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Modern Warfare Remastered Might Need Infinite Warfare Disc

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You sure? Cuz every time I've played Dead Space Extraction, I haven't had Dead Space 2's disc in my system. I don't remember whether or not I had to put MoH in to play Frontline tho, but I did not have to put in DS2 to play Extraction

100% sure with both DS2 and MoH and like Rin said, this is concerning the version of Extraction and Frontline that came free as an incentive to buy the limited edition copies. Not the standalone version you can buy from PSN. Perhaps I should have been more specific. 

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Didn't expect others to have also mentioned DSE's situation. I wanted to be the cool guy to be the only one to say it :l


FYI: (According to Gamestop) You need to completely pay off any of the bundle COD: IW Editions in order to get access to the campaign (so Ill assume it's the same for every other place to).

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Well, this is in the support thing for the game now


"On launch day, you must install the full version of Modern Warfare Remastered that is included with the Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare Legacy Edition, Legacy Pro Edition, Digital Legacy Edition or Digital Deluxe Edition."


So basically, like I feared, I've got a month with the campaign. Well. I'll take my month, play the shit out of it, cancel my preorder tomorrow, and then pick the full thing up when it goes up for sale on it's own. Thanks for the one month free rental, Activision.

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Well, this is in the support thing for the game now


"On launch day, you must install the full version of Modern Warfare Remastered that is included with the Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare Legacy Edition, Legacy Pro Edition, Digital Legacy Edition or Digital Deluxe Edition."


So basically, like I feared, I've got a month with the campaign. Well. I'll take my month, play the shit out of it, cancel my preorder tomorrow, and then pick the full thing up when it goes up for sale on it's own. Thanks for the one month free rental, Activision.

No multiplayer trophies = no real need to play the multiplayer = all the time you play spent in single player = all the time you spend working on getting that plat = equals

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To answer this, the early Modern Warfare is actually a different version of the game. It's the whole game without MP (servers wouldn't be up yet), but once the game is fully released, that version of the game won't function anymore and you'll need to get the code from inside the Infinite Warfare case to download the proper, permanent version of the game. So with it being a different version of the game, it's entirely possible that IF the full version does need a disc to run normally, this version could omit that part since it's temporary anyway.


Due to some deeper analyze'ish, I don't think this will actually be the case. Between the wordings of "early access" and what a GS employee told me today - "you're getting the game early, which is why you can't get a refund after you're given the code.. you're stuck with it - it simply seems we'll be given one half of the game early and the other half later.


To put it more simple. Technically, MWR will be separate for 30 days from the full game. This version of the game we're getting will be the same version for the full game. Like this generation has done with other games before - MGSV and others - we're getting the SP early.. that's all.

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Can you please give me some of those sources from months ago? Everything I've found has been recent and no one that I've seen has been able to absolutely 100% confirm it to be the case or not.







Taken from Call of Duty Infinity Warfare FAQ page:


  • 4.Will Call of Duty®: Modern Warfare Remastered come as a separate disc?
  • PlayStation 4
  • Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered is a full game digital download that will be included in the Infinite Warfare Legacy Edition and Legacy Pro Edition on PlayStation 4. The digital download is redeemed via a voucher code on an insert in the box. The Infinite Warfare game disc must be inserted to play Modern Warfare Remastered. Internet connection is required.
  • Xbox One
  • Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered is included on the Infinite Warfare Xbox One disc (no voucher code required) in the Legacy Edition and Legacy Pro Edition of Infinite Warfare. Before Modern Warfare Remastered can be played, an additional download is required. The game disc must be inserted to play Modern Warfare Remastered. Internet connection is required.
  • Steam
  • A Steam key will be provided in the Legacy Edition of Infinite Warfare that will provide access to both Infinite Warfare and Modern Warfare Remastered. Internet connection is required.
  • 5. Will Call of Duty®: Modern Warfare Remastered have progression?
  • Yes, Call of Duty®: Modern Warfare Remastered will have a full, standalone multiplayer progression system, with the ability to unlock weapons, perks, weapon attachments, and reach Master Prestige.
  • 6. How can I get Call of Duty®: Modern Warfare Remastered?
  • Call of Duty®: Modern Warfare Remastered is only available through the Legacy, Legacy Pro, and Digital Deluxe editions of Call of Duty®: Infinite Warfare.
  • 7. Can I play Call of Duty®: Modern Warfare Remastered without buying Call of Duty®: Infinite Warfare?
  • No, you must own Call of Duty®: Infinite Warfare in order to get Call of Duty®: Modern Warfare Remastered.


More details?  https://www.callofduty.com/infinitewarfare/legal/faq

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Why is that a bad business model? They know people want the remastered game but may not want the new game. So they put in a system which forces you to keep Infinite Warfare instead of trading it in or even worse returning it after your code is activated.


100% in agreement. I know a lot of people don't like what it is that they are doing but we (all consumers) pretty much forced them to do this (explanation to come).


Activision isn't stupid they realized the dislike that this game was getting. If the youtube page of the game trailer is any indicator of how this was going to sell they knew fairly early on that they had to give people some incentive to come back this year with 3 major strikes going against it:

1) For a few years now there has been a loud group of people wanting to go so far back as WW1 and WWII shooters while they go further in the future

2) Their competition will probably wipe he floor with them since they ARE going to WW1

3) The last thing Infinity Ward did was Ghosts...


