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Nintendo Switch thread for Nintendo Switch players

Oobedoob S Benubi

Questions for Switch gamers (2022)  

214 members have voted

  1. 1. What is your favorite Nintendo exclusive on switch (2022)?

    • Splatoon 2/3
    • Xenoblade Chronicles 1/2/3
    • Mario Odyssey
    • Metroid Dread
    • Fire Emblem 3 Houses
    • Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
    • Animal Crossing: New Horizons
    • Pokemon Legends: Arceus
    • Luigi's Mansion 3
    • Super Smash Bros Ultimate
    • Mario Kart 8: Deluxe
    • Kirby Forgotten Land
    • Other
  2. 2. How many hours do you have in your most played game?

  3. 3. What NSO feature would you like to see the most?

    • Custom Themes/Wallpapers
    • GB/GBA emulator
    • Game Cube emulator
    • Wii/Wii U emulator
    • Extra eShop discounts
    • Monthly free eShop games
    • More N64/SNES/NES/Genesis games

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For anyone in the United States, there is a sale for a 128gb Micro SD card at Bestbuy. 


I bought 2, one for my boyfriend and one for my Nintendo Switch


Here is the link for reference



Only if you wish to have more space.

It's only $30 :) I think its a steal


Also I bought Lego City Undercover for Switch as well from Gamestop.

I played the pre-quel for 3DS and wanted the sequel since release but never got to for Wii U. So glad I got it for Switch now :). I can finally finish that story lol

Edited by Shiny Suicune
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19 hours ago, MosesRockefeller said:

Yeah, I was going to say the same thing. My friend who is a huge Ghostbusters classic fan (as opposed to me, who saw it for the first time as an adult 10-ish years ago) LOVED Holtzmann, and she was easily my least favorite character of the 4. My wife outright hated her, while I just disliked her. It seemed to me like she was trying too hard. My wife also hates Kristen Wiig but I am indifferent to her. I thought her character here was fine. We're both big Melissa McCarthy fans, so she was probably my favorite, but Leslie Jones was easily my second favorite.


And in contrast to Spider, I thought Leslie Jones (Patty) was great and one of my favorite characters. Sadly her best line was revealed in the trailer though (when the crowd drops her and she says something like "I don't know if this was a woman thing or a black thing, but I'm mad as hell"). I mean I guess some people think that's pandering to SJWs, but fuck that, I thought it was hilarious. My wife wasn't a fan of the movie overall though, near the end she said "I hope you didn't buy this" (after which I quietly hid the Blu-ray).


You explained my enjoyment of Thor in the movie very well. The whole wearing glasses without lenses thing just cracked me up because it was just silly stupid. I don't look at him and think "damn, these feminists are insulting men!"


I agree with your point about Odyssey, but are Mexican and Latino people really not bothered by Speedy Gonzalez? I don't really follow this stuff but I have Looney Tunes on DVD and I always assumed Speedy was something everyone was embarrassed about. Yeah, I can see how Speedy could be considered a positive character, but if you watch those cartoons, everyone in it is a sterotypical white view of Mexicans at the time, and that is probably what bothers people more than Speedy himself.


Wait, didn't the Star Trek Discovery actor say Spacey tried to seduce him? I'd call that attempted rape, which is worse than inappropriate comments and groping. And as far as comparisons go, I think a lot of people still don't see a problem with stuff like groping, as crazy as that sounds. A couple of guys at my work joked about Bush Sr groping that girl (and it's since come out that it's multiple people, and he makes a JOKE about groping them) for fuck's sake.


As far as Trump goes, I don't want to get too political but he's an embarrassment to my country and world leaders everywhere. Somehow he has this cult of personality where he gets away with whatever the hell he wants. It's mind boggling. I'm very happy that yesterday my state and another state sent a message to the nation that we rejected Trump and any association with him (and in classic Trump style, he Tweeted last night that the GOP candidate for governor "did not represent his values" despite his insane campaign ads using the same anti-immigration scare tactics. I think it's hilarious how Trump tries to distance himself from losers and try to erase his past support from everyone's memory). But yeah, I don't think anyone understands how he can just get accused of everything and get away with it. The guy could probably have ties to organized crime and get away with literal murder.


I'm confused. You say "my defenses don't really apply" but then you seem to agree with me about Naked Gun (also, side note Elvis' daughter was in all 3 movies)? So are you agreeing with me or disagreeing with me? Anyway, I do agree with you about Gibson, but I can somewhat separate the actor from his or her movies. But it's a scale; it's easier for me to look past Gibson being a racist asshole than Cosby being a rapist.


I guess that makes sense. One of the things about being a white American is I don't really have a strong cultural background to be proud of. I mean my mom's distant relatives were Danish but I've never been there, so I don't feel any sense of identity there. My point is, it's harder for me to identify with a person being proud of their cultural background so to me, Mario Sombrero-gate ain't a big deal.


Also, kudos to your friend for getting you into Guacamelee. I didn't need to understand the culture to love the game, but damn that game is great. I Platinumed it on Vita and PS4, and I also own it on Wii U. If it eventually comes out on Switch I'll probably play through it again. I love that game.


As far as being demeaning or disrespectful, I think it's a tricky area. I think almost everyone agrees that old movies with white actors in blackface is disrespectful. Old cartoons with bucktoothed Asian characters is disrespectful. Most of the stuff we see now is far more aware than those exaggerated stereotypes. The complaining about Iron Fist on Netflix, casting a white actor as the main character was a weird issue. On the one hand, it's silly to complain about a character being portrayed the same way he always was in comics. On the other hand, I sympathize with people of Asian descent complaining that Asian characters are typically sidelined and downplayed in Hollywood. And it's not like changing characters can't be done well. At some point (prior to the movies I think, but I may be wrong), Marvel changed Nick Fury from white to black, and it's hard for me to imagine anyone other than Samuel L Jackson as that character now. He did such a great job.


But then you have to ask who is deciding something is demeaning. If a white person is preaching from a soapbox that all this stuff is demeaning to other races, isn't that offensive in itself? Like all we need is another majority race making decrees. I dunno, it's a messy thing.

There's a lot of stuff, and I know I'm usually down to send a wall of text, I'm just not feeling it right now, so short version time.


Ghostbusters: I don't mind Patty too much, she's just by far the weakest one to me, and honestly, why is she there? What kind of scientific expertise does she possess? And McCarthy was surprisingly good in it to me, I see her name normally and run. All I can think is god awful stuff like Spy and Tammy and then I run again.


Spacey: My point is that you can watch Naked Gun with OJ being a bit part and move on, but it's a lot harder to watch something where a rapist is front and centre without it popping in your head.


Guacamelee is fucking great and I am stoked on the sequel. If it has online multiplayer, hit me up dude. I mean, I'll probably burn through it with the missus, but I'll definitely be replaying it quicksmart.


"Whitewashing": My go to example is a recent one. That guy Ed Skrien or whatever his name is who played the Transporter in the reboot was cast as Daimio, but he dropped out to avoid the SJW shitshow (which we assume as his motives, given his statement) but then they cast Daniel Dae Kim in the role. So Ed dropped out because the character was Japanese and he was not, okay... why then did you go get a Korean actor to play the part? Something seems out of place there.


17 hours ago, Cubone said:

Also, L.A. Noire is €50 on the eShop now, just as expensive as the retail version instead of €10 cheaper like the PS4 and X1 versions. Yeah, definitely not getting it right away now. €10 more buys me Skyrim for half the storage room and I haven't even finished that one.

