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Cassylvania's Miserable Little Pile of Platinums


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I may have been too harsh there. I don't think it's a bad game. The animations are pretty sweet, and it's kinda fun trying out all the toys. I especially like how some dungeons are built around the mechanics of a particular toy (similar to Zelda). For example, one of the toys is a golf club, and its dungeon has you hitting balls into holes in order to unlock doors or open up pathways. You only get a couple of toys per playthrough, and they're randomized, so it does make each playthrough somewhat unique.


My main issue with the game is scaling. Leveling exists in video games as a way to advance your character and better enable yourself to take on the challenges you have to face. In THIS game, however, the enemies level with you. I don't know the exact specifics, but if you're level 10, every monster you encounter will be somewhere between level 10 and 13. It makes defeating enemies pointless. The only reason you end up having to do it is because each certain dungeons require you to be a specific level to enter -- but that level is always only one or two levels higher than the level you are when the playthrough begins. Essentially, it's just there to waste your time.


Dying...isn't really a thing. The game is too easy to die. I mean, it COULD happen. You can lose HP rather quickly, and food items can be scarce, but, again, the enemies scale with you. It's not like you're going to run into some big bad monster that'll rip you apart until you become stronger. You'll just be fighting the same enemies over and over again, and the amount of damage they do will more or less remain the same.


Plus, the consequences of dying are too great. If it happens, you're better off quitting out of the game before it autosaves. Just like with the scaling, dying is only there to waste your time. Remember how each playthrough of Rogue Legacy felt unique, because you'd choose a character from a random assortment of classes and traits? There's none of that here. I mean, I guess you might end up with a toy you haven't tried before, but it isn't a big enough change to warrant an entirely new playthrough. Especially when you're forced to play through the intro EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.


In short: good concept, bad execution.


I also figured out how to get the "true" ending. I won't spoil anything, but I will say that I fucked up by finishing the game three times already. There was something I was supposed to do on every playthrough after the first, and now I'm going to end up having to beat the game EIGHT TIMES. Assuming I don't die at all.


Ask me if I'm happy.


I'm not.

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On 6/2/2018 at 6:41 PM, Cassylvania said:

You might be the better judge, since you recently finished the PS3 version.

I may log in to check it out after I play Banner Saga but I won't commit to it until after I beat Shadow of War. I picked that game for Toogie's event since I pre-bought the game since I liked the first one so much, but due to all the other stuff I've been playing, haven't taken it out of the wrapping yet...I could swap out Shadow of War for Dark Souls for the event since it could be a Ghost Story also...but I'm not gonna :)


On 6/3/2018 at 11:37 PM, Cassylvania said:

Who wants to adult anyway? 1f644.png

This has been my mantra lately...I keep telling people at work that I'm going to treat work like college and take a year off and see if I want to come back. Adulting is tiring and there never seems to be enough time for the fun stuff. I've been trying to make a point of mixing in the fun stuff enough so I remember why I'm working. I should go to bed around 10:30 or so, but I often will stay up to 11:30 or 12:00 so I can play for an hour. Then once or twice a week I crash at 9:30 to catch up, but without that hour or so each day...I would lose my mind.


On 6/6/2018 at 11:19 PM, Cassylvania said:

And then somebody new will have to be chosen to take my place. Will YOU be the one to pick up the controller and carry out my task? Are you worthy?

I was almost foolish enough to raise my hand....and then I saw 7 playthroughs for the plat and slowly pulled it back down. That's a lot of playthroughs....are they at least slightly different?


On 6/6/2018 at 11:19 PM, Cassylvania said:

Oh, and speaking of dying a lot... I'm pretty sure I died more times trying to get down that stupid hollow tree in Dark Souls than every single boss encounter combined. Blech.

That area was my least favorite in the game (followed closely by Blighttown). Several times the camera was whacked out of position by a branch and it caused me to tumble to my death. Trying to get all of the scattered items was such a pain...I was so happy you could skip both of those areas in the second/third playthrough. I did like that hydra boss fight though...that was kind of fun.


I finished my first playthrough in Valkyria Chronicles and I have to say...there was a lot more drama than I was anticipating. It was very well done though. It seems like the second playthrough will get a little tedious with all the A rank trophies needed, but at least you can get through a lot of them pretty quickly. If I happen to plat Space Hulk while I'm finishing this up...I'd be perfectly ok with Valkyria Chronicles being number 50 for me.

