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Thoughts On The Game?


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I really enjoyed my time with the game. Kept my expectations realistic and only based them on what the developers revealed about it beforehand. I really enjoy the exploratory nature of the game. It makes me feel like Spaceman Spiff from Calvin and Hobbes, exploring cool alien worlds in solitude. Lol

That been said, I completely understand why some people hate the game. It's definitely not for everybody. What puzzles me is, all the stuff people are bashing about the game was clearly explained to be in it long ago. I think when people heard about the scale and saw Sean Murray's sometimes vague words about it, their imagination went crazy to fill in the blanks. Frankly, at this scale, imagination will always out do what tech is capable of.

Honestly, I can't remember agreeing with both fans and detractors of a game so equally. Lol

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I give up. I just want to warp to the center....which apparently is going to take me like 400 warps @ 160k LY away jumping at 1600 LY at a time which only gets me 400 LY closer to the center each jump.

That said, thats not really the problem though....it's the constant crashing. Twice in a row on the second consecutive jump....doing nothing else. Bleh

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After playing this game pretty solidly for over a week now, and after a long chat with my husband last night who has tried to convince himself that he's enjoying the game.  I can honestly say that whilst I have enjoyed it for what it is, it is definitely lackluster in comparison to what was shown at E4 2014 and 2015.


I expected to be playing this game upwards of 500+ hours.  There's a PRE-RELEASE alpha on steam and Xbox One called ARK: Survival Evolved that retails for $30 and I put in over 500+ hours and still periodically go back to - a pre-release....a pre alpha build that to me is better in its current state than what No Man's Sky has ended up being.


I've been a pretty avid supporter and defender of this game up until now, but when you look at the hard facts, it becomes more difficult to refute and defend some of these points.  

I've honestly never known a game crash this much and I've played Ether One (without any issues)  Husband also ended up under the map earlier due to a glitch, he had already crashed twice in an hour exploring the planet so ended up giving up.


For clarity sake - this is the 2014 E3 Video:



This is the 2015 E3 Video:



And this is just heartbreaking:




I'm definitely wondering now if we've just been given a tech demo for what could end up being a better release on the Neo.


At the moment, as it stands, I am happy to hold my hands up in terms of my blind defense of the game and say I was wrong!


Last video for hilarity purposes:


Edited by RachP13
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Right, textwall time. I've put a short recap at the end.


I've played the game for over 60 hours now, possibly 70. I've enjoyed playing the game a lot. But towards the end, as I watched the videos that Rach already posted above me and some others, it started gnawing at me: This game just doesn't hold a candle to the demos shown last year and the year before.


Now whenever I find something I know I want, be it a game or a movie or whatever, I try to ignore additional commercials and news about the contents so I didn't see anything after the E3 2014 trailer and that one was years ago, so I didn't recall it as good while I was playing the game. But from what we were shown back then, planets were much more densely and realistically packed with plants, the animals moved realistically and looked better and worst of all, I haven't seen anything close to such a brachiosaurus yet.


There's still wonderful creatures in the game and great planets. How can I put this the right way? It looks like they put all Spore content into one game and forgot to filter out the bad stuff, like animals with broken fingers or big bodies on impossibly tiny limbs. When you find something cool, the game shines but there are some weird misses in there.


I ignored any updates after that trailer of two years ago so while playing I didn't even realise that at one time we were supposed to get crashed freighters or sand worms. More recent trailers showed off real gameplay but it looks like what was shown earlier on was "this is how we want the game to be" and as time moved along they realised they couldn't get there.


