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Your Next Game - The Lottery 5 (event closed)

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Waiting on a Razing Storm update!




Is Sword Art Online a singlepayer game or multiplayer? I don't quite get it.

Nevertheles it sound a bit like the .Hack games which I like. If it is a singleplayer game I may want to try it.


Uncharted Update


I got all the treasures and the kills. I also got the 5 ancient kills with the sniper from the extended collection while collecting the treaures.

Now only the three speedrun trophies and the crushing playthrough and the platinum is mine.


Every weapon has a trophy for kills except the SAS which is a bit weird cause there's still an ingame medal for 50 kills with this weapon.


Trophy Progress: 44/54

Percentage: 67%

Base Game: 40/46 75%


It has both although I have no idea where to even start MP.  I believe everything can be done in SP though.


I tend to not be online on weekends as I spend all week on a computer for work so during the weekends I rarely pull out the laptop.  I'll try to do better though so you guys don't suffer withdrawal from my hair swishin, swash bucklin adventures in SAO.

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Nevertheles it sound a bit like the .Hack games which I like. If it is a singleplayer game I may want to try it.


That's exactly what I was thinking. There's also a book series calls "Otherland", by a guy named Tad Williams that is very similar.
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I've not been able to play since Sunday...sorry. Way too tired to play after work. The best I can do is P4G at the moment, which is going great. I'm grinding out levels, but I don't mind.

And sorry to hear Quickdrawjoe was sick. Hope you got better!

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Well, I put in another good 4 hours into Atelier Totori: The Adventurer of Arland today. Everything is progressing at the same speed it was before (like pulling out your eyelashes one at a time, yay fun) and I've seriously slowed my roll in the whole "Adventurer" department. I mostly just bum around the town and stick to alchemy and stuff. I'm starting to make more clothing, weapons and armour, so my characters are getting a tad stronger now.

Next session (probably in another 6-7 hours from now) I'll start knocking out some more of the locations on the map and see where that gets me in the story, but for now, my life is:

1. Do errands to make money and gather supplies.

2. Use money to buy alchemy books.

3. Do alchemy until I run out of supplies.

4. Repeat.

Every now and then, someone will walk right up to me a force a cutscene into my life and that's my cue that I should probably walk around and talk to a few of the townsfolk to further the plot(s). If nobody needs anything, then it's back to the ol' grind. :(

Lastly, it's been a couple of weeks since this event has started and there appears to be a couple of folks flaking out so, while that's no surprise, it has led me to think about being a bit more strict with offenders and maybe make a couple more rules. One of the ideas I was floating around was that, in order to join this event, you can't be a part of another event at the same time. This would avoid people having too much on their plate, or the possibility that they join up here and then place several other things above it on the gaming priority list. Does that sound like a good idea?

Edited by effdeegee
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I've not been able to play since Sunday...sorry. Way too tired to play after work. The best I can do is P4G at the moment, which is going great. I'm grinding out levels, but I don't mind.

And sorry to hear Quickdrawjoe was sick. Hope you got better!


You should be sorry this was all your fault.  If you only you could fix the socioeconomic inequalities that plague our society we wouldn't have this problem.


Well, I put in another good 4 hours into Atelier Totori: The Adventurer of Arland today. Everything is progressing at the same speed it was before (like pulling out your eyelashes one at a time, yay fun) and I've seriously slowed my roll in the whole "Adventurer" department. I mostly just bum around the town and stick to alchemy and stuff. I'm starting to make more clothing, weapons and armour, so my characters are getting a tad stronger now.

Next session (probably in another 6-7 hours from now) I'll start knocking out some more of the locations on the map and see where that gets me in the story, but for now, my life is:

1. Do errands to make money and gather supplies.

2. Use money to buy alchemy books.

3. Do alchemy until I run out of supplies.

4. Repeat.

Every now and then, someone will walk right up to me a force a cutscene into my life and that's my cue that I should probably walk around and talk to a few of the townsfolk to further the plot(s). If nobody needs anything, then it's back to the ol' grind. :(

Lastly, it's been a couple of weeks since this event has started and there appears to be a couple of folks flaking out so, while that's no surprise, it has led me to think about being a bit more strict with offenders and maybe make a couple more rules. One of the ideas I was floating around was that, in order to join this event, you can't be a part of another event at the same time. This would avoid people having too much on their plate, or the possibility that they join up here and then place several other things above it on the gaming priority list. Does that sound like a good idea?