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9 hours ago, Br1ste said:

I was almost foolish enough to raise my hand....and then I saw 7 playthroughs for the plat and slowly pulled it back down. That's a lot of playthroughs....are they at least slightly different?


Not really. Each playthrough is "randomized," but that doesn't amount to much in this game. You'll still be fighting the same enemies, exploring the same dungeons, and using the same basic weapons. The only real differences are the layout of the map, the "toys" you start out with (though mine always seem to carry over from each playthrough, so I wonder if that was changed in a recent patch), and what your character looks like (I've been a boy, a girl, a bunny, and two different-looking frogs). The playthroughs can be really short, though. You could honestly just go straight for the final boss and beat it in under 20 minutes if you wanted.


I will not be recommending Ditto. I still don't think it's a bad game, but the novelty wears off too fast. Don't pay more than $5 for this one, because it's a bargain bin game.


9 hours ago, Br1ste said:

I finished my first playthrough in Valkyria Chronicles and I have to say...there was a lot more drama than I was anticipating. It was very well done though. It seems like the second playthrough will get a little tedious with all the A rank trophies needed, but at least you can get through a lot of them pretty quickly. If I happen to plat Space Hulk while I'm finishing this up...I'd be perfectly ok with Valkyria Chronicles being number 50 for me.


Sweet. You don't even need to worry about the A ranks. I mean, if you're like me and you want to learn them legitimately, it could be hard. Or you could just abuse Alicia, who can solo almost every map. It's... It's ridiculous.


Just watch a YouTube video to see what I mean.


My thirst for violence (and an annoyance of all things cute, brought on by Ditto) has led me to begin my Uncharted: The Lost Legacy campaign. I'm ignoring the guide's advice and playing the game on the hardest setting from the get-go, which has led to some hilarious deaths, reminiscent of the many "NAAAAAAAAATE!" moments I shared during the summer of '16. "FRAZER!" just...isn't the same.


I'll trade you my Chloe for your Alicia.

Edited by Cassylvania
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10 hours ago, Cassylvania said:

Sweet. You don't even need to worry about the A ranks. I mean, if you're like me and you want to learn them legitimately, it could be hard. Or you could just abuse Alicia, who can solo almost every map. It's... It's ridiculous.

I actually figured out about Alicia once I learned the 'Caution' order during the first playthrough. It seemed kind of cheap, so I played the maps legit my first time through. I've been utilizing her more to clean up the trophies with the second go around. With the 'Caution' and 'Defense' orders, she takes next to no damage at all for only 3 CP. If there are tanks involved, I use the 'Demolition Boost' for 3 more CP and I still have 4 moves to get her to the enemy camp. If there are no tanks in the way, I'll use the 'Mortar Support' for 3 CP to blast the enemies around the camp so I can waltz in and claim it. I've been able to do most of the maps in one or two turns that way and it's been moving much easier than expected. The 'Hard' skirmishes throw a little different wrinkle into the mix, but they haven't been too bad either. It seems like getting everyone's profile unlocked may be the most time consuming...but I'm sure there is a way to speed that up as well.


10 hours ago, Cassylvania said:

I'll trade you my Chloe for your Alicia.

If Chloe can cook as well as Alicia, I'll think about it!


I checked out the XCom 2 page to see how people were liking it. I saw that someone found a glitch where the enemy never gets a turn...that was disappointing since I feel like that kind of glitch is game breaking and people will be missing out on the greatness of the game. I can't complain too much since I've used in game glitches to my benefit before, but that one seems a bit much. 

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3 hours ago, Br1ste said:

I checked out the XCom 2 page to see how people were liking it. I saw that someone found a glitch where the enemy never gets a turn...that was disappointing since I feel like that kind of glitch is game breaking and people will be missing out on the greatness of the game. I can't complain too much since I've used in game glitches to my benefit before, but that one seems a bit much. 


I saw that too. Somebody posted a topic about it on our sister site a few months ago, when I was attempting my first Legendary/Ironman playthrough. I... I'm not sure how I feel. It'd be like if all Dark Souls bosses just stood still while you wailed on them. Sure, you'd still get to experience the game, but you wouldn't get to experience the game.