I always check the local bargain watch dogs before buying. Cheapest physical store is 69, cheapest online Aussie store is 65, I'm gonna try my luck price matching and saying it was 60 instead of 69, but if they make me dig up a price I'll just go pay the 69. I think it's 90 on the Aussie eShop, could be 80 though, but I do think it's 90. Funnily enough, the physical RRP on this one is 80 across the board on PS4/Xbone/Switch, but the digi is 10 bucks more. And I just remembered, physical comes out 14th here, but digital says it's gonna be the 15th, so 10 bucks more (IIRC) and a day late. It's quite literally a day late and a dollar short. Beautiful.


Also, while I've got you. I finally got Morphite. I've played about 10 minutes and so far it's very NMS. There's some actual story going on though, and there's no space ship stuff (yet, there's an option for your ship's weapons in the menu, so I'm assuming it will come later), but yeah, so far it's very NMS, which is fine, because I would have loved NMS to be a Vita game or even be ported to Switch. The whole thing of the game is great on the go for me.

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Regarding MORPHITE.


To whom it may concern, is a game, which as of a week or so back is available on Nintendo Switch.


To say it borrows heavily from No Man's Sky would be an understatement.


I've been playing it for about somewhere between half an hour and an hour now, and so far I'm really digging it. The main reason I'm taking to writing about it is because in the sea of games that is November on Switch, it's easy to overlook some smaller ones, and of those smaller ones, Morphite was the one I was most pumped about. I completely missed it on PS4 when it launched earlier this year, and to be honest, I'd have probably skipped it if I was aware anyway because PS4 has No Man's Sky already.


Morphite can basically be summed by as "No Man's Sky: Lite Edition".


You start out, and there's a story which is cool, just going to a couple planets. There is a thread where you're meant to go, but you can ignore it if you want. You cruise around on these planets scanning and / or killing all the native animals and plants, ala No Man's Sky. It looks gorgeous with it's chosen visual style, and plays accordingly, performance is great. So far, I can't comment on the story too much, and I won't, but it's already got more story than No Man's Sky, unless you count those Atlas tower things or whatever they were, which I don't really. Anyway, keeping with the lite theme, planets are tiny in comparison to No Man's Sky. In my first couple hours of No Man's Sky I remember walking for ages just fucking around and scanning shit, so much that when I wanted to head back to my ship, I had to walk over half an hour to get back to the freakin' thing, which at the time was awesome, but it wore thin pretty quick. In that respect, the miniature nature of this game is a great change, though if you can't be bothered walking back to your ship, you can throw a beacon at any time which will bring an escape pod style thing to you, that takes you back to your ship. It takes about 15 seconds to get there though, so if you run into some baddies, it might not be enough to save you.


Speaking of your ship. So far, you can't fly it. I don't know if you can fly later or not, Google it if that affects your purchase decision, I don't want to because I wanna find out on my own. What you can do, is navigate a star map. There's a bunch of different star systems you can fly to (auto pilot) and in each system is a few different planets. Given this layout, and the "story driven" nature of the game, I somehow doubt there will be a billion procedurally generated planets as No Man's Sky had, or claimed to anyway, but on the Switch, as a portable title, that's fine, and given the price, I'm fine with it. Full RRP on PS4 and we might have an issue though.


Music is great, controls are tight, visuals are gorgeous, story is intriguing enough at least, and the price is 22.50 day one, versus the full 100 here (or 60 US, whatever) that No Man's Sky wanted.


Pros compared to NMS

> It's reasonably priced.

>> It's well made.

>>> It actually does what it says it will and doesn't promise a bunch of stuff that only came out a year later or not at all.

>>>> It's a blast and a half on a portable, as I always thought No Man's Sky would be.


Cons compared to NMS

> No where near as big in size and scale.


So yeah. In short, if you want a smaller, portable version of No Man's Sky, with a story chucked in for freesies, Morphite is your game.

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4 hours ago, Super-Fly Spider-Guy said:

Ghostbusters: I don't mind Patty too much, she's just by far the weakest one to me, and honestly, why is she there? What kind of scientific expertise does she possess? And McCarthy was surprisingly good in it to me, I see her name normally and run. All I can think is god awful stuff like Spy and Tammy and then I run again.

Patty gave them historical information (e.g. on the subway system), a car to use, and comic relief. All were things that helped the team (especially the comic relief). Winston wasn't a scientist in the original movie either, and he was still a valuable member of the team.


I thought Spy was okay, but McCarthy's best movie to date for me is still The Heat. I haven't seen Tammy.


4 hours ago, Super-Fly Spider-Guy said:

Spacey: My point is that you can watch Naked Gun with OJ being a bit part and move on, but it's a lot harder to watch something where a rapist is front and centre without it popping in your head.

Yeah, that was pretty much my point also. Okay then.


4 hours ago, Super-Fly Spider-Guy said:

Guacamelee is fucking great and I am stoked on the sequel. If it has online multiplayer, hit me up dude. I mean, I'll probably burn through it with the missus, but I'll definitely be replaying it quicksmart.

Whaaaaa? There's a sequel coming? Oh hell yes. It's easily my favorite Metroidvania that isn't an actual Metroid or Castlevania game. As much as I enjoyed Axiom Verge, I think Guacamelee was a little more enjoyable for being a clear homage to Metroid (e.g. its version of Chozo statues) while changing the environment to have a unique setting. Axoim Verge was basically a Metroid clone while Guacamelee felt like something new.


4 hours ago, Super-Fly Spider-Guy said:

"Whitewashing": My go to example is a recent one. That guy Ed Skrien or whatever his name is who played the Transporter in the reboot was cast as Daimio, but he dropped out to avoid the SJW shitshow (which we assume as his motives, given his statement) but then they cast Daniel Dae Kim in the role. So Ed dropped out because the character was Japanese and he was not, okay... why then did you go get a Korean actor to play the part? Something seems out of place there.

Yeah, casting Daniel Dae Kim was weird, like the producers thought "well he's Asian, that's close enough". But why do you have to assume Skrien was trying to avoid controversy? Maybe he dug into the Iron First controversy and it made him realize that there is a whitewashing problem, and he decided to be respectful to those people and drop out? I mean isn't that a possibility?


It's easy to point to stupid cases of hypocrisy and conclude that there is no solution to the issue, but claiming that whitewashing doesn't exist or isn't a problem isn't the answer (I'm not saying that you are claiming that, I'm just making a point here). The fact is that certain actors have a hard time getting good roles because of their race. The guy who played Kumar from Harold and Kumar made some Tweets a while back about how he had all these auditions before he got famous, and they were almost all stereotypical "Indian tech guy" roles. It wasn't until he got his breakout role in Harold and Kumar where he was able to play a character that just happened to be Indian. It has no real bearing on the plot (technically his dad being a doctor is a plot point, which is a stereotypical casting choice, but it could have still worked if he were another race). Harold being Korean was part of the plot but it was worked in to the plot in a good way that wasn't demeaning.


4 hours ago, Super-Fly Spider-Guy said:

Also, while I've got you. I finally got Morphite. I've played about 10 minutes and so far it's very NMS. There's some actual story going on though, and there's no space ship stuff (yet, there's an option for your ship's weapons in the menu, so I'm assuming it will come later), but yeah, so far it's very NMS, which is fine, because I would have loved NMS to be a Vita game or even be ported to Switch. The whole thing of the game is great on the go for me.

