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Cassylvania's Miserable Little Pile of Platinums


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6 hours ago, Briste said:

After looking at the lineup...it doesn't seem like it will help me decide on my R game...I'll see what the next big sale brings. I had to LOL at Space Hulk being on there. On the bright side, my trophy percentages should drop but what a garbage game to include on that list. I'll pick up Mafia 3 and Dead by Daylight (not sure I'll play this one though since it seems MP heavy) but I'm not overly excited about this months selection. Any of them tickle your fancy?


I don't normally complain about "free" games, but this is the worst month for PS+ in a while. You've scared everybody away from Space Hulk, Mafia 3 is about as "meh" as it gets (it's so meh that I've never even heard of Mafia 1 or 2), and Dead by Daylight might be hands-down the game I'm least likely to play out of the entire PS4 library. I can't even think of another game that I find so unappealing. I'm not even going to bother to add these to my library, let alone download them, let alone play them.


Well, maybe Mafia 3...


Anyway, Foul Shit Play is...no, you know what? I had it right the first time. Why didn't you warn me this was a senseless button-masher, Rocky? The premise is okay. The characters are interesting enough, I suppose. But hot butter on a roof, this is AGGRAVATING. I've already beat the main campaign, so I just need to get 5 stars on every stage and complete all of the challenges, but none of them are even remotely fun. I mean, they MIGHT be, but every level and challenge comes to down to one simple thing: repeating the same combo over and over again. You know that Ikari Warriors episode of AVGN, where they keep pressing A+B+B+A after they die to respawn? Yeah, it's the same thing here, except with circle and squares. There's no point in doing any other combo, because that one is extremely overpowered and is the only sensible way of getting the platinum. So, here I am, spamming the same attack over and over, just praying I'm done with this game before I start trying out combos on my TV.


I normally wait until I'm done with a game before giving my review, but fuck that. This game doesn't deserve my patience. This Rich Uncle Pennybags wannabe earns a special place in hell right next to that blasted chameleon.

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19 hours ago, Cassylvania said:

You've scared everybody away from Space Hulk,

lol I suppose I have. I mean it's a free game so I guess I didn't need to say anything since the only thing that would have been lost is time...however I've been wanting to vent about that game for a while and that seemed like the perfect opportunity to do so. I'm sure plenty of people will still give it a shot though so Space Hulk may become my version of No Man's Sky in my rarest trophy list.


19 hours ago, Cassylvania said:

I'm not even going to bother to add these to my library, let alone download them, let alone play them

I doubt I'll play them either to be honest...but it's free and who knows so I'll at least 'purchase' them so I have the option later if I want.


20 hours ago, Cassylvania said:

But hot butter on a roof, this is AGGRAVATING.

I'm going to have to add this one to my repertoire lol I've heard a lot of different sayings over the years with my personal favorite being "Even a blind squirrel finds a nut now and then" but I've never heard hot butter on a roof :)


21 hours ago, Cassylvania said:

I normally wait until I'm done with a game before giving my review, but fuck that. This game doesn't deserve my patience. This Rich Uncle Pennybags wannabe earns a special place in hell right next to that blasted chameleon.

Ughh...this sounds like it's in Space Hulk territory ;) 

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59 minutes ago, Briste said:

lol I suppose I have. I mean it's a free game so I guess I didn't need to say anything since the only thing that would have been lost is time...however I've been wanting to vent about that game for a while and that seemed like the perfect opportunity to do so. I'm sure plenty of people will still give it a shot though so Space Hulk may become my version of No Man's Sky in my rarest trophy list.


The good news is that my wish may come true. Not only did they NOT add any new trophies with the NMS update, but they apparently did something to make traveling to the center much easier. I'm assuming it has something to do with the multiplayer component, like being able to warp directly to the planet your friend is on or whatever, but I'm expecting To Live Forever and Take a Deep Breath to drop in rarity. They haven't yet, but Reunion has plummeted out of my top 5. I don't think it will ever find its way back on.