I also think that repeat offenders need to be barred from further events.  3 strikes and you're out!

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Well, I put in another good 4 hours into Atelier Totori: The Adventurer of Arland today. Everything is progressing at the same speed it was before (like pulling out your eyelashes one at a time, yay fun) and I've seriously slowed my roll in the whole "Adventurer" department. I mostly just bum around the town and stick to alchemy and stuff. I'm starting to make more clothing, weapons and armour, so my characters are getting a tad stronger now.

Next session (probably in another 6-7 hours from now) I'll start knocking out some more of the locations on the map and see where that gets me in the story, but for now, my life is:

1. Do errands to make money and gather supplies.

2. Use money to buy alchemy books.

3. Do alchemy until I run out of supplies.

4. Repeat.

Every now and then, someone will walk right up to me a force a cutscene into my life and that's my cue that I should probably walk around and talk to a few of the townsfolk to further the plot(s). If nobody needs anything, then it's back to the ol' grind. :(

Lastly, it's been a couple of weeks since this event has started and there appears to be a couple of folks flaking out so, while that's no surprise, it has led me to think about being a bit more strict with offenders and maybe make a couple more rules. One of the ideas I was floating around was that, in order to join this event, you can't be a part of another event at the same time. This would avoid people having too much on their plate, or the possibility that they join up here and then place several other things above it on the gaming priority list. Does that sound like a good idea?

I think repeat offenders should be barred, but pleas don't disclose others who are part of an event! I'm part of four, I believe. Yeah sure I'm playing P4G now, but I do that on my train ride from work. Would love to do another one of these!

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3 strikes and you're out!

I'm thinking more like; if you say you really want to play and then confirm you're absolutely serious about playing, only to abandon the event, I'm not gonna let it get to a "Burn me once, shame on you. Burn me twice, shame on me" kind of scenario.

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LittleBig Frustrations -_-


So, after a couple of days not playing, I picked up my LittleBig adventure again today.  Went through all of the tutorials on the create mode and then have been creating lots of weird and wonderful (but mostly weird) creatures :)  I like the simplicity of the create mode on this - I feel that LittleBigPlanet 3 made things ridiculously complicated with the logic switches.


After tinkering around for a little while, I decided to continue on with the main story but got hopelessly frustrated on Sensei's Lost Castle level where you have to jump from one spinning wheel to another up a vertical shoot.  Given my mind frame I thought I'd take a break from that and go hunting for some missing prize bubbles instead on previous levels so I have more resources to use in create mode - I ended up frustrated again more with the video guide than the level itself.  Decided to take a break, grab a snack and try to find some better videos.


I'd say this is definitely the most challenging LittleBigPlanet game.


Trophy Progress: 43/70

Percentage: 61%


Small progress, but progress nonetheless and I'm still having fun, despite my frustrations.




So in terms of adding new rules, I do agree that repeat offenders should be out.  I'm not sure if it is a case of people stretching their time too thinly or whether they simply don't want to play the games that were chosen (in which case, why sign up in the first place?)  I think the only other event that I'm part of is the Summer Backlog Challenge but I'm determined not to start any of those games until I'm done with LittleBigPlanet (although I may dip into playing Koi if I get too frustrated with LBP)


I think it was the first lottery event that the person who refused to play Max Payne 3 got insta-banned from future events?  I think that should be the case for all past participants who didn't play their games, as letting them come back in future events is just enabling them and someone else could be taking their spot. 

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LittleBig Frustrations -_-


So, after a couple of days not playing, I picked up my LittleBig adventure again today.  Went through all of the tutorials on the create mode and then have been creating lots of weird and wonderful (but mostly weird) creatures :)  I like the simplicity of the create mode on this - I feel that LittleBigPlanet 3 made things ridiculously complicated with the logic switches.


After tinkering around for a little while, I decided to continue on with the main story but got hopelessly frustrated on Sensei's Lost Castle level where you have to jump from one spinning wheel to another up a vertical shoot.  Given my mind frame I thought I'd take a break from that and go hunting for some missing prize bubbles instead on previous levels so I have more resources to use in create mode - I ended up frustrated again more with the video guide than the level itself.  Decided to take a break, grab a snack and try to find some better videos.


I'd say this is definitely the most challenging LittleBigPlanet game.