I read your second post too. I'm tempted by Morphite.


My NMS story is atypical I think. I was excited about a space exploration game, but as I typically avoid spoilers and big previews, I avoided almost all of the pre-release hype. I was aware that people were getting hyped up and there were rumors that features were being cut, but I didn't pay much attention.


When I first played the game, I was blown away. The first time I escaped my starting planet's atmosphere and got into space was a moment that really stuck with me. So did flying to the second planet and seeing the game seamlessly transition to the planet's atmosphere. That was something I had been wanting a game to do since I was a kid playing X-Wing on MS-DOS. I ended up playing the game for 10 or so hours before getting bored and moving on to something else. I think the game probably should have been sold at $40 instead of $60, and I can see that fans got hyped up and were disappointed, and I think that's a shame. I don't really have an opinion on Sean Murray one way or the other. All I know is, I got a game that blew me away for a solid 10 hours or so, and I would probably enjoy going back to it with all the patches it's gotten. I don't regret buying it, although I do think it should have been cheaper. It didn't end up being the game I would stick with for dozens of hours, but I loved most of the time I spent with it, until it started getting boring.


So anyway, if Morphite can provide a similar experience while being different enough to offer something new, I think I would like it.


Edited by MosesRockefeller
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Man, I seem to be having less and less time to post stuff. Or game.


I bought the Snipperclips DLC and Octodad, jumped in the menu of both for a quick look but played neither. Going to do Snipperclips with the missus and as I already played Octodad years ago, I kind of want my first playthrough on the Switch to be co-op as well.


Snipperclips: looks like two full new worlds (so 15 levels each) for two player, but only a couple of new levels for 3-4 player. Unless doing those few unlocks even more levels.


Octodad: just the main menu brings back fun memories. I also see they have in-game achievements, looks like those from the Vita (was a bit more than on the PS4, for instance on PS4 you didn't need to find all collectable ties). Should help in replayability.


Super Mario Odyssey: played for a bit again, got some more moons. I'm at around 400 now. I really love the game and I think going for exploration instead of challenge was a good idea but that also means that I'm mostly doing other games now that I've explored most of Odyssey.


Stardew Valley: when I finished last night, I just started on Winter, year one. 25+ hours played so by the time I reach year three I should be at 60+ hours I think. Winter looks beautiful. Also, yay, a season without tending crops so I can focus a bit on other stuff. I have cows, goats, chickens and ducks so I still get some income, also building a few cheese/mayo machines already. I also just got the greenhouse ready so I might still have to do some watering this season. Doing some making jam and beverages to see what's profitable so I can set up a good loop. Probably grapes.


Skyrim: Decided I will probably get this right after finishing up the Battlefront II single player.



@MosesRockefeller @Super-Fly Spider-Guy the rest is responses to you:


Characters don't have to be useful to be appreciated. Indiana Jones had zero influence on the outcome of Raiders Of The Lost Ark. Companions in Doctor Who are often just along for the ride. Patty had her addition to the group explained better than Winston in the original.


I don't like McCarthy in general because she does a lot of cringe comedy, which I often can't stand (I prefer Naked Gun 2 1/2 over the original because it doesn't have the fish scene). I really liked Spy, probably because the humour was more my taste and not so much cringe. This might also be why I don't like McCarthy and Wiig in Ghostbusters as much as I like McKinnon; McCarthy and Wiig still do a fair bit of cringe comedy while McKinnon just does zany fun, which I can always appreciate.


Daniel Dae Kim being "close enough" as an Asian might be a better argument than you make it out to be. If you don't want whitewashing, better have a character be a different kind of Asian than the original character was than not Asian (or non-White) at all. I often say ability over appearance but when it comes to race, people should be a little bit careful.


Kal Penn, the 'Kumar' actor (fun story on how he got that name by the way): that tweet is mostly true, though before he broke through with Kumar, he also was in Van Wilder. Even though his character's name is Taj Mahal Badalandabad, his race is not important to the story at all - he's an exchange student, but every single joke about/with Taj would have still worked with any other nationality.


Morphite: might have gotten it if it had released in the early Switch days, but I just came out of Elite Dangerous on PS4 and I'll want Starlink next year so I'm set for space exploration now. On No Man's Sky: I enjoyed my dozens of hours with the game but only because I didn't look at pre-release stuff so I didn't know we should have been expecting much more.

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I'll actually reply to y'all proper later, I'm just here to say I had a Star Wars crazy mate over today and we rocked out the BF2 trial.


There's a small number of maps in the offline, which I figured, but it still sucks nonetheless. Especially since some of the online maps are cool as shit, and I hate online only stuff.


Campaign was cool, only got to play 3 missions of it unfortunately, but I look forward to finishing it off.


All in all, it's more of the same, but improved and more of it, which is fine, it's very much shaping up to be the game Battlefront 1 should have been from the beginning.

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23 hours ago, MosesRockefeller said:

Whaaaaa? There's a sequel coming? Oh hell yes. It's easily my favorite Metroidvania that isn't an actual Metroid or Castlevania game. As much as I enjoyed Axiom Verge, I think Guacamelee was a little more enjoyable for being a clear homage to Metroid (e.g. its version of Chozo statues) while changing the environment to have a unique setting. Axoim Verge was basically a Metroid clone while Guacamelee felt like something new.


Yeah, casting Daniel Dae Kim was weird, like the producers thought "well he's Asian, that's close enough". But why do you have to assume Skrien was trying to avoid controversy? Maybe he dug into the Iron First controversy and it made him realize that there is a whitewashing problem, and he decided to be respectful to those people and drop out? I mean isn't that a possibility?


It's easy to point to stupid cases of hypocrisy and conclude that there is no solution to the issue, but claiming that whitewashing doesn't exist or isn't a problem isn't the answer (I'm not saying that you are claiming that, I'm just making a point here). The fact is that certain actors have a hard time getting good roles because of their race. The guy who played Kumar from Harold and Kumar made some Tweets a while back about how he had all these auditions before he got famous, and they were almost all stereotypical "Indian tech guy" roles. It wasn't until he got his breakout role in Harold and Kumar where he was able to play a character that just happened to be Indian. It has no real bearing on the plot (technically his dad being a doctor is a plot point, which is a stereotypical casting choice, but it could have still worked if he were another race). Harold being Korean was part of the plot but it was worked in to the plot in a good way that wasn't demeaning.


I read your second post too. I'm tempted by Morphite.

Guac 2, coming "soonish", was announced like a week or two back at Paris Games Week and I am keeeeeeeeeen. Didn't mention a Switch date, and it was announced at the PlayStation thing I think, could be a PS exclusive, temp or otherwise, but damn would I love that on the Switch.


I assume because I'm a biased idiot exposed to a shitload of stupid idiots on the internet. Everyone says this, everyone says that. I don't know. It just seems odd really, to accept a role, to read for the role, do all this, then, and only then, when the backlash comes along, do you back down and say that they reasons they're yelling about just so happen to be the reasons you're quitting. 


H&K is great, and I actually was watching the third one the other day with the missus, first time in years. Those movies are high school treasures to me. But yeah, white washing is legit, stereotyping is legit, all that stuff is bullshit and I'm not condoning it in any way, shape, or form. What I'm against is idiots yelling about things they don't fully understand, which, arguably is what I've done, and I'll give you that, but I mean the people who kick up a fuss over nothing, and do it consistently. Those people can piss off. 