I find it hilarious only one person has earned that Space Hulk trophy...


1 hour ago, Briste said:

I doubt I'll play them either to be honest...but it's free and who knows so I'll at least 'purchase' them so I have the option later if I want.


I usually do (especially now that we have the option to hide them), but I changed my mind on Mafia 3. Without reading any in-depth reviews, it looks just like a GTA clone, which isn't exactly a selling point for me.


I mean, if I wanted to play GTA, I'd play GTA...and I don't, so...


1 hour ago, Briste said:

Ughh...this sounds like it's in Space Hulk territory ;) 


It's just...so tedious. The hit detection is pretty awful too. It has that slanted Z-plane that was present in a lot of retro button-mashes, like Double Dragon, so you end up standing on the wrong plane as the enemy you're trying to fight and losing your combo. Imagine Arkham Knight, except Batman has a much smaller range to which he'll "teleport" to an opponent. That's Mr. Dashforth for you.


I just need to beat five more challenges and collect seven more stars. I also need the multiplayer trophy, so we can grab it sometime if you want, @RockyJokerPL, or I'll just ask one of my family members. Surely one of them deserves to suffer too.


ANYWAY, a thought just occurred to me. I have inadvertently locked myself into my 125th platinum milestone. Once I finish Foul Shit, Pyre, Riptide, and Yomawari (in whatever order I decide to do them), I'll be at 123 plats. Now, I COULD play a couple more random games after that, but my plan was to use Yomawari as my first letter in KINKY (since I'll be spelling it in reverse order), so that kinda locks the "N" game into #125. As of right now, that game is NERO. It has...an okay platinum. The image is kinda cool, but the text is lame (Our Journey ends, with that weird capitalization), and the game isn't supposed to be very good. So, what are our options?


Well, one option would be to replace Yomawari in the Summer Camp event, but keep it for the Spelling Bee event. That would work, except I already drew the Yomawari girls in my summertime picture, and I really don't feel like replacing them.


Another option would be to find a different "N" game that I could platinum. None of the games I chose for the Spelling Bee event are particularly long (except for KH:CoM), so I could probably tackle any game out there. Nioh is the obvious choice, but I'm worried it may someday get new DLC. If that happens, it'd mess up my word, which I think deserves to be read every time somebody is scrolling through my games in chronological order.


The last idea is to come up with a second "Y" game. Unfortunately, that's the letter everybody has been struggling with in this event. And I won't have the option of Yomawari, Yooka-Laylee, or Yonder, which are the three obvious choices, because I'll have already finished them all.


Any thoughts?

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Platinum #120 - Riptide GP2



Meh. It wasn't as good as Aqua Moto Racing Utopia, but it's an easy plat. Upgrades seem to matter more than skill, which is disappointing. Only a couple of events (mostly the Freestyle ones) gave me trouble.


But whatever. I got my yearly racing fix in, I guess. Might look at Surf World Series next. Water physics > any other kind of physics (especially the college kind).

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Hey you've hit 120 Platinums, nice work. I'm just one away myself ^^;. 


Looks like Foul Play is going to be platinum #121 for you? Unless you want it to be Pyre, which I've played on Steam and have enjoyed as well. I also see you beat XCOM 2. Any plans to also beat XCOM: Enemy Unknown or Within? Also I'd recommend Tearaway and The Little Acre, for future platinum trophies, though definitely try to get The Little Acre at a discount, I feel like it's too short to pay more than £5 for it. 

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9 hours ago, James_Tonto said:

Hey you've hit 120 Platinums, nice work. I'm just one away myself ^^;. 


Looks like Foul Play is going to be platinum #121 for you? Unless you want it to be Pyre, which I've played on Steam and have enjoyed as well. I also see you beat XCOM 2. Any plans to also beat XCOM: Enemy Unknown or Within? Also I'd recommend Tearaway and The Little Acre, for future platinum trophies, though definitely try to get The Little Acre at a discount, I feel like it's too short to pay more than £5 for it. 