Trophy Progress: 43/70

Percentage: 61%


Small progress, but progress nonetheless and I'm still having fun, despite my frustrations.




So in terms of adding new rules, I do agree that repeat offenders should be out.  I'm not sure if it is a case of people stretching their time too thinly or whether they simply don't want to play the games that were chosen (in which case, why sign up in the first place?)  I think the only other event that I'm part of is the Summer Backlog Challenge but I'm determined not to start any of those games until I'm done with LittleBigPlanet (although I may dip into playing Koi if I get too frustrated with LBP)


I think it was the first lottery event that the person who refused to play Max Payne 3 got insta-banned from future events?  I think that should be the case for all past participants who didn't play their games, as letting them come back in future events is just enabling them and someone else could be taking their spot. 



Yeah I agree, people really want to join and be apart of this event but Lottery 5 has 2 participants who didn't get their games last time and it's questionable if they're getting them this time. 

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I'd vote for a one and done scenario. If you never even bothered to play your game you're out, period. Maybe even a wall of shame on the OP.

@Eff: that literally sounds like all the worst parts of every rpg I've played wrapped into one game.

@Rach: if it makes you feel any better, my 6 and 8 year Olds can beat every level of that game together. It doesn't? Oh, sorry then. :P

@Edun: I'd say you're safe. You seem to have started your game and you're still posting updates so people know you're alive.

Edit: why don't people follow the threads they are involved in? Always boggles my mind.

Edited by Hemiak
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I think it was the first lottery event that the person who refused to play Max Payne 3 got insta-banned from future events?  I think that should be the case for all past participants who didn't play their games, as letting them come back in future events is just enabling them and someone else could be taking their spot.

If you go back and read the first instalment, you can see the guy who was instabanned already showed many signs of flaking out before I even let him in. It was like he was already a repeat offender before he even got his foot in the door the first time, so when he finally did exactly what I thought he was gonna do, that was just me reacting to myself for not following my own gut feeling. Like he went from 0 to "burn me twice" in less than a day.

I deserved it for allowing someone with the term "swag" as a name to hang out with the cool kids. :giggle:

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@Rach: if it makes you feel any better, my 6 and 8 year Olds can beat every level of that game together. It doesn't? Oh, sorry then. :P





I'm sticking with going back and getting prize bubbles/acing levels I've already done at the moment.  The only thing I don't quite understand is which of the side levels I need to ace and which ones don't matter.

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Well it seems some people want me to post an update about the infamous Razing Storm. 


I found a pretty cheap used copy for 12 euro last week and i bought it, but the shipping time would take 1 - 8 working days. hope to get it this week.

Also got in a boosting group. Hope the MP won't take to long :P 


Well, I put in another good 4 hours into Atelier Totori: The Adventurer of Arland today. Everything is progressing at the same speed it was before (like pulling out your eyelashes one at a time, yay fun) and I've seriously slowed my roll in the whole "Adventurer" department. I mostly just bum around the town and stick to alchemy and stuff. I'm starting to make more clothing, weapons and armour, so my characters are getting a tad stronger now.

Next session (probably in another 6-7 hours from now) I'll start knocking out some more of the locations on the map and see where that gets me in the story, but for now, my life is:

1. Do errands to make money and gather supplies.
2. Use money to buy alchemy books.
3. Do alchemy until I run out of supplies.
4. Repeat.

Every now and then, someone will walk right up to me a force a cutscene into my life and that's my cue that I should probably walk around and talk to a few of the townsfolk to further the plot(s). If nobody needs anything, then it's back to the ol' grind. :(

Lastly, it's been a couple of weeks since this event has started and there appears to be a couple of folks flaking out so, while that's no surprise, it has led me to think about being a bit more strict with offenders and maybe make a couple more rules. One of the ideas I was floating around was that, in order to join this event, you can't be a part of another event at the same time. This would avoid people having too much on their plate, or the possibility that they join up here and then place several other things above it on the gaming priority list. Does that sound like a good idea?


I don't think the rule of only being part in 1 event should be there. I mean there quite some people being in multiple events to get them some extra motiviation for certain games or something, as for me i'm even running an event "The Trophy Hunters League" which i took over from prinny and also the Ultra Trophy Hunters League (which my game is really good for :awesome: Thanks joe but i still hate you :( ) And both of those events don't really require you to play a certain game. And also for those Let's finish Threads, for example the SAO that one ends untill the new game comes out which should be somewhere in October in Japan and somewhere in 2017 in the West so that will also take pretty long. So honestly i don't really think it's a good idea.