Same thing with my friend. He bought Dark Souls on PC, played it for the first time, and thought it was too hard. So, what did he do? Downloaded a mod and gave himself max stats. Turns out it was still too hard. No, REALLY!? Could it be that maybe you should've learned to play the game first before enabling god mode?


But I get it. Some people don't want a challenge. Skyrim is infinitely better when you're invincible. Who I am to say the same thing isn't true with other games? Dying to the Bell Gargoyles a hundred times in a row could be just as "experience-ruining" to you as stomping them out at level 700+ with two summons would be to me. And if that's your attitude to games in general -- that you LIKE being overpowered -- I can't say I really blame you. There's definitely a rush you get when you know the enemy can't stop you. But when a game is built around the difficulty, I wonder what good these glitches do. Do they make the game accessible to more people, or do they just sour the experience for everybody playing? What's the point of struggling to kill the Maneater if you know you can just shoot him from behind the fog wall door?


At the end of the day, I cannot in good conscience recommend the XCOM 2 glitch, nor will I be adding it to my guide for the game. Only alien scum would stoop that low.


You're not alien scum, are you?

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Platinum #113 - The Swords of Ditto



Eh... I warmed up to the game by the end. The developers have something almost good here. The premise is cool, the animations are beautiful, and the story...well, it redeems itself in the final act. With just a little tweaking (honestly, not even that much -- just cut down on the grind), this could be a really fun game to play by yourself or with a friend. I can't really recommend it in its current state (there are a number of bugs and glitches that I encountered, including one that affected a trophy), but maybe pick it up in a few months or when it goes on sale.


For now, I still dub thee: The Dords of Shitto.

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1 hour ago, Cassylvania said:

Platinum #113 - The Swords of Ditto



Eh... I warmed up to the game by the end. The developers have something almost good here. The premise is cool, the animations are beautiful, and the story...well, it redeems itself in the final act. With just a little tweaking (honestly, not even that much -- just cut down on the grind), this could be a really fun game to play by yourself or with a friend. I can't really recommend it in its current state (there are a number of bugs and glitches that I encountered, including one that affected a trophy), but maybe pick it up in a few months or when it goes on sale.


For now, I still dub thee: The Dords of Shitto.

Thanks for the anti-recommendation. So glad I didn't like the look of it, because the game was as rotten inside as it was outside. :(


You are the one who suffers for our sins and save our souls from the devils that are Shitty games. :)


If you want to play a game that's not shit, I recommend Ni no Kuni II, which I just platted. Not the first one, it's one Swords of Shitto level of bad for the trophy gaining even though the story is great. The second game is a lot better(although you will probably rage with the Tainted Monsters and Skirmishes like I did xD). Oh wait, I think you said you hated RPGs. Nevermind. :|

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4 hours ago, SquidBaronet said:

Thanks for the anti-recommendation. So glad I didn't like the look of it, because the game was as rotten inside as it was outside. :(


You are the one who suffers for our sins and save our souls from the devils that are Shitty games. :)


Well, unlike movies -- which I often watch because they're shitty -- I actually try to play good games. Swords of Dits had enough going for it that I was willing to give it a chance at full price. After all, it has everything I want in a game -- free exploration, randomized dungeons, colorful animations, etc. It's not like I looked at this game and said, "Yup, this is going to be shit," and started playing. It looked like a decent game, and the groundwork is clearly there for something awesome. The developers just need to put a little more time into making the game something worth playing past the 10 hour mark.


4 hours ago, SquidBaronet said:

If you want to play a game that's not shit, I recommend Ni no Kuni II, which I just platted. Not the first one, it's one Swords of Shitto level of bad for the trophy gaining even though the story is great. The second game is a lot better(although you will probably rage with the Tainted Monsters and Skirmishes like I did xD). Oh wait, I think you said you hated RPGs. Nevermind. :|


Me? Hate RPGs? Did you get your tentacles wrapped around your head? RPGs are the reason I got into gaming in the first place. I loved the first Ni no Kuni, and I fully intend to play the sequel. I just need to wait for a price drop.


Honestly, Ni no Koons and Dad of War may be battling it out for who gets to be the last game I purchase this summer. I can't believe I've burned through my annual allowance in video games already. I usually set aside a few hundred each year for "entertainment" purposes, but I guess all those PSN sales and snow days are finally catching up to me. Doesn't help that I have about five pre-orders sitting in my Amazon cart either. It's going to be an...interesting second half of the year.