Awesome. I never thought I'd get to 100 platinums, let alone 120. I guess there's nothing for us to do now but shoot for 200...


Foul Play will be #121, unless I just give up on the game. I've been waiting to see what game will kill my 100%, and this might be a good candidate. I just really, REALLY don't feel like dealing with the three or four levels I have remaining. They're not even hard. I'm just sick of spamming that combo.


Pyre is a much better game. I reached the first Liberation Ritual last night. I won't give any spoilers away -- because this is a game all of you should play at some point -- but I'm going to need to do a few Practice Rites first. I want to get all of the missable trophies out of the way while I can.


I'm dying to play XCOM: Enemy Unknown and Within. I actually platted EU on my old account, and would happily do it again, but I've never played Within. Unfortunately, I don't have a PS3, and I haven't quite mustered up the courage to try PS Now. Maybe I'm just waiting for XCOM: Remastered to be announced. I know it's a long shot, but it happened with Dark Souls... Anything is possible, I suppose.


Haven't heard of The Little Acre, but Tearaway Unfolded is on my list. It's kinda in that weird "Save for a rainy day when you're stuck inside with the family and they want to play a game" category, along with LBP3 and Gauntlet (the latter of which I'm probably going to regret starting.)


For now, what I think I'm going to do is add two quick/easy plats to the Summer Camp event. I don't normally roll that way, but (a) I have plenty of those saved up in my library, and (b) I think that's the best solution to my Yomawari problem. If I can squeeze in two more games before the end of the month, that'll make Midnight Shadows my 125th plat. It'll also make this my busiest summer ever, with 17 games on tap.


Hey now. Save some for the fishes.

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Just now, Dessane said:

I know I've raved about it but Pyre is a great game, glad you're enjoying it


It really is, and I don't know why I'm wasting my time playing Foul Play when I could be enjoying that. I seriously hate this game. The hit detection is crap, the cutscenes can't be skipped, you're constantly losing your combo because of something out of your control, and if I could go back and redraw my picture for this Summer Camp event, I'd have every single character from my other 16 games stringing Mr. Dashforth up to a tree and beating on him with his own stick like a pinata. I wish this game was on a physical disc so I could take it in my backyard right now and use it for target practice. The fact that this game exists and that I'm playing it now makes me physically ill. It is a miracle that I haven't broken anything yet.


OH BOY. Let's see if I can save at least one innocent from the Daemonic Feast before they are gobbled up by gargoyles that move much faster than me and are nearly impossible to hit. I sure hope the "innocents" run around like idiots while I'm trying to save them. It makes it so much more fun when they die because our protagonist has lead in his shoes, unlike what his last name would suggest.


As for Pyre... I'm not sure which character I like the most. Can't go wrong with Ti'Zo, though.

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32 minutes ago, Cassylvania said:


It really is, and I don't know why I'm wasting my time playing Foul Play when I could be enjoying that. I seriously hate this game. The hit detection is crap, the cutscenes can't be skipped, you're constantly losing your combo because of something out of your control, and if I could go back and redraw my picture for this Summer Camp event, I'd have every single character from my other 16 games stringing Mr. Dashforth up to a tree and beating on him with his own stick like a pinata. I wish this game was on a physical disc so I could take it in my backyard right now and use it for target practice. The fact that this game exists and that I'm playing it now makes me physically ill. It is a miracle that I haven't broken anything yet.


OH BOY. Let's see if I can save at least one innocent from the Daemonic Feast before they are gobbled up by gargoyles that move much faster than me and are nearly impossible to hit. I sure hope the "innocents" run around like idiots while I'm trying to save them. It makes it so much more fun when they die because our protagonist has lead in his shoes, unlike what his last name would suggest.


As for Pyre... I'm not sure which character I like the most. Can't go wrong with Ti'Zo, though.


