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Kill Your Completion v3. 0

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3 minutes ago, DamagingRob said:

Well, I explained why I thought it was stupid; because of that dumb trophy. :P This is one of those cases, where a trophy list will make you hate the game. I might end up just doing the rest, and never getting this one. 


Yesssss, forget about trophies, join the light side!

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1 hour ago, BillyHorrible said:


Yesssss, forget about trophies, join the light side!

Whoa whoa whoa! We don't use derogatory terms like dark and light anymore. There is only our side and their side. 

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3 hours ago, BillyHorrible said:

Yesssss, forget about trophies, join the light side!

Lol. Well, I replayed Level 3 and nailed everything. Then Level 4 came, and one of my bounties got filled with holes before I captured him.. I just went ahead and finished the level. If I go for that trophy, I'll just use Level Select to clean up. But I'd like to actually make progress and finish the game. Not get so annoyed replaying levels, that I quit playing it entirely. 

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Well, life up and bitch slapped me into next week. Had a family thing come up and long story short I have a bag packed and I'm flying out at 6am tomorrow. Not sure when I'll be back but won't be gaming until then or later. I'm sure I'll have time to check in occasionally. 


I'll play and post my last yep heard whenever I get back to normal. 

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After finishing Super Toy Cars I decided to play some more Bully before it was time to move on to game 9.


Seeing I've gotten some trophies I need to update my stats before starting the next game:


Stats before game 9:


Total trophies earned: 3839 +7

Platinum trophies earned: 53

Games played: 145

Games finished: 65 -1 (They released another DLC for Rocket League)

Completion: 66.53 +0.01

Unearned trophies: 1577 -1 


I've won 7 more trophies in Bully (I must be nearly at the end of chapter 5 by now) and they released 6 new trophies for Rocket League so not much difference but still worth the update. And now on to game 9: Manual Samuel 

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On 3/23/2017 at 4:10 PM, Myu said:


Didn't know about that :P 


Day 21 (Very Late) Final Review : Brothers : Tale of Two Sons


Trophies : 0/12 (0%)

Time played : 2,5 / 3 hours

Completion : 86.41% (- 2.57% since the beginning of the event)

Completion rate doesn't really count here as I didn't get a single trophy for this game yet.



I didn't have much motivation to play those last few days. I tried Brothers : Tales of Two Sons a couple of days ago for about an hour and I tried to play a bit more since then.

As a completionist, I find it harder and harder to leave a game I've started to start another one right away. I like to have some closure, don't play for a few days and get start a new one. This event is taking me out of my comfort zone ! :P 


Brothers : Tale of Two Sons is about two brothers going on an adventure after leaving their sick father in the local healer's care. You can control Big Brother with the left stick/L2 and Little Brother with the right stick/R2. To solve puzzle and progress through the story, you have to learn to control those two characters simultaneously which made me cross my eyes more than once, especially when Little Brother and Big Brother switch sides and run into walls and cliffs until I find out that my brain is not adapting to the change.





I really enjoyed this game! My trick to avoid becoming cross-eyed was to keep the left stick character on the left side of the TV screen and the right-stick on the right side of my TV. That strategy works for most parts of the game, though there are exceptions. But sit back and enjoy, trophies weren't difficult to get in a mop-up. 


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On 3/22/2017 at 5:40 AM, wtru9 said:



Game #7 - Tropico 5

Day 3 - Final Thoughts

Playtime - 6 hours


Now, onto my opinions of the game. Overall I've thoroughly enjoyed my time with it so far. I've always wanted to try an RTS game such as this, but most are on PC and tend to assault with you with a ton of information making it pretty daunting to get into. 


Glad you enjoyed Tropico! This is my favorite PS+ game I have played, though it was on my radar long before PS+.

 I was a Civ-aholic in college so this was a PS4 fix for my addiction.  I stopped playing Civ when I became a Dad because I am aware of Sid Meiers' superpowers and the irresponsible timesuck that he would have unleashed on me. :devil:


Keep building docks whenever possible.  And start building high-end tourism spots when you can.  The greenest part of the grid will tell you the best place to build a luxury resort area (usually a beach). And don't you love the term "slob tourist?" Doesn't that describe Las Vegas or cruises perfectly? And yes! I read every word of your review!