Expect Return to Arkham to be on my holiday shopping list. The Bat always gives me a lot of bang for my buck.

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I see you went and started Uncharted: The Lost Legacy even though you stated you weren't going to put The Last of Us or another Uncharted game (apart from the PS4 remastered trilogy) on your trophy list after the Uncharted 4 debacle.


I suppose waiting 10 months after it's release is pretty okay. Still enjoyed the game, although Chloe and Nadine bickering at each other turned me off here and there.

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1 hour ago, Cassylvania said:

Me? Hate RPGs? Did you get your tentacles wrapped around your head? RPGs are the reason I got into gaming in the first place. I loved the first Ni no Kuni, and I fully intend to play the sequel. I just need to wait for a price drop.

Sorry, I mistook you for someone else. My bad. ?


I would give you my physical copy but I am giving it to my gym trainer tomorrow. I have already gotten the platinum for it. (Yes, I could sell it but with my kind heart I wouldn't accept more than half the asking price and I'd get more from trading it to Gamestop, and after what I got from World of Final Fantasy, I am not optimistic. It would be a profit either way since I got a lot of trade cred from my Nintendo 2DS to pay for the copy.)

Edited by SquidBaronet
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50 minutes ago, Spaz said:

I see you went and started Uncharted: The Lost Legacy even though you stated you weren't going to put The Last of Us or another Uncharted game (apart from the PS4 remastered trilogy) on your trophy list after the Uncharted 4 debacle.


I suppose waiting 10 months after it's release is pretty okay. Still enjoyed the game, although Chloe and Nadine bickering at each other turned me off here and there.


I made sure to pick a USED copy, though. And I don't intend to play TLoU2, even though that'll be pretty hard, since I loved the original so much. But treating myself to the GoW series or Far Cry or Assassin's Creed should more than make up for it. Naughty Dawg ain't the only dog in this pound!


2 minutes ago, SquidBaronet said:

I would give you my physical copy but I am giving it to my gym trainer tomorrow. I have already gotten the platinum for it.


It's okay. I might just pick up the Collector's Edition and WTF WHY IS IT $200 WHO PRICES THESE THINGS WHAT THE HELL

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9 minutes ago, Cassylvania said:

It's okay. I might just pick up the Collector's Edition and WTF WHY IS IT $200 WHO PRICES THESE THINGS WHAT THE HELL

The extra $140 gets you a nice art book and music CD, I think.


This is why I don't pick up collector's editions. It's for rich people only.

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4 hours ago, SquidBaronet said:

The extra $140 gets you a nice art book and music CD, I think.


This is why I don't pick up collector's editions. It's for rich people only.


Yeesh, no kidding.


My PS4 may not survive the year. If it does, I might be using it as a heater this winter, because holy crap does that thing get hot when it's trying to run The Lost Legacy or Dark Souls. I actually think it's louder than my air conditioner. I actually have to turn it off at night to keep my sister from coming into my room and telling me to keep it down. It's... It's beyond ridiculous.


My debate in the near future will be between buying a new PS4 (maybe a Slim or a ha ha Pro), a used PS3 (and that delicious library, which includes XCOM: Enemy Unknown, Spec Ops: The Line, and Demon's Souls), or a Switch. I know I've been teasing a Switch purchase for a while now (well, technically all three of these), but the time is feeling right. Maybe it's something in the air, or the phase of the moon, or the fact that MY PS4 IS LITERALLY SMOKING RIGHT NOW OH DEAR GOD WHERE'S THE FIRE EXTINGUISHER


My pro/con list tells me a PS3 is the most sensible purchase, though. That opens up a whole new library of games to me -- and ones that I could now purchase for a very affordable price. We're talking enough games to last me until the PS5 comes out. Hell, if I play my cards right, maybe I could even stretch out the lifespan of my PS4 to last that long, by alternating between it and the PS3.


But where to buy a reliable PS3? I'm not too keen on buying used hardware. Plus, I'd need all the accessories to go with it. Games, charging cables, extra controllers for when I throw them at the ground from playing God of War 2...


Most importantly, where do I get the money? I like my job, but it does not pay the bills. 