I know that feeling, I share your pain there. Picking up a stinker of a game that you're grinding through, solely for the platinum trophy. I've managed to avoid many games I would consider outright terrible, on my old profile I played the awful X-Blades, the dull Alone in the Dark, the big and empty Damnation, the so bad it's kinda good Saw videogame and the craptastic Kane & Lynch 2 & Anarchy: Rush Hour.


You have two choices, you can grind out and finish the stinker, or you can leave it unfinished, but it's gonna stick out on your trophy set, taunting you with its incompleteness. Just like all the unfinished games on my own profile XD. Also Ti'Zo is adorable. 

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4 minutes ago, James_Tonto said:

I know that feeling, I share your pain there. Picking up a stinker of a game that you're grinding through, solely for the platinum trophy. I've managed to avoid many games I would consider outright terrible, on my old profile I played the awful X-Blades, the dull Alone in the Dark, the big and empty Damnation, the so bad it's kinda good Saw videogame and the craptastic Kane & Lynch 2 & Anarchy: Rush Hour.


You have two choices, you can grind out and finish the stinker, or you can leave it unfinished, but it's gonna stick out on your trophy set, taunting you with its incompleteness. Just like all the unfinished games on my own profile XD. Also Ti'Zo is adorable. 


Yeah, I can't let Mr. Dashforth get the best of me. If I'm going to accept a sub-100% profile, it's not going to be from a shitty game like this. I just have three more challenges and three more 5 star levels. And I've arguably got the hardest ones out of the way. (According to the internet anyway. But they were dead wrong with everything else about this game, so I fully expect these to be the most brutal challenges yet.)


I may have been too harsh on this game. It's a decent hack 'n slash (if you like spamming the same combo over and over), and I guess it'd be more fun with two people. If you're just playing through the main story, it might even be enjoyable. But it's a terrible trophy list, and that's how I'll be judging games from now on! I mean, it's the thing that should matter the least, but you can get raw reviews about a game from a million other sources. Only I bring you the trophy reviews!


Also, it's storming. I should probably close up shop.

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1 minute ago, Cassylvania said:


Yeah, I can't let Mr. Dashforth get the best of me. If I'm going to accept a sub-100% profile, it's not going to be from a shitty game like this. I just have three more challenges and three more 5 star levels. And I've arguably got the hardest ones out of the way. (According to the internet anyway. But they were dead wrong with everything else about this game, so I fully expect these to be the most brutal challenges yet.)


I may have been too harsh on this game. It's a decent hack 'n slash (if you like spamming the same combo over and over), and I guess it'd be more fun with two people. If you're just playing through the main story, it might even be enjoyable. But it's a terrible trophy list, and that's how I'll be judging games from now on! I mean, it's the thing that should matter the least, but you can get raw reviews about a game from a million other sources. Only I bring you the trophy reviews!


Also, it's storming. I should probably close up shop.


Don't feel too bad about raging against it, if you're anything like me, you'll go back to a game you got angry at, and do just fine, later on. As was the case for me with Surgeon Simulator, that took me months to get the A++ ratings on all the surgeries. And then one day, everything just clicked and I recall actually standing up and shouting with joy ^^;. As for terrible trophy lists, don't play Trine on the PS3. You've thankfully already beaten it on PS4, which had the better graphics and the better trophy set. And the Tower of Sarek wasn't such a mess, you needed to beat it, without an update.


Oh and for your earlier comment about two quick n easy platinums? Full Throttle and The Little Acre. You could easily beat both of them in the same day, playing with a guide. On steam I got all the steam achievements for The Little Acre in one playthrough. And on the PS4 it took two, cause I missed 6 easy to miss trophies. And practised a perfect run on Steam after that. Full Throttle you'll need a guide, it's very easy to miss out a few trophies, as I did near the start of my playthrough of that game.