But maybe more like a if you don't even bother playing the game you've been given that you shouldn't be allowed again. (starting now :ninja) yhe yhe i know i'm one of them :P But atleast i bought my game :P that's also why i said starting now :awesome:


I'd vote for a one and done scenario. If you never even bothered to play your game you're out, period. Maybe even a wall of shame on the OP.

@Eff: that literally sounds like all the worst parts of every rpg I've played wrapped into one game.

@Rach: if it makes you feel any better, my 6 and 8 year Olds can beat every level of that game together. It doesn't? Oh, sorry then. :P

@Edun: I'd say you're safe. You seem to have started your game and you're still posting updates so people know you're alive.

Edit: why don't people follow the threads they are involved in? Always boggles my mind.


I don't really like following threads i like to keep my following tab clean.  but im pretty much always on the forums anyways :D Always checking the Community events and Project Platinum threads :D

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I'm sticking with going back and getting prize bubbles/acing levels I've already done at the moment.  The only thing I don't quite understand is which of the side levels I need to ace and which ones don't matter.

The only side levels you don't have to Ace are the survival challenges. The levels where the only way they end is when you die. Since you have to die in those, they can't really be aced.

Looks like there are 8 of those survival challenges. You need to ace the other 26 main story missions and 21 side missions.

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I'm thinking more like; if you say you really want to play and then confirm you're absolutely serious about playing, only to abandon the event, I'm not gonna let it get to a "Burn me once, shame on you. Burn me twice, shame on me" kind of scenario.


I was using it as a reference not as the actual number. :P  I would consider the verbal warning in the post and the confirmation at least one of those strikes.


I'd vote for a one and done scenario. If you never even bothered to play your game you're out, period. Maybe even a wall of shame on the OP.

@Eff: that literally sounds like all the worst parts of every rpg I've played wrapped into one game.

@Rach: if it makes you feel any better, my 6 and 8 year Olds can beat every level of that game together. It doesn't? Oh, sorry then. :P

@Edun: I'd say you're safe. You seem to have started your game and you're still posting updates so people know you're alive.

Edit: why don't people follow the threads they are involved in? Always boggles my mind.


At least be involved in the thread, you don't need to follow it to know where it is. :P


The Witcher III

Okay, so Ill play a bit and die 20 times then maybe see some boobies. Play something else for a bit, then go back to Witcher, die, then more boobies. I think I am going to have to swollow my pride and play it on an easier difficulty and do Death March on newgame+


Ill play more tonight. I was caught up in writing a guide for Nights of Azure, which got published, and it felt good to contribute to the site!


I demand that if you enter another Lottery everyone must choose Dark Souls so that you end up playing that.  I feel this would be quite delicious :awesome:




I'm sticking with going back and getting prize bubbles/acing levels I've already done at the moment.  The only thing I don't quite understand is which of the side levels I need to ace and which ones don't matter.


I had terrible trouble with acing all the levels also. Luckily, someone saved me from the Wheel of Death though.


Well it seems some people want me to post an update about the infamous Razing Storm. 


I found a pretty cheap used copy for 12 euro last week and i bought it, but the shipping time would take 1 - 8 working days. hope to get it this week.

Also got in a boosting group. Hope the MP won't take to long :P



I don't think the rule of only being part in 1 event should be there. I mean there quite some people being in multiple events to get them some extra motiviation for certain games or something, as for me i'm even running an event "The Trophy Hunters League" which i took over from prinny and also the Ultra Trophy Hunters League (which my game is really good for :awesome:Thanks joe but i still hate you :( ) And both of those events don't really require you to play a certain game. And also for those Let's finish Threads, for example the SAO that one ends untill the new game comes out which should be somewhere in October in Japan and somewhere in 2017 in the West so that will also take pretty long. So honestly i don't really think it's a good idea.


