They share servers and services. They are all one and the same. The code handles instances differently, but they run on shared servers. And since PSN trophy servers are now running essentially full-emulation because of PS Now, there will be no "PS3 server shutdown", until the Playstation brand gets shut down.

....This is so wrong i laughed. Anyway you won't see the ps3 serves shut down for a long time if anything vita is the one people should worry about first.

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....This is so wrong i laughed. Anyway you won't see the ps3 serves shut down for a long time if anything vita is the one people should worry about first.


How is it wrong? Please share some of your knowledge. All the traffic for trophy authentication on Playstation devices routes to the same servers. If you have evidence otherwise, by all means present it.

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....This is so wrong i laughed. Anyway you won't see the ps3 serves shut down for a long time if anything vita is the one people should worry about first.


Actually its correct.


The trophy unlock process is all local (on all Sony platforms), with the new data being sent to Sony servers upon sync.  The same as updating your account information, only that is a mandatory sync upon action as opposed to the elective on PS3 or VIta (less so for PS4).


The fact that you sync your trophies via PS3, then sync via PS4 or PSVita later to then view them should allow even those without much knowledge of how information is passed understand they're all uploading and downloading data from the same servers.


Trophy information, on the grand-scale of things, is infinitesimal in comparison to the rest of the data the servers have to handle.

Edited by LastPisTolman
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Actually its correct.


The trophy unlock process is all local (on all Sony platforms), with the new data being sent to Sony servers upon sync.  The same as updating your account information, only that is a mandatory sync upon action as opposed to the elective on PS3 or VIta (less so for PS4).


The fact that you sync your trophies via PS3, then sync via PS4 or PSVita later to then view them should allow even those without much knowledge of how information is passed understand they're all uploading and downloading data from the same servers.


Trophy information, on the grand-scale of things, is infinitesimal in comparison to the rest of the data the servers have to handle.

He's right about the trophy server everything else is false. They don't all share the same server's its spilt for each system and to say the ps3 server won't ever go down is funny if you know how it all work's sony could pull it anyday very easily. EDIT: will post a link later when i'm not on my airplane FFXV event was amazing  btw.

Edited by ShadowStrike002
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He's right about the trophy server everything else is false. They don't all share the same server's its spilt for each system and to say the ps3 server won't ever go down is funny if you know how it all work's sony could pull it anyday very easily. EDIT: will post a link later when i'm not on my airplane FFXV event was amazing  btw.


Well, now i'm curious about what you're going to post. Because it's common knowledge that the servers are shared.


EDIT: please don't tell me it has to do with the recent PSP news: they didn't shut down the servers, only the PlayStation Store from the PSP.


EDIT 2: or perhaps some crap in the Terms and Conditions? We already discussed about that. It has nothing to do with that.

Edited by Lance_87
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The PSN is a single service that encompasses many different things. Vita, PS3, PS4, Blu-ray players, TVs, smartphones, etc. They all share the same Sony Entertainment Network ID. It's all one large thing. If they shut down PSN for PS3, they shut it down for everything. 


Now they might stop supporting the PS3 with updates at some point, but as long as PSN is alive, the PS3 will be able to sync/access whatever content you own.

I'm quoting this post because this is the only real answer to this absurd question. (Which has been asked before. coughopdidntsearchcough)

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