Let me get one thing straigt: I still like the game, a lot. I've played yesterday probably for the last time for quite a while but I'll go back to it whenever they bring in new content, I'm still listening to the music on my way to and from work (and I'm going to the band's tour) - the music is easily one of the best parts about the game, if not the absolute best. I still get chills about that first time I saw the logo across the stars, and the starting sound of this soundscape started playing:


I will still defend the game for what it is: an example of what procedural generation can do. As long as you're not going into it expecting worlds like shown in those E3 2014/2015 trailers, it does fine. It's unbelievable what a small team of developers managed t accomplish. That feeling of landing on a planet is amazing, seeing what it looks like for the first time... Yesterday I landed on a planet with rock formations that looked like airport hangars - only they were at least 20 meters high. I'm very glad now I did not see any promotional material in the two years leading up to the game save for artwork, that meant that I could enjoy the game for what it was instead of what they thought it could be two years ago. It's an amazing game to chill and do nothing in, especially if you luck out in the planets you find.



I will stop defending Sean Murray, however. At the end of the line the game just does not even come close to what they tried to show us all those years ago. It is a good game but it is nothing like what they pretended it was, and that puts a real damper on the experience. I think people would have enjoyed this game a lot more if Sean & Co hadn't shown those E3 demos and just been honest about the contents.


It feels like they toned it down because either they could just not get the processing strength to make all these worlds, or because they tried to make it VR-ready. VR can't handle true current gen graphics and we've seen games that can be played both normally and with VR be downgraded in graphics, but No Man's Sky feels like it can be put on VR like it is now.




The game is decent, discovering new planets is fun for a few dozen hours. The promised future content should improve the life of the game. It's a long way down from how they envisioned (and showed) the game two years ago though, and that is putting a real strain on the experience. If you can ignore that or just live with it, and if you can handle a game where nothing much happens and it's all about finding new content that nobody else has ever seen, then you will definitely enjoy it. Looking at the game itself, I'd give it a 7 or 8 out of 10, with an even higher score for the first two dozen hours. Looking at the E3 2014 trailer, the game it ended up being will only get to a 5.


Whereas Rach uses I was wrong!, I'm going to play the I didn't know! card. I honestly did not look at any promotional videos for the past two years (my posts in the recent new MGS tread show that I do this often) and my experience was all the better for it. I enjoyed the game for what it was and not for what it should have been. I fully understand if people who held on to the pre-release material of one or two years ago feel cheated.


Edit: Leave it to Reddit to make an extensive list of what was promised in the game but not delivered.

Edited by BillyHorrible
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I like games like this. The genre is "space combat & trading". You have a ship you fly in 1st person (usually, sometimes 3rd person), and you fly around in free roam, trading commodities and/or getting into combat with other ships. There usually is no story to these games. You are the story. You're a person in a ship against the universe, do something with it. It takes a special sort of personality to find that fun (close enough to the type that spends hours arrange items in their house in Skyrim). Sony for some reason pushed this into everyone's nose. It's a niche interest. Very niche. Welcome to the niche, everyone. Join in the fun or get the fuck out. Because those who do enjoy the niche are rabid about it. Don't believe me? A major PvP battle between rival factions in EVE Online has its own Wikipedia article.


This is one of the rare sort of games like this on a Sony system, except maybe Rebel Galaxy, and I've gotten 120 hours out of that game. I'd play EVE Online, but the community encourages douchebaggery, and it's also a product of 2003. Star Citizen is going to be great, but it's PC only, and years from being finished. People call this game a tech demo. Maybe, maybe not. Put some money into Star Citizen, that's a tech demo. It's been a couple months since I've checked in, but I think it's just barely scratched its way out of Alpha. And the storyline component isn't even done. I'd play Elite: Dangerous, but so far it's Xbox and PC only, David Braben keeps blowing smoke on when it's coming to PS4. Even then, it's in a releasable format, but it's still unfinished and they're still working on it. You can land on planets, but not all of them: only the airless worlds, and they look like what you'd expect if you've ever seen a Mars rover photo. They're still releasing updates to Elite that add things you think should already be finished by now, like the final version of the sound effect you hear when you enter a station. Text conversations with your faction contacts. Stupid things like that. "What about landing on something other than an airless planet?" "Uhh, we're working on it. TBD."