But maybe more like a if you don't even bother playing the game you've been given that you shouldn't be allowed again. (starting now :ninja) yhe yhe i know i'm one of them :P But atleast i bought my game :P that's also why i said starting now :awesome:



I don't really like following threads i like to keep my following tab clean.  but im pretty much always on the forums anyways :D Always checking the Community events and Project Platinum threads :D


Who's in your group (I know almost everyone playing RS currently)?  The MP takes about 40 hours following the methods Aela posted.  My group found some improvements and a better strategy for KOTH (which I will post shortly I promise) so it should be maybe 35 hours (5 HOURS SAVED BRO YOU'RE WELCOME unconfirmed)


You're welcome for all those delicious URs and who knows you may love Razing Storm and want to play nothing but Razing Storm for the rest of your life :awesome:

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The only side levels you don't have to Ace are the survival challenges. The levels where the only way they end is when you die. Since you have to die in those, they can't really be aced.

Looks like there are 8 of those survival challenges. You need to ace the other 26 main story missions and 21 side missions.


Thank you :D


Just managed to ace all of the levels in The Gardens and obtain all the prize bubbles.  Onto the Savannah....

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I think that a zero tolerance or 1 strike rule would be a good idea for people who fail to participate. Whether you have a valid excuse or just chicken'd out because you didn't like the game you got or it was too hard, either way, you have shown that participating in the Lottery isn't a priority or you don't have enough time for it. 


However, I'm not sure about the suggestion of not being in any other events at all to be allowed to join the Lottery. There are several events like the Trophy Hunters League or Plat races, that are more passive (not sure if that's the right word but hopefully you know what I mean) and don't dictate what games a person will be playing. For those events, someone could play their Lottery game and still get points in those type of events without any conflict. Maybe if someone is in an event that requires them to play a specific game or is in like 10 events, I guess I could see the value in this rule. Still, I think not being in any event at all isn't necessary.


Then again, I'm the coward who will never join this event due to the fear of getting a stupid musical instrument game that requires all kinds of expensive peripherals, so I'm not sure why I'm chiming in with my thoughts anyways.  :( I'll just go back to stalking the thread and enjoying your all's updates. :)

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I've run out of LittleBig steam for today -_-  After getting frustrated in the Savannah (although I have aced all the levels in that section now) I decided to do some of the Pirates of the Caribbean DLC for some lighter relief.  I've aced 3 out of the 5 main levels and got most of the prize bubbles.


I really like the design of the PotC levels ^_^  The addition of water changes some of the gameplay elements.


I feel that acing and prize bubble collecting are going to be slow going, but will keep chipping away at it :)


Trophy Progress: 46/70

Percentage: 64%

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So, the story in Atelier Totori: The Adventurer of Arland has either slowed to a crawl, or isn't progressing at all, and I'm in a situation where every unchecked portion of the map contains enemies that are way above my level, so it looks like we now begin the grind portion of this game. I've shut it down for the night and I'll focus on crafting weapons when I go back to it (might poke about in the wee hours of the morning). :dunno:

As for the new rule discussion, I can see what everyone's saying and I've been on the same train of thought, myself; not necessarily the fact that they're in multiple events, but more like events that require more immediate attention/are shorter in length than other year-long events. There's also the thought of being in too many events at the same time (eg. 4, 5, 6 etc.).

I'll go back and review previous installments and see how many people are truly deserving of a permanent exclusion from these events. I don't think I'll go as far as to make an official "Wall of Shame" or anything, but I'll make a post to reflect who was a giant poop suck monkey ass bastard.

Thanks for the input, laddles and jelly spoons. :)

Edited by effdeegee
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Guys. Joe is picking on me.


Yet only I noticed.  What is is the opposite of love?  It's not hate, it's apathy.  At least I care :awesome:


I think that a zero tolerance or 1 strike rule would be a good idea for people who fail to participate. Whether you have a valid excuse or just chicken'd out because you didn't like the game you got or it was too hard, either way, you have shown that participating in the Lottery isn't a priority or you don't have enough time for it. 


However, I'm not sure about the suggestion of not being in any other events at all to be allowed to join the Lottery. There are several events like the Trophy Hunters League or Plat races, that are more passive (not sure if that's the right word but hopefully you know what I mean) and don't dictate what games a person will be playing. For those events, someone could play their Lottery game and still get points in those type of events without any conflict. Maybe if someone is in an event that requires them to play a specific game or is in like 10 events, I guess I could see the value in this rule. Still, I think not being in any event at all isn't necessary.


