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Your opinion on games being turned into movies?


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This is just a thread sparked by what Bobby Kotick (Activision CEO) said about game movies - "Movies based on video games rarely please devoted fans and could taint the brand"

Before I thought that a movie of my favourite game could be a great thing. Just think of how amazing an Uncharted movie would be! But now after reading what Kotick said my feelings have changed somewhat, with memories of how movies can royally screw up and reduce the appeal of the original content it was based on *cough* last airbender *cough*.

I can see a studio taking Uncharted to the big screen and just fucking it up so badly that it ruins the name of Uncharted for those who haven't played it yet. They just remember a shit movie and don't bother to play Drake's Fortune and get the real experience of it because of what they already know the series to be.

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I believe movies based on other media have really improved the last couple of years, just take the Batman trilogy or the Marvel movies as an example. An Uncharted movie shouldn't be difficult in my opinion, the game is so well developed that is almost a movie with pieces of gameplay, when you try to do it with a game like Assasin's Creed or Red Dead Redemption well.....I don't want to see that.

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Most of the time they suck they are given a lot of freedom and before you know it they make an entirely different thing like really remember street fighter movie were Guile was the main protagonist ? that movie sucks and the Mario movie well there no need to explain how much of a garbage that movie is.Only a few movies made based on games are good like Mortal Kombat the first movie while it not be a gem the movie followed the original plot of the first game for the most part.

In conclusion movies based on game are doomed to suck at least most of then.

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I think every movie that was based off a game was just awful. I'm upset what they did to the Resident Evil franchise with those god awful movies.

Making movies that were somewhat influenced by games seems to work out better. Like The Book of Eli for instance, minus well name that movie Fallout 3. I know for a fact the producers were somewhat influenced by Fallout.

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I haven't watched many video game movies, but I can say I enjoy the hitman movie a lot that's probably the only one I can recall. I don't mind it, but there hasn't been many successful transitions from games to movies so I can understand why people would be hesitant.

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Well Bobby Kotick is the last person who should be talking about tainting a brand (thanks for killing off Tony Hawk and Guitar Hero) he has a point. On the other hand a simple solution to the problem is just stop making bad movies.

Look at films like X-men and Spiderman. Before those films came along most people regarded Comic Book films as terrible (batman forever/robin, steel, the phantom etc.) but those films proved they can be done right. Now since those movies have come out we have had some amazing comic book adaptations (watchmen, batman trilogy, ghost world, american splendor etc.)

Now if someone could just make a competent video game adaptation then we might see a rise in video game sales (much like the comic industry). So instead of writing off the whole medium, maybe just stop sucking at it instead :).

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I'm ok with video games being turned into movies, but I think it needs to follow this criteria.

1. The movie must follow the main story of the video games. they don't have to follow it religiously, I just saying it needs to match the most memorable portions.

2. The actors and actresses must look vaguely like the video character. By this I mean at least match the most noticeable features. For example, if they were to make an inFamous movie, don't give Cole a mullet if you know what I mean.

3. Don't change the names or the pronounciations of the names. Did anyone see the Avatar the Last Airbender? instead of "Aang" they said "Ung" this ruined the movie for me. Directors, this is one reason you need to play the videogame which brings me to my next point...

4. The director needs to have played the game. We'll never really know if this one happens, but it will make the director understand the characters and the story. The director also needs to restrain himself/herself from making their own creative interpretation. The audience wants the saming feelings they got when they first played the game, and for those who didn't play the game, they need to be able to follow the story.

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The director also needs to restrain himself/herself from making their own creative interpretation. The audience wants the saming feelings they got when they first played the game, and for those who didn't play the game, they need to be able to follow the story.

This is one reason why movie adaptations of games may never work. Take Marvel as an example, before Marvel crated it's own studio and started taking charge of the scripts that were made, Marvel movies sucked, big time. If you do a Spide-Man movie you not only pay for the rights to use it as you see fit, Marvel has to aprove your movie, because now they do crossovers and whatnot.

Directors are creative by nature, if you give ten different creators the rights to do a Mass Effect movie you will end up with ten very different movies, is hard to see a director who doesn't put that personal touch at the material he is given. Thats why I think, unless the director is a dedicated gamer, developers and publisher should take the lead on these movies, be part of the creative team, even make it canon if you like, but don't give away characters we love for other people to ruin them.

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This is one reason why movie adaptations of games may never work. Take Marvel as an example, before Marvel crated it's own studio and started taking charge of the scripts that were made, Marvel movies sucked, big time. If you do a Spide-Man movie you not only pay for the rights to use it as you see fit, Marvel has to aprove your movie, because now they do crossovers and whatnot.he

Directors are creative by nature, if you give ten different creators the rights to do a Mass Effect movie you will end up with ten very different movies, is hard to see a director who doesn't put that personal touch at the material he is given. Thats why I think, unless the director is a dedicated gamer, developers and publisher should take the lead on these movies, be part of the creative team, even make it canon if you like, but don't give away characters we love for other people to ruin them.

I agree that the developers of the game deserve some say in the movie from a creative perspective, take Hunger Games for example, Suzanne Colins is on the set helping her vision get across while filming the movie. Games should be simpler since the picture and visuals are already there. If a Naughty Dog creator was on set while the filming of Uncharted, I'm sure the movie would come out fine. Video game adaptations are relatively new and will only get better as they go. Yeah, the first several video game adaptations are going to suck, but as we begin to see what works and what doesn't work, in the future, these movies could end up being some of the best movies of all time.

Of course, you could just have Christopher Nolan do all the video game adaptations....

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I feel the reason game-based movies are bad because the director or producer is banking on fans of the series to make them money instead of actually producing a good film. It would be entirely possible to make great movies based on Metal Gear, Uncharted, God of War among many others, but again, it's cheaper to produce a shitty film that you know fans will see than it is to produce a great film and you'll have to hope it's good enough to interest people who aren't fans of the series.

For what it's worth, I'd love to see some video game based movies. A Christopher Nolan take on the Metal Gear universe would be very interesting, in my opinion.


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I personally think it doesn't work, because as it was previously stated, the writer/director/producer takes too many liberties and it ends up being something way different from what was intended. The movies I've seen based off of games have all been lousy in my opinion, the worst two in my opinion being Street Fighter & Super Mario Bros. (I can't remember the title exactly), Street Fighter just seemed off, I can't figure out why, it just did and Super Mario Bros. was quite possibly one of the worst movies I have ever seen, it was as if they were trying to make a serious movie based on something that is known for being far from serious, which is never a good move for a movie or a game.

I refuse to watch movies based on games now, after being disappointed on every occasion.

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Why not.... Your not obligated to watch something you don't want to watch. I'll watch the movie regardless.

They make a God of War movie, I'll watch. An Uncharted movie, I'll watch. Of course not expecting similar story as the video game, but something different. If you go expecting a video game movie with a story similar to the game. Get ready to be dissapointed.

You can't rate something you haven't watched and of you rate it based of the video game then your watching it for the wrong reasons.

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If they continue to make Games-To-Movies then it should be in the style of Beowulf (Movie). IN MY OPINION!

I'm in favor of this too, while I think you can do a movie with actors who resemble the game characters, sometimes thats very hard, not many people can perform the role of Kratos imo, everytime I watch Beowulf I think, "this is how a God of War movie should be". Take the Resident Evil movies (Degeneration and Damnation) as an example.

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