This game's the only thing on Sony close to what I want out of a space game, and the only major thing like this out there that's finished. Maybe not finished in your definition, but close enough to finished in mine. More finished than Star Citizen and Elite, that part's definite. This game will keep me occupied enough to see what Atlas wants and see what's at the center of the galaxy with my own eyes (not from some douchebag posting a spoiler video). Not particularly fussed about what it doesn't do, because I didn't spend my waking moments scrambling for every scrap of info out of Youtube and Twitter on the game. It does what I wanted it to do now. Everything else they patch in is icing on the cake. Not particularly fussed about things that look like slightly different variations of other things, because I've been playing games with palette-swapped characters since I was 8. I'm on the downhill side of my 30s now.


This passes as my review of the game.

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Given the recent statements of support for NMS being free, to the backtracking of possibly paid dlc...both within the last week or so, I'm wondering if NMS has had it's innards ripped out to sell back as dlc?  Having read just some of that Reddit list, and remembering those E3 trailers, it's quite incredible how much is 'missing'.   It's entirely possible that HG (Sean) talked a good game, figuratively speaking, no pun intended, but simply didn't have the hardware to implement their vision?   That would be understandable, acceptable even, but you can't continue to pitch a game as something it's not, and unfortunately we've seen a lot of that coming from the industry in recent years and it's getting tiresome.   There was a review embargo until launch day too?   Wonder why?


As to Sean, honestly, I'm starting to believe this guy is just a BS artist, and the more I hear his inevitable chuckle, or chortle...or maybe snicker, the more sinister it gets.   Or the guy is just a halfwit when he gets an audience.   Can we play with friends?  Yeah.   Can we grief other players?  Yeah.   Can we land on asteroids?  Yeah.   Can we destroy space stations?  Yeah.   Can we build a deathstar Sean?  Yeah.  Can we call Cthulhu Sean?  Yeah.   Can we round up 20 gyposauruses and run a conga line into a lava pit Sean?   Yeah.   Are you lying to me Sean?  Yeah...   Seriously, slap a bit of make-up on this guy and he'd put Jared Leto out of a job!  :P


I'll keep tabs on NMS, I really wanted this game to be good, I mean everything that it perhaps should have been, but it's disappointing, not that it's not an achievement, a good idea or the current game isn't fun to some degree, but that it's seemingly yet another marketing, game pitching, fraud.   :(

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Sony for some reason pushed this into everyone's nose. It's a niche interest. Very niche. Welcome to the niche, everyone. Join in the fun or get the fuck out. Because those who do enjoy the niche are rabid about it.




This game's the only thing on Sony close to what I want out of a space game, and the only major thing like this out there that's finished. Maybe not finished in your definition, but close enough to finished in mine. [...] Not particularly fussed about what it doesn't do, because I didn't spend my waking moments scrambling for every scrap of info out of Youtube and Twitter on the game. It does what I wanted it to do now. Everything else they patch in is icing on the cake. Not particularly fussed about things that look like slightly different variations of other things, because I've been playing games with palette-swapped characters since I was 8. I'm on the downhill side of my 30s now.



Given the recent statements of support for NMS being free, to the backtracking of possibly paid dlc...both within the last week or so, I'm wondering if NMS has had it's innards ripped out to sell back as dlc?  Having read just some of that Reddit list, and remembering those E3 trailers, it's quite incredible how much is 'missing'.   It's entirely possible that HG (Sean) talked a good game, figuratively speaking, no pun intended, but simply didn't have the hardware to implement their vision?   That would be understandable, acceptable even, but you can't continue to pitch a game as something it's not, and unfortunately we've seen a lot of that coming from the industry in recent years and it's getting tiresome.   There was a review embargo until launch day too?   Wonder why?




I'll keep tabs on NMS, I really wanted this game to be good, I mean everything that it perhaps should have been, but it's disappointing, not that it's not an achievement, a good idea or the current game isn't fun to some degree, but that it's seemingly yet another marketing, game pitching, fraud.   :(


I think it's pretty clear that I'm part of the niche market that this game should appeal to, seeing how many hours I've put into it with joy. The problem is not with palette swaps or with paid DLC.