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22 minutes ago, James_Tonto said:

Don't feel too bad about raging against it, if you're anything like me, you'll go back to a game you got angry at, and do just fine, later on. As was the case for me with Surgeon Simulator, that took me months to get the A++ ratings on all the surgeries. And then one day, everything just clicked and I recall actually standing up and shouting with joy ^^;. As for terrible trophy lists, don't play Trine on the PS3. You've thankfully already beaten it on PS4, which had the better graphics and the better trophy set. And the Tower of Sarek wasn't such a mess, you needed to beat it, without an update.


That's how it was with me and Arkham Knight. That game sat unplayed for months, while I slowly built up the power to take on all of the hardest combat challenges in one fell swoop. I basically went Super Saiyan on that game's ass over the course of a weekend, and it was glorious.


I heard Trine 2 is the hardest of the series. I have the whole trilogy in my library, and I liked the first one enough to keep going, but I'm not sure how much time I want to commit to it. I guess that's when you know you're getting old. When you consider stuff like, "Do I have the time to play this?" ahead of "Does this look good?"


28 minutes ago, James_Tonto said:

Oh and for your earlier comment about two quick n easy platinums? Full Throttle and The Little Acre. You could easily beat both of them in the same day, playing with a guide. On steam I got all the steam achievements for The Little Acre in one playthrough. And on the PS4 it took two, cause I missed 6 easy to miss trophies. And practised a perfect run on Steam after that. Full Throttle you'll need a guide, it's very easy to miss out a few trophies, as I did near the start of my playthrough of that game.


Are they both good games, though? I like the art style in The Little Acre (probably the thing I care about most in games these days, honestly), but I know nothing about Full Throttle. A quick Google search shows me this is a game about a badass biker, and that's exactly the kind of alley I enjoy going down.


I have stipulations, though. The games I choose also have to work into the drawing I'm making for this event. Unfortunately, that makes it difficult to add more games, because I really don't have any extra room in my sketch.


I might just go with Burly Men at Sea and Lara Croft GO. They're both short, I already own them, and they should work nicely in the picture. In the future, I'll plan out my games first, and then the sketch...

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I knew you could do it! Great job on completing Foul Play! 121 platinums, nicely done. Foul Play sounds pretty dang monotonous if you can beat the game, using just one combo, over n over. =( Reminds me of Mortal Kombat IX, where I had to spam the same attacks and become a cheap bastard to beat Shao Kahn.


As for your previous comment, yes The Little Acre and Full Throttle are both good games.They have great artistic design, they've got great stories that make playing them interesting. The two games control well as point and click games go, they're both short as well, hence why you'll knock out both of those platinum trophies in one day. Full Throttle is better, as you do get way more story, compared to The Little Acre, which you can beat in under an hour. Full Throttle's got the bigger world, more characters, more humour and more things to click on. The Little Acre's more focused on its shorter story. You should be able to enjoy both though, as I certainly didn't regret playing either of them.

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5 hours ago, James_Tonto said:

I knew you could do it! Great job on completing Foul Play! 121 platinums, nicely done. Foul Play sounds pretty dang monotonous if you can beat the game, using just one combo, over n over. =( Reminds me of Mortal Kombat IX, where I had to spam the same attacks and become a cheap bastard to beat Shao Kahn.


Not only can you, but you pretty much have to. Oh, sure, there are times when you can toss in a Circle + Triangle, but you run the risk of losing your combo that way. You see, the AI is extremely broken. When you press Circle, you parry (tossing your opponent in the air), and then you can spam Square to unleash your flurry attack (also in the air), which makes you practically invincible. The other enemies will wait for you to finish and then attack, so you can just parry the next one before you hit the ground. As long as you have one enemy near you, you don't run the risk of losing your combo. This allows you to alternate between attacking the right and left side. When you use Circle + Triangle, you slam an enemy down, damaging everybody around you (with the upgrade). This makes it much harder to chain together combos.


I'm glad I stayed awake until that was finished. I really didn't want to waste another day of my life on that game.