Then again, I'm the coward who will never join this event due to the fear of getting a stupid musical instrument game that requires all kinds of expensive peripherals, so I'm not sure why I'm chiming in with my thoughts anyways.  :( I'll just go back to stalking the thread and enjoying your all's updates. :)


 To be fair that requires the other person to have said expensive game on their list already and besides FDG not too many people do.  I doubt FDG would do that either but you never know...


Chicken! bwuk! bwuk! bwuk! :awesome:


I've run out of LittleBig steam for today -_-  After getting frustrated in the Savannah (although I have aced all the levels in that section now) I decided to do some of the Pirates of the Caribbean DLC for some lighter relief.  I've aced 3 out of the 5 main levels and got most of the prize bubbles.


I really like the design of the PotC levels ^_^  The addition of water changes some of the gameplay elements.


I feel that acing and prize bubble collecting are going to be slow going, but will keep chipping away at it :)


Trophy Progress: 46/70

Percentage: 64%


 I didn't find the prize bubbles that bad as my wife helped me with the 2-4x person bubbles.  Acing levels was the worst though.  The struggle really started with the boss of the Canyons for me and went downhill from there.


So, the story in Atelier Totori: The Adventurer of Arland has either slowed to a crawl, or isn't progressing at all, and I'm in a situation where every unchecked portion of the map contains enemies that are way above my level, so it looks like we now being the grind portion of this game. I've shut it down for the night and I'll focus on crafting weapons when I go back to it (might poke about in the wee hours of the morning). :dunno:

As for the new rule discussion, I can see what everyone's saying and I've been on the same train of thought, myself; not necessarily the fact that they're in multiple events, but more like events that require more immediate attention/are shorter in length than other year-long events. There's also the thought of being in too many events at the same time (eg. 4, 5, 6 etc.).

I'll go back and review previous installments and see how many people are truly deserving of a permanent exclusion from these events. I don't think I'll go as far as to make an official "Wall of Shame" or anything, but I'll make a post to reflect who was a giant poop suck monkey ass bastard.

Thanks for the input, laddles and jelly spoons. :)

Does that make you the pot? ;)

No update from me today as my wife and I spent last night cleaning all of the baby toys to prevent further disease.

Edited by Quikdrawjoe
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To be fair that requires the other person to have said expensive game on their list already and besides FDG not too many people do. I doubt FDG would do that either but you never know...

I didn't find the prize bubbles that bad as my wife helped me with the 2-4x person bubbles. Acing levels was the worst though. The struggle really started with the boss of the Canyons for me and went downhill from there.

I've played several music games, including the two Rocksmith games, which require a real guitar. I was thinking about finally entering the next lottery if I can get in in time. But I wouldn't recommend one of those... Or would I?

Honestly the hardest level in the entire game to ace is one of the side levels. It requires you to make a big circle collecting bubbles while jumping from pillar to pillar. You actually have to make the entire loop twice. The jump timing and your speed have to be spot on. The worst thing abut the bunker is that the wheel is like 80% of the way through the level. Just practice it a bunch of times and then start trying full runs, it's not as bad as it seems.

I've actually done the prize bubbles twice, since my first ps3 bricked and I didn't realize you have to export the profiles, and not the save game data. You can do most of the 2 and 4 player bubbles by yourself if you've got the controllers, but a couple are a real pita. I'd be willing to help with those sometime if you guys want, I haven't been real motivated to play any or my other games lately anyway.

Edited by Hemiak
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 To be fair that requires the other person to have said expensive game on their list already and besides FDG not too many people do.  I doubt FDG would do that either but you never know...


Chicken! bwuk! bwuk! bwuk! :awesome:



I've played several music games, including the two Rocksmith games, which require a real guitar. I was thinking about finally entering the next lottery if I can get in in time. But I wouldn't recommend one of those... Or would I?


See, there are crazy people out there in the world like Hemiak who might recommend Rocksmith. I know there's probably a 1% chance of getting a game like that, but knowing my luck, I'd be the one to defy the odds. Getting a very hard game or an embarrassingly bad game doesn't bother me at all, but just the thought of getting something like Rocksmith sends shivers down my spine and sends me running away from the internet when the sign-ups start for each Lottery.


Yep, I'm a chicken but I just have no desire to risk spending hundreds on musical instruments for a game or even worse, buying an actual guitar. I'm perfectly happy with my comfortable safe seat on the sidelines.  I'll just continue to live vicariously through all of you.  :)

Edited by MStalker58
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