If you look at complaints about the game, it becomes pretty clear who has not played the game, and who has. People who have not played it will talk about the (apparent) lack of multiplayer, or whether or not the game will have paid DLC. People who have played it for a while, however, you'll find them asking questions like: where are all those beautiful planets with forests, instead of having trees stand few and far apart? Where is that bracchiosaurs and the other animals that actually looked good? Why don't the animals act like they did in the trailers? Where are the crashed freighters to explore? Where are the sand snakes? Where are the rivers?


These are not just complaints about small stuff, they are about the core of the game - I love a game that is just about exploration but they made people believe there was a lot more to explore. This is not "scrambling for every scrap of info out of Youtube and Twitter on the game", this is about trailers from two years ago from E3 and other high-profile moments which look nothing like the finished game.


As I said, without having seen all that stuff, I definitely liked the game. After having seen it, yes the game looks very much unfinished. If the actual game and the E3 2014 trailer are even the same game then what's out now is pre-alpha and the trailer is an artist's rendition of what the game should be.


Once again, the game is fun on its own. It's just when compared to everything they said would be in the game and every video they showed that was supposedly in the game, the game falls on its ass. hard. Really, just put the E3 2014 trailer and the actual gameplay together. It kind of makes me feel ashamed for liking the "finished" product. Because I really do like it, but it's insane how much worse it looks than a trailer from two years ago.


I think there was just an awful gap in between what Sean thought the game should be (and how he made the trailers), and how well the programming skills of him and his crew were. They just got in way over their head. If they had never shown those videos, from everything in the E3 2014 trailer to the crashed freighter to the portals to the sand snakes and hadn't said everything Sean said but never showed, nobody would be the wiser and we could just have fun with this experimental procedurally generated piece of work. Because it truly honestly is a fun piece of work but it's a disaster compared to what was promised. There, I said it.

Edited by BillyHorrible
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I think it's pretty clear that I'm part of the niche market that this game should appeal to, seeing how many hours I've put into it with joy. The problem is not with palette swaps or with paid DLC.


If you look at complaints about the game, it becomes pretty clear who has not played the game, and who has. People who have not played it will talk about the (apparent) lack of multiplayer, or whether or not the game will have paid DLC. People who have played it for a while, however, you'll find them asking questions like: where are all those beautiful planets with forests, instead of having trees stand few and far apart? Where is that bracchiosaurs and the other animals that actually looked good? Why don't the animals act like they did in the trailers? Where are the crashed freighters to explore? Where are the sand snakes? Where are the rivers?


These are not just complaints about small stuff, they are about the core of the game - I love a game that is just about exploration but they made people believe there was a lot more to explore. This is not "scrambling for every scrap of info out of Youtube and Twitter on the game", this is about trailers from two years ago from E3 and other high-profile moments which look nothing like the finished game.


As I said, without having seen all that stuff, I definitely liked the game. After having seen it, yes the game looks very much unfinished. If the actual game and the E3 2014 trailer are even the same game then what's out now is pre-alpha and the trailer is an artist's rendition of what the game should be.


Once again, the game is fun on its own. It's just when compared to everything they said would be in the game and every video they showed that was supposedly in the game, the game falls on its ass. hard. Really, just put the E3 2014 trailer and the actual gameplay together. It kind of makes me feel ashamed for liking the "finished" product. Because I really do like it, but it's insane how much worse it looks than a trailer from two years ago.


I think there was just an awful gap in between what Sean thought the game should be (and how he made the trailers), and how well the programming skills of him and his crew were. They just got in way over their head. If they had never shown those videos, from everything in the E3 2014 trailer to the crashed freighter to the portals to the sand snakes and hadn't said everything Sean said but never showed, nobody would be the wiser and we could just have fun with this experimental procedurally generated piece of work. Because it truly honestly is a fun piece of work but it's a disaster compared to what was promised. There, I said it.