5 hours ago, James_Tonto said:

As for your previous comment, yes The Little Acre and Full Throttle are both good games.They have great artistic design, they've got great stories that make playing them interesting. The two games control well as point and click games go, they're both short as well, hence why you'll knock out both of those platinum trophies in one day. Full Throttle is better, as you do get way more story, compared to The Little Acre, which you can beat in under an hour. Full Throttle's got the bigger world, more characters, more humour and more things to click on. The Little Acre's more focused on its shorter story. You should be able to enjoy both though, as I certainly didn't regret playing either of them.


That's good to hear. I'll add them both to my watch list...even though I'm trying to avoid buying more games. I have 109 unplayed games in my library.


Of course, I haven't researched all of those games. If I find out something I don't like -- such as they're crap, or filled to the brim with MP trophies -- they'll be getting the boot. The ability to hide purchased games is probably the best feature to be released on PSN in the past few years.


That storm was wild last night. Never saw so much lightning before.

Edited by Cassylvania
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13 hours ago, Cassylvania said:

Circle + Square + Square + Square + Square + Square, Circle + Square + Square + Square + Square + Square, Circle + Square + Square + Square + Square + Square

I have a question about the guide....so after you press Circle...what button should I be pushing? It seems like a compelling game but I think I may need a little more convincing if I'm going to fork over the dough.  I guess the moral of the story is not to trust Rocky?

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9 minutes ago, Briste said:

I have a question about the guide....so after you press Circle...what button should I be pushing? It seems like a compelling game but I think I may need a little more convincing if I'm going to fork over the dough.  I guess the moral of the story is not to trust Rocky1f642.png


That's just the short version too. If you equip the trinket that extends your flurry attack, you get to press Square seven times in a row instead of five. Way to switch things up, game.


Once I finish the last few Summer Camp games, I'll give you guys a list of my top three (AND BOTTOM THREE) games from this event. I can assure you that Mr. Dashforth will be appearing on one of these two lists.


Anyway, back to Pyre, after I get some shopping done. I had to sleep on the first Liberation Rite. Can't say I love the choice I made, but the game didn't exactly present me with a lot of alternatives. I know what I need to do before the second Lib Rite, though...

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Platinum #122 - Pyre



Well, I planned to play this game in small spurts. You know, one or two hours per day, over the course of about two weeks. And then yesterday happened.


At least I got some free time on my hands now...

Edited by Cassylvania
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Congrats on another plat! Your good buddy Crash is all that is standing between you and 100% again :)


It looks like all you have left for the Summer event is Yomawari...well done! Have you figured out what your two bonus games will be? You mentioned adding a couple categories for yourself...also when will you be posting your artwork? Are you saving it for the last day or when you are finished? I'm really curious to see what you have come up with.


I will be switching out Dark Souls with Telltale Guardians of the Galaxy. I picked it up when it was on sale a few weeks ago and I will never get Dark Souls done in three weeks. I love the movies so I'm looking forward to this tale. I didn't realize that this game existed until I saw it on sale so it was a surprise pickup.


I am basically done with Ratchet & Clank...the only trophy I have left is beating the game in Challenge Mode and I saved it right before the boss. I'll be saving that for the spelling bee. I decided I want to release my word there Hangman style. I think it will be a more fun reveal that way.


On an annoying note, it would seem that my Space Hulk save snafu did actually screw me over. Unless I grossly underestimated how many kills I got during the first two months of me grinding...the kills I did on my failed mission run did not count. According to the calculator on my phone, I have killed 33,331 aliens. I think I'll be able to get that last trophy this week. If I get to 40,000 kills on my calculator and the trophy doesn't pop...there will be actual murders taking place. You can clearly see among the 7 versions (that is outrageous in itself considering how bad this game is) that people are getting the plat, so I don't think it's glitched...but there is a very real possibility that I will need a new Vita, phone, TV or some combination of the three if I reach 40,000 on the calculator.