Morphite is pretty great so far, but I've only played an hour and a half or so tops. I can't stress enough that the planets are tiny, like miniscule, compared to NMS. Like, the average one should be done in under 10 minutes and that's generous. There's a shitload of them, and the smaller size works for a portable game, and the price is relative and all, but it's a loooot smaller in scope. Great game so far though. Basically, you ain't gonna find yourself lost in this game, but if you wanna go planet hopping and do the scanny / shooty side of things, it's great. If you just want to explore actual planets that feel huge and engrossing and whatnot, well, maybe not this game. 




@Cubone First of all, I still keep typing BillyHorrible so damn it. Second, wait until I finally get used to Cubone, then change it back. Third, I said I'd come back on here release day and say how Doom goes with the patch and all that. Well, my day has mostly been Battlefront, but I did play a level or two. Anyway. I put the cart in, it says there's an update for multiplayer or something (I forget the wording) and I tried to ignore it, I can get by without multiplayer just fine... well... nope. You need to download the patch, you ain't playing shit without it, so yes, it's a mandatory download unfortunately. But, with all updates and saves and whatnot put together, it was 7.7gb, which is a shitload smaller than the 80 odd gig install I remember on the PS4. Visuals are a definite downgrade, but still more than playable. Framerate and gameplay was buttery smooth, good stuff. Multiplayer ran great in the one game I played on the toilet, and I've been getting back into Quake 3 a good bit lately and this game feels similar enough I might actually give MP a go. All in all, I think it's an excellent port, and well worth the 7.7gb it takes of my memory card, you being all digital though might have a bit more of an issue. But yeah dude, well done port, if nothing else, Skyrim and Wolfenstein should be great on the Switch too, glad I'm waiting on Wolf 2 to come over.


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6 hours ago, Cubone said:

I don't like McCarthy in general because she does a lot of cringe comedy, which I often can't stand (I prefer Naked Gun 2 1/2 over the original because it doesn't have the fish scene). I really liked Spy, probably because the humour was more my taste and not so much cringe. This might also be why I don't like McCarthy and Wiig in Ghostbusters as much as I like McKinnon; McCarthy and Wiig still do a fair bit of cringe comedy while McKinnon just does zany fun, which I can always appreciate.


Daniel Dae Kim being "close enough" as an Asian might be a better argument than you make it out to be. If you don't want whitewashing, better have a character be a different kind of Asian than the original character was than not Asian (or non-White) at all. I often say ability over appearance but when it comes to race, people should be a little bit careful.

Hmm, I love the fish scene, I have to say. Different strokes for different folks. I don't have any problems with Naked Gun 2 and 3, but for me the first is the one I've seen the most. Side note: have you seen Police Squad, the 6-episode TV show that came out before Naked Gun? It's pretty great. It has some great gags and jokes.


You have a point about "close enough" casting. I think it's really hard for minorities to break into the industry. In Hollywood I always see the same handful of Asian stars (e.g. Jackie Chan and Michelle Yeoh) and then a few character actors that are in a movie whenever they need "old Asian man". So Daniel Dae Kim might have been the best they could find that was close to the role in terms of appearance.


Anyway, the thing I always try to keep in mind is that while it's easy to say "changing Nick Fury to be black is hypocritical, because changing a black character to be white would offend people", the fact is that's not really about changing the race of established characters. Most non-white races are underrepresented on the big screen, and including them when possible is a good thing. There are hardly any black superheroes on the screen. To use a small example, I think making Heimdall black in the Thor movies is worth annoying a few comics nerds who ask how it makes sense when everyone else up in Castle Thor is white, because it gives young black boys a role model on the screen. And that's just a side character. Now some changes would be harder to work into a story. Captain America as a WW2 soldier wouldn't make much sense as a black man (yes I know about the heroism of the Tuskeegee Airmen and other groups, but I'm saying back in 1940's America it's hard to believe that a black guy who was too skinny and unhealthy to join the Army would get selected for the Super Serum). Killing him off and replacing him with a black guy (e.g. his buddy Falcon) would be fine story-wise. Most of the other characters could work as other races. Anyway, hopefully my point makes sense.


6 hours ago, Cubone said:

Skyrim: Decided I will probably get this right after finishing up the Battlefront II single player.



4 hours ago, Super-Fly Spider-Guy said:

I'll actually reply to y'all proper later, I'm just here to say I had a Star Wars crazy mate over today and we rocked out the BF2 trial.


There's a small number of maps in the offline, which I figured, but it still sucks nonetheless. Especially since some of the online maps are cool as shit, and I hate online only stuff.


Campaign was cool, only got to play 3 missions of it unfortunately, but I look forward to finishing it off.


All in all, it's more of the same, but improved and more of it, which is fine, it's very much shaping up to be the game Battlefront 1 should have been from the beginning.

I would LOVE to hear BF2 single player impressions from you two. I guess this isn't the right place for it, but I'd love to hear it once you sink your teeth into the game. I don't know your history with the game, @Cubone, but from what I remember @Super-Fly Spider-Guy is a big fan of the series. I'm more of an outsider myself. I played a bit of the first two games on PC, and I don't have any nostalgia for them. I'm not looking for a single player experience where I'm basically playing a MP game with bots (and hell, the new SW Battlefront didn't even succeed with that much). What I'm looking for is a true campaign. It doesn't have to be 20 hours long, but I want something that feels like a proper singleplayer story experience, with set pieces and levels that aren't just reproducing something in the MP experience. Hopefully that makes sense. I really haven't been following the game, but if I hear from you guys that the campaign isn't just cutscenes with offline bot gameplay, and that it last at least a decent number of hours, then I'll grab the game. I'd probably wait for it to go on sale but it would change the game from being a pass to being a "buy on sale". I bought the first game but it was a complete waste of money. I don't need a repeat of that and it's unlikely I'd ever play MP in the sequel.


45 minutes ago, Super-Fly Spider-Guy said:

Guac 2, coming "soonish", was announced like a week or two back at Paris Games Week and I am keeeeeeeeeen. Didn't mention a Switch date, and it was announced at the PlayStation thing I think, could be a PS exclusive, temp or otherwise, but damn would I love that on the Switch.

Awesome. It's funny that I'm no longer keeping up with PS news. I still play my PS4 and Vita every day but I'm losing touch with what's happening. I'm eating up Switch news like crazy though.


Anyway, I played Guac 1 on the Vita first, then later played it again on PS4. I loved it both times but to me, 2D platformers belong on portable systems. I would definitely enjoy Guac 2 on Switch more than I would PS4. And it hasn't been announced for Vita so I'm thinking those are my two choices. I sure hope it's not PS exclusive; I think Guac 1 did well being on X1 and Wii U in addition to PS3/4/Vita.


48 minutes ago, Super-Fly Spider-Guy said:

H&K is great, and I actually was watching the third one the other day with the missus, first time in years. Those movies are high school treasures to me.

I've only seen H&K 3 once, and I found it a much weaker 3rd movie. I didn't love that "Not John" Lennon actor's character (I think he's from Reno 911 which I didn't get into) who was paired up with one of the two - was it Kumar? Anyway, he wasn't really doing it for me. And the mob boss plot felt too serious for a comedy movie. I still enjoyed parts of it (Danny Trejo was great, like he always is) but it was a distant 3rd for me. The second movie is one we've rewatched a few times and it's decent, but the first is definitely the best. I've seen the first one at least a dozen times, and my wife and I both love it to pieces. It's probably our favorite comedy from the 21st century. Superbad, Anchorman, The Heat, and a few others are also great, but generally speaking I much prefer 80's and 90's comedies. For example, the first Hangover movie was just so dumb IMO, and I never felt a need to watch the sequels. But for whatever reason, those ones I mentioned just hit me in the funny bone. And I don't really even understand stoner culture, that's the weird part. I shouldn't be the target audience for H&K but I love it. Anyway, I'm 37 so "high school treasures" for me are more like Billy Madison, Dumb and Dumber, etc. But I love H&K.