I don't know about your experience, but I've been to a planet with a shitload of trees. About equal to the distribution of trees you'd expect at a national forest in the High Sierra. It's more of a pain in the ass than you'd think it to be, both navigational and confrontational. You can't shoot anything without blowing up a tree and pissing off a Sentinel. I don't think I've posted the video yet of what I recorded on that planet. As for megafauna like the proverbial Brachiosaur, maybe they're there, maybe not. It was my understanding that planets with megafauna were going to be exceedingly rare, at least from the scant information I bothered to read. Sort of like winning a prize in a contest, except you won the lottery of zoological categorization. If the guy has come out and said explicitly that megafauna is not in the game in a Youtube video, I wouldn't know. I've had a headphone jack snapped off in my computer's port for the last couple months, unless a video has subtitles I don't bother. As for other stuff that was promised in trailers and hasn't made it, I've gotten used to being promised things in trailers that don't make it. It's part of the whole game now. I account for it, and have been for the last decade and a half. "Yeah but we can't keep encouraging bad business practices-" You know what? I really don't care. It's just a video game. Unless EA is using their money to prop up or topple a third world dictatorship, or Ubisoft is engaging in human trafficking, I honestly don't care. Maybe it's those things that are coming out in later patches, because they still need time to make certain things work. Maybe Sean is the second coming of Peter Molyneux in front of an audience. Not really going to raise my blood pressure over it (not saying that yours is Billy, I mean for the people in general); when I ask myself the question "Is it fun?" the answer is yes.


Also, games in this genre tend to be living things, in that they get down the basic concept, shove it out the door, then add in more things as updates later on a continuous basis. Star Citizen is still in alpha/beta, Elite is allegedly a finished product that's continuously getting tweaked, and has got a package of DLC that's some sort of season thing. EVE has been getting tweaks and changes since 2003. Hello said they're working on additional content in the form of free patches and that's good enough for me. Because I know these types of games are living things. If that sort of thing pisses you off (not you Billy personally, those guys out there), you probably don't want to play this game, because that's how it works here.

Edited by damon8r351
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I think it's pretty clear that I'm part of the niche market that this game should appeal to, seeing how many hours I've put into it with joy. The problem is not with palette swaps or with paid DLC.


If you look at complaints about the game, it becomes pretty clear who has not played the game, and who has. People who have not played it will talk about the (apparent) lack of multiplayer, or whether or not the game will have paid DLC. People who have played it for a while, however, you'll find them asking questions like: where are all those beautiful planets with forests, instead of having trees stand few and far apart? Where is that bracchiosaurs and the other animals that actually looked good? Why don't the animals act like they did in the trailers? Where are the crashed freighters to explore? Where are the sand snakes? Where are the rivers?


These are not just complaints about small stuff, they are about the core of the game - I love a game that is just about exploration but they made people believe there was a lot more to explore. This is not "scrambling for every scrap of info out of Youtube and Twitter on the game", this is about trailers from two years ago from E3 and other high-profile moments which look nothing like the finished game.


As I said, without having seen all that stuff, I definitely liked the game. After having seen it, yes the game looks very much unfinished. If the actual game and the E3 2014 trailer are even the same game then what's out now is pre-alpha and the trailer is an artist's rendition of what the game should be.


Once again, the game is fun on its own. It's just when compared to everything they said would be in the game and every video they showed that was supposedly in the game, the game falls on its ass. hard. Really, just put the E3 2014 trailer and the actual gameplay together. It kind of makes me feel ashamed for liking the "finished" product. Because I really do like it, but it's insane how much worse it looks than a trailer from two years ago.


I think there was just an awful gap in between what Sean thought the game should be (and how he made the trailers), and how well the programming skills of him and his crew were. They just got in way over their head. If they had never shown those videos, from everything in the E3 2014 trailer to the crashed freighter to the portals to the sand snakes and hadn't said everything Sean said but never showed, nobody would be the wiser and we could just have fun with this experimental procedurally generated piece of work. Because it truly honestly is a fun piece of work but it's a disaster compared to what was promised. There, I said it.