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1 hour ago, Mendant909 said:

Sera? She turned to stone quite quickly; those love cutscenes with Snow must have really sucked for you. That or you played XIII-2 and yeah, Sera sucks since she doesn't much of a character like most of the XIII cast. As for Lightning, I never did get why people care about her since her arc was similar to the Red Ranger from Power Rangers Samurai of learning to be part of a team but not doing so until the end; that and boy are both of those characters bland. Fang, I'll give you that she looks cool and Bahamut was one of the summons that didn't turn into a motorbike or a stupid mechanical horse.  I did like that she brought the team together and actually acted like a leader, which is something Lightning should have freaking done since she's a soldier either out of duty or for profit like FFVI's Shadow. Why wasn't Fang and Vanille the leads instead of Lightning and Snow? I would have gladly taken the more interesting duo of longtime soldiers over bickering future step-siblings.


I'm guessing FFX didn't match up to your standards since it has THAT laughing scene, and Bender saying "ya" at the end of every sentence.



I've platted all three FFXIII (the first two on XBox I think and the last one on PS3).

I like Lightning because she's a badass that doesn't get all sentimental every time something happens. She does what she has to do and she doesn't bother with other people's feelings. I like her because her character is very different from the usual mains you get in JRPGs (especially the Tales of long string of goody-goody-always-happy characters, except for Yuri, Yuri is great!). It's nice to have an adult as a main in a JRPG sometimes. On the other hand, FFXIII's story didn't leave that strong of an impression on me. Having Fang and Vanille as the leads would have been interesting :) 


I have a strange relationship with FFX. Everytime I see some videos on Youtube or when someone talks about it, it makes me want to play the game again. There is only one thing in this game that I can't stand : Tidus. Stupid, stupid ever-optimistic Tidus, cringy-as-fuck Tidus that should have been born with a mute button. The other characters are fine. I have a soft spot for Kimahri and Auron. The story is great, the music is great, the Chimeras are awesome, the sphere grid system is an excellent idea. 

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2 hours ago, wtru9 said:



I've only played about 5 hours of Civ 5, and that's about the extent of my time with that series. Enjoyed it well enough, but my computer at the time struggled to run it at a rate that didn't frustrate me. (I also may have prematurely declared war on a war-like race before I was well enough prepared :ninja:). I really should try and get properly into it at some point, I mean, any game by the same people who make XCOM has to good, right?


Try Civ 2 or Civ 3.  Civ 2 was the heroin of my college days, I just needed a constant fix.  Civ 3 expanded and added some decent ideas and eliminated stupid combat things like your tank being defeated by a catapult.

Civ 4 really went down hill in my opinion. They "Madden"ed it, meaning they added features not necessary. Haven't played 5. But if your computer is having trouble, try Civ 3. 

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6 hours ago, Fitzquaid said:

So @dmland12 played this all the way back at Game #1, but the difference between us is that when I was a tiny nerd, I loved gamebooks.  Fighting Fantasy, Choose Your Own Adventure, Lone Wolf, Virtual Reality, heck yeah.  I never really built up a collection, but I read whatever I could find in the library.  If anyone feels like checking out some old school Lone Wolf, some of the books are actually online at Project Aon


I really loved the Choose Your Own Adventure stuff as a child and probably checked out every such book my middle school library had over time.  I had considered mentioning this in my Lone Wolf review, but there were considerable fewer random deaths in Lone Wolf and I didn't really think of them as gamebooks.  I had never heard of any of the rest of these gamebooks or the term itself before.  :P


As for the combat in Lone Wolf...  I didn't mean to make it sound too easy and I certainly did die during my playthrough!  Anyway, I agree that hard difficulty will be hard indeed...  probably not much room for error and lots of deaths.

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1 hour ago, dmland12 said:


I really loved the Choose Your Own Adventure stuff as a child and probably checked out every such book my middle school library had over time.  I had considered mentioning this in my Lone Wolf review, but there were considerable fewer random deaths in Lone Wolf and I didn't really think of them as gamebooks.  I had never heard of any of the rest of these gamebooks or the term itself before.  :P


As for the combat in Lone Wolf...  I didn't mean to make it sound too easy and I certainly did die during my playthrough!  Anyway, I agree that hard difficulty will be hard indeed...  probably not much room for error and lots of deaths.


Wait, hold on... I think I remember reading one of those books back in my youth, I think it was where you explored a city and tried to find a way through the city but needed four codes for a chant that would open the lock at the other gate. I really enjoyed gamebooks myself before I got into video games. :)

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