55 minutes ago, Super-Fly Spider-Guy said:

Third, I said I'd come back on here release day and say how Doom goes with the patch and all that. Well, my day has mostly been Battlefront, but I did play a level or two. Anyway. I put the cart in, it says there's an update for multiplayer or something (I forget the wording) and I tried to ignore it, I can get by without multiplayer just fine... well... nope. You need to download the patch, you ain't playing shit without it, so yes, it's a mandatory download unfortunately. But, with all updates and saves and whatnot put together, it was 7.7gb, which is a shitload smaller than the 80 odd gig install I remember on the PS4. Visuals are a definite downgrade, but still more than playable. Framerate and gameplay was buttery smooth, good stuff. Multiplayer ran great in the one game I played on the toilet, and I've been getting back into Quake 3 a good bit lately and this game feels similar enough I might actually give MP a go. All in all, I think it's an excellent port, and well worth the 7.7gb it takes of my memory card, you being all digital though might have a bit more of an issue. But yeah dude, well done port, if nothing else, Skyrim and Wolfenstein should be great on the Switch too, glad I'm waiting on Wolf 2 to come over.

Nice, I read a review that said Doom is amazing in Handheld mode, but that docked it was definitely weaker than the PS4 version. That's fine, I don't need superb visuals. I know @Cubone (aka "TotallyNotBillyHorrible") has said he's sticking with PS4 for visual powerhouses like Assassin's Creed, but honestly as I've been playing AC Syndicate for the past month or so, I keep thinking how awesome it would be to have on Switch with some graphical cuts. I'd take that in a heartbeat to have it portable.


Anyway, I'm not as into first person shooters anymore (even though Wolfenstein 3D was my first "mature" game as a young teenager), so I don't think I'll drop $60 on Doom and maybe not Wolf 2 either. But they're definitely on my radar. I liked Wolfenstein The New Order so I'll check out Wolf 2 at some point. Also, I think I heard that the entire first "episode" of Wolf 3D is in the game? That's awesome.


Yesterday and this morning I played a bit of Human Resource Machine and dang those puzzles get tricky halfway through. I had to start over once this morning on a puzzle, and then I got the dreaded "Your solution worked for these number, but it fails on these ones!" result. I decided to come back to that one later. It's a cool game but I feel like I'm not very good at it. I'm still making slow progress in Picross S and SMO. I love having enough games to play that I have to pick and choose.

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2 hours ago, Super-Fly Spider-Guy said:


@Cubone First of all, I still keep typing BillyHorrible so damn it. Second, wait until I finally get used to Cubone, then change it back.


Compromise: I'll wait until you're used to it, then I'll switch to @Marowak.


2 hours ago, Super-Fly Spider-Guy said:


Third, I said I'd come back on here release day and say how Doom goes with the patch and all that. Well, my day has mostly been Battlefront, but I did play a level or two. Anyway. I put the cart in, it says there's an update for multiplayer or something (I forget the wording) and I tried to ignore it, I can get by without multiplayer just fine... well... nope. You need to download the patch, you ain't playing shit without it, so yes, it's a mandatory download unfortunately. But, with all updates and saves and whatnot put together, it was 7.7gb, which is a shitload smaller than the 80 odd gig install I remember on the PS4. Visuals are a definite downgrade, but still more than playable. Framerate and gameplay was buttery smooth, good stuff. Multiplayer ran great in the one game I played on the toilet, and I've been getting back into Quake 3 a good bit lately and this game feels similar enough I might actually give MP a go. All in all, I think it's an excellent port, and well worth the 7.7gb it takes of my memory card, you being all digital though might have a bit more of an issue. But yeah dude, well done port, if nothing else, Skyrim and Wolfenstein should be great on the Switch too, glad I'm waiting on Wolf 2 to come over.



I saw a few people online mention that you can play the game without the download if you go in airplane mode. I'll buy digital nontheless so I'm mostly curious about framerate once things get really frantic.


I played DOOM on PS4 and I'm usually not into FPS but I liked it enough that I might get the Switch version again, but not until it goes on a sale for €10 or so years from now. Enough good other games I haven't played yet first.


1 hour ago, MosesRockefeller said:

Hmm, I love the fish scene, I have to say. Different strokes for different folks. I don't have any problems with Naked Gun 2 and 3, but for me the first is the one I've seen the most. Side note: have you seen Police Squad, the 6-episode TV show that came out before Naked Gun? It's pretty great. It has some great gags and jokes.


I have Police Squad! on DVD, just like the Naked Guns :)


1 hour ago, MosesRockefeller said:


You have a point about "close enough" casting. I think it's really hard for minorities to break into the industry. In Hollywood I always see the same handful of Asian stars (e.g. Jackie Chan and Michelle Yeoh) and then a few character actors that are in a movie whenever they need "old Asian man". So Daniel Dae Kim might have been the best they could find that was close to the role in terms of appearance.


Kim at the very least is a talented actor. I'm not familiar with the case in question.


1 hour ago, MosesRockefeller said:


Anyway, the thing I always try to keep in mind is that while it's easy to say "changing Nick Fury to be black is hypocritical, because changing a black character to be white would offend people", the fact is that's not really about changing the race of established characters. Most non-white races are underrepresented on the big screen, and including them when possible is a good thing. There are hardly any black superheroes on the screen. To use a small example, I think making Heimdall black in the Thor movies is worth annoying a few comics nerds who ask how it makes sense when everyone else up in Castle Thor is white, because it gives young black boys a role model on the screen. And that's just a side character. Now some changes would be harder to work into a story. Captain America as a WW2 soldier wouldn't make much sense as a black man (yes I know about the heroism of the Tuskeegee Airmen and other groups, but I'm saying back in 1940's America it's hard to believe that a black guy who was too skinny and unhealthy to join the Army would get selected for the Super Serum). Killing him off and replacing him with a black guy (e.g. his buddy Falcon) would be fine story-wise. Most of the other characters could work as other races. Anyway, hopefully my point makes sense.


Just like with Heimdall, people were complaining with Ragnarok because they made Valkyrie black. Just like with Heimdall, the intelligent non-racist geeks stopped complaining once they saw the person acting.


With changing race of an established character, in Hollywood it would always be better to go from white to non-white than the other way around.


1 hour ago, MosesRockefeller said:



I would LOVE to hear BF2 single player impressions from you two. I guess this isn't the right place for it, but I'd love to hear it once you sink your teeth into the game. I don't know your history with the game, @Cubone, but from what I remember @Super-Fly Spider-Guy is a big fan of the series. I'm more of an outsider myself. I played a bit of the first two games on PC, and I don't have any nostalgia for them. I'm not looking for a single player experience where I'm basically playing a MP game with bots (and hell, the new SW Battlefront didn't even succeed with that much). What I'm looking for is a true campaign. It doesn't have to be 20 hours long, but I want something that feels like a proper singleplayer story experience, with set pieces and levels that aren't just reproducing something in the MP experience. Hopefully that makes sense. I really haven't been following the game, but if I hear from you guys that the campaign isn't just cutscenes with offline bot gameplay, and that it last at least a decent number of hours, then I'll grab the game. I'd probably wait for it to go on sale but it would change the game from being a pass to being a "buy on sale". I bought the first game but it was a complete waste of money. I don't need a repeat of that and it's unlikely I'd ever play MP in the sequel.