I can clearly see the theme of 2018 is going to be "hanging by a thread"... Oh, well. Made it to Crystal Cave in Dark Souls. This is probably going to be a light week of gaming. Swords of Dits took a lot out of me.

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13 minutes ago, Cassylvania said:

My pro/con list tells me a PS3 is the most sensible purchase, though. That opens up a whole new library of games to me -- and ones that I could now purchase for a very affordable price. We're talking enough games to last me until the PS5 comes out. Hell, if I play my cards right, maybe I could even stretch out the lifespan of my PS4 to last that long, by alternating between it and the PS3.


But where to buy a reliable PS3? I'm not too keen on buying used hardware. Plus, I'd need all the accessories to go with it. Games, charging cables, extra controllers for when I throw them at the ground from playing God of War 2...


I've wanted to get a PS3 for a while but, honestly? I can't even keep up with the games from this gen, let alone adding an entire new catalogue of games to play to my backlog.


That being said, used hardware is pretty good if you get it from a trusted seller. I got my PS4 used a few years back, and it's served me faithfully.

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21 hours ago, regularegg said:

I've wanted to get a PS3 for a while but, honestly? I can't even keep up with the games from this gen, let alone adding an entire new catalogue of games to play to my backlog.


That's a good point. I wouldn't open the door to the ENTIRE PS3 library, because that would be like opening Pandora's Box. But even if I just picked up XCOM: Enemy Unknown/Within, Spec Ops, the two Skylanders games I haven't played, and a few JRPGs, I think it'd be justified. Sorta like my own "Best Hits" collection.


Of course, I'd want to play some of the games I haven't played before too...


13 hours ago, Jens said:



My stance with Nintendo has been more or less the same for the past 15+ years: it's not a console you get for the huge collection of games, but the one or two games that you keep coming back to. For me, a Switch would be worth having, just because it's the closest thing to a "family" console. Now, what that means has changed over the years. In the past, it meant that my brother, sister, and I could all play a game on the same console and have a roughly equal chance of winning. Just having a game like Mario Kart or Mario Party was worth it because it was something we could all do together, and that's kinda fun when you're stuck indoors.


It's strange because I have a very different attitude when it comes to the PS4, which I like to play by myself, huddled in a dark corner of my room. But I know what you mean. The Switch hasn't put out anything really NEW yet. Breath of the Wild looks great, yeah, but it's just another Zelda game -- which is not enough to sell me. I really need to see that open world Pokemon RPG. You know, the one I've been asking for since the last millennium.


Don't disappoint me tomorrow, Nintendo.


(And, no, I won't be able to watch their press conference. I have to work.)


I was going to reserve my thoughts on E3 until it's officially over, but I don't really have much to say. I was only able to watch Bethesda, PC Gaming Show, and Sony. I liked a lot of the games I saw, but I'm not sure I'll be picking any of them up, with the exception of that samurai game, which looks AMAZING, and Spiderman. We'll see on RE2. I mean, you know I'm going to do it, but let's pretend I'm not already sold, for my wallet's sake.


Nioh 2? Well, let me play the original first. KH3? Yeah, let me figure out where to even start with that series. Their numbing system is whack. I don't know what the heck Death Stranding is, so that might be out, and TLoU2...well, it looks pretty sweet, as expected. I look forward to only watching YouTube LP's of it.


Now, if you'll excuse me... I gotta brush up on my samurai and web-slinging skills. These two things may or may not go together.

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@Cassylvania Here you go: 

Kingdom Hearts Final Mix 

Kingdom Hearts re:Chain of Memories 

Kingdom Hearts II 

Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days 

Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep 

Kingdom Hearts re:Coded 

Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance 

Kingdom Hearts 0.2 Birth by Sleep: A Fragmentary Passage 

Kingdom Hearts X Back Cover 

And then on the glorious and holy day that is January 29th, 2019 Kingdom Hearts III 


Do this and you'll have no problem understanding what's going on and have a great time along the way. 

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On 6/10/2018 at 10:44 PM, Cassylvania said:

My PS4 may not survive the year. If it does, I might be using it as a heater this winter, because holy crap does that thing get hot when it's trying to run The Lost Legacy or Dark Souls. I actually think it's louder than my air conditioner. I actually have to turn it off at night to keep my sister from coming into my room and telling me to keep it down. It's... It's beyond ridiculous.