I haven't played the game, as I initially stated, but I agree, MP and dlc are lesser concerns than core elements of the game that were advertised then apparently cut from the game, scaled back, or however we want to look at it.   I wouldn't feel bad for enjoying the game, in any way, it does indeed look fun, if lacking, but what disappoints me more than anything is the false advertising and pitching of yet another game.   I'm half expecting a few excuses, maybe a soft apology, somewhere down the line, well after the bulk of initial sales are past, that is, we've got our money, we'll ride out the storm and everyone will forget (forgive) about it at some point...it has to stop.   HG, Sean, let this game hype on all these false claims about x/y/z, they're certainly not the first and unfortunately won't be the last...I'm so tired of the BS, and we're talking AAA costs for gamers, it's not fair.   


I believe people when they say the game is enjoyable, for a time at least, but just think what enjoyment you would have had, or should have had, if even just some of those elements remained.  I think they did get in over their heads, but that doesn't excuse not being clear with gamers what the restrictions were going to be, and as I said, review embargo's are red flags to me.   As to the game being niche, not sure I agree, maybe from the view that PS consoles don't have many of these types of games, but from the perspective of the market, I'd say it's quite a big one, certainly if the millions of sales for something like Minecraft is anything to go by, sure it's not a space explorer, but...


Anyway, I'm both gutted at what was released, yet hopeful the game will still become something living and breathing that'll make me open my wallet.  I'm glad gamers are enjoying it, but to me, going by what HG themselves presented to us the last couple of years, it feels like an empty husk, and you're correct, if I hadn't been led to believe otherwise, I probably wouldn't be griping, that said, I probably wouldn't have been so eagerly awaiting the title either...which brings me back to the practice of false advertising...


Maybe I'm being unfair, I don't know, but I'm certainly feeling a bit frustrated with NMS.

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Part of my shame might stem from me calling someone naive for trusting a developer of an upcoming game just recently... My exact words were "Creators lie. They are lying liars who lie".

True, I was speaking about plot twists at the moment but still, the bitter irony has not been lost on me that I've been had by a lying creator just a month and a half after this conversation. Shows me for trusting someone beforehand.


I used to never pre-order games. Then I wanted to pre-order Assassin's Creed for the cool statuettes. Lately I started pre-ordering a bit more than just AC - Just Cause 3 and Arkham Knight most prominently. I do pre-orders because of the kick-ass physical stuff in collector's editions, otherwise I usually won't pre-order unless the game store has a pre-order sale (trading in used games for a discount on a pre-order).


At this moment I have two games pre-ordered: South Park and Horizon Zero Dawn. South Park is a sequel to a game I love and I trust the Horizon devs as well even though I have no experience with their previous games personally. I think after those I should tone it down again a bit with pre-orders, better stick with the franchises I know and love than taking such a risk with a dev that has not even proven himself yet. I wanted this game to succeed so hard...


On the bright side, the 1.04 fix is out. I decided to take the test and I did 21 hyperspace jumps in succession without even waiting for system intro screens to finish, and it didn't crash once instead of at every single one of them so that's a plus I guess, maybe there's hope yet.


Sorry, I just feel completely burnt out at the moment, or burned out, whichever. I might come back and go into some of the points you both have made but for now I'm just going to shut off my computer and play Catalyst for a while. I'm going to give No Man's Sky some breathing room and see if that helps, and if Sean is going to do any form of apology or explanation.

Edited by BillyHorrible
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This game is NOT for everyone. And that's okay.

For me, I am enjoying it. Before release I spent most of my gaming time with Elder Scrolls Online, but because of some temporary health stuff going on right now I am not always capable of playing. Now I can get my exploration and exploring fix in a game that I *can* play when I am too exhausted to play ESO but too wired to go to bed.

It's *not* for everyone. There has been a lot of fighting in my gamesave though. Stupid aggressive packs of angry crabs all over the planet... They are tougher to kill than the big mammals, too. I named them Angry Mudcrabs. I have died to them so many times...