I have no previous interest in the Battlefront series and I haven't played any of the predecessors. Only reason I'm interested is because the solo campaign seems to be my best chance at a new Rogue Squadron game, regardless of which side of the war I'm playing on. The Rogue Squadron games were about as short (6-8 hours) as the new campaign is supposed to be (5-7 hours) so I'm fine with that as long as I get some good starfighter action.


1 hour ago, MosesRockefeller said:


Nice, I read a review that said Doom is amazing in Handheld mode, but that docked it was definitely weaker than the PS4 version. That's fine, I don't need superb visuals. I know @Cubone (aka "TotallyNotBillyHorrible") has said he's sticking with PS4 for visual powerhouses like Assassin's Creed, but honestly as I've been playing AC Syndicate for the past month or so, I keep thinking how awesome it would be to have on Switch with some graphical cuts. I'd take that in a heartbeat to have it portable.


... I might be changing in my opinion a bit. A powerhouse like AC Origins I'll still get on PS4 come a wide release but I'm getting Skyrim full price on Switch even though I could get the PS4 version much cheaper, that counts for something right?


Anyway yeah, I've grown to love the handheld aspect so I might get things on the Switch more often even when talking about the big names.


1 hour ago, MosesRockefeller said:

Yesterday and this morning I played a bit of Human Resource Machine and dang those puzzles get tricky halfway through. I had to start over once this morning on a puzzle, and then I got the dreaded "Your solution worked for these number, but it fails on these ones!" result. I decided to come back to that one later. It's a cool game but I feel like I'm not very good at it. I'm still making slow progress in Picross S and SMO. I love having enough games to play that I have to pick and choose.


My problem is rapidly becoming "too many games"...

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6 hours ago, MosesRockefeller said:

I would LOVE to hear BF2 single player impressions from you two. I guess this isn't the right place for it, but I'd love to hear it once you sink your teeth into the game. I don't know your history with the game, @Cubone, but from what I remember @Super-Fly Spider-Guy is a big fan of the series. I'm more of an outsider myself. I played a bit of the first two games on PC, and I don't have any nostalgia for them. I'm not looking for a single player experience where I'm basically playing a MP game with bots (and hell, the new SW Battlefront didn't even succeed with that much). What I'm looking for is a true campaign. It doesn't have to be 20 hours long, but I want something that feels like a proper singleplayer story experience, with set pieces and levels that aren't just reproducing something in the MP experience. Hopefully that makes sense. I really haven't been following the game, but if I hear from you guys that the campaign isn't just cutscenes with offline bot gameplay, and that it last at least a decent number of hours, then I'll grab the game. I'd probably wait for it to go on sale but it would change the game from being a pass to being a "buy on sale". I bought the first game but it was a complete waste of money. I don't need a repeat of that and it's unlikely I'd ever play MP in the sequel.


Awesome. It's funny that I'm no longer keeping up with PS news. I still play my PS4 and Vita every day but I'm losing touch with what's happening. I'm eating up Switch news like crazy though.


Anyway, I played Guac 1 on the Vita first, then later played it again on PS4. I loved it both times but to me, 2D platformers belong on portable systems. I would definitely enjoy Guac 2 on Switch more than I would PS4. And it hasn't been announced for Vita so I'm thinking those are my two choices. I sure hope it's not PS exclusive; I think Guac 1 did well being on X1 and Wii U in addition to PS3/4/Vita.


I've only seen H&K 3 once, and I found it a much weaker 3rd movie. I didn't love that "Not John" Lennon actor's character (I think he's from Reno 911 which I didn't get into) who was paired up with one of the two - was it Kumar? Anyway, he wasn't really doing it for me. And the mob boss plot felt too serious for a comedy movie. I still enjoyed parts of it (Danny Trejo was great, like he always is) but it was a distant 3rd for me. The second movie is one we've rewatched a few times and it's decent, but the first is definitely the best. I've seen the first one at least a dozen times, and my wife and I both love it to pieces. It's probably our favorite comedy from the 21st century. Superbad, Anchorman, The Heat, and a few others are also great, but generally speaking I much prefer 80's and 90's comedies. For example, the first Hangover movie was just so dumb IMO, and I never felt a need to watch the sequels. But for whatever reason, those ones I mentioned just hit me in the funny bone. And I don't really even understand stoner culture, that's the weird part. I shouldn't be the target audience for H&K but I love it. Anyway, I'm 37 so "high school treasures" for me are more like Billy Madison, Dumb and Dumber, etc. But I love H&K.


Nice, I read a review that said Doom is amazing in Handheld mode, but that docked it was definitely weaker than the PS4 version. That's fine, I don't need superb visuals. I know @Cubone (aka "TotallyNotBillyHorrible") has said he's sticking with PS4 for visual powerhouses like Assassin's Creed, but honestly as I've been playing AC Syndicate for the past month or so, I keep thinking how awesome it would be to have on Switch with some graphical cuts. I'd take that in a heartbeat to have it portable.

Battlefront: First of all, they said it was gonna be 6 or 7 hours or so, so not ages, but that can be more than enough. I've played the first three missions, and to keep it short, yeah, it's not just bots and short cutscenes like the first game's "missions". When I was seeing Thor 3 the second time The Last Jedi's trailer came on and I had the people with me block my ears while I closed my eyes and hummed violently. Thank shit we went to the cheap cinema then because if it was a better one the sound would be too much to block and I'd have to leave for a couple minutes, anyway, point is, you can read the following and not worry about spoilers, because I had the tags up, but realized I didn't spoil anything anyway. In the first three missions alone, you break out of captivity, pilot a TIE fighter (much improved control from the first game), shoot down a bunch of enemy fighters, secure some bases, run around on Endor (completely different map to the online version too), and get a bunch of story clips to tie it all together. So far at least, this is a story, and not just a couple of disjointed unrelated missions to get you prepped for MP, like Battlefield 1's god awful "story" was. Anyway, as far as the campaign goes, it looks promising so far, I was pretty worried until I found out it wouldn't be DICE handling the campaign, the second I found out they got another team in I'm like "well literally anyone can make a better campaign than these guys did with the first one".


Guac: I just check IGN relatively frequently. Sure it means I miss a lot of crap, and the crap I get is late half the time, but I don't have the time to keep up. I got a tonne of other things to do, and what time I do have I fill with actually playing games, rather than looking to what games I can play in the future. Like, I shove my games wherever I can, last few days I've been playing the crap out of Quake 3 while riding the exercise bike, it's awesome. But yeah, Guac was definitely better on Vita, I agree.


