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A D-ck Move Activision, A D-ck Move :(


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Everyone here probably knows how much of a hardcore COD fan I am, and how I ususally defend Activision. Well this time Activision has crossed the line and made me, one of their loyalist COD fans, VERY VERY ANGRY!!! Remember how you got the Nuketown 2025 map if you pre-ordered BLOPS II? Well SCREW that! Activision has apparently forced Treyarch to only allow the map to be played on special occassions. This is robbing from the loyal fans, and is a huge d-ck move (I don't know if that word is frowned on or not, so I shall leave out a letter to be on the safe side ;) ) GameInformer has the whole story at: http://www.gameinformer.com/b/news/archive/2012/11/19/nuketown-2025-pulled-from-black-ops-ii-playlist.aspx Anyway, I hope that there is enough fan outrage that this gets fixed and the playlist restored. Until then, Activision is blacklisted in my book. I will still play COD, but I will stay away from other Activision games. At least that is my intent, who knows how long I can hold out :P ! Finally, I don't blame Treyarch as I know they would not screw fans over like this. They always seem to care about what the fans want, hence the masterpiece that is BLOPS II!!!

"Nuketown 2025 Pulled From Black Ops II Online Playlist

by Jim Reilly on November 19, 2012 at 06:45 PM


Treyarch and Activision have pulled the Nuketown 2025 map from the game's multiplayer playlist. Design director David Vonderhaar said on Twitter it will be back for "special events."

"Double XP weekend is official [sic] over. That means Nuketown 2025 / 24-7 is as well. I know. RIGHT? Don't kill the messenger," he said. "Nuketown 2025 / 24-7 will be back for special events. You can always play it with your friends in Custom Games."

Nuketown 2025 was originally offered as a pre-order bonus. Game Informer has contacted Activision for additional comment."

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I don't understand this... I don't have BO2 btw... you pre-order the game to get Nuketown right, so i thought it was going to be in public playlists? Is it not? What sense does that make?!!!! Nuketown was the most popular map on BO, and now it's like they gonna feed the CoD fans this map on "special occasions"??? wtf is that?!!!I've never seen shit like this before.

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Where does it say Activision mandated Nuketown 2025 get pulled? I'm fairly sure that Treyarch are the ones to make that decision (it is their game, afterall) so until I read otherwise I'm putting the blame on developers and not the publisher. And to boycott Activision doesn't really hurt them, it just hurts all the developers who are published by Activision. There will be numerous developers getting shutdown before boycotting would actually hurt Activision.

And, the map is already back up so it seems Treyarch is listening to their community. For what it's worth, I haven't even touched the map. It was by far my least favorite in the original Blops (just like I hated Rust in MW2) and I'm sure I'll still hate it in Blops II.


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Hate them if you wish, but a lot of what Activision does is globally accepted and backed by other companies... the online pass they started is now common place, just an example. It's not personal, it's business.

Gaming companies and other entertainment industries draw a strange loyalty from consumers, but really we only like them til they screw up. More examples? Skyrim DLC, On-disc DLC, Sequels that are a step down, etc.

Note: I say this with an Assassin's Creed banner, avatar, and the assassin's network in another tab...

Thinking of EA, perhaps? As far as I know no Activision produced games require online passes (at least CoD doesn't) but I believe all EA games have them.


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Thinking of EA, perhaps? As far as I know no Activision produced games require online passes (at least CoD doesn't) but I believe all EA games have them.


You are correct, and thank you. Sometimes it's hard to tell them apart from one greedy act to another.
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Actualy this is a good thing becuase people may finally open their eyes and see what COD has done to them.

Which would be what, exactly? Last I checked I was a good father, husband and person and CoD has done absolutely nothing to change that. All CoD has really done is make gaming more popular towards people who were never really gamers and I don't see how that can be seen as a negative.


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Thinking of EA, perhaps? As far as I know no Activision produced games require online passes (at least CoD doesn't) but I believe all EA games have them.


No lie....I find EA to be perfectly fine, outside they allowed the creation of a second Army of TWO, instead of dropping a fucking nuke on it. Honestly, i play a lot of their games, and i have no issues with the games: Dead Space, Battlefield, Mass Effect...it doesnt bother me that i have to pay for online passes, considering most games ive had to get them for are in no way mandatory to play online with (Bulletstorm, ME2, the BF games i got new and Me3 i pre-ordered) and............the games dont suck :|

BUt yea, if all their games actually were shit, itd piss me off...but they dont.

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Which is still unacceptable. It needs to be in every playlist IMO.

First of all, why? Why should a map from the last game, dominate this game too? They added it as pre-order content because many fans like it, and that is more then they had to do at all.

Secondly, it can't be in every playlist? It was a pre-order map, so many people don't have it. If they put it in every playlist, the would have to have 2 separate lists for people with the map and those without, I think that is just stupid. Enjoy your nuketown map in the special place it belongs, or join the new game and play on the new maps. Hijacked is essentially the same idea as nuketown, and I happen to like it more.

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OK, I can see why everyone is pissed. But, it makes sense taking the map out. People who played Nuketown 24/7 leveled up WAY too quickly. In the case that we had in Black Ops, it was a normal map, so it wasn't a problem. But with Nuketown being played ENDLESSLY, it really unbalanced the leveling system. I am also mad that Nuketown is now limited, but its a lot better than having people prestige without even trying.

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Somehow it has made it's way into regular TDM. That is just about the only gametype I play (unless I have a team and then we'll play some domination or ground war) and somehow we played on Nuketown 2025. I still hate it just as much as I did in Blops so I couldn't care less what they do with it. I didn't pre-order for that map, I pre-ordered because I'm a sucker for Collector's Editions and I wanted that damn Hardened Edition steel case.


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First of all, why? Why should a map from the last game, dominate this game too? They added it as pre-order content because many fans like it, and that is more then they had to do at all.

Secondly, it can't be in every playlist? It was a pre-order map, so many people don't have it. If they put it in every playlist, the would have to have 2 separate lists for people with the map and those without, I think that is just stupid. Enjoy your nuketown map in the special place it belongs, or join the new game and play on the new maps. Hijacked is essentially the same idea as nuketown, and I happen to like it more.

You say that, but they put map packs eventually in every playlist, and certainly not everyone has the map packs. Nuketown should be no different. Many people pre-ordered the game for Nuketown alone. These people have been robbed. Period.

Somehow it has made it's way into regular TDM. That is just about the only gametype I play (unless I have a team and then we'll play some domination or ground war) and somehow we played on Nuketown 2025. I still hate it just as much as I did in Blops so I couldn't care less what they do with it. I didn't pre-order for that map, I pre-ordered because I'm a sucker for Collector's Editions and I wanted that damn Hardened Edition steel case.


Yeah, the Hardened Edition is totally sweet! :P That cold hard steel of the case.................ah..................... lol I'm joking of course, but it really is awesome.

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  • 7 months later...

i don't like Treyarc to be honest they suck tryhards on BoII

use to be a hardcore COD gamer all final prestige in all the COD games but BO II made me quit the game is terrible score streaks its lame, the pointless camo there making and a badasle camo to like dude wtf. . . there story line are lame as well didn't like them at all so plain and dumb and not mind blowing or sad moments...

in the other hand i love Infinityawards there games are cool online they are getting better and better each year there story mode are awesome and sad all that treyarc has is zombies thats it 

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