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The Last TV Show You Saw?


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280px-Psych.svg.png         Psych (8 Seasons)


Genre: Crime, Comedy

Year: 2006-2014



A novice sleuth is hired by the police after he cons them into thinking he has psychic powers which help solve crimes. With the assistance of his reluctant best friend, the duo take on a series of complicated cases.

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Parks and Recreation



I finally finished the last season. The finale was almost too sweet but it was a nice send off. I'll miss this show almost as much as I miss Lil Sebastian.



Would you say that the seventh season was worth watching? I heard very mixed (mostly bad) reports on it and, after the (what I would consider) perfection of the first six seasons, I really don't want to spoil the experience. But at the same time I want moaarr!


Anyhooo... dragging myself back on topic, I have been watching the gloriously profane and almost-certainly-accurate portrayal of British politics - The Thick Of It - for the millionth time. I will never get tired of it

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Would you say that the seventh season was worth watching? I heard very mixed (mostly bad) reports on it and, after the (what I would consider) perfection of the first six seasons, I really don't want to spoil the experience. But at the same time I want moaarr!


Anyhooo... dragging myself back on topic, I have been watching the gloriously profane and almost-certainly-accurate portrayal of British politics - The Thick Of It - for the millionth time. I will never get tired of it


I'd say the last season is more quirky than bad. It is set in the near future and everyone is starting to go their separate ways. The triplets almost have no effect on the show, which is a good thing to me. Terry/Larry/Garry is in it though so that's a minus. ;)


All in all it's just 12 or so episodes. It does have moments where it shines just as brightly as the last seasons. I'd say it's worth a go. It's a little sweet, almost too sweet during the finale, but it's nice to have a heartwarming ending even if it isn't exactly the most hilarious episode. The characters deserve to treat yo' self.


Let me put it this way: the first season is still worse. You made it through that. Make it through this.


If that doesn't sway you do it for this gif.


Edited by Bucknerd
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I'd say the last season is more quirky than bad. It is set in the near future and everyone is starting to go their separate ways. The triplets almost have no effect on the show, which is a good thing to me. Terry/Larry/Garry is in it though so that's a minus. ;)


All in all it's just 12 or so episodes. It does have moments where it shines just as brightly as the last seasons. I'd say it's worth a go. It's a little sweet, almost too sweet during the finale, but it's nice to have a heartwarming ending even if it isn't exactly the most hilarious episode. The characters deserve to yo' self.


Let me put it this way: the first season is still worse. You made it through that. Make it through this.


If that doesn't sway you do it for this gif.



Oh thank you for reminding me of the first series. I almost gave up on it after the first 3 episodes but something kept me going... possibly Pawnee's raccoon infestation, possibly Ron's magnificent attitude to government work - almost certainly because I had just splashed out on the season 1-3 box set and wanted my money's worth. Very well, I will add it to my Santa list and grow my Ron Swanson mustache while I wait. Thanks Bucknerd!

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I am currently binge watching all the seasons of The X-Files (again :P ). Really curious about the 6 episodes in January. I just hope they will air here in the Netherlands around that time as well. Don't know what to think of the whole 'Scully and Mulder are not together anymore' situation though....

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