H&K: Yeah, the third is the lesser of the trilogy, and I didn't care at all for John Lennon when he was stuck in the cupboard, but I still enjoy it. As someone who straight up doesn't do anything Christmas, and hates seeing every shop turn their whole thing into Christmas the second November starts, I can get down with this movie. I'd be down for a forth one because why not, but like, they wrapped it pretty good I thought. Harold's gonna have a kid and is standing up for himself FINALLY and got the girl and all that, awesome. Kumar's gonna try to get his shit together, and he's having a kid too and jolly good. About as good of an ending as they could really get really. But yeah, I agree with modern comedies largely being eh lately. High school in Australia though, I should say, is 12 to 18, I know y'all have junior high and middle school and whatever and it's all over the place. Anyway, I'm 21 now, so like, that means more it was the crap I was watching when I was like 14 or whatever. Them Adam Sandler ones, the enjoyable ones, were more my ten year old movies. I actually saw Hangover for the first time the other day because Caitlyn wanted to watch it, it was okay, but it was about as generic as they come, no idea how it got two sequels. Also, I didn't need to see Ken Jeong's dick size, it's kinda ruined him in movies for me. Like, that was sad. Unless it was a prop bush and tiny little fake dick or something, but as far as I know, in movies, they usually make things bigger, not smaller. But enough about dick.


Doom: Visuals are definitely turned down, and some of the on screen text is clearly made for a big screen, could have maybe made it a bit bigger or something in handheld mode, but by no means a deal breaker. It's a great job bringing it over to the portable though, and from memory of a couple hours I spent on Xbone playing it, it's actually not too far behind that version in raw visual prowess. Worth full price? Nah, it's old shit and it was 15 bucks a year ago new. Make your own opinion on what price you think is fair, but whatever / if ever you do spend on it, it will be worth it. It's a great port and definitely proved the Switch is comfortable for a good FPS, I was a little worried for a bit that it might feel weird as shit. I mean, I got my Mayflash now anyways if need be.


5 hours ago, Cubone said:


Compromise: I'll wait until you're used to it, then I'll switch to @Marowak.


I saw a few people online mention that you can play the game without the download if you go in airplane mode. I'll buy digital nontheless so I'm mostly curious about framerate once things get really frantic.


I played DOOM on PS4 and I'm usually not into FPS but I liked it enough that I might get the Switch version again, but not until it goes on a sale for €10 or so years from now. Enough good other games I haven't played yet first.


My problem is rapidly becoming "too many games"...

You bastard!


I'd try ripping the memory card out and doing that, but I actually downloaded it to the built in memory, I was expecting a huge patch and figured I'd try to help with the load times by doing it on the thing. Anyway, I can't be bothered deleting it and my save to just test that out, but even if I did, I don't really wanna play in airplane mode forever either. Cool to know though.


Probably a good call. I wouldn't have bought it with real money, but I'll buy it with survey moneys. On top of that, I think I've said it before a few times, but we have our Big W's and Targets who do cheap prices for launch week or so, then go back up to full RRP, and then you have to wait a good two or three months at least before they hit the original launch week price in the first place, so it's like, buy now, or buy later and pay the same price, or wait like a year by the time I've forgot about it. 


You hit 30 Switch games yet? I know you're over 20.

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5 hours ago, Cubone said:

I have Police Squad! on DVD, just like the Naked Guns :)

It's very un-PC but my wife's favorite but is when they visit the Japanese Garden in one episode. I really enjoy the Zucker Brothers style of comedy... it's too bad they got political and stopped making funny movies. 


In terms of BF2, I'm liking what you're both saying so far. Since I'm not getting it until it goes on sale, I'd like to hear what you both think after finishing the story part. 


I'm not embedding more quotes because I'm on my phone right now and it's too crappy to cut out text there. 


Cubone: Isn't Daniel Dae Kim the voice of Johnny Gat from Saints Row? Because he's awesome. I know the stuff I've seen him in, he's been good. 


Spider: I agree the ending of H&K 3 was great, and the characters got nice closure. The movie was just too gimmicky and less funny to me. It's the only one of the three that I haven't been about to convince myself to buy. Didn't it have a musical sequence? I didn't need that. Still, the movie wasn't terrible. I enjoyed seeing the two characters again. Both actors did a great job with them. 

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7 hours ago, Cubone said:

The Rogue Squadron games were about as short (6-8 hours) as the new campaign is supposed to be (5-7 hours) so I'm fine with that as long as I get some good starfighter action.

6-8 hours for the Rogue Squadron games, or if you're like me, 20 hours because I'm fighting the damn Gamecube controller the whole time... plus the missions are pretty hard sometimes. That mission in Rogue Leader where the AT-ATs need to be taken down in a limited amount of time, was a bear to get through. Actually I need to go back and finish Rogue Leader (I think I got halfway through). I have the sequel too but have never tried it. 


Anyway, 5-7 hours is fine for BF2's story, if I can get it for $40 or whatever. 


1 hour ago, Super-Fly Spider-Guy said:

Guac: I just check IGN relatively frequently. Sure it means I miss a lot of crap, and the crap I get is late half the time, but I don't have the time to keep up. I got a tonne of other things to do, and what time I do have I fill with actually playing games, rather than looking to what games I can play in the future. Like, I shove my games wherever I can, last few days I've been playing the crap out of Quake 3 while riding the exercise bike, it's awesome. But yeah, Guac was definitely better on Vita, I agree.

Not sure what you're playing Quake 3 on... it's probably playable on smartphones now (I wouldn't do that though, I hate losing physical buttons). Anyway, back when it first came out I was a PC-only gamer and I didn't care for it much. Unreal Tournament 1 was my jam. Even then though, I was mostly just playing singleplayer against bots. But that was actually fun, and the bots were half decent. I played Quake 3 later and it was okay, but UT was the game for me. 

Edited by MosesRockefeller
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5 hours ago, MosesRockefeller said:

Spider: I agree the ending of H&K 3 was great, and the characters got nice closure. The movie was just too gimmicky and less funny to me. It's the only one of the three that I haven't been about to convince myself to buy. Didn't it have a musical sequence? I didn't need that. Still, the movie wasn't terrible. I enjoyed seeing the two characters again. Both actors did a great job with them. 

There was a little bit with NPH doing some Christmas songs, but beyond that I don't remember. The claymation bit was honestly pretty funny to me, other than that, yeah, I can see the gimmicky nature wearing a bit thin. I picked it up on DVD for a buck like 2 years ago at a pawn shop, it's on Netflix though, that's actually where we watched it anyway.


5 hours ago, MosesRockefeller said:

Not sure what you're playing Quake 3 on... it's probably playable on smartphones now (I wouldn't do that though, I hate losing physical buttons). Anyway, back when it first came out I was a PC-only gamer and I didn't care for it much. Unreal Tournament 1 was my jam. Even then though, I was mostly just playing singleplayer against bots. But that was actually fun, and the bots were half decent. I played Quake 3 later and it was okay, but UT was the game for me. 

Bitch, I was playing it on my phone five years ago. Back when I was rocking the Xperia Play, there was a port of it called Zeus Arena or something and it ran REALLY well, like, really well. Wasn't the same using the touch pad controls thing instead of a mouse, miles slower, but still, just blew my mind at the time. I never got into Unreal, because I never played it. I've never owned a gaming PC, and the computers I have owned have exclusively been laptops and all I've really thrown on them is Battlefront 2, the PS2 GTA trilogy, and that's about it for games, and Duke 3D. Quake 3 was one of the games I smuggled into school years ago, and I spread it like crazy, everyone was on it for a while and we'd all be doing LAN matches, it was genuinely so good. To this day, the only game I would prefer to play with a keyboard and mouse. Man, that shit was cool.