Something had to be done to get people to buy this game with all the signs pointing to a sales failure, so they bundled it (I should say fused since they are inseparable at the moment) with the series that a ton of people loved.


I'll admit they sold me on it, it may very well be part of the problem but i figure if IW sucks at least I have MW to fall back on. Previous editions of the COD series grant you nothing more that 1 gun  or early access to DLC maps that I never played. At least this $80 dollar version comes with a game that I know I like and one that could suck or potentially be ok (please god be better than ghosts and blops III for that matter).

Edited by stitchesnscars
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  • 3 months later...

It doesn't work, F*CKING ABSURD! I had no problem buying the Legacy Edition, hell I wanted to play IW's campaign, but this is utterly ridiculous. I wanted to keep MWR for Multiplayer then sell IW. Is that so much to ask? They've already made their money so WTF. Even if I wanted to sell MWR along with it, I can't, so I'm stuck with both games. So pissed.

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5 minutes ago, SuperSaiyan3985 said:

It doesn't work, F*CKING ABSURD! I had no problem buying the Legacy Edition, hell I wanted to play IW's campaign, but this is utterly ridiculous. I wanted to keep MWR for Multiplayer then sell IW. Is that so much to ask? They've already made their money so WTF. Even if I wanted to sell MWR along with it, I can't, so I'm stuck with both games. So pissed.


Well yeah, the already made your money off of it. but if you sell your copy then that's one copy that goes to another potential buyer, therefore making them NO money at all.

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22 minutes ago, linkdevivo said:


Well yeah, the already made your money off of it. but if you sell your copy then that's one copy that goes to another potential buyer, therefore making them NO money at all.

But when you think about it, those people buying the game used have already made up their minds. They don't want to pay full price so they would've gotten it used one way or another. 

Edited by SuperSaiyan3985
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On 10/2/2016 at 9:41 PM, Dr_Mayus said:

I don't care either way (because I am not a fan of the series) but as long as people buy IW then Activision will keep doing this. If you don't like this business practice DO NOT BUY THE GAME because if you do then you are part of the problem and it will continue to happen.


It is really that simple. If enough people refused to buy IW but sent an email to activision and said "I am not buying infinite warfare but if you release MW as a stand alone I will buy that" then Activision would eventually have to release it. But every year COD outsells the previous year which means that despite all the bitching on the Internet you guys keep going back and supporting the brand.


Doesn't surprise me. People complain every single year about Madden NFL games but they still buy them. Madden 18 will probably have roster changes and some cosmetic changes, but apart from those it's the same game every single year. Electronic Arts knows they can count on these people so they crank out the same formula time and time again.


I'm not interested in the multiplayer Call of Duty since I am not into first person shooter multiplayer mayhem, so I guess my only two real choices are Call of Duty Classic and Call of Duty Modern Warfare Remastered. But it's not a series I support, so it's probably likely I won't buy those games.


The series should of ended with Modern Warfare 2, which is what many consider to be the peak of the series. In the past eight years since it has been nothing but yearly releases, adding a few new changes but mostly the same boring cliche multiplayer maps and the same audience who is too dumbfounded to look at anything else.


At least Ubisoft finally came to their senses and realized that releasing an Assassins Creed game every year wasn't a smart idea. With how expensive it is to make AAA games these days, I think it would be wise if Activision stepped back a bit and slow down a bit. Since 2007 or so there's been a Call of Duty game every year, and that is simply too much.

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11 hours ago, Spaz said:


Doesn't surprise me. People complain every single year about Madden NFL games but they still buy them. Madden 18 will probably have roster changes and some cosmetic changes, but apart from those it's the same game every single year. Electronic Arts knows they can count on these people so they crank out the same formula time and time again.


I'm not interested in the multiplayer Call of Duty since I am not into first person shooter multiplayer mayhem, so I guess my only two real choices are Call of Duty Classic and Call of Duty Modern Warfare Remastered. But it's not a series I support, so it's probably likely I won't buy those games.


The series should of ended with Modern Warfare 2, which is what many consider to be the peak of the series. In the past eight years since it has been nothing but yearly releases, adding a few new changes but mostly the same boring cliche multiplayer maps and the same audience who is too dumbfounded to look at anything else.


At least Ubisoft finally came to their senses and realized that releasing an Assassins Creed game every year wasn't a smart idea. With how expensive it is to make AAA games these days, I think it would be wise if Activision stepped back a bit and slow down a bit. Since 2007 or so there's been a Call of Duty game every year, and that is simply too much.

I agree with what you said on slowing down, but it shouldn't end. There's still a lot of potential Activision just isn't harnessing. 

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4 hours ago, SuperSaiyan3985 said:

I agree with what you said on slowing down, but it shouldn't end. There's still a lot of potential Activision just isn't harnessing. 


I know, the games are still enjoyable. But after what Activision did to their past franchises, I'm not holding my breath.


I'd be more than happy if they sold Modern Warfare Remastered by itself on digital.

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