Tell me about it. Though my PS4 isn't that loud it has the same heat problem and with it being in the high 80s-90s where I'm at... well you can imagine just how hot it gets in the room when the monster is on.

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On 6/9/2018 at 0:29 PM, Cassylvania said:

But I get it. Some people don't want a challenge. Skyrim is infinitely better when you're invincible. Who I am to say the same thing isn't true with other games? Dying to the Bell Gargoyles a hundred times in a row could be just as "experience-ruining" to you as stomping them out at level 700+ with two summons would be to me. And if that's your attitude to games in general -- that you LIKE being overpowered -- I can't say I really blame you. There's definitely a rush you get when you know the enemy can't stop you. But when a game is built around the difficulty, I wonder what good these glitches do. Do they make the game accessible to more people, or do they just sour the experience for everybody playing? What's the point of struggling to kill the Maneater if you know you can just shoot him from behind the fog wall door?

I generally will do a bit of both. Most games require multiple playthroughs to platinum so I'll try to play it legit the first time through, not that I don't accidentally stumble into glitches or exploits from time to time. Subsequent playthroughs I tend to power through and like being invincible. The thing I don't get with this exploit is you eliminate the game. At least things like Maneater pertain to a specific battle or two, but you still have to play the game for the majority of the time. With no enemy moves....it changes the game entirely. I get it though...it's a rare platinum and we're on a trophy hunting website so people do what they can to get plats as fast as they can...especially if it's a free game that they've invested nothing into. It's still a relatively time consuming platinum, even with that cheat...but it makes it infinitely easier.


On 6/9/2018 at 0:29 PM, Cassylvania said:

You're not alien scum, are you?

Depends on the day of the week I guess :) 


On 6/10/2018 at 6:33 PM, Cassylvania said:

Expect Return to Arkham to be on my holiday shopping list. The Bat always gives me a lot of bang for my buck.

I have thought about getting this so many times since it was my introduction to trophy hunting but I just have so many different games I want to play. I'm kind of regretting my Dark Souls Remastered purchase only because of that reason. It'll take me another month (hopefully less since I have familiarity with the game) and it could be time spent playing something new. If I get all of my current purchases completed...I may look into this around Christmas time/next year. 


On 6/11/2018 at 9:24 AM, Jens said:

I'm still one of the 6 sceptics when it comes to the Switch. Sure it looks cool, but I just can't see myself playing Mario Kart 14 or Mario Tennis World Mushroom Tour 8. Its not that I feel "too old" or "too smart" for these games, but I've played all of them at least twice (some of them WAY more) on at least two different consoles. And at this point I can't tell if they will deliver anything outside of the usual suspects.

I was originally a team Nintendo guy so I really want to want this system...however the truth I have regretted every Nintendo purchase I've made since the N64. I got a Gamecube and probably only played three games on it...same with the Wii. I just never played them enough to be worth the purchase. I would personally love to see console exclusive games end and versions come out for all systems so that I can enjoy some of my childhood favorites like Zelda and Mario Kart. It will never happen, but I can't justify spending hundreds of dollars on a console just for one or two games. There are enough great games for the PS to keep me busy so I'm now all in there. Plus, with trophies, I kind of view them like points for your credit card. Sure, each credit card may offer rewards, but by spreading my purchases out over several cards, I'm diluting it a bit. By keeping all of my achievements on the PS, it keeps the collection nice and tidy.


On 6/10/2018 at 7:55 PM, SquidBaronet said:

The extra $140 gets you a nice art book and music CD, I think.

I used to be on of those people that would splurge if the "Gold Platinum Collectors Redux Classic Royal Version" at release if it was in a series I loved...but then I realized I don't do anything with the extra crap so why am I spending the money? Now I just get the standard version if I buy it at release (unless it's worth it to buy a version with DLC included.)


On 6/11/2018 at 0:44 AM, Cassylvania said:

My PS4 may not survive the year. If it does, I might be using it as a heater this winter, because holy crap does that thing get hot when it's trying to run The Lost Legacy or Dark Souls. I actually think it's louder than my air conditioner. I actually have to turn it off at night to keep my sister from coming into my room and telling me to keep it down. It's... It's beyond ridiculous.