Anyway, I'm playing it on that 360 I picked up a week or so back. It's called Quake Arena Arcade or something, it's got 3's stuff, Team Arena's stuff, some other stuff, and some brand new stuff. God I love that game. I just play offline against bots, and I forgot Doom had bots too, so I've been kicking arse on that on the Switch, it's jump pads and plasma gun make that honestly a system seller of the Switch to me. I fucking adore Quake 3, and anything even close is going in my stack. Hell, I even still have the PS2 port with those god awful load times. Outside of preferring a mouse (though I've got pretty good with the controller), I'd argue the 360 version is probably the best version. It's bursting at the seams with content and controls are tight and the visuals are upgraded enough to look good now but not so much they look super different, and it's 5 bucks. It's a ripper, and unless they make it backward compatible, it's gonna be the sole reason I actually keep this 360 plugged in for a while.

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Well, me and my wife just drove to family for a while, decided that she could drive so I could Switch... About two hours of playing Stardew Valley, screen light on about 1/4, and not even halfway through the battery. I'm glad I've got such a low-pressure game (pressure both in relaxing to play and in soft on the battery, but I meant the latter) that I can spend dozens of hours in.


I'll respond to the other stuff later on.

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15 hours ago, Karlsson89 said:

Can someone tell me how to consistently get Wavebirds to work with the Switch? Sometimes it finds them in the overview, sometimes I had to go to the option of changing the order (after pressing L and R together, respectively). Today, neither of those things worked and we had to resort to the joycons.

Are you using the GC to Wii U adapter, or a Mayflash? Because my Mayflash is playing everything I throw at it, but I can't comment on the GC adapter.

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46 minutes ago, Super-Fly Spider-Guy said:

Are you using the GC to Wii U adapter, or a Mayflash? Because my Mayflash is playing everything I throw at it, but I can't comment on the GC adapter.


I must have missed there were different ways to do this, unfortunately (in this context) I'm using the Wii U adapter. After looking at the first result for Mayflash on Amazon I am intrigued, my Xbox One controllers are rarely used and might be a nice substitute for a Pro Controller.

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2 hours ago, Karlsson89 said:


I must have missed there were different ways to do this, unfortunately (in this context) I'm using the Wii U adapter. After looking at the first result for Mayflash on Amazon I am intrigued, my Xbox One controllers are rarely used and might be a nice substitute for a Pro Controller.

Supposedly the Wii U adapter is hit and miss, especially with Wave Birds and all.


As for the Mayflash, mine is a champ. I've got it tucked inside the dock too, so it's not in the way. I mostly use the Wii U pro controller on it, since I was never gonna use that thing again, but everything I've thrown at it works fine. I'd probably prefer an Xbox One remote ideally, but I actually use it every day, even if it's just for Netflix when going to bed, so syncing and resyncing would suck ass for me. But yeah, there's zero noticeable latency for me and everything runs a treat, ironically it's given me less issues than their official joy con did so that's funny.


Definitely worth picking one up if you can get for cheap. Mine was about 25 or so AUD, so whatever that works out to for you. Could always try plugging the Wave Bird connector into the Wii U adapter, and plugging the Wii U adapter into the Mayflash for a laugh if you do end up getting one.




Also, my recommendation still stands with Sonic Forces, I think it's great, but I finished it off before and it's way shorter than I figured it'd be. There's 30 odd levels apparently, and a free Shadow episode of DLC stuff. Some of the levels are about a minute or so, and some are about five minutes, but none are longer than that. Outside of replayability, which is dependent on how much you love Sonic, it's probably not worth the 50 I paid for it day one. I don't regret it, because I will replay the shit out of it and I think that actually being so short makes it the perfect size to bust out and try to beat in one sitting if I've got a couple hours to kill, or if the baby's down for the night and I've got nothing on the next day. Anyway, probably not worth 50 bucks, but I mean, if you can get it for 30 or so and enjoy a bit of replaying, it's a real good Sonic game in my opinion.

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Stardew Valley: now at 30+ hours so it is officially my second most played game (after Zelda).

Halfway through winter, and I'll make sure to have more hay next winter. Doing a bunch of stuff in thr game now, emptying the quarry, fishing, tending to the animals...


Snipperclips Plus: me and the missus played the first nine levels of the first new world. The game is still a lot of fun.


Octodad: me and the missus played the prologue, home and supermarket levels together. She has the left side limbs, I have right. It's really a fun game to play together, it's much less annoying than I thought it would be.



Thinking about buying Skyrim once I finish Battlefront II and then not buying games for a while, so I can save up for more important stuff. I've bought many new games these past months and Stardew + Skyrim should be enough to keep me going for a long time.

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LA Noire, just got home and fired it up, Billie's due to wake up soon so I'm not gonna actually get into it, I was just readying the patch.


The game did launch into a clip fine without the patch, but I'm downloading anyway at the moment so yeah. Not sure if you can get by without the patch or not, but fuck me is the box art ugly, first game I've bought that has that giant "BUY AN SD CARD, YOU CHEAP PRICK" label on it, and it ruins an otherwise really great looking painting.


Anyway, speaking of Switch ruining stuff, Doom. I took Doom with me today to work and played it for a while, finished a level, all that, and wanted to go play a game against bots. Well, guess what, Doom was great on the Switch because offline portable bots anywhere sounds amazing... just kidding, you need internet to access the MP menu, even if you wanna just do an offline practice/bot match. Well fuck, that bummed me out.


I did turn a few heads during my breaks though, and even had a race in Fast RMX with a co-worked I'd previously never talked to, which is cool. Tomorrow I'm bringing in Mario Kart and I'm gonna mop the floor with a few of the girls. On the one hand, I wouldn't mind playing LA Noire, on the other, well, portable Mario Kart tournaments, dude.

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LA Noire runs pretty well, there's a fair bit of pop in, the odd frame drop, lipsyncing looks weird most of the time, and so on. But it's still pretty good, and looks great visually. Kinda like a deja vu from a good ten years ago when Liberty City Stories first popped into my hands, another patented Rockstar "how the fuck did they make this run on a portable?" kind of moment.



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12 minutes ago, Super-Fly Spider-Guy said:

LA Noire runs pretty well, there's a fair bit of pop in, the odd frame drop, lipsyncing looks weird most of the time, and so on. But it's still pretty good, and looks great visually. Kinda like a deja vu from a good ten years ago when Liberty City Stories first popped into my hands, another patented Rockstar "how the fuck did they make this run on a portable?" kind of moment.




It's Rockstar, of course it has pop-in.


And definitely sounds like I will only buy it once it's €10 or below. I'm just going to get Skyrim instead.

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Well, rumour has it that Capcom is developing an Ace Attorney game for the Switch, as well as two compilation games for the first six titles:



The rumour is pretty believable as the six main Ace Attorney games have already been re-released on iOS (first three as a bundle, last three as separate titles) and re-releasing on the Switch makes sense if a new title is in the works; many home console gamers will never have played the titles before (I myself have only played the first mission in Dual Destinies, but I really liked the game and would love to play more).


I hope this rumour is true, I'd probably get the compilations right away.

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2 hours ago, Cubone said:

Well, rumour has it that Capcom is developing an Ace Attorney game for the Switch, as well as two compilation games for the first six titles:



The rumour is pretty believable as the six main Ace Attorney games have already been re-released on iOS (first three as a bundle, last three as separate titles) and re-releasing on the Switch makes sense if a new title is in the works; many home console gamers will never have played the titles before (I myself have only played the first mission in Dual Destinies, but I really liked the game and would love to play more).


I hope this rumour is true, I'd probably get the compilations right away.

I heard about that. The 3DS got the first 3 games as a bundle also. It definitely makes sense to port the previous games to Switch.

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