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On 7.08.2018 at 8:39 PM, Briste said:

I guess the moral of the story is not to trust Rocky1f642.png

Hey, I never said that this game was excellent. At least I don't remember me saying that. To be honest I've never beaten the first act. Don't ask why... My excuse is and always will be: "I have too many better games to finish."

Edited by RockyJokerPL
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On 8/8/2018 at 9:50 PM, Briste said:

It looks like all you have left for the Summer event is Yomawari...well done! Have you figured out what your two bonus games will be? You mentioned adding a couple categories for yourself...also when will you be posting your artwork? Are you saving it for the last day or when you are finished? I'm really curious to see what you have come up with.


I think I'm going to go with Lara Croft GO and Burly Men at Sea, even if those are both awful names for a game. I only have enough room for a few more characters, and I think I know a way to squeeze them both into the picture. I'll show it when I finish all 17 games...and when I finish coloring. That will probably take a while.


I'm currently debating whether or not I want to participate in any Halloween events this year. After this summer -- and the KINKY that is about to follow -- I'm a little burned out on playing scripted games. I miss the freedom of playing whatever I want, whenever I want, for however long I want.


It might be fun to just play one or two spooky games before VC4, The Witcher 3, and Let's Go Pikachu consume my life.


And doesn't football season start soon? (You can tell it's preseason when the Browns win a game.)

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48 minutes ago, Cassylvania said:

I'll show it when I finish all 17 games...and when I finish coloring. That will probably take a while.

Awesome, I'm looking forward to it :)


48 minutes ago, Cassylvania said:

I'm currently debating whether or not I want to participate in any Halloween events this year. After this summer -- and the KINKY that is about to follow -- I'm a little burned out on playing scripted games. I miss the freedom of playing whatever I want, whenever I want, for however long I want.

I'm in the same boat actually...I know that my last game for the spelling bee will be Dark Souls Remastered and then after that I plan on doing the entire series. Fortunately, they are games that would probably qualify for a Halloween event, I'll just have to see if the event makes sense for those games. I'll probably only be able to get one or two of them done over the course of two months anyways, but I don't want those games to be in my backlog too much longer.


48 minutes ago, Cassylvania said:

And doesn't football season start soon? (You can tell it's preseason when the Browns win a game.)

It sure does! I just paid my entry fees for all of my Fantasy Leagues and I'm starting up my research. Week 3 of the preseason will be when I really start to pay attention since most of the people playing right now won't be on the team week 1.  I haven't heard much out of Minnesota and I've heard way too much out of Boston. After all the drama at the end of last year, the big controversy is whether Brady and Belichick 'like' each other. Every time they talk to each other is making news. I love the Patriots...but it's getting to be ridiculous at this point. 

Edited by Briste
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6 hours ago, Briste said:

It sure does! I just paid my entry fees for all of my Fantasy Leagues and I'm starting up my research. Week 3 of the preseason will be when I really start to pay attention since most of the people playing right now won't be on the team week 1.  I haven't heard much out of Minnesota and I've heard way too much out of Boston. After all the drama at the end of last year, the big controversy is whether Brady and Belichick 'like' each other. Every time they talk to each other is making news. I love the Patriots...but it's getting to be ridiculous at this point. 


What would Boston be without all the drama? I fully expect them to start the season 2-2 and the big story at the end of September will be, "Is Brady washed up?" or "Are Brady and Belichick filing for a divorce?" Come January, nobody will remember any of that, because the Pats will be gearing up for another AFC Championship game.


I haven't been paying attention to the Vikes at all. I heard Diggs signed a sweet new contract, but don't know the details. I even forgot Dalvin Cook was on the team. Damn. If Cousins does as well as Keenum, this has all the makings of a championship-caliber team. Which means they'll finish the year 4-12.


I just logged onto the NFL's website to see when the Vikings play (tomorrow night against the donkeys) and laughed at this headline: "Deflated football found in Steelers-Eagles contest."


God, I love this sport.