Uggh...so your mini-surgery a couple of months ago wasn't a long term solution ;; I hope it makes it for you cause that would be a depressing loss. Mine actually started rattling a little bit again last night. It sounded like a chainsaw for a while when I first started playing FFXV last year...but it seemed to fix itself and has been relatively quiet since. Then last night I started to hear a slight rattling. I thought that something was vibrating in the wall or something and I was crawling around the floor of the room trying to figure out where it was coming from. I finally realized it was coming from the PS4. It's only a slight rattle at this point, but I'm hoping it fixes itself again. My PS3 has never given me issues though and I still play some games on that from time to time so at least I have that as a fallback if it breaks. If they both broke...I would have to resort to my N64 or Sega Genisis :o


I may be able to finish my first game for Toogie's event tonight! I have two trophies left in Valkyria Chronicles which amounts to about 100 kills and 5 skirmishes. If I don't fall asleep on my couch after dinner, that seems like a reasonable goal for tonight. This hasn't proven to be grindy at all. It was pretty easy getting all paragraphs for all the soldiers and I got lucky with the weapons as I didn't need to do any extra battles there. I can't wait for December for the next up in the series.

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20 hours ago, Kent said:

@Cassylvania Here you go: 

Kingdom Hearts Final Mix 

Kingdom Hearts re:Chain of Memories 

Kingdom Hearts II 

Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days 

Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep 

Kingdom Hearts re:Coded 

Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance 

Kingdom Hearts 0.2 Birth by Sleep: A Fragmentary Passage 

Kingdom Hearts X Back Cover 

And then on the glorious and holy day that is January 29th, 2019 Kingdom Hearts III 


Do this and you'll have no problem understanding what's going on and have a great time along the way. 


What a dreamy compilation of games, I wonder if my input is even necessary at this point :P


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Wow, look at all the comments. Y'all spoil me.


@Kent Of course you'd come prepared with a full list! Thanks for that. Since I don't have a PS3 (or PS2), I assume this Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 + 2.5 ReMix a good place to start? It's been on my wish list for a while now, but I have no idea what it includes. It says six games, but the article on Wikipedia only shows three, but that's only for 1.5, so I assume 2.5 is three more games, and so this collection is six games, and Final Mix is really just another word for remastered, so KH Final Mix and KH2 Final Mix are actually KH1 and KH2, which are first and third on your list, and the second game you listed is on the 1.5 collection, which comes with the set of two, and the fourth game comes on the first set as well, but then the fifth game comes on the second set, but it also has Final Mix in it, but that's just a remastering of that game, but then the sixth on your list is the last one in the set of two, so then I'd still have to get the other three on the list before KH3 comes out.


Glad we cleared that up!


@ZombHunter13 I've watched YouTube videos of people who say their PS4 is loud too, but I can never hear the video well enough to tell if it's louder, quieter, or the same as mine. I just know it's louder than my AC unit, which can't be a good thing.


@Br1ste Isn't it October for VC4? I mean, I wouldn't be surprised if it got pushed back. In fact, I don't even think I'd mind, since I'll probably be knee-deep in horror games by the time Halloween rolls around. And -- even scarier -- the Vikings' playoff chances.


@Jens Scalpers are such assholes. I admit -- I've thought about doing it too sometimes (in fact, that's why we initially bought a day one PS4 -- we were going to try to resell it for a $150+ profit) -- but it's like taking candy from a baby. Morally, I mean.  (I would know. I do it all the time.)


That said, as someone who loves material possessions and showing off, there's nothing quite like a shelf full of pointless eye candy.


@Mah2c It's an even bigger collection than I thought. That's gotta be at least 1000 hours of gameplay there. If we're talking dollars-to-hours (you know, my favorite criterion when it comes to buying new games) this KH 1.5 + 2.5 collection (which we're just going to call KH4.0 from now on, because math) has to be among the best out there. That's Skyrim level of return. And THAT, my friends, is something I can get behind.


Does it matter I don't know anything about Final Fantasy?

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@Cassylvania Yep pretty much. In the 1.5+2.5 collection you'll get the first 6 games on the list. The next three are part of 2.8 and then there's obviously 3. There's a bundle for every game on the PSN store for $100. You're basically getting roughly 800 hours of gameplay for $100 which imo is a great deal. 


You don't have to know anything about Final Fantasy. I've never played a Final Fantasy game to completion and I love and understand all of it. 

Edited by Kent
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