I am still trying to figure out how to scan those ninja butterflies. I can't kill them, either. The flying pigs were easy to scan but I can't get it to register the butterflies no matter what I do.

I will be happy to move to my next planet. Hopefully there's friendlier wildlife.

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I have enjoyed it so far being about 18 hours in. I've spent a lot of time on planets trying to log all the unique species to 100% it and receive easy credits, but this element of my play style will likely change as it is time consuming. Early concerns of repetitiveness and lack of unique planets are valid, but I've come across a few really "cool" looking ones; given how many there are.


From a technical standpoint this game is amazing; infinite universe, no load screens, great color palettes, and diverse ship designs. What I wanted out of this game was space exploration and survival elements and it delivered. My sense of wonderment will keep me playing for a while (50+ hours) and my main goal is to get a cool X-Wing type ship.


As a side note when I'm farming I'll play Spotify, I put on Waterloo by ABBA and instantly felt like Matt Damon from The Martian. :) A highlight of NMS career for sure.

Edited by StarFang7
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Same here, I was able to cover 10K LY towards the center without any crashes post-patch. So that's great. But now I'm kinda feeling out of it after all the frustration in that first week and having to step back and quit it.



To have gone more than a week after releasing without fixing the crashing....they dug their own grave. I would think you get 1 day, maybe 2 days TOPS to fix the constant crashing (at least) before you've ruined your image. 




I hope they can overcome the negative reception they earned in that first week, but I dunno.

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The whole journey to the center is pretty bullshit considering how long it takes to get there after the day 0 patch.


and having found out what is at the center its a pretty letdown..


That said.. I mostly enjoyed my time with the game getting the platinum was not hard also.


I did it in a week and i would have done it in half that time if i did not start over due to excessive crashing.


All the crashes seems to be fixed as of yesterday. At least for me.

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Playing Mirror's Edge Catalyst now. During the mission "Benefactor", I stumbled upon a hidden tape. It's an angry man shouting "He promised me one thing and delivered something else entirely!"



Is Mirror's Edge mocking me?



I SEE WHAT YOU DID THERE.... :lol:  :lol:  :lol:



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Well, I sold the game.


I had fun with it while I didn't know the background but now that I know how much they lied about the contents beforehand, it has made it impossible for me to still enjoy it. Maybe I'll get it back, much farther down the line, when the price has plummeted and if future patches and DLC increase the quality of the game enough.

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It's been a long time since I've played a game with such an extremely high level of potential. Sadly, at the time of writing, this potential is also very far from being realized.


I'm holding on to the game because I see this bright future, but so far I'd be happy just to receive the things I thought I was going to get by watching interviews, presentations, and trailers.

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my thoughts:

its a complete dissapontment, but not for being an "explorers" game, its because of all the glitches in the game, i invested 3 hours before realizing that the game wasnt saving, i tryied the killing myself fix, and it didnt work, tryied warping, going to station, any possible thing, and its just a broken game... cant warp more than 3 straight times without the fear of crashing... i mean , when a game crashes just for opening the pause menu and pressing O, its really messed up.... i know this is an indie developer, but they charged full A+ retail price, and its just an indie overhyped game, with so much promises made, for me its just dissapointing, and i really don't think i will return to play with it any time soon, 60 bucks to the garbage, 

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I´m done with the game. Played it for around 30 hours and believe and think i´ve seen everything and accomplished everything possible. I had fun reaching the platinum and would rate it around 7/10. experienced a few crashes but nothing that would say "stop playing this game"


I wasn´t hyped before and therefore i don´t feel all the hate. The game actually was, what i expected. But this is definitely not worth the full price, so if you don´t have it right now, wait for more patches/dlcs and then grab it for around 15-20 $/€  :)

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If you accept it for what is it which is an exploration game, then you shouldn't be too disappointed. It isn't a kind of game I would focus all my attention on but playing it when I'm just looking for something easy and relaxing between more full on games has been great. I feel like David Attenborough in space which is good enough for me, especially when you imagine him narrating. :lol:

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