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It's good to have Gruden back. I hope the AFC is a little more competitive this year than it has been for, oh, the last 17 or so years. With Teddy on the Jets and Keenum (for some reason so low on the depth chart -- seriously, have you seen Lynch play?) on the Broncos, I might actually pay attention to that conference. I'll have to figure out how to watch the game. I have friends who cheer for the Browns and the Bills (?), and they're actually betting on this Friday's game. Let me repeat that. I have friends who are betting on a preseason game.


Are they that desperate?


I have no way to watch the preseason games -- or the regular season games, for that matter. We dumped cable a while ago, and I haven't come up with a suitable replacement. I'm certainly not paying $300 for the NFL Sunday Ticket. I'd pay at most $100 per season to watch all the Vikings games. Even then, I don't care all that much about watching my team. As long as I can watch SOME game when there's a game on, I'm okay with that. Even if it's Titans vs. Jags. I just like having the games on for background noise.


Hey, do we have a PSNP fantasy league? I think we talked about doing that before. Could be kinda fun. I don't think I'd want to play for money, but it gives me a reason to watch teams I normally don't care about, which is how I got into football in the first place. And then I can blame Matt Ryan for all the problems in my life, as I always do.


Anyway, I started Lara Croft GO. It's actually a good game. Easy enough plat, I guess, but I'm trying to do the whole thing without a guide. Missed a few collectibles on my first run, but the puzzles weren't too bad.


I wonder if they're going to remaster the Tomb Raider trilogy that's already on the PS3 (Legend, Anniversary, and Underworld). I dread fighting that demon boss again on the hardest difficulty, but I really enjoyed those games. But I guess the new TR game is coming out soon... No doubt with some ridiculous MP trophies. Anybody want to grind out that garbage with me?

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10 hours ago, Cassylvania said:

It's good to have Gruden back. I hope the AFC is a little more competitive this year than it has been for, oh, the last 17 or so years. With Teddy on the Jets and Keenum (for some reason so low on the depth chart -- seriously, have you seen Lynch play?) on the Broncos, I might actually pay attention to that conference. I'll have to figure out how to watch the game. I have friends who cheer for the Browns and the Bills (?), and they're actually betting on this Friday's game. Let me repeat that. I have friends who are betting on a preseason game.


Are they that desperate?


I have no way to watch the preseason games -- or the regular season games, for that matter. We dumped cable a while ago, and I haven't come up with a suitable replacement. I'm certainly not paying $300 for the NFL Sunday Ticket. I'd pay at most $100 per season to watch all the Vikings games. Even then, I don't care all that much about watching my team. As long as I can watch SOME game when there's a game on, I'm okay with that. Even if it's Titans vs. Jags. I just like having the games on for background noise.


Hey, do we have a PSNP fantasy league? I think we talked about doing that before. Could be kinda fun. I don't think I'd want to play for money, but it gives me a reason to watch teams I normally don't care about, which is how I got into football in the first place. And then I can blame Matt Ryan for all the problems in my life, as I always do.


Anyway, I started Lara Croft GO. It's actually a good game. Easy enough plat, I guess, but I'm trying to do the whole thing without a guide. Missed a few collectibles on my first run, but the puzzles weren't too bad.


I wonder if they're going to remaster the Tomb Raider trilogy that's already on the PS3 (Legend, Anniversary, and Underworld). I dread fighting that demon boss again on the hardest difficulty, but I really enjoyed those games. But I guess the new TR game is coming out soon... No doubt with some ridiculous MP trophies. Anybody want to grind out that garbage with me?


One possiblity is a fire stick. Once you unlock it, it can give you access to all kinds of stuff, including live sports i believe. A good friend swears by his, and he quit cable as well after doing it. I have one as well but dont use it very often.


I love fantasy football. I dont recall anyone looking posting it here, but maybe I just wasnt in the right section. I did try to model a contest after fantasy football a while back but only